Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2777 The nervousness of the Spring Festival Gala

The people in my hometown comforted me, which can be regarded as imparting some experience. If these experiences can be said openly.

In fact, it’s not worth mentioning, but if no one tells you and you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala to experience it for yourself, then you can’t experience it once or twice.

For ordinary actors, it is not easy to be able to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, not to mention they are lucky.

And in a situation like this, it would be even harder to do it again.

Therefore, in such a matter, if no one tells the newcomers attending the Spring Festival Gala for the first time this tip in advance, then a newcomer to the Spring Festival Gala will basically not be able to master these.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming's behavior is actually very polite. Most people will not tell you casually.

After all, this is also based on experience, and it can be regarded as a summary of Ye Ming's many years of experience. Of course, you need to take care of your fellow villagers, otherwise you will be stabbed in the back by your hometown elders when you go back.

Mr. Mo Yan once said a classic saying, no matter whether you become famous or have a family, no matter how successful you are, once a person returns to his hometown, everything will be stripped clean.

Because here are your parents and fellow villagers, your childhood playmates and even enemies, all the embarrassing things you did when you were young, and all the good and bad tricks you did.

Therefore, when you return to your hometown, stop pretending. You can’t pretend.

Of course, that's what it means, and why is Brother Dayi's hometown always in his own village? Why wouldn't he bring his family to a big city like Beijing if he had money?

In fact, it means that he knows that his roots are at home. Here, even if he cannot become a star, it is impossible for him to become a big name.

Since fellow villagers have done that, their own people must also be comforted. What's more, these own people are really our own people and can communicate in depth. These people are naturally the beauties in Ode to Joy.

Even if Liu Tao and other Ode to Joy Five Beauties were recommended by Ye Ming, and Ode to Joy is also broadcast on CCTV, in total, Ode to Joy Five Beauties is at least temporarily considered to be on the level of CCTV's own daughter.

But even at this level, they must be squeezed into a dressing room with other artists. This is the rule, and newcomers must be treated like this.

Unless they are the kind of newcomers who are extraordinary, such as Ye Ming, who was named by the leader to attend the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, there may be exceptions.

But for other newcomers attending the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, they were basically treated like being squeezed together. Rules are rules, but sometimes rules are made by people, and they are easy to be broken.

Ye Ming is the kind of person who is good at breaking rules.

Along the way, he has become very good at breaking rules. This time it was actually the same, and Ye Ming quickly broke the rules. This rule means that it is impossible for Ode to Joy to get a separate dressing room.

But the five of them share a dressing room, and Ye Ming still has this ability.

The key is actually that Liu Tao's TV series cooperates with CCTV, so they get this special treatment.

Being able to have a dressing room shared by five people is already a very good result.

This is a treatment only given to regular guests of the Spring Festival Gala. Otherwise, it would be very normal for seven or eight celebrities to be crowded into a dressing room.

This is a treatment only reserved for big names. If you are not a big shot, then for such a thing, you need to find a place to put on your own makeup.

You can put your makeup on anywhere, just don't delay things. If you delay things, no one can save you.

There is no way, this kind of thing is normal in the Spring Festival Gala. If you want to survive until Zhao Da fools someone like Ye Ming who has a separate dressing room, you have to wait for time, and you may not be able to survive this treatment.

Ye Ming just knocked on the door and walked into the dressing room of Ode to Joy Wumei.

Liu Tao and others naturally stood up and greeted their boss. Even Jiang Xin, who had always been carefree, knew who his boss was and couldn't stand out too much.

What's more, in the Five Beauties of Ode to Joy, Jiang Xin is not the kind of crane that stands out from the crowd. At this time, she would be seeking death if she dared to stand out from the crowd.

Jiang Xin is an upright character, and she also has a bit of upright nature in her character, otherwise it would not be possible for her to become popular for a while.

She is upright rather than lacking in IQ. Naturally, she will not be able to compete with her boss for a long time.

Of course, with a personality like Jiang Xin's, it would be basically impossible for her to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time.

Being a hit depends on luck, but for people with this kind of personality, it is basically impossible for them to remain popular for a long time.

Just like Zhou Jie in the past, she was born in Huanzhu, but she finally quit the entertainment industry. Basically, there is no possibility of turning around.

Ye Ming looked at everyone's emotions and felt a little nervous. Just by walking into the dressing room, he could feel the tense atmosphere.

At this point, Ye Ming could clearly feel the depressing atmosphere. and

Moreover, it can be seen from the various expressions of Ode to Joy that this is a tense atmosphere that can be suppressed for a long time.

Ye Ming couldn't let such a thing develop.

After all, if this atmosphere is allowed to continue to develop, especially since it is approaching the Spring Festival Gala live broadcast, if such an atmosphere continues like this, the consequences will be very bad.

It is not impossible to even say that it may affect Ode to Joy Wu Mei's performance on stage.

Ye Ming is a very experienced actor, so he can naturally tell what kind of situation he needs to relax his emotions as an artist.

Therefore, at this time of singing, Ye Ming looked at everyone happily and said: "Don't be nervous, this matter is a foregone conclusion, basically the possibility of you not attending the Spring Festival Gala is zero.

So relax and call the people at home in a very positive tone to tell them when they will see you.

Try to use your breath to slowly relax your emotions. Baozi took a deep breath. "The people we face are different, and the methods of persuasion are different.

Facing the fellow villagers brought by Director Zhao, it is impossible for you to persuade them to use breath to relax their emotions. It is a bit professional and not everyone knows how to use it.

At least it’s not easy for laymen to understand. When facing those fellow villagers who go to the countryside to perform all day long, Ye Ming has to persuade them in a down-to-earth way. When faced with the five beauties of Ode to Joy, you need to learn to use a more professional approach to persuasion.

And, of course, there is also Zhao Baozi among them. Zhao Baozi is naturally not a professional actor, so he may not be able to understand these.

At the last moment, Ye Ming directly said deep breathing, a technique that basically everyone knows how to use to relax emotions.

Believe it or not, even if someone is so nervous that he always needs to go to the toilet, not everyone knows how to relax directly by taking deep breaths.

These seem to be small experiences. If you tell the truth, they are not a big deal. But even if it is such a big deal, some people may not be able to use it.

Further back, we invented gunpowder, but it was Westerners who really used gunpowder in war and promoted it.

This means that if you don’t expose something, even if you don’t expose just a little window paper, you may not be able to see the outside world clearly.

Sometimes, when it comes to acting, that's basically it. In such a situation, Ye Ming's experience is extremely valuable.

Zhao Baozi is the most obedient person. He took a deep breath and said cheerfully: "It's done. I've already made a call. When I came, I already called and informed my family about the approximate time of our program." of people.

Now many people in our village are playing at our house and discussing my appearance on TV. "

Heartless, Zhao Baozi is such a heartless person. Of course he is aware of the tension, but when there are other topics, Zhao Baozi is the kind of person who easily forgets the tense atmosphere. kind of actor.

An actor with this kind of potential is also very amazing. After all, an actor's nerves cannot always be tense.

When you can relax, you must relax. Don't be too strict on yourself.

Ye Ming nodded with a smile and said: "I'm convinced by Baozi's mentality. Remember, don't be too nervous. There are still tapes for broadcasting. Anyway, there are tapes for broadcasting, right?

By the way, although this is no longer a secret in the Spring Festival Gala, it is still a taboo topic.

Don't mention preparing tapes when you are outside, otherwise, it will always be bad if the staff hears it. But I still have to tell you that the preparation tape for the Spring Festival Gala is actually prepared for some unexpected things. "Although in fact, the Spring Festival Gala's preparation tapes are often not used. Of course, things like Thousand-Hand Guanyin, The Legend of the Princess, etc. are all used as preparation tapes.

These shows are somewhat of an exception, and there aren't many other backup tapes happening. Of course, it must be there, but it's not something ordinary people can see.

Although many experts can see it, in this case, you still have to consider whether it is appropriate to offend CCTV.

Therefore, the preparation tapes for the Spring Festival Gala may not be used as often as everyone thinks, but they definitely cannot be said to be useless.

They all have them, they all know they have them, and they all know how to use backup tapes. But in a situation like this, if you dare to mention it casually, you are breaking the rules, and you may be kicked out or banned.

Therefore, Ye Ming must explain some of the more obvious rules clearly. Although Ye Ming is not very afraid of things, it is estimated that no one will take the initiative to provoke Ye Ming during the Spring Festival Gala and bully Happy Ode Wumei casually.

Ode to Joy Wu Mei is a relatively special newcomer in the Spring Festival Gala crew, and she has someone to protect her. Even the people on the directing team would not take the initiative to find out if Ode to Joy is troublesome.

After all, this is CCTV's biological daughter, the kind who wants to give face. But the premise is that you don't break some Spring Festival Gala rules casually.

Jiang Xin, an upright guy, said: "Boss, when you said the tape was prepared, was it the one recorded yesterday? It was very formal, but there was some mismatch in time?

If a backup tape was used, it would seem to be deceiving the audience. "Being upright means being upright, and Jiang Xin's words are a bit suicidal.

If you discuss this, it will not be allowed.

Ye Ming immediately took over the words and said: "Don't say these words outside, you have to remember some rules, that is to say, the Spring Festival Gala actually has to take into account the overall situation.

For the sake of the overall situation, in a situation like this, if some means are used appropriately, then it won't be a big deal.

Remember, the Spring Festival Gala is the most important overall situation, whether you know it or not. Don't say these words out loud even if they are rotten in my stomach.

Good guy, the purpose is to bring better programs to audiences across the country and let everyone have fun during the Chinese New Year. If it is necessary to use the backup tape, it does not mean that it is impossible to forgive. "

You just need to know this kind of thing in your heart. Jiang Xin's spirit of asking for answers is indeed not very suitable for the entertainment industry.

You can say that Jiang Xin is loyal and upright, but at this time, you just can't say that Jiang Xin is suitable for the entertainment industry.

In fact, it is a strange thing for a person with Jiang Xin's personality to become famous and become famous.

This is not very consistent with some potential rules of the entertainment industry.

After hearing Ye Ming's rather impassioned speech, Jiang Xin's arrogance was suppressed at this time.

In fact, Jiang Xin didn't mean that she didn't know that Ye Ming was intimidating her to say this.

She can easily offend others, and she is actually very aware of this.

So when she heard that her boss was really angry, she naturally stopped her activities on her own initiative.

Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction and said: "In a word, don't bring your nervousness to the stage. In the dressing room, try to find every way to resolve your nervousness.

This is your specialty. Not only do you need to do it like this during the Spring Festival Gala, but in the future when you shoot key movies and TV series, you may also use this method. This is a very useful little trick. method. "

There are so many actors in the Spring Festival Gala. It’s not that I’m not nervous, but it’s definitely not the people in Ode to Joy.

Ye Ming, to be honest, there are many actors who use various methods to relax themselves in order to become famous and perform well in the Spring Festival Gala.

The key is to find a suitable method to relax your mind.

If you find it, congratulations, you will avoid a lot of detours in the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, the results may be completely different if someone takes the lead and if no one takes the lead, the results may be completely different. (To be continued)

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