Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 295: Three Minutes of Black Spring Festival Gala [12]

The last moment of the Spring Festival Gala’s midnight timekeeping is coming.

This is a live broadcast, a real live broadcast.

Even if it is a pre-broadcast tape, this has never happened.

Because everyone had agreed to prepare for the broadcast, and there was no intention of adjusting the program.

This time, a program was adjusted during the live broadcast, so three minutes were left. There was no possibility of using the backup tape for these three minutes.

Therefore, in such a situation, only the host himself takes the lead.

The kind that must be pushed up. In fact, Zhu Jun and the other six people did not take this matter seriously. After all, although this kind of rescue was rare, it was not unheard of in their hosting careers.

It's just that this kind of rescue in the Spring Festival Gala is their first time, and it's a relatively big one.

But even if it was such a thing, they really didn't take it seriously.

After all, there is a plan for this kind of thing. If everything goes according to the plan, then there will be no big problem.

But just after Zhu Jun and the others came on stage, the director here came over. A director hurriedly walked over and saw the backs of Zhu Jun and other six hosts on stage.

At this time, even if the director was very brave, he would not dare to go to the stage to find six hosts.

After all, this was a real live broadcast. If he dared to rush forward, it would be considered a broadcast accident at this time.

It's not a big deal, but it's definitely a broadcast accident, and it's the kind of broadcast accident that the director is responsible for.

Therefore, in such a situation, the director hesitated, shouted twice, and waved the script in his hand, but no host heard it, or someone heard the director's call, but did not take it as a warning. It's the same thing.

This question is difficult to explain clearly. Anyway, at this time, the six hosts have already appeared one after another. This is very certain.

At this time, director Jin Yue, who was standing aside, suddenly had his brows twitching wildly, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. Is there something wrong?

At this time, Jin Yue immediately said: "Xiao Ma, what happened?"

Only then did the director Xiao Ma notice that the director was beside him.

Therefore, I immediately said, "Director, there is something wrong this time, because these three minutes are unexpected free time, so there are no such lines in the script, so we need to process them temporarily.

But at this time, what our editing and directing team came up with was just a spare script, so we hurriedly revised it.

Originally, in a situation like this, the host would have to go on stage with the final script, because it is the latest script.

How the host should say and what he should say, the order has already been decided.

Therefore, in such a situation, we should give the host a script. But I didn't expect them to leave in such a hurry, so I went up directly. "

Jin Yue immediately realized that something like this was problematic, so he hurriedly said: "You mean, they don't have a real script now?"

Xiao Ma hesitated for a moment, but finally said: "Actually, we can't say that there is no script. The prepared script is for them, but the prepared script is temporary after all. The chronological order, shooting and so on are not very good. of details.

Zhang Zequn and Liu Fangfei later obtained the real current script. The remaining scripts of Zhu Jun, Zhou Tao and the others are all the reserved scripts we use. "

Jin Yue then asked hurriedly: "Are there any problems with the reserved script?" There must be. Looking at Xiao Ma's hurried look, it would be strange if he said there weren't any.

Sure enough, Xiao Ma immediately said: "The reserved script is just in case, so although there are certain lines on it, there is no order.

That is to say. In such a situation, it is not determined who the host will speak first, who will say what, and who will speak after whom.

The reserved script originally did not touch on this issue. This is something on the new script. "

Jin Yue immediately frowned and said: "You mean, at this time, who is the host on the stage who speaks first? No matter what kind of speech, it depends on the six hosts on the stage. of play.

What will happen to the rest? We can only do our best and obey fate, right? "

Xiao Ma nodded quickly and said, "That's pretty much what it means, but these six hosts are actually the elites in the station.

Therefore, I think that if they are allowed to perform normally, then there should be no big problem in such a matter? "

But if you say this, you can actually tell by looking at Xiao Ma's expression that this is not very reliable.

This is the Spring Festival Gala. On such a stage, if we rely on the host's self-consciousness, it is easy for some problems to occur.

At this time, Jin Yue said without hesitation: "It is precisely because they are so good, and they are all so good, that it is one of the reasons why they are not very good at convincing each other.

Therefore, in such a situation, the probability that they will not have problems is actually very small.

This is really a bit of trouble. You should try it first and see if you can send the latest script. If not, let's talk about it later.

I will first report this matter to the leader. I hope there won't be any big problems this time. "

In fact, under the current situation, even Jin Yue himself cannot guarantee that there will be no problems.

It is because these six hosts are all excellent, therefore, in such a situation, everyone is eyeing a position like the deputy director.

Even if Zhang Zequn and Liu Fangfei, who have the least qualifications, are ignored, under such a situation, there are still four hosts who need to compete.

Therefore, at this time, it is difficult to guarantee whether the four veterans are really so harmonious on stage.

Even if Jin Yue is the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala, if things reach this point, all he can do is pray that no major problems will arise and report the situation directly to the leader.

This kind of thing is not a big deal, but it is not a small thing either. If the host can restrain himself at this time, then good cooperation can directly support these three minutes.

But such an ending is the best ideal ending that Director Jin Yue thought of. It is an ideal ending that is almost impossible to achieve.

It's a big deal because once something like this breaks out, you can imagine what kind of impact it would have in such a situation.

You must know that this is the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, facing hundreds of millions of viewers across the country.

Therefore, if any problem occurs on such a stage, can it be considered a minor problem? It's definitely a big problem.

Therefore, under such a situation, Director Jin Yue could only report the matter directly to the leader.

The leader hesitated before saying, "Can the matter be solved?" At this time, Zhang Zequn, who had mastered a new script, was actually on the stage and had already started reading couplets to everyone. This kind of thing can be regarded as an all-purpose joke in the Spring Festival Gala.

As long as it is necessary to talk about the Spring Festival Gala, some are reciting telegrams, some are reciting couplets to send blessings, and finally there are high-tech blessings and so on. Anyway, if you recite the couplets, it will be very festive, and it is more in line with the theme of the Spring Festival Gala.

At this time, Zhang Zequn started to read the couplets, and he was also very excited, with a little nervousness in his eyes.

Although there was a plan, it would be a lie if Zhang Zequn said that he was not nervous in such a situation.

Even though Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao were relatively nervous inside, the difference was that Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao adjusted their cleaning more easily and quickly.

They are very clear about not bringing their emotions to work.

Liu Fangfei and Zhang Zequn were reading about the Spring Festival Gala activities and the prizes from the sponsors of Food and Clothes Parents. These are all necessary. No one would think that the Spring Festival Gala prizes are CCTV's own and they are all given by sponsors.

And CCTV, a sponsor with a poor brand, will definitely not cooperate. Therefore, the brands that can participate in the Spring Festival Gala are all big-name brands. These naturally need to be taken good care of.

At this time, backstage, Jin Yue thought for two seconds and said: "It's difficult. The only way at this time is to see if there is a tacit understanding between the hosts."

The leader's face was as dark as water, but he could still hear these words. If in such a situation, several hosts cannot cooperate well and tacitly, then on such a problem It's just that it's relatively easy to go wrong.

Once something goes wrong, it's still a live broadcast without any preparation tape. This is a broadcast accident.

It's annoying. In a situation like this, director Jin Yue finds it annoying, but the leader finds it even more annoying.

How come none of these hosts are fuel-efficient? On an issue like this, everyone is very strong-willed.

While the two of them were feeling depressed, the final performance had already begun on the stage.

The final performance of the zero o'clock chime.

At this time, Zhang Zequn really started to enter the couplet link - with a smile on his face and a festive smile full of spring breeze: "Dear friends, just now our four hosts have sent you the Spring Festival couplets, so I He Fangfei also sends you a Spring Festival couplets that he just wrote.

"Our first couplet is - harmony, harmony, harmony, harmony, every household welcomes the New Year in harmony; our second couplet is - prosperous business, prosperous wealth, prosperous country, prosperous family, everyone welcomes the New Year happily; our horizontal line is - Harmonize China!"

This is a question of coffee position. Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao are considered the C stars here.

Therefore, Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao sent the couplets first. Li Yong and Dong Qing are considered second-tier players. They are less qualified than Zhu Jun and Zhou Tao, but they are definitely not that bad.

Therefore, he is the second person to send out the couplet. Liu Fangfei and Zhang Zequn are the pair with the least qualifications. Therefore, under such circumstances, they were the last batch to send couplets.

But perhaps they were the last pair of hosts to send couplets. It was obvious that Zhang Zequn did not memorize the couplets correctly, because he sent a pair of couplets that were not very particular.

In Chinese history, couplets are also a very particular subject. There are many requirements. For example, in ancient times, when Meng Tong was a child, he recited sentences such as heaven versus earth, rain versus wind, and continent versus sky.

Therefore, the couplet focuses on confrontation and escort. Among them, it is especially said that we should pay attention to confrontation.

Couplets, couplets, if the couplets are not in conflict with each other in situations like this, then what else are they called couplets?

In other words, whatever factors are present in the first couplet must also be matched in the second couplet. Only then can it be considered a successful couplet.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, a couplet cannot use two repeated words.

Of course there are special ones, but very few. Basically all couplets will do things according to this rule.

But in the couplet produced by Zhang Zequn, two "harmony" are repeatedly used in the first couplet.

The second word "harmony" in the first line does not conflict with the word "happy" in the second line. This is considered a failed couplet.

What's more, "Welcome the New Year" appears at the end of the first and second lines at the same time. Strictly speaking, this is not a successful couplet.

In the audience, the leader and director Jin Yue immediately realized that something was wrong.

Zhang Zequn really had a problem this time. This is a bad question that should be asked.

However, in the warm, festive and peaceful atmosphere at that time, basically everyone's attention was focused on the subsequent zero o'clock time chime.

Not many viewers would have noticed such a mistake. After Zhang finished speaking the Spring Festival couplets, there were bursts of cheers and applause.

But what is certain is that the six hosts on the stage are all experienced masters. Therefore, at this time, it is enough for them to realize that a mistake has been made.

Zhang Zequn himself is actually the same. Talking about the first couplet "Harmony welcomes the New Year"

He paused for a moment, his tone and expression unnatural.

The three black minutes of the Spring Festival Gala started with a fierce prologue under such a small unexpected situation.

The real black three minutes of the Spring Festival Gala also showed its sharp fangs at this time.

In the history of the Spring Festival Gala, if there are mistakes, there are no mistakes that have such a big impact. (To be continued)

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