Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2029: Unhappy Retribution

Lin Jing was not in a very good mood recently. She was sitting peacefully on the bus, but she was criticized by an old man for giving up her seat in quotations.

To be honest, respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional virtue of our nation. In this matter, Lin Jing also believes that giving up her seat is actually the right thing to do.

But she was actually not in very good health at the time, and she didn't know what was going on. At that time, her energy and energy seemed to have been drained.

Although she was finally forced to give up her seat under the threat of the old man, Lin Jing actually still had an unquenched feeling of anger in her heart.

With such an emotion, it is strange that the mood can be good.

At this time, in the school office, Lin Jing was sorting out some manuscripts in her hand, which were submitted by students to the school-run newspaper.

Even though Lin Jing works here now, even though her major is antiques, what she likes more is horror stories, and at the newspaper, she is also responsible for the horror adventure manuscripts.

A beautiful woman actually likes this kind of niche works, which really surprises many people who are familiar with her.

A girlfriend came over with a smile on her cell phone and said: "Jing'er, didn't you say that you met an old man with a goatee on the bus and asked you to give up your seat? If you didn't give up your seat, he would sit on you directly. ?"

This was something that made me extremely angry, so naturally I wanted to complain about it to my best friend. It is also a good thing to let your best friend reprimand this kind of immoral old man.

Lin Jing glanced at her best friend and said, "Yeah, but in that situation, he was already very old. If we really quarreled with him, and you said you got angry, then I wouldn't even have a year's salary." It must be enough for the old man to see a doctor.

It is better to do less than to do more. I accept this kind of thing. "

However, my best friend didn’t think so, and said slowly and leisurely with a very determined look: “This is not necessarily the case, goatee, this is a relatively obvious feature.

Didn't you notice that there was news on the Internet about an old man with a goatee who was hit by a car because he ran a red light while crossing the road?

Moreover, in such a situation, the old man with a goatee was knocked into a nearby sewer that was being repaired. According to the reporter's report, the old man's spine and pelvis were seriously injured and he was paralyzed for life. Want to get up again.

He had no filial son before he was ill for a long time. The reporter also said that his son was not a good person in the first place and was not the kind of filial son. In this situation, Goatee will suffer from it someday. "

Paralyzed in bed for life? This kind of words made Lin Jing's eyes light up immediately. It seemed that this term was very familiar. Lin Jing could guarantee that she had indeed heard this term somewhere.

Lin Jing quickly grabbed her best friend's cell phone, turned on the news, and looked at the photo. Although her face had been mosaic-ed by the reporter, in such a situation, in fact, Lin Jing, at least for a short time, was Can’t forget the goatee outfit.

And looking at the location, it's exactly where Goatee got off the bus.

At this time, Lin Jing's heart was in turmoil. She finally thought about what this word that meant she would be paralyzed for life was about.

I was on the bus at that time, and it seemed that I really made a wish like this, hoping that the goatee would be rewarded for his evil deeds.

The immediate thing is that I am so paralyzed in bed that I will never get up again for the rest of my life.

Yes, Lin Jing did make such a promise at that time, but she definitely did not expect that the goatee would be repaid so directly for her promise just now.

Sure enough, the law of heaven is clear, and retribution is not good.

At this time, Lin Jing said curiously: "This kind of person, no matter what the situation, dares to blackmail me to get up and give up my seat. Now he has been hit to half a body. It is obvious that he will not be able to get out of bed for the rest of his life. The car that hit me But it is rather tragic.

This one must have been tricked by the goatee.

This kind of person will make trouble without reason, and if he has reason, he will not let others do it. "

At this moment, the best friend swiped her phone triumphantly and said: "You are wrong about this. The one who hit Goatee was a cash transport truck, a normal driving cash transport truck. And there was surveillance video of the intersection at that time. .

Therefore, the police had already completed the investigation and evidence collection at that time, and determined that Goatee ran a red light and violated traffic rules first. Therefore, the cash transport vehicle was not responsible at all.

If it's an ordinary car, it's normal for the elderly and family members to make a fuss and maybe pay some humanitarian compensation and settle the matter.

But think about it, if we are talking about a cash transport truck, how many people dare to go to the security company of the cash transport truck to cause trouble? They are heavily armed there, and there is no difference between looking for trouble there and seeking death. "

The key point is that the cash transport truck really had guns last year, and at critical times, the law allows the escort on the cash transport truck to shoot. This is the reason why ordinary people will never provoke a cash transport truck easily.

As for people who are single-minded, they are in the minority after all. After all, there are very few people who dare to risk their lives like that.

Lin Jing thought about the same reason. There were very few people who dared to trouble the cash transport truck.

But if you think about something like this carefully, retribution is really retribution.

At this time, Lin Jing took out her jade talisman again. She didn't know that it was a wishing talisman that had awakened and recognized its owner, but she could vaguely feel that Goatee's encounter was caused by a mistake.

It seemed that it might have something to do with herself, but she couldn't figure out what the relationship was.

Unable to figure it out, Lin Jing played with the jade talisman and said, "Good deeds and evil deeds will eventually be rewarded. This kind of thing must be done based on conscience. Even if Goatee doesn't get retribution this time, if he commits suicide for a long time, he will always be punished." Retribution.”

At this time, Lin Jing felt a little comfortable, although she felt that the old man's paralysis was indeed a bit too retributive.

But this kind of person is indeed a scumbag, and if he is released, he will bring harm to society. Maybe he can reflect on himself while lying in bed, and maybe he can change his appearance, and it is not necessarily possible to start a new life.

As for Lin Jing's best friend, she just regarded this news as news. If she hadn't suspected that she had a certain relationship with Lin Jing, she would not even pay too much attention to such a car accident. .

In fact, Lin Jing was quickly distracted by another thing. Because a vice-president of the student union came over.

This vice-president is actually the one responsible for publicity and external relations. To put it bluntly, he does not have a lot of power. He is also the kind of handyman who ranks last among the vice-presidents.

Having the name of a vice president is actually helpful for work.

The vice president also has relatively close contact with the student newspaper. If there is any news, he will contact the student newspaper as soon as possible to report it.

Moreover, this student newspaper is a real newspaper, with an issue number and can be distributed nationwide.

Therefore, regarding such an issue, at this time, Lin Jing and the vice president were relatively familiar.

The two of them are also college classmates, so naturally they talk relatively casually.

Lin Jing asked the vice-president to sit down, poured tea, and then said: "Sister Hua, if there is anything you need to do, just call me and go there in person. Could it be that the leader has some tasks?"

Under normal circumstances, a phone call is actually enough. Therefore, regarding such a matter, Sister Hua's arrival obviously made Lin Jing more curious.

Under normal circumstances, unless the school leader has spoken, or a senior leader has come to inspect the school and needs to be publicized first, then Sister Hua will come over to communicate in person.

But under normal circumstances, these things are relatively rare, and leaders will not be so idle.

Sister Hua immediately frowned and said with a frown: "To put it bluntly this time, it's really not the leader who came to inspect, or the school leader has any important instructions.

This time it was related to a student.

Some time ago, Fang Jian, a junior student in our school, disappeared. In fact, the class did not take it seriously at first.

Because Fang Jian, a student, always prefers to skip classes to work, or hide in Internet cafes to play games, so missing for three days is very normal for him.

But even if I go out to work and surf the Internet, at least one brother in the dormitory can be contacted, but this time until now, no matter how to contact him, it is useless.

Later, when we received a notification from the police, we found out that this guy went on an adventure to that scary villa, and both of them died there.

The school is communicating with Fang Jian's family to deal with the aftermath of this matter. "

Lin Jing knew this news. As an excellent reporter for the student newspaper, her access to information was no worse than that of the leaders.

The student newspaper plans to do a series of reports to serve as a warning to those unscrupulous students who like to abide by the rules to pay attention to their behavior.

Sometimes too risky behavior can be harmful to yourself, the school, and even your family.

Just like Fang Jian, after ten years of hard work, he ended up like this. How sad his parents would be.

Lin Jing held up a manuscript and said: "We have also received the news, and are organizing people to write manuscripts and prepare to publish a series of reports so that students can take warning.

Sister Hua, you won’t come here because of this matter, right? "

The student newspaper and the student union have actually had some communication about this news. Normally, unless there are any special surprises, the news on such a matter will be published in the newspapers in the next few days.

Sister Hua waved her hand and said: "Of course it's not this. Another graduate of our school also died because of that villa. This is the news I got recently.

Therefore, I think this can be combined with the previous news. Could you go there first to understand the situation, and then write a series of reports?

Moreover, students have begun to feel emotional about this matter. We must pay attention to ideological propaganda and avoid any pessimism. "

At this time, Lin Jing was a little confused, and she looked dizzy, and then she said: "Another person has died because of this. That's not right. Although our news has not been released, we have given it to the students in advance. A warning was issued.

And the school TV station and radio have warned everyone not to go exploring?

Why would some people be so idle that they go there to seek death? "This is actually what Lin Jing doesn't understand the most. It's impossible to seek death in such a way, right?

Sister Hua quickly explained: "He is a graduate of our school, not a current student. He has graduated for two or three years.

You also know that some majors in our school are relatively unpopular, and it is difficult to find the corresponding majors even in big cities. Therefore, students in some unpopular majors may change industries.

This senior is quite individual. After graduating from college, he actually went to learn excavators. He wanted to learn excavators at a good technical school.

After completing his studies, he really stayed. He was driving an excavator for a company, but this time he received a task to demolish a villa.

This is a relatively normal job. Demolition of a house seems very easy to him.

However, he didn't expect that the horror villa he was demolishing was the horrible villa. Within half an hour, he stopped breathing. After the doctor came, he was completely cold. This matter is also very influential now.

As your alma mater, you cannot sit idly by and ignore it. You must contact this matter and write it down carefully.

Also, some people are rumoring that that villa is indeed not very auspicious. If possible, then in such a matter, you can avoid approaching that villa.

As long as you ask the police and people from relevant units to interview the matter, it is best to get the video of the scene at that time and you will have completed your task. "

Even if you are a graduate who is studying love and has hated you for many years after graduation, it is still closely related to the school. Just such a big living person disappeared immediately. As an alma mater, it is obviously not suitable for him to remain silent.

However, if you communicate through official channels, it is sometimes easy to be misunderstood by other media. Therefore, in such a situation, the student newspaper still has to strike first.

As the leader of the external relations work, Sister Hua must be thoughtful in all aspects. Lin Jing didn't refuse. This was her job.

And this matter is so strange, even if it has nothing to do with the school, if Lin Jingze comes, she will not just let it go.

Therefore, Lin Jing said with great certainty: "Sister Hua, don't worry, I will definitely follow up on this matter and make sure that I can figure out what's going on behind the scenes."

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