Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 203 Anxious Sun Shupei

At this time, Sun Shupei also realized that such a scene seemed a little out of control. However, because he had too many things to worry about, he had been busy with today's big scene almost since the day before yesterday, starting from coordinating the venue. , to props and costumes, this is actually the time to test a director’s true skills.

A director will never be a director at the beginning. He usually starts from recording, camera work, drama management, etc. Zhang Yimou actually started as a cameraman from the beginning, and it was Chen Kaige's cameraman. Huang Ditu is the director Chen Kaige, Zhang Yimou Photography work. Thirty years are like cattle and horses, and sixty years are like Buddhas, dragons and elephants. This is what they say.

A director is almost always qualified for every position on the crew. Sun Shupei was simply too nervous when he saw Xixi Rongrong's group of performers with no organization or discipline at all. When the machine started running, his whole spirit became very nervous. I completely forgot about the extras.

At this moment, Ye Ming looked in the direction of the director and said: "So far, the director has not been able to find anything wrong with this matter. I'm afraid he won't be able to let it go. I just want to say, don't create anything group-like." The incident will be fine."

Ye Ming was a group performer, not Fan Binbin's kind of fun person. If he didn't have money, he could still ask for it from his family. Ye Ming is a real grassroots actor. Before he signed a contract with the company, he had to spend his own money to eat a steamed bun or drink a sip of soup. He went to act to make money. If he couldn't make money in a day, he had to live frugally. You don't know if you will be unable to make money tomorrow.

Ye Ming understood very well that this group of actors were at the lowest level, and were not even considered actors at all. However, in such a situation, Ye Ming also knew one thing very well, that is, in such a situation, In this case, in fact, more generally speaking, if the group performers don't cause trouble easily, they will get along with it if they cause trouble.

At this time, Zhang Tielin shook his head and said: "The director has not paid attention to this problem until now. Something will happen sooner or later. You just have to wait and see. If it can be filmed smoothly today, it will be okay. But, if it is If I can't take the photo smoothly, then at this time, everyone will have another meeting tonight, haha, this reminds me of when I was young, having meetings every day, which gave me a headache."

The machine started running, and the whole scene immediately began to enter the plot. This was a simultaneous sound recording. Therefore, at such a time, absolute silence should be maintained outside the scene to ensure that there would be no unexpected sounds. Except for the actors, all the staff and actors outside the scene had to hold their breath and remain silent.

In this section, among the many extras, there are actually several extras whose lines are more important, and these extras are the special actors among the extras. They have lines and are in the group. Among actors, he is the one with more status. Generally, if there are no surprises, as long as the actors have lines, the subtitles after the end will have their names on the long list below the actors who participated in the performance.

These are special actors. Of course, there are differences among special actors. There are big special actors and small special actors. During the filming process of the Princess of My Fair Princess crew, one of the two most important extras said: "Look, those are the Princesses from our folk, Princess of My Fair Princess and Princess of the Pearl. Folk Princesses have no status. It's like killing them." The head will be beheaded." Another person continued: "Yes, when have you ever seen a real Gege beheaded?"

These are the two most important extras in this scene. The special actors, also called Xiaote, are the ones who only have one or two lines. Even if Shansi only has one line, they will also be mentioned in the subtitles at the end of Huanzhugege. With their names. As for a matter like this, usually on the set, if one person from the production team arranges the matter properly, then it's almost done.

When directors talk about dramas, they are usually character actors, or even protagonists, such as in the cast of Huanzhugege, that is, Ye Ming, Su Youpeng and The Three Flowers of Huanzhu are worthy of Sun Shupei's patient narration.

At most, the drama is told to important role actors such as Qing Gege, Wang Yan, the Queen, Emperor, and Grandma Rong.

But this time, because Sun Shupei was actually very attentive to such a thing, he actually directly arranged for these two special extras, and these two special extras are also among the group performances. He has a very high status. He has gone through a lot of storms, such as Codename Jaguar, Kid King, Water Margin and other movies and TV series. He has been an extra in many movies and TV series. He is considered a senior actor. Therefore, he is a veteran group actor like this. , usually the director is reassured. However, this time, the director's arrangements were indeed in place, and the two special agents were also very attentive and completed the task smoothly and truly outstandingly. Then the camera turned and began to return Zhugege Zhao Wei and Mingzhuge. Green Xinru's performance.

However, the problem suddenly arises at a time like this. In the group performance, there must be noise, and the harmony must be intentional. Of course, such a noise is the kind of harmony for the sake of repaying the princess. Mingzhu Gege asked for help to save the emperor from Gege's death. In fact, it is relatively easy to say that. However, because the scene is synchronized, it requires a very good command ability to coordinate the group performances of these 800 people. At this time, in fact, If the arrangement is good, then the problem should not be here.

Even Sun Shupei didn't expect that things would go wrong here. In his opinion, these group performances are actually the easiest to do. They don't know how to perform like a movie star, but for a matter like pretending to be fake, they should still say it's no problem and just follow what everyone else says. However, the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny, but the problem arises here. Because it was the same period, it was very easy for Sun Shupei to discover such a flaw.

I originally wanted to beg for mercy for Princess, but I didn't expect that at this time, many people in the crowd said, that's Zhao Wei, that's Lin Xinru, and I'd like to ask them for autographs later, and it would be even better to take a group photo with them.

Anyway, there were some words like this. Some people were looking for Ye Ming, but they couldn't find him because this was not the time when Ye Ming appeared. Ye Ming, Su Youpeng, Liu Qing and Liu Hong came out later. They couldn't find Ye Ming, that is. Nothing could be further from the norm. At this moment, in the crowd, two little girls were muttering. One of them had a ponytail and frowned, saying worriedly, "Isn't it a little inappropriate for us to do this? This is... If you disturb other people's performances, you will be kicked out."

At this time, another little girl with short ear-length hair, flashing her waterfall-like bangs, said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? Just rush up and tell us what the big deal is. We are not group performers. The most they can do is drive us away. Do you and I still expect to live on this money?" It seems that if it is said in this way, then at this time, Ponytail finally hesitated in his heart.

At this time, Qi Er's short hair continued to fan the flames and said: "You have to know that if we miss this opportunity, it will not be easy for us to contact Huan Zhu Gege. The security of Yuanshan Hotel is very strict, isn't it? It's impossible for people from the production crew to enter their floor. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." These two, Qiang Qiang, are fans of Princess Fairy the Pearl and came to the crew to act as extras in Princess Fairy the Pearl.

Normally, when the crew is looking for extras, they naturally look for those who are relatively familiar with the extras, or the group leaders. They usually look for a few, a dozen, and maybe twenty or so, so most people It's not easy to sneak in, but these 800 extras are not something that a group leader can contact, which gives these two little girls a chance to sneak in.

At this moment, the muttering conspiracy of the two little girls on the scene was brewing. At this moment, Sun Shupei, in fact, with such a voice, it was enough to make him feel annoyed, but he did not expect that he started filming and the camera moved. When they arrived at the prison car where Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru were standing, two little girls rushed forward from the group of performers and asked for Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru's autographs. This unexpected incident immediately made everyone on the scene burst into laughter. What kind of thing is this? Are you here to perform as a group performer, or are you here to ruin the place?

Anyway, among these 800 groups, I have never seen such an unprofessional group of performers. In fact, although extra performers are said to be looked down upon by others and just play second-hand, extra performers actually have rules for extra performers, which means that in times like this, as an extra performer, you must have professional ethics. You are here to act, and when you turn on the camera, you must be the most dramatic. Even if Cheng Long comes over, you should still act as you should. You absolutely cannot rush over and ask Cheng Long to sign his autograph.

As for the private rest time, if there is a suitable opportunity, the crew will not mind if the extras ask the stars for autographs and photos. However, you are absolutely not allowed to rush over directly during filming. Once this happens, in the group acting industry, no one can save you, so don't hang around.

Once you are on the blacklist, the group leader will not look for you to act to disgrace that person, and the crew will not look for disobedient extras. Therefore, eight hundred extras actually saw a dramatic scene at this time. In front of the camera, in full view of everyone, two extras rushed over. There are very few extras who can avoid laughing. . There is no way to continue filming this scene, at least now. (To be continued)

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