Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2026: Ode to Joy is officially launched

Lao Bai actually still has a certain degree of influence in the ranks of journalists, especially among older reporters. He does have that little influence.

But it is impossible to have much influence among these young people.

Liu Chao was willing to believe Lao Bai. In fact, it was because Lao Bai was a daily reporter and was considered a member of the same family.

However, there are some other young reporters who just don't trust Lao Bai.

And what the journalist industry wants is exclusive news. As a reporter, especially a young reporter with no qualifications, under such a careful situation, how do you get promoted?

It must be big news. Exclusive news is the best way to rise.

If some exclusive news can be discovered in this horror villa, then at a time like this, it will definitely be capital for future promotions.

Therefore, some young reporters actually have other thoughts.

As for the police seal, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is indeed relatively deterrent. After all, few ordinary people would be foolish enough to provoke the police seal.

But for some reporters, especially those eager to become famous, the police seal is not so sacred.

Young people are young and energetic, let alone become the uncrowned king, then they are the kind of people who are relatively influential in such a matter.

Among their peers, these people are also considered to be among the best.

Therefore, these young reporters all have some common characteristics, that is, they are arrogant, very arrogant, and arrogant to the point of being unimaginable.

These reporters don't care much about police seals.

Although the police directly blocked the villa and put a seal on it when they left, if the reporter did not regard such seals as the same thing, then it would be just a piece of paper.

Of course, reporters will not directly confront the police. Tearing off the seal is a relatively low-level method.

But breaking the seal is relatively easy. Moreover, the police had just left, and the seal had been put on just now. Therefore, under such a situation, a brave and careful reporter directly opened the seal intact.

This is simply a God-given opportunity.

Therefore, under such a situation, three young reporters secretly opened the door and went in.

The older reporters, or those who believed in Lao Bai's words, took some photos near the villa.

At this time, Ye Ming had no intention of going in. Even if he wanted to go in, he would not go in in public in a stupid way.

If you confront the police, even if you are an uncrowned king, the police may not be able to do anything to you for a while, but in such a situation, these reporters will actually be easily beaten by the police in the future.

Young people always have to pay the price for their youth and frivolity, right?

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming also followed everyone to shoot nearby.

However, at this time, Liu Chao actually put a lot of thoughts on the horror villa. If he could go in and take pictures, that would be Liu Chao's wish, but he believed in Lao Bai. Lao Bai was also a legend in the daily newspaper.

Up to now, he is still prospering in Xiangjiang. It can be said that he is the best among the reporters who left the daily newspaper.

Therefore, at least Lao Bai has great influence in daily newspapers. This Liu Supernatural trusts Lao Bai more.

But you and he are still very concerned about the Horror Villa.

Therefore, Liu Chao discovered it immediately after the three reporters entered the villa.

When Liu Chao said hello, he wanted to stop the three of them from entering, but by this time the three reporters had already rushed in quickly.

Everyone looked at the door of the villa one after another. In fact, many people still want to go in and take a look. If there is one, there are two. Since three reporters have gone in, it may not be impossible for a few more people to go in at this time.

Liu Chao then said, "Teacher Bai, you said the three of them are quite courageous. Is there any danger?"

In fact, Lao Bai himself had no idea about this matter. After all, the old Zen master who gave him the jade pendant did not tell the specific situation, but gave a relatively vague verse.

But basically it means that the jade pendant will protect you. Once the jade pendant breaks, you have to be careful, otherwise your life will be in danger.

Lao Bai doesn't know what kind of life-threatening situation it is.

But Lao Bai is also the kind of person who becomes less courageous the older he gets in the world. In such a situation, he would not enter casually.

Therefore, Lao Bai immediately said: "It is definitely dangerous. I don't know what the specific danger is. After all, I have never been in it myself.

But we can wait for a while, if there is no danger, then talk about anything else. "

This statement is more in line with some of the psychology of today's reporters. Anyway, three people have already entered. If there is no danger for the three colleagues waiting at this time to enter, then continue to enter. This is a more appropriate situation.

For something like this, everyone can still wait.

However, at this time, everyone was not kept waiting for long. Five minutes after entering, the three reporters screamed again and again, and the screams as if they were slaughtering pigs came from the villa.

At this time, at the gate of the villa, three journalists covered in blood ran out talking like crazy, with frightened eyes as if there were countless ghosts chasing them behind them.

This time, some reporters at the scene were scared to death.

At this time, the horror villa's importance in the hearts of reporters became even higher.

Call the police. The police just left, but it’s impossible not to call the police.

After a while, the ambulance arrived first. There was no way. The hospital was relatively close to here. After the doctor came, the three reporters were still shouting crazily like epilepsy. There was no way, so they directly gave them sedatives.

Then the doctor performed some simple examinations on the three reporters.

However, the results of the inspection were relatively reassuring. There were no obvious wounds on the three reporters, which meant that their blood was not their own, but was contaminated from inside the villa.

At this time, the reporters on the scene breathed a long sigh of relief. It was best that no one was killed. If people continue to lose their lives in such a situation, then at this time, even if the reporter I don’t know how to report this matter.

After all, stability is what matters in the overall situation, and stability trumps everything else. If no more lives are lost, this matter will be easier to handle.

After the three journalists were taken away by doctors who were unconscious, the reporters who had already relaxed became nervous again because of Liu Chao's words.

At this time, Liu Chao patted his head and said, "No, it's not the blood of those three reporters. What kind of blood do you think the blood on the three of them is? Could it be that it's the blood of pigs, dogs, cats and other animals?"

These words aroused everyone's emotions again.

There was a lot of blood on these three reporters, really a lot of it.

But the doctor has checked and found that these three buddies were not seriously injured, at least no flesh wounds were found.

According to the doctor, these three buddies may have encountered something very scary and were so frightened that they became nervous. In layman's terms, they were mentally ill.

Of course, neurosis and psychosis are two completely different concepts.

Frightened people can become mentally ill, especially when they are frightened beyond human boundaries. Damage to the nervous system is neuropathy.

Generally speaking, neuropathy can be treated in time, and life will not be a big problem. But it is difficult to describe mental illness. Mental illness is not something that ordinary people understand. Generally speaking, mental illness is an ideological error.

A more fashionable explanation is that a person is like a computer. As for neurosis, computer hardware is more likely to go wrong.

But as for mental illness, it's a software problem. Although this explanation may not be completely correct, it can be regarded as a comparative image.

At this moment, some voices began to appear in the crowd of reporters.

What kind of situation did the three reporters encounter in the villa? It was actually said that they were frightened and went crazy. They must have been extremely stimulated at that time, causing some damage to the nervous system or something.

However, at this time, the police came again and directly blocked the scene. This time, the police did not leave so easily. Instead, they directly sent more than ten people on duty around the area. It seemed that they had really blocked the place. .

There are some reporters who have the courage to tear off the police seal, of course, provided that you can stick it back on in the end.

But if there are police officers at the scene, then even the rookies who joined the industry yesterday will know that daring to break the seal at this time is seeking death, really seeking death.

Therefore, the police are now directly asking away the reporters at the scene, as if they are doing something. Do they need to be kept secret?

This is originally some of the news that reporters like to investigate, but to show off on such a thing, I saw that the police were quite a lot of rough and tumble people. When a scholar meets a soldier, it is hard to explain why.

If he was really punished because he had a conflict with the police, it would be easy to just leave immediately after returning to the work unit.

Therefore, after the reporters were asked to leave, no reporter made any stupid protest or anything.

About two hours later, Wang Fulin led a group of people out.

This is one of the few people who entered the Horror Villa, but from the confident smile on Wang Fulin's face, we can also tell something, that is to say, the Horror Villa seems to be relatively easy to solve.

At this moment, Ye Ming restored his original appearance and drove a Cadillac directly to the scene.

For a person with Ye Ming's fame and status to drive an ordinary car, it would be a loss of status. Of course, Ye Ming doesn't care about this. The actor will not lose his worth just because he plays a small role. There are only small actors, no small roles. .

If every actor could understand these issues, then the Chinese entertainment industry would be even more brilliant for something like this.

But in fact, actors who can really understand this matter are still very rare. Even if the actors in the town government can do this, they are still first-rate actors even if they are not truly at the top of the entertainment industry. .

But this time Ye Ming drove a luxury car. It was the decision of the people in the company, and it was a bulletproof version of Cadillac. How about getting more than 10 million? Of course, safety is also a plus.

This is because everyone in the company knows that Ye Ming is very important. If there is another coma or something, it will be difficult to say whether Huihuang Film and Television and Future Film and Television can survive it.

At this time, after Ye Ming came over, Wang Fulin walked over and said with a smile: "Ye Ming, did you hear that you have a photography base here?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, not knowing what kind of medicine Director Wang was selling in the gourd, so he shied away without hesitation and said: "It's temporary, it's temporary, it's just for the filming of a TV series.

Because it is an urban drama, it does not require such a large location or anything like that. Basically, Ode to Joy is almost the same even if it is not a sitcom.

Therefore, this is just a temporary photography base. But when something like this happened in the Horror Villa, it made people panic. It’s hard to say whether I was filming here or not.

If not, then I would have to find a new place for something like this.

I feel dizzy just talking about this, and my investment is about to be wasted. "

Director Wang said with a smile: "You are a Chongli person who is not willing to suffer losses. Don't worry, things in this place have been suppressed. It was done by some old antiques from China, because the two-point and five-dimensional lights are a bit noisy. I angered some old antiques and just let go of the six paths of reincarnation and went back to that place. You can think about the result yourself?"

It's so cruel, this is definitely a clever trick in a desperate plan. But that dimension is not a good thing, and it will not be honest unless it is dealt with.

At this time, Ye Ming said: "Director Wang wouldn't come to me to talk about this matter, would he?"

Six paths of reincarnation and hundreds of millions of ghosts, this is definitely something only a ruthless person can do.

Wang Fulin laughed loudly and said: "Others can't ask for anything, but you are complaining about me.

In fact, it is what I mean above. The leaders above think that we should find something to divert everyone's attention. Don't always focus on the horror villa. I think the TV series | [Ode to Joy] is a relatively good work. What the leader means is to solve the problem. Well, Ode to Joy will be launched tomorrow, right? Of course you also have benefits, this horror villa is yours. "

Ye Ming said decisively: "I don't care about this?

Anyway, it has been trial shooting for a while, and the crew is almost getting used to it.

Director Wang has already spoken, and filming of Ode to Joy will officially start tomorrow. "

The next day, gongs and drums were playing loudly, firecrackers were blasting, and the opening ceremony of Ode to Joy was officially held today.

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