Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2665: The Problem of Movie Stealing Box Office

Ye Ming immediately waved his hand and said, "We have to follow the rules, right? I agreed to your request very happily.

But I can’t say that you are taking advantage of this matter. I am the only one who suffers.

If one person takes advantage, it is not a long-term business. Is this what I am talking about? "

Coach Wang laughed loudly and said: "What Mr. Ye said makes sense. We really can't take advantage all the time. After all, we will be able to do it for a long time in the future.

Our theater chain also needs Mr. Ye’s video website to help with some promotion and ticketing. I think we should learn from the American record industry on this point.

Everyone can use Mr. Ye’s videos to sell them for money, so why can’t we sell already downloaded movies on video websites?

I heard that 90% of those classic old Chinese movies are in the hands of Mr. Ye. It can be seen that it is entirely possible to sell and sell movies online. Mr. Ye, what do you think? "

Ye Ming nodded and said noncommittally: "I just said that I should start earlier. At that time, people didn't know the importance of Internet copyright. I bought the Internet copyright for a cabbage price."

You can talk about this cooperation in the future. What I want to talk about now is the issue of box office stealing. As a filmmaker, I know that everyone must be like me and hate piracy in their hearts.

After all, piracy infringes on the interests of all of us. The interests of producers, directors, actors, theaters, etc. will all be invaded by piracy.

We must focus on cracking down on this. We at Huihuang.com have stepped up our efforts in this area and cooperated with cultural inspection teams from various places.

But what I want to talk about this time is the issue of box office stealing.

This time, Run Brothers has become more popular. Therefore, a problem that I hate arises at this time, which is box office stealing.

I don’t know how you watched it, but I think this kind of box office stealing is really a kind of harm to the film industry.

In the short term, it will promote a certain increase in revenue for some theater chains.

However, it actually harms the interests of the entire filmmakers. If everyone does this, then the interests of movie makers will be usurped in the future. If it is said that making movies is not a good way to make money, who would even think of making movies.

Therefore, regarding such a problem, I think everyone should focus on how to deal with this situation. My own theater chain will definitely not steal my box office, but other theater chains will I have received some reports, there must be some. "

Feng Xiaogang did not own any shares in the theater chain, so at this time he said from a relatively neutral position: "Yi Zi, a problem like this is more difficult to solve.

After all, it is said that in such a situation, box office stealing is a phenomenon. It does not mean that it was formed overnight, but it definitely cannot be solved overnight.

Even if the country cannot completely eradicate the problem of box office theft, I think it is impossible for us. "

Ye Ming looked at Coach Wang, meaning to hear Coach Wang's stance on this matter.

Coach Wang immediately said: "Mr. Ye, it is actually difficult for me to draw a conclusion on this question.

To be honest, I don’t really manage theater chain issues. I have a dedicated vice president to do this kind of thing.

Only if there are particularly important matters, they will be reported to me at this time.

Of course, I myself have heard about this problem of box office theft.

But in the current situation in China, if we want to completely eliminate box office stealing, it is almost impossible.

As for my theater chain, I will give orders to cheer everyone up and try to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Of course, I think this kind of thing is really difficult to eradicate in a short time. I can only ensure the maximum restraint on my men.

As for people from other theater chains, they will become more sensitive when it comes to an issue like this. I can only convey the message, but I cannot guarantee the rest. "

Ye Ming took a look at the beautiful Mr. Xu, and Mr. Xu immediately said helplessly: "Mr. Ye, this problem is an old problem. As Mr. Wang said, it is indeed impossible to make big changes in a short time." .

It is impossible for Xingmei to eliminate such a problem. Of course, cracking down on box office theft has always been the top priority of our work at Xingmei. "

State-owned enterprises, let’s not talk about anything else, but this spirit and the correctness of this stance are indeed very powerful.

Huayi Brothers is a film company and does not have its own theater chain. Therefore, Wang Zhongjun did not express his position on such a question, but he shrugged his shoulders and expressed his dissatisfaction.

He also knew what he meant. Wang Zhongjun was also very helpless about this kind of thing.

One is piracy, the other is stealing box office, both of which make people feel very helpless.

However, Wang Zhongjun didn't have any good way to deal with such a matter, so he just didn't bother to say anything.

Ye Ming didn't feel any disappointment, because he himself knew very well that on such an issue, he knew that it was basically impossible to get a guarantee from the people opposite him.

If they don't make trouble on such a matter, it will be regarded as giving Ye Ming face.

Therefore, Ye Ming waved his hand and said with great certainty: "Everyone, when I ask this question, I don't mean to ask everyone to take a stand.

To be honest, on a question like this, I actually ask everyone to help me spread the word.

I don't care how other movies steal the box office, but starting from today, if there is any problem with my movies stealing the box office, then don't blame me for being rude. "

When he said this, Ye Ming was categorical, and his voice was as sharp as the north wind that chilled people to the bone.

This time everyone can see that Ye Ming is playing for real, and this is definitely not a bluffing warning.

But Feng Xiaogang was still very doubtful and said: "Yi Zi, I understand your mood, but on an issue like this, to be honest, it's difficult.

My own movies were not just stolen from the box office once.

Adding it all up, 100 million is definitely not a big problem. If you want to solve a problem like this, how do you solve it?

There are so many movie theaters across the country. How do you check the problem of box office theft? Do you send people to notify them one by one? "

This is obviously a problem. Therefore, when it comes to such a thing, other people also echo the same, saying that such a problem is indeed a chronic disease. If you want to completely cure it, it is basically not good. of possible problems.

Stealing box office is a very complicated matter. This does not necessarily mean that there is a theater chain responsible for it, but it may be that the behavior of a certain theater chain's own theaters is not impossible.

Some even say that it is simply the cinema manager’s own personal behavior, and the entire cinema may take the blame for this.

Therefore, it is really difficult to solve such a problem.

Even Ge You, who had never been interested in anything, had been listening quietly.

He knew that he should not get involved in this kind of thing. After all, those were big bosses, big bosses in the entertainment industry, and one was a rich man. These people were not easy to offend.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ge You has always been a role in the audience.

But in such a situation, Ge You said very quickly: "Yi Zi, although this kind of problem is deeply hated by filmmakers, it seems that it does not have a big impact now.

Even when it comes to your supervision, this is a problem. There are so many movie theaters across the country, how do you supervise them? Do you know which ones are stealing box office and which ones are not?

If you expect netizens to expose you, then water from afar cannot quench your thirst, right? "

This is a very simple question, but it is also a very effective answer. Some of the things Ge You said are actually very normal things.

Stealing box office is not only a stubborn disease, it is basically an unspoken rule-like news that everyone in the entertainment industry knows.

At this moment, Ye Ming waved his hand confidently and said, "This is no problem. Teacher Ge, don't worry. I have my own way to solve the problem."

Ye Ming has a solution to such a problem? The people at the scene were surprised when they heard this.

This is a stubborn disease in the entertainment industry. Stealing box office is one of the most hated things among movie fans.

The country has not completely suppressed it, so what achievements has Ye Ming made on such an issue?

Ye Ming did not answer directly, but said: "You may not know that for movie theaters, the ticketing system should be imported from abroad, and the name of this system is Sunshine.

The name should be fair and honest, without any hidden ghosts or anything like that. Of course, this is very lofty.

But what you may not know is that this Sunshine System is actually called Sunshine 2. "

The ticketing system of the cinema is called Sunshine. It is a high-level system imported from abroad. It is said that the firewall is very good and the level is based on the bank level.

Therefore, it is precisely because it is safer, and of course it is required by the General Administration, that the theaters basically use this system. If not, wouldn't you be afraid of wearing small shoes?

Coach Wang said curiously: "If the ticketing system is called Sunshine 2, what does that mean? Do we still have Sunshine 1?"

If there is Sunshine 2, basically there will definitely be Sunshine 1.

Ye Ming said with a proud expression on his face: "That's right, there is indeed Sunshine No. 1. Sunshine No. 2 is based on Sunshine No. 1 with some added and beautified functions.

In fact, the core is Sunshine One. I can tell you that this was designed with the help of Huihuang.com. In other words, this source code was written by myself.

Do you know what this means? This means that as long as I want, I can monitor the ticket sales of all theaters at any time.

Sunshine 2 can indeed prevent the vast majority of hackers, but on a problem like this, if someone makes me unhappy, I will bear the consequences myself. "

Whether it is Sunshine 1 or Sunshine 2, it is actually just a code name. The real name of this system is a very troublesome string of numeric codes. In layman's terms, Sunshine No. 1 and No. 2 are just nicknames.

Of course, this kind of nickname is also catchy, so that everyone can quickly remember it.

Therefore, in such a situation, everyone knows more that this is Sunshine 2, but the ultimate code of Sunshine 2 is in the hands of Ye Ming.

There is another problem, that is, Ye Ming himself did not express it directly, but said that in such a situation, as long as Ye Ming is willing, he can hack everyone's system at any time.

Although this system has been encrypted and re-encrypted by some talents from the General Administration.

But this level of encryption is simply a piece of cake for Ye Ming.

However, although Ye Ming didn't say it out loud, everyone at the scene could hear it. If someone sneaked into the room and played tricks, they would definitely be in trouble.

Coach Wang was speechless for a while, and after a long time he said: "Mr. Ye, we are just hanging around in the midfield, and you have already scored a goal outside the penalty area."

This is considered cheating. Are you allowed to do this kind of thing by your superiors? "

Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "Actually, I have no choice. The superiors asked me to set a higher box office, 1.5 billion, 1.8 billion, 20 billion, etc. Anyway, the more the better.

But in a situation like this, what can I do?

Therefore, I could only use other methods to steal the box office, which I had done some time ago, but then the systems of several cinemas were hacked, which was considered a small punishment.

Anyway, you just need to help spread the word about this.

If next time I see a movie theater that dares to steal the box office, I will definitely do it directly and let them experience the sour feeling. "

Of course, these are polite words. In fact, how many people present don’t understand Ye Ming’s character of having to report his flaws?

Huihuang.com’s hacking technology is said to be top-notch in the world. Therefore, no one doubted what Ye Ming said.

Ye Ming looked at everyone and said, "Don't worry, I have asked for authorization from above to ensure that my box office can complete the tasks assigned to me by the leaders above.

Don’t worry, we won’t supervise everyone 24 hours a day. This is a special case.

Just this once, never happen again. "

Although there may not be much to believe in this statement, it finally makes people feel a little more reassured.

It seems that it is really impossible for the leader to let Ye Ming do whatever he wants on this matter. (To be continued)

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