Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 298: Spring Festival Gala Black Three Minutes [15]

In fact, in the three black minutes of the Spring Festival Gala, the first person to make mistakes was indeed Zhang Zequn. Not only did Zhang Zequn say the couplet wrong when he said it, but he also read out the couplet that Liu Fangfei should read smoothly.

You know, couplets are usually read out by partners on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Zhang Zequn has the first couplet, and then the second couplet should be Zhang Zequn’s partner. In other words, Liu Fangfei should have read out the second couplet, which is in line with the convention of the Spring Festival Gala.

But at this time, Zhang Zequn didn't know whether he was nervous or something else, but he directly read out the second line that was supposed to be Liu Fangfei's.

This was Zhang Zequn's second mistake.

Therefore, at this time, although Li Yong was doing it to express himself, his purpose was still good, to save the situation, because when Zhu Jun heard the leader's words, he was really stunned.

Moreover, Liu Fangfei, who was supposed to read out the second couplet, was a little dumbfounded because Zhang Zequn read it out himself. Now you snatched my words away from me and finished my sentence. What did I say?

Therefore, in fact, Liu Fangfei should have spoken after Zhang Zequn, but problems also arose with Zhang Zequn.

At this time, the scene is in danger of becoming cold.

On a stage like the Spring Festival Gala, if there is a silence, even for a second, it will be very obvious.

Therefore, Li Yong thought to himself, this cold scene is not good. This piece of Zequn did not follow the script. Can it be edited now?

After that, we only had to write new lines. Li Yong actually came to the rescue in this situation by writing new lines. But the key is that Li Yong's rescue was not successful at this time.

This is the key to Guan Jianzhong.

The leaders were not satisfied and ordered Zhu Jun to directly take over the right to speak. At this time, the host on the stage was already panicking.

The black three-minute second half of the Spring Festival Gala started in such a tense atmosphere.

Originally, because of Zhang Zequn's mistakes on the stage, the pressure had already begun to increase.

If the pressure of the six hosts is 10 when they first stand on the stage, then after Zhang Zequn makes a mistake, the pressure will rise to 0.

This is also a key reason why Li Yong, who has always been relatively alert and agile, is nervous. It's a lot of pressure. Any host will be under a lot of pressure at this time.

At this point, Zhu Jun actually said that he had received a notice from the leader, directly interrupted Li Yong's words, and took over the right to speak. Naturally, the host on the stage was more aware at this time.

It should be that the leader was not satisfied with the situation on the stage and directly ordered Zhu Jun to take over the right to speak. After Zhu Jun finished speaking these words, the pressure on the stage must have reached at least zero.

This means hosting the Spring Festival Gala is three times more stressful than usual.

After all, the leader had already expressed his dissatisfaction, and the six Spring Festival Gala hosts on the stage were actually very clear that they all began to panic over such an issue.

Even Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao are like this.

You must know that Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao are the C stars in the Spring Festival Gala. They can be said to be the backbone and are used to control the situation.

Therefore, at a time like this, they are all under tremendous pressure. It is difficult to say clearly how much pressure Dong Qing and Li Yong will be under.

At this time, I have to say that this is a major mistake in the history of the Spring Festival Gala. The zero o'clock bell has already rang.

But the atmosphere at the scene did not actually relax. At this time, the host should say some auspicious words and blessings.

Of course, things have already reached this point, and there should actually be an arranged book.

If in such a situation, the hosts of the Spring Festival Gala follow the script, then such a thing is actually not a big deal.

After all, it means that at this time, the Spring Festival Gala has rules, and there is no problem if everyone comes.

But the problem lies here. Liu Fangfei was a little depressed. This should be her line, but she didn't receive it. However, she still said her line according to the script.

[As the spring bells ring, let us express our most heartfelt and best wishes for the New Year] This is definitely a predetermined line.

This time, it wasn't that kind of mistake, it was just following the book. But the key point is that because of some previous mistakes, the host was very nervous in such a situation.

Under such tension, mistakes are inevitable.

At this time, it was Zhou Tao who actually had the problem. Originally, according to the script, this time it would not be a male and a female host taking turns speaking.

There are two broadcast formats for Spring Festival Gala hosts. Generally speaking, one man and one woman will speak one after another.

If there are six people on stage, it will basically be based on the coffee position. After Zhu Jun in the C coffee position, Zhou Tao will say, after Zhou Tao has finished speaking, Li Yong in the second coffee position will say, and then Dong Qing will say.

Next came Zhang Zequn, the supporting actor, and finally Liu Fangfei. This is considered a broadcast habit among Spring Festival Gala hosts.

There is also a habit that among the hosts, the male hosts take turns speaking together, and then the female hosts take turns speaking together.

In other words, in such a situation, the female host took turns talking about such a phenomenon.

If we follow the rules on the stage, Liu Fangfei is the last female host to speak.

In this way, after Liu Fangfei finished speaking, in fact, according to the rules of the second round, it was Zhou Tao who should take over the right to speak.

But, in the middle, a problem occurred.

After Liu Fangfei, if Zhou Tao can quickly take over the right to speak, then at this time, the Spring Festival Gala stage will be on the right track.

The subsequent mistakes should be avoidable.

The key to this question is that as the main star of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhou Tao, the C-level host, also had problems at this time.

Originally, Zhou Tao should have taken over to speak after Liu Fangfei, but Zhou Tao forgot that there was about two seconds of blank time in the middle, which was quite embarrassing on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Therefore, in such a matter, mistakes were made again.

It was precisely because of such a mistake that the last chance to save the black three minutes of the Spring Festival Gala was lost.

After Zhou Tao paused for about two seconds, he realized that he should continue speaking.

Zhou Tao also looked a little embarrassed and took over the right to speak and said: "Spread on the land of the motherland." Happy Chinese New Year with blooming flowers. 】

Note that in such a situation, the problem arises again.

In fact, there were many problems with the three black minutes of the Spring Festival Gala this time, and there were many mistakes that should not have been made.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this Spring Festival Gala is unprecedented.

Anyway, this is a Spring Festival Gala mistake that will go down in history. It does not necessarily mean that it will always be ranked first, but at least for now, there was no such big broadcast accident in any Spring Festival Gala 18 years ago.

At this time, mistakes actually came one after another. This time it was Li Yong who appeared.

Because before Zhou Tao finished speaking, Li Yong interrupted and said: "Sowing in the minds of the Chinese people."

This is a parallel sentence, so it can be seen that Zhou Tao must have made a mistake.

What Zhou Tao said was a side-by-side sentence. According to the rules, this side-by-side sentence should be one sentence from one host, but Zhou Tao also made a mistake made by Zhang Zequn and said what Li Yong should have said next.

But it's a pity that Li Yong is not a newcomer like Liu Fangfei. Zhang Zequn told Liu Fangfei's words. So in such a situation, Liu Fangfei is a newcomer at this time. Therefore, in such a situation, there is nothing to say. .

After all, it means that on such an issue, newcomers have no say in the Spring Festival Gala. Allowing you to attend the Spring Festival Gala is already because the leader wants to train you.

In such a situation, at this time, Li Yong is not a newcomer, he can be regarded as a second-tier player.

Therefore, Li Yong did not remain silent, but directly intervened in the middle. This time, Li Yong did something unkind.

You know, if you interrupt at this moment, it will also cause an accident on the air.

It was Zhou Tao's fault that he said everything he said before Li Yong finished speaking. However, Li Yong directly and forcefully interrupted Zhou Tao's words on the stage. This was considered a small mistake.

The series of mistakes is a key reason why the Spring Festival Gala is still talked about by everyone from three minutes to ten years later.

A series of mistakes. Strictly speaking, on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala, a single mistake will be infinitely magnified by the audience.

What's more, it was a mistake made by six hosts taking turns at this time. This kind of thing is at least unprecedented on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

Therefore, on a question like this, four of the six moderators made inappropriate mistakes. These four people were Zhu Jun, Zhou Tao, Li Yong and Zhang Zequn. Of course, as a newcomer, Liu Fangfei is relatively low-key, and he has not made any big mistakes. After his lines were taken away by Zhang Zequn, he didn't get them back like Li Yong.

Dong Qing's performance here is also quite satisfactory, and he also has a hint of general demeanor.

Otherwise, why was Dong Qing the first sister of CCTV, and Liu Fangfei, as a newcomer, was able to establish a foothold in CCTV? This also showed that her emotional intelligence was very high.

If there are no accidents, it is not impossible that Liu Fangfei will be the first sister of CCTV after Dong Qing.

Although Liu Fangfei was a newcomer this time, his performance was indeed remarkable. He was neither arrogant nor impetuous, which left a good impression on the leader.

Dong Qing, on the other hand, was able to speak his lines clearly according to the script even when the other four hosts made mistakes. This can be regarded as a bit of a general's demeanor.

Therefore, among the six hosts, only Liu Fangfei and Dong Qing are relatively satisfactory.

This is what the CCTV Spring Festival Gala needs most. What the CCTV Spring Festival Gala wants is to be on the right track. Don’t act according to your own personality, but act according to the needs of the Spring Festival Gala.

The three black minutes of the Spring Festival Gala were actually very painful for the six hosts.

Even if Dong Qing and Liu Fangfei made no mistakes, they could still feel the depressing atmosphere in the scene at this time.

And you can't vent this kind of depression in other ways.

In front of the camera, at this time, the host of the Spring Festival Gala must maintain a smiling expression.

Even in this series of mistakes, at this time, you have to face the camera with a smile.

This is the rule, the rule of the Spring Festival Gala. Anyone who dares to make a mistake will be punished.

The three black minutes of the Spring Festival Gala came to an end in such a depressing situation.

In fact, Li Yong was the most direct. He turned around and walked off the stage without saying a word, with an expressionless face and a heart filled with stagnant water.

At this time, he was actually very clear in his heart. In such a situation, what everyone really has to do now is to clean up the mess.

The mistake this time was so huge that it was impossible for any host to be able to carry it back.

Even if Zhang Zequn was the first to make a mistake, it was impossible for him to take the blame alone. Later, he, Zhu Jun, and Zhou Tao all made mistakes.

Li Yong is very clear about this, and it is impossible not to deal with it. The key is to see how the leader handles this situation in such a situation.

If the leader is willing to reduce big things to small things, then this matter is actually not a big deal.

But the key point is that if the leader is unwilling to reduce big things to small things, then such things may not be considered big at all, but they are not considered small at all.

Therefore, a critical moment in this situation is to see how the leaders of the Lantern Festival handle it.

Li Yong himself knew very well that the leader would not deal with it first after going down, because the Spring Festival Gala was not over yet. Even if the leader wanted to deal with it, it would definitely be done after the Spring Festival Gala ended.

But at this time, director Jin Yue will definitely not let these hosts go, and will definitely teach them a lesson.

Jin Yue had repeatedly warned the six of them to be careful and not make any stupid mistakes.

Well, four of the six hosts failed. It is not impossible to say that this is the biggest mistake in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

Therefore, under such a situation, what would be strange if director Jin Yue did not seize the opportunity to deal with them?

You must know that even before the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast, Jin Yue threatened the six hosts to give in. This shows how resentful Director Jin Yue is towards the six people. It would be strange not to deal with them severely now.

At this time, Li Yong and other hosts were also filled with helplessness and had no choice but to accept their fate. (To be continued)

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