Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2024: The Curse of the Sky

Ye Ming actually received the news at this time. This matter had nothing to do with him originally, but things always happened in this horror villa, and people died. It was also very close to the future filming base of Ode to Joy. Ye Ming knew about this matter. You have to pay attention.

Originally, Hong Fei said he wanted to come over, but Ye Ming thought about it and realized that he didn't let Hong Fei come over.

After all, Hong Fei is an ordinary person. In such a situation, Ye Ming himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

Now it is a spiritual energy tide, a strange phenomenon caused by the collision of dimensional worlds.

Lin Jing, an antique novice, bought a jade talisman at a stall in the antique market. It could be an ancient wish-making jade talisman. At such a time, the spiritual energy tide here has a certain impact on the horror villa. It seems that, It's not impossible.

Now Ye Ming basically has a general understanding of this matter based on the news from the Horror Villa.

Based on the information he received, Ye Ming felt that he had a close relationship with the fortune teller after he was released from the police station on that snowy night in the villa.

Some people say that there is no evidence to prove that this is related to fortune tellers. There is still a certain market for this kind of voice on the Internet.

But Ye Ming is very sure that the person who posted this kind of post is Wumao, and he is the real Wumao who whitewashed the Villa of Horror.

In addition, Ye Ming has also obtained the news about Jinbi Real Estate.

As expected, Jinbi Real Estate defeated Changfeng Real Estate and won the Xingfu Street land parcel. But under such a situation, it is estimated that Changfeng Real Estate would laugh out of its dreams.

After all, such a strange thing happened during the demolition, and no one would feel comfortable.

If the demolition takes up one more day, how much interest will there be? Only Jinbi Real Estate knows this.

Therefore, in fact, completing the demolition as soon as possible is in line with the developer's requirements. This is why Manager Zhao determined that Jinbi Real Estate would definitely compromise if it encountered Ye Ming's studio.

Ye Ming is very difficult to deal with. He is not short of money and has a better background. Therefore, he is a tough nut to crack. There is no way to do it without bowing his head.

But the current situation seems to be not only Ye Ming's tough nut to crack, but also the current situation is that if the Horror Villa cannot find a way to solve it in a short time, then the rest of it will be delayed.

As a loser, Changfeng Real Estate naturally laughed at the joke.

Ye Ming believes that this must be related to the tide of spiritual energy. Now the spiritual energy is gradually expanding. Therefore, some arrangements are almost at the end of their life, but they can still explode with some deterrence because the spiritual energy has begun to recover.

This is Ye Ming's guess, but it's hard to tell what exactly is going on.

Ye Ming had to take a look in person. Only by taking a look in person could he be sure of what was going on.

Ye Ming prepared a press pass for himself, a press pass from Huihuang.com in Xiangjiang. With a press pass, it would be easier to investigate something.

Moreover, if the mainland press card is genuine, it does not mean that Ye Ming cannot get it. Even if it is a CCTV press card, he is capable of getting it. But after all, it takes time, right?

But things are different over there in Xiangjiang. There are relatively less formalities to apply for a press card there. Xiangjiang Brilliant Network has the right to issue press cards. Ye Ming used the other side of himself to apply for a press pass.

He looks to be about thirty years old, a very honest and responsible reporter from Xiangjiang. The difference is that this reporter is also named Ye Ming.

Anyway, Ye Ming felt that if he applied for another press card and called him Ye Ming, it would also mean dark under the light. It is estimated that few people would have thought that Ye Ming himself is the reporter Ye Ming.

Of course, even if you go to Xiangjiang to inquire about this kind of press card, it will be electronically filed.

As for other procedures, Ye Ming has asked the Xiangjiang Branch to complete them again, ensuring that there will be no omissions.

Anyway, even if someone wants to investigate, there must be legal procedures in Xiangjiang.

In the Horror Villa, the death of an excavator driver named Wang Jianshe had actually attracted the attention of reporters, but under such circumstances, it was not really big news.

Especially when the relevant departments deliberately kept a low profile, except for the relatively rapid online reporting, the impact was not very big.

However, this time, another accident occurred. If you want to suppress this news again, then this will be a relatively difficult matter.

Even Jinbi Company knows that further suppression of this kind of thing is unlikely, and may even be counterproductive, causing some backlash from the media.

Therefore, Jinbi Real Estate also changed direction very quickly.

Of course, security personnel are also set up at the horror villa. Ordinary people who eat melons cannot approach this casually.

Even some people near the villa who didn't sign the contract and wanted to be a householder were very smart enough to sign the contract, receive the compensation and leave.

In this matter, China has always had an attitude of preferring to believe it or not. Can I afford to avoid the horror villa?

Of course, the on-site public security department is currently conducting a careful investigation, and journalist friends can also be let in with approval.

But it is not possible to put them in without limit. Under normal circumstances, one person can enter a newspaper or magazine, and a TV station can have at most two camera operators. Others cannot enter at will.

As expected, the crisis public relations of Jinbi Real Estate was done very quickly. When reporters were let in, everyone was busy investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, few reporters were free to dig into the roots of Jinbi Real Estate. .

Ye Ming actually came here under such a situation.

A reporter from a video website, from Huihuang.com in Xiangjiang.

The staff of Jinbi Real Estate muttered and said: "Someone has already entered your Huihuang.com, aren't you a family?"

Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Has anyone gone in? By the way, you may be talking about the headquarters in Beijing. They must have received the news earlier than us.

I also came here to cover an entertainment news story, so I rushed over after getting the news.

We are from Xiangjiang Brilliant Network. After all, people in Xiangjiang are more interested in such supernatural events.

And it’s something that the leader has told me. If I don’t come over, can you tell me if I can go back? "

The staff was also very helpless, nodding with deep sympathy and saying, "Who says it's not the case? If something like this hadn't happened, I would have been on vacation in Hawaii at this time, but after this incident, I was directly The leader was arrested from the airport, how can I explain this?" Ye Ming sent out a box of cigars, purchased from the duty-free shop at Xiangjiang Airport.

Ye Ming said while looking at the villa: "Who says it's not the case, but if you are working for someone else's salary and you don't dare say anything, it's inappropriate if you dare not listen to the leaders above."

The employee also took the cigar back skillfully and pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Who says it's not the case? Isn't this something urgent?

Do you reporters want to say a few more good words to us and guide public opinion? "

At this time, the staff member looked around and no one was paying attention. In fact, everyone was attracted by the situation in the villa. Who cares about the registration place.

After all, it was the cigars that worked. Using other people's methods, it cost more than a thousand yuan, which was my one week's salary.

The staff member lowered his voice and said: "Journalist Ye, you have to be careful. I heard that the villa is not clean. Don't ask me why, that's what everyone said anyway.

I advise you that it is best not to enter the villa directly, but to take a few photos outside to understand the situation.

The job belongs to the boss, but life belongs to you. Even if you have money, spending your life is in vain, right? "

What the hell is going on? The janitor employee knew that something might be wrong. So how far has the Horror Villa developed in such a thing?

At this time, Ye Ming nodded, pretended to be nonchalant, took a few photos, and then quickly moved closer to the scene of the incident.

Because the police were not able to inspect the scene at this time, the reporter was waiting outside the cordon.

Of course, there is no interview. The police will not give out information casually on this matter without checking and collecting the evidence.

This kind of thing is an accident. Even if you say this thing is weird no matter how you look at it, all the evidence points to one problem, that is, Guan Long's death at this time was an accident, a very coincidental accident. .

Therefore, this is not a murder case at the scene. After the police completed the investigation of the scene, they also recorded some evidence and so on. Even if the remaining reporters wanted to interview, it was no big deal.

On the contrary, even if the reporter does not come over at this time, the police will definitely find an opportunity to invite the reporter over and report the cause, process and result of the incident to avoid any bad rumors.

But in fact, the police did not expect it when they met by chance. That is to say, this horror villa has already caused a lot of noise on the Internet.

If the emotions of such a netizen are not guided in time, then on such an issue, this matter will actually become more troublesome.

Nowadays, many people on the Internet believe that the two deceased people in this villa were ghosts. If they were not ghosts, how could they have died so tragically?

The police also did not want such rumors to continue to spread online. After investigating the scene, relevant police personnel gradually evacuated.

However, under such a situation, the police still blocked the door of the villa.

No matter what it is, is this villa a horror villa? Did the two people who demolished the villa die because of the curse of the villa? However, this is the first scene of death at this time, and it is reasonable to seal it off. .

In fact, another potential reason is that even a staff member at Jinbi Real Estate's gatekeeper could hear that there was a problem in the villa. It is impossible for the police not to know about this situation.

Therefore, regarding a question like this, in fact, if it is not particularly necessary, it is better not to enter this villa.

Therefore, the police simply blocked the door.

But even outside, in such a situation, a group of reporters found a lot of news clues.

Especially on the old city wall bricks that had been demolished, Ye Ming saw all kinds of strange symbols. When Ye Ming came closer, he suddenly took a breath of cold air.

This is a symbol of repression. According to some information circulated on the city wall bricks, it means that this villa is indeed built with wall bricks that were replaced during the renovation of the city wall, so there is absolutely no problem with the quality.

Seeing the location of the demolished wall, Ye Ming felt his scalp numb. He could clearly feel the powerful resentment rising into the sky.

It seems that this is not a good place. There are countless people who died, but there are definitely many people who died unjustly and tragically.

Ye Ming felt that if he was not wrong about the rich people on the city wall bricks, they should be left by the fortune teller. He wanted to take revenge and avenge his daughter. In fact, when Ye Ming thought about it, it was quite strange.

In a situation like the fortune teller, death may be the best solution. But not long after, the fortune teller was able to walk out of the police station in a swagger.

If there is nothing fishy in this, then Ye Ming doesn't believe it at all.

It is certain that the fortune teller may have lost his daughter's life because of this horrible villa. If he can take revenge by some means, then in fact, it seems to be a very normal thing. .

However, what Ye Ming didn't expect was that the soaring resentment would explode with powerful power again because of the spiritual energy tide.

What exactly is going on? Ye Ming needs to know the details. It is best to go in and take a look.

But for such a problem, Ye Ming needs time to prepare. After all, he can feel that this kind of curse attacks indiscriminately. As long as the villa is destroyed, the person who does it will definitely be the most targeted. of attack.

Sometimes, death may be a better option for a person who has been targeted by a curse.

If you dare to demolish the villa, you will be cursed and retaliated. Ye Ming is actually certain of this.

No matter who it is, until the grievances in the villa are resolved, basically any driver who takes action will be cursed.

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