Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2020 Box Office Distribution Dispute

Ye Ming squinted his eyes, and then said thoughtfully: "This matter seems to have been troubled not once or twice. What does the big guy mean this time?"

If you look carefully, you can see that there are quite a few directors in this hall. Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Jiang Wen, Zhang Yibai, Gu Changwei, etc. Anyway, if you do the math, basically most of the directors in the entertainment industry are sitting here.

Even Wang Zhongjun, the eldest son of the Tang family and other movie bosses and investors are sitting here.

Moreover, it seems that everyone is not in a good mood. Ye Ming found a place to sit down. No matter where it was, it was a private gathering anyway. Ye Ming didn't take this kind of gathering very seriously.

But since it is said that I have been brought here, I have to sit down and listen to what everyone thinks.

This is also telling everyone that I, Ye Ming, am also a director. If something happens to the director, I will definitely come forward.

But it doesn't mean that Ye Ming is really willing to get involved in such a thing.

After all, it means that Ye Ming is not familiar with the situation on such an issue.

The entertainment industry in the Mainland is more complicated than ordinary people imagine, or even beyond the imagination of ordinary people in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, in such a situation, some problems are very complicated. Among them, there are two most profitable industries at the beginning, one is the record company, and the other is the film company. These are the two most profitable industries in the entertainment industry.

However, record companies initially had cassettes and made a lot of money. Later they had records and made a lot of money. It can be said that the emergence and popularity of records was the peak of record companies.

But in this matter, there is actually a reason why things must be reversed. Record companies are an example.

Records made a lot of money, but later, the emergence of MP3 and the popularity of the Internet.

In the end, Ye Ming started selling song downloads online for a fee, which was a fatal blow to the record company.

It can be said that Jay Chou's generation is truly the last generation of top singers in the entertainment industry who started their career in recording.

After Jay Chou, no one in the Chinese entertainment industry can truly carry the banner of the singing industry.

More and more people listen to music online, download music and so on. In a matter like this, it's hard to say how many records can be sold.

Therefore, on this issue, the record company is really in decline. Therefore, now the Chinese entertainment industry.

The real most profitable thing is movies.

It is precisely because movies have such a pivotal position in the entertainment industry that everyone is jealous of the issue of the share of movie box office.

In fact, from the beginning, theaters took most of the box office, and movies were sold on a buyout basis.

But then the film market was reformed and became self-financed, and private theater chains also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Later, everyone discussed a sharing method that was acceptable to all.

But the people who make movies will take away a very small part of it in the end.

Regarding this issue, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou and Ye Ming have already made trouble once as co-directors.

Later, everyone finally came up with a solution that was more acceptable to everyone.

In other words, the crew later said that the take would not be less than 42%, which is basically what everyone can accept.

Of course, one such share is to use 5% of the special film funds from the box office, and another point is that there is still about 12% of taxes.

Don't think that you don't have to pay taxes if you make a movie. That's impossible, and it's very naive.

If it can be hung with the dragon mark and played openly in mainland movie theaters, those words that Ye Ming said must have been inspected and must be taxed.

Of course, the producer's 142% was basically achieved through the efforts of Ye Ming, Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang and others.

Don't think that only Korean stars in the entertainment industry will fight for interests. In fact, China does a lot of this kind of things to fight for interests.

Especially now that the film market is becoming more and more prosperous, the distribution of interests will definitely be paid attention to by some people.

Therefore, in fact, in the entertainment industry, Ye Ming believes that such troubles will definitely happen sooner or later. It’s just that this time, the directors headed by Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Ye Ming and others, and the film company headed by Aunt Hua were so impatient to wait.

The commotion had only been going on for a few years, and they had already received a 42% share, but they still had to continue the commotion, which was becoming more frequent.

When Ye Ming came over, Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang and others breathed a long sigh of relief. After all, if Ye Ming vomited and refused to come, then they would have no good solution.

Now that Ye Ming is here. No matter what it is, it proves that Ye Ming is on the side of the producers.

Everyone is very aware of Ye Ming's influence in the entertainment industry. His appearance will definitely have a considerable impact on his side.

Therefore, with Ye Ming's arrival, even the Wang brothers felt a sense of relief. As for Ye Ming's position, no one despises Ye Ming because of his position.

In private, Ye Ming is an easy-to-talk person, and everyone knows this.

Feng Xiaogang waited until Ye Ming sat down and then said: "This time, it's actually not about us as directors. Mr. Wang and the Tang family's producers also pay more attention to this matter.

In other words, we are not satisfied with the box office share and want to make some improvements in this matter.

After all, for so many years, most of the box office of the movies we shot was taken away by theaters. This is not very appropriate. "

Brother Chen Kai is actually not very willing to get involved in this kind of thing. For example, on an issue like this, last time he was not very willing to take the initiative to participate.

This time, he was very attentive, and one thing was actually very clear.

Interest is still a matter of interest. The last time there was a fight about box office sharing, the movie market was actually not very big. Although there were some signs of development, after all, the movie market was not very prosperous at that time.

Therefore, Brother Chen Kai didn't pay much attention to this matter. But this time is different. This time, everyone can actually see that the film market has developed rapidly, or has begun to embark on the path of rapid development.

Basically, apart from real estate, the most profitable legitimate career is filmmaking. Of course, banks may make more money, but that is not something that individuals can do.

Even insurance companies are not easy to play in the mainland.

Ordinary people have no problem investing in the financial industry for a little fun, but if they really want to get involved, then this matter will be more troublesome.

After all, the supervision of any country in the financial industry is very strict, and China is especially strict.

Therefore, the film market, a popular and profitable industry, is the first choice of many people.

It’s not that people in the Tang family don’t make money, they are also engaged in real estate, and they are the kind of real estate businessmen who were close to the mainland in the early days, so they naturally make a lot of money.

It can be seen from Qinggege's husband that as long as he takes sides early, there is no problem in becoming a billionaire.

Qinggege and her husband earned a lot of money from the Tang family.

But people also invest in movies, and of course they invest more in movies directed by Chen Kaige.

Although Director Chen's movies tend to lose money, the people in the Tang family seem to be doing it to gain popularity, not to make money. They like the strong character of art films, which means they are sure to invest in Director Chen's movies.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, there are many rich people in China who prefer to invest in movies, and the Tang family is just one of the more famous ones.

Anyway, since it is an investment movie, of course I will not dislike the high box office share.

This point is actually that simple. If you can share a little more, everyone will be happy.

Therefore, people from the Tang family also followed.

Of course, in Ye Ming's opinion, the people from the Tang family who came here probably followed Brother Chen Kai to join in the fun.

Ye Ming then shrugged and said, "From a filmmaker's point of view, this is a bit inappropriate. The American method of sharing is actually a more reasonable method.

Most people in the United States implement a phased account sharing method.

For example, in the first week, about 90% of the revenue belongs to the producers. In the future, the producers’ share will be gradually reduced.

On our side, the producers have less, but this is also because we developed relatively late.

In the past, it was always a buyout, and I would pay you as much as I was told, whether you wanted to take pictures or not.

The real liberalization of this market has actually happened in the past ten years or so. Therefore, on such an issue, the share of movie box office does need to be improved.

However, what kind of commotion is happening here, what do other theater chains like Wanma Cinema, Zhongxing, Dadi, etc. say.

As for the Brilliant Cinema over there, I haven’t received any news about this. We are discussing here. I think it would be better to inform the theater chain and ask people to come over and sit down and discuss it.

otherwise. No matter how good our discussions are, even if we say 30-70 and we account for 70%, I will be very happy, but after all, we are talking about this matter. Do you think this is true? "

With this kind of box office share, the producers naturally think that the more they get, the better, but the theaters must also think that they are taking the initiative, and of course they want a bigger share.

Therefore, on an issue like this, if it is wishful thinking, there will be no results at all.

What Ye Ming said hit the nail on the head.

Therefore, Zhang Yimou took over and said: "Of course, this matter is definitely not ours to have the final say. It is better to communicate with the leaders. Moreover, if I find Ye Ming, it will actually be helpful." of our principles.

One is that you are a producer, you have your own film company, you make movies by yourself, and you also have your own theater chain, so you can support two companies with one hand.

In this case, I brought you here, one is to see what you mean, and the other is to hope that you can communicate with those theater chains.

In this matter, anyway, we feel that our share should be increased a little. If it is always 42, we will suffer too much in this matter. "

Naturally, everyone said that they would have a plan for this matter. They knew that the producers on their side had discussed it and came up with a charter, and then went to the leaders. The leaders of the General Administration or something had come forward. So on an issue like this , let’s discuss other specific matters.

But no matter what it is, there is a bottom line in this matter, that is, the producer must increase the share of the movie's box office.

Asking Ye Ming to come here actually means that. After all, it is easier to communicate with someone who can support both families.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "I am supporting two families with one hand. I don't own the Brilliant Cinema, so I am more of a producer and a filmmaker.

therefore. I am firmly on our side. The producers' share of the film must be increased, and the remuneration of film actors must also be increased.

These are the goals we have to strive for. If we can unite more movie stars, especially big stars, then we will become even more powerful.

By then, we will be in a more advantageous position.

Anyway, in our circle, interests are basically the most important thing. Why is it for the sake of art? Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, so stop playing with it.

Those are all fools. If we want to succeed, we must unite all the forces that can be united.

Otherwise, do you think those theater chains are just doing it for a living? No one who can establish a theater chain is a fool or has no background.

It is not an easy task for them to spit out the fat in their mouths.

At this time, I think everyone should focus on this point. "What Ye Ming said was straight to the point, with nothing to hide.

Interest, the key point is interest. Cutting off people's financial resources is like killing their parents. Although this is a bit extreme, it is basically more realistic. If you want to cut off the financial resources of the theater chain, people will naturally not do it. Just sit back and wait for death.

Therefore, on this point, the producers are indeed saying that they must unite all forces that can be united to strive for more victories. If the producers can't do this well, the next thing will be more difficult.

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