Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2110 The trap of the entertainment industry

Although the celebration party held by Ye Ming was a bit damaging in the end, belittling the big guys in the Chinese entertainment industry, the flaws did not hide the good points. After all, Ye Ming really went out and was doing well in Hollywood. The kind that rises from the water.

The most important thing is that Lucas said these words, and Ye Ming just asked Lucas some questions.

The only blame is that Lucas has no attitude towards being a guest. You are a guest, how can you be so rude?

Of course, even if you want to take revenge on Lucas, it is impossible. What kind of director is Lucas? Even in Hollywood, he basically has the final say.

And from the conversation between Lucas and Ye Ming, people like Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, and even the Wang brothers from Huayi Brothers all heard the implication.

Ye Ming is telling his peers in the entertainment industry that everyone should learn to go out. Maybe they won’t make much money at first, but that doesn’t mean they won’t make money in the future.

If you don’t go out, you will never make money.

Of course, everyone's mood will not be too good. But in the capital, the one who was in the worst mood was not him, but the big old man, who was only a small target in his eyes.

The family opened a supermarket and engaged in real estate, and became prosperous, and later even became the richest man.

When Lao Wang saw the financial statements of the theater chain, he threw them directly to the theater chain leader and said, "I won't say much about the overseas box office. That is Ye Ming's skill, and he did it himself.

But the domestic box office. Didn't we do it together? And we are still a theater chain. Tell me, of the last more than 30 billion in box office, we only have more than 80 million in profit. What do you do for food?

What use do I need from you? You can do such a thing? "

The theater leader immediately said: "Chairman, we are not to blame for this matter at all. According to the contract, there is no problem with this matter."

We have a theater chain, and Ye Ming also has his own theater chain, and it is bigger than us. He is one of the most advanced private investors in the theater chain, and he has the support of a large international consortium behind him.

I heard that Ye Ming is building some giant screen cinema recently. Anyway, if we talk about theater chains, we don’t have an advantage.

Moreover, the signed contracts have also been reviewed. As for why these conditions are so harsh.

In fact, it is because our company will also have movies screened in Ye Ming's theaters in the future, and everyone's conditions will be very similar.

If we are ruthless this time when we work together on Running Bar, by the time our movie reaches Ye Ming's theaters, then it is inevitable that they will be ruthless.

This is what you said, Chairman, each of us should take a step back, and we can all work together to make a fortune in the future. "

Lao Wang frowned, as if for this reason, he had actually read this contract and nodded.

At that time, Lao Wang thought it was just a small variety show movie, so he just gave this favor to Ye Ming.

Although the contract is relatively harsh, after all, his movies will be developed in Ye Ming's theater chain in the future. If he doesn't give him face, there is no guarantee that the guy who must report the flaws will miss him.

Moreover, he is a businessman who wants to go global. When the time comes to go global, he will also need Ye Ming's help.

Therefore, Lao Wang finally thought for a moment and said, "With this kind of share, we will suffer too much.

The specific point sharing is done by the people below you. How did you sign a contract like this for me? "

The hospital leader secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was given a chance to explain, things like this would be easy to handle.

Therefore, he immediately said what he had prepared: "Chairman, there are too many traps in the entertainment industry, especially Ye Ming, who is very cunning.

Not only our partners, but also Huayi Brothers, etc., all the allies who cooperated with Ye Ming this time, the contracts are basically similar. We were all fooled by Ye Ming.

Ye Ming is talking about guaranteed profits of one billion, and the rest is basically his own profits.

At that time, no one thought that a variety show movie could reach more than 3 billion yuan. So basically all of us signed a contract like this.

Although there are traps in this contract, it is within the law and even the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry.

If we must talk about responsibility, it means that no one expected that a movie like this would have such explosive power.

When the film was finally released, it still had a box office of 30 to 40 million yuan every day, which was unimaginable before.

But in the end, it was because Ye Ming attended the Spring Festival Gala. The TV series Ode to Joy was broadcast on CCTV, and the performance of the five beauties of Ode to Joy in the Spring Festival Gala was eye-catching.

Therefore, these have a huge boost to the box office of Running Bar. Zhao Liying, the girl with the dumpling face in Ode to Joy, is the heroine of Run.

These are some of the factors driving the film's final rebound at the box office. Moreover, these are things we did not expect.

Therefore, although the box office revenue was more than 3 billion in the end, most of it was actually taken away by Ye Ming.

No, there is China Film Group, which is also Ye Ming's partner, but Ye Ming did not use this kind of contract to trick them. This is why the higher-ups turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye when they knew there was such a contract. The reason for asking.

Even if we file a lawsuit, we probably won't get any good results if we complain to the leadership. "

This is Ye Ming's cunning point. He made money by himself, and he also made money by pulling Han Shanping along. In the end, the people who made the least money were Big Laowang and Huayi Brothers.

I worked hard to promote Ye Ming and gave Ye Ming's movie such a good opportunity, but in the end I only made a hard-earned money.

This kind of thing means that this guy Ye Ming can do it.

However, there is no other way now. Big Laowang also said helplessly: "The traps in the entertainment industry are really too bad. It seems that we must find some people in the future to form a legal team to specifically review these contract.

Otherwise, if we want to enter the entertainment industry, we will suffer a lot. "The theater boss wanted to say that there are many tricks in the entertainment industry, but he just said that Ye Ming was more ruthless this time.

But just think about it. Never feel that you are too smart in front of your boss. The main thing is to be obedient. Just be obedient in front of your boss.

Glory belongs to the boss, and only subordinates who behave like this will be appreciated by the boss. As for the polite corporal, do you believe what is written in the book?

If this is the case, sooner or later there will be no scraps left in the entertainment industry.

Big Laowang is also a person who can afford to take things and let them go. What's more, this time he just made less money, rather than saying that he didn't make money, so he just spent money to learn a lesson.

He saw Ye Ming's cunningness once again.

Moreover, the insidiousness and cunningness of the entertainment industry also made him deeply happy. This guy felt that his encounter this time was actually the second time he had been tricked.

In fact, he rarely encounters this kind of thing. A businessman with a status like Big Laowang rarely suffers from boredom.

Generally speaking, as much wealth as a person has in society, there will be many strong connections to protect his wealth.

For example, a millionaire will definitely have a million-level relationship network to protect himself, and a million-level person will have a tens of millions-level relationship network.

The billionaire level is even more powerful.

This is why rich people like to get themselves a representative committee member, or an honorary consultant, to expand their network of contacts.

These are all status symbols. Only if you have enough identity and connections can you protect your wealth.

Ye Ming is also the vice president of the Directors Association. Ye Ming didn't even go when the vice president was selected. He only attended the meeting when the results were announced.

Why is Ye Ming getting involved in this kind of thing? The general association in the country and the intrigues are more powerful and exciting than the palace fights.

Ye Ming's participation in this was actually to increase his influence and network of contacts. Because in the entertainment industry, whether abroad or domestic, you need to have strong relationships.

Ye Ming is still a director of the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild. He didn't even know about the appointment of him as a director in advance. Later, he was given a letter of appointment and considered a director.

This does not have much real power, but it is a high-level position that is slightly lower than the president and vice president, and is similar to an honorary professor or something like that.

Of course, you must have a sufficient status in the entertainment industry to be eligible to be elected as an officer by the Screen Actors Guild.

For example, the Actors Guild, which often engages in protests and strikes, has a position where people can directly negotiate with management.

Thinking about it, this officer is actually full of useful information. Therefore, if you think about how Ye Ming already has such connections and connections, and how many connections and connections a top rich man like Big Lao Wang has, you will know how difficult it is to make Big Lao Wang suffer. .

In fact, if you do the math, you will be tricked by Ye Ming this time. The first time I was cheated was ten years ago.

At that time, Big Laowang also liked playing football very much. At that time, the football team invested by Big Lao Wang was sweeping the country, with a winning streak of more than 50 times that no team can break until now.

Think about it, even if the national football team doesn’t know if it has such results? Don’t even think about counting on the big guys from the national football team.

It is so difficult to enter the World Cup, and it is impossible to expect them to win more than fifty games in a row.

Anyway, Big Laowang may have had little experience at that time. At least in football, he just relied on his passion and of course spent money, thinking that it was enough for him to have the best players and coaches.

But in the end, our Chinese football community let Big Laowang know what a black whistle is and what a black hand is.

Anyway, in the end, Big Pharaoh was annoyed and announced that he would withdraw from the football market and never play again. Later, Zhao Dahui also entered the football market, but the result was the same failure.

This kind of fruitless result also shows a truth. Sometimes, it is not that you can play football well just by relying on impulse.

Especially in China this kind of football does not necessarily rely on ability. Sometimes black whistles and connections are also more useful.

This is the first time that Big Laowang has suffered such a big loss, and he still cannot deny the result.

Withdrawing from the football market was the biggest loss that Big Pharaoh suffered. This time I signed a contract with Ye Ming, but it turned out that he was tricked by Ye Ming.

This is the second time I suffered a big loss. The reason why Big Laowang suffered a loss was actually because Ye Ming took good precautions, and the other reason was that the contract was like this, and everything should be done in accordance with the contract.

Ye Ming's legal team does this relatively well. There are no loopholes in the contract.

Even if Big Lao Wang wants to litigate, there is no hope of winning. This is the cunning part of Ye Ming. He used the traps and loopholes in the entertainment industry to design and scheme against Big Laowang.

In fact, Big Lao Wang was not the only one who encountered this kind of thing. Some other investors were also plotted by Ye Ming. After all, I didn't make a lot of money.

Including the global box office, the total is more than 5 billion. In the end, even if the theater chain takes half of it and pays taxes and other things to share part of it, the result is a box office of more than 2 billion, which is no problem.

But most of this was actually taken away by Ye Ming. Even the shrewd and cunning Big Laowang failed to get 100 million after calculating after renting. This kind of business is not said to be real, but no matter what it is, it can be regarded as being cheated. A handful.

It is said that the Huayi brothers and the big and small Wang brothers almost smashed the office after hearing the final result.

Ye Ming is quite unkind.

But in the end, thinking about it, Ye Ming probably wouldn't be afraid even if he was sued to the higher authorities.

This is where Ye Ming's methods are so powerful. He uses the traps of the entertainment industry very familiarly to make you suffer a loss, but even though you know you have suffered a loss, you still feel unspeakably aggrieved.

Ye Ming's cunning has once again come into everyone's sight.

Han Shanping saw such a result and laughed loudly. Ye Ming, this kid, this is a rhythm that offends some people in the entertainment industry.

However, this kid is really brave, and he clearly used the traps of the entertainment industry to trick a bunch of big guys.

I guess it's impossible for those old foxes to give up like this. But Ye Ming is also a little fox who must report his flaws.

In a situation like this, is it the little fox who has the upper hand, or are the old foxes going to settle the score with the little fox's queen?

It's interesting to think about things like this. But this is very beneficial to Han Shanping.

If the entertainment industry is all in one place, then it will be very troublesome for him to manage the entertainment industry at this time.

Everyone fights with each other, which is conducive to Han Shanping taking charge of the entertainment industry. At this point, Han Shanping was still very satisfied. (To be continued)

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