Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2111 Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers

Hearing what Ye Ming said, everyone suddenly realized that they had originally planned to throw away their mobile phones. At this time, Ye Ming quickly said: "Are you stupid?

If we all throw them here, aren't we waiting to tell others that we have agreed to throw away our phones?

We'll talk about it later when we get to the downtown area. After losing it, you can say that it was stolen by a thief or something. There is also a reason to explain, right? "

As for whether Ouyang Long believes this reason, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Ye Ming just believes it.

This matter is as simple as Ye Ming thought. It is just a test question. It depends on how these students can see the fishiness in it.

Ye Ming glanced at Su Ho and said, "Fu Rong, let's go together? Don't worry, with me here, you will never be hungry."

At this time, Ye Ming was acting like a slave, probably because Ye Ming and Su Ho were pretending to be a couple these days, and they were just in the middle of a drama anyway.

Moreover, Su Ho was a great beauty. Ye Ming had a sense of involvement in this kind of thing, whether it was unconscious or not.

If Su Ho was ugly, Ye Ming would definitely not be so attentive at this time. Although I don't want to admit it, this is an age where looks are valued.

Moreover, everyone also knows that Ye Ming and Su Ho are boyfriend and girlfriend. Although the two of them have an obvious employment relationship, no one can tell.

Therefore, under such a situation, it was impossible for Ye Ming to leave Su Ho alone and leave alone.

Anyway, Su Ho couldn't think of where to go for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he nodded and agreed. At least if Ye Ming was here at this time, there would be someone to discuss it with.

At this time, Ye Ming glanced at Gao Feng and the others and said, "Master, how about it? Come with us? Most of you have someone to discuss it with, right?"

Gao Feng waved his hand unceremoniously and said: "Forget it, you two can go? I don't want to be a light bulb."

Truck also said from the side: "That's right, why let us be villains in vain? When the time comes, you two will love each other and give us dog food?

Besides, the captain also said that we all have missions, and we have a better chance of trying our luck individually than together.

I would like to see everyone gather together in the Showa area in a week and then decide what to do better. "

Although Chu Chu also felt that it was good to discuss it with more than one person, he felt clear in his heart when he saw Ye Ming's arrogant attitude in front of Su Ho.

Ye Ming, this guy, is here to flirt with girls, not to take part in some test.

The Big Stomach King would not take this kind of thing to heart at all. What he was thinking about now was where would be a better place to fill his stomach at this time.

As for Wu Wei, he also wanted to gather a group of people by himself, so he left early with three classmates. When he left, he looked at Ye Ming with jealous eyes.

But Ye Ming didn't take this kind of thing seriously at all.

At this time, Ye Ming shrugged his shoulders and said, "Is this up to you? We have agreed to meet at the main entrance of Jade City, the largest jade trading center in Luohua City, at 1:30 noon next Wednesday. We must find a way to get there no matter what. Just one trip.”

Because in fact, Ye Ming is not very familiar with Emerald City, so under such a situation, he himself is more cautious about this place.

Moreover, Ye Ming is very sure that if he throws away his mobile phone, then Ouyang Long and the others must have other ways to monitor them at this time.

Therefore, at this time, the safety of the masters should not be a big problem.

But Ye Ming himself still can't figure out one thing, that is, how Ouyang Long continued to monitor them in such a situation.

He just said that he was sure that Ouyang Long would not let it go. Therefore, Ye Ming is relatively reassured about the safety of Gao Feng and the others.

Therefore, when they heard that Gao Feng and the others wanted to have a try, they just agreed on a time to meet again.

Su Ho and Ye Ming were the only two people left. At this time, Su Ho looked at Ye Ming in confusion and said, "Ye Ming, what should we do now? Are we just going to buy jade? You think we Can it be successful?"

Ye Ming looked at Su Ho with unceremonious contempt and said: "Buying jade? Now if we buy jade like this, we will be directly cheated to death. Do you believe it or not? Even if we are buying famous materials, then it is not There is a high possibility of being tricked to death.

Let alone gambling on stones, if you gamble on stones, you will die even more miserably. At that time, they will be directly eliminated. "

What Ye Ming said was a bit alarmist.

At this time, Su Ho felt nervous for a while, and then said: "If this is the case, what should we do in the future? Buying open materials will get you cheated, and gambling on stones will not work. So what else are we testing? We can go home directly. That’s it.”

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Don't worry, we can just wait for this kind of thing. Since we don't know what to do next, we can just wait.

Let's find a place to rent and live first. "As Ye Ming walked, he looked for any suitable communities on the roadside.

At this time, Su Ho followed up and said, "Rent a house? Why don't we buy jade? Let's rent a house at this time. Where is the money? We don't have any extra money for renting a house."

Our little money is not enough to buy jade. If we rent a house, won't we have no money at all? "

Ye Ming turned on his mobile phone, checked the map, and then decided to check out the community near Emerald City.

Pulling Su Ho onto the bus, he said, "Do you really think that even if we don't spend any money, we can buy a unit of jade with only 20,000 yuan?

Don't be naive, the cheapest unit of jadeite is 15,000 yuan. I just scanned the forums and found that 15,000 yuan is the price of stone bets, which means that there is a high probability of producing ice jade jadeite. The price Basically, it is more than 3,000 kilograms per kilogram. As for raw jadeite, three to five kilograms are common, and ten kilograms are the most common.

Even if our luck is good and we can win a piece of stone betting, it is difficult to tell how much jade there is in it.

In the end, we bought the raw jade stone for 30,000 to 50,000 yuan. It is not impossible that it will not weigh half a unit by then.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to buy jade with only 10,000 yuan. So we have to wait a while for things to change. "

Ouyang Long is looking for someone to infiltrate among the people in the world. He wants someone who is ruthless and ruthless.

And you can't trust people casually.

Undercover agents who trust people casually are the easiest to be discovered and killed. But does buying jade count as a test?

Why is there such a weird test?

At this time, Su Ho, who was still in the dark, said enthusiastically: "The task is definitely not that simple. If it is so simple, let us come here to assess what to do.

Can we buy those cheap ones?

This is not my first time visiting Luohua City. I have bought jade several times in Emerald City. In fact, I understand some of the prices here relatively well. As for the stone gambling, there are some that are a bit higher, like the two or three thousand you mentioned, which are considered high-end stone gambling for ordinary tourists.

But there are also ordinary stones that can be purchased for two to three hundred dollars. You have to try your luck no matter what, right?

What if, I mean what if we really get lucky and win a stone, then we will be able to complete the task as before, right? "

Ye Ming admired Su Ho's self-confidence and said helplessly: "Miss, can you please be smarter? Tourists, you really mean what you said about deceiving those tourists. come out.

Do you know how most of the gambling stones that fool tourists come from?

They are all scrap jadeite rough stones picked up from the mines. Basically, it's 891 tons, or it comes from the middleman given by Tiantou.

I don’t know how many times this kind of thing has been passed through. Basically, if there is no chance of it being produced, it will be sold for 200 to 300 yuan. "

Su Ho glanced at Ye Ming in disbelief and said, "What you said is true or false. It makes you Xiangsi spend a lot of time here, and you know the inside story of the jade transaction.

I heard that you have been to a place like Luohua City. I've never seen you play with jade. "

Ye Ming fiddled with his phone and said: "You can check some information online. Even if I have never been to Luohua City, it does not prevent me from understanding the situation of this place under such a situation.

Look like this, let’s find a place to rent and live in first, and then we’ll talk about anything else. Anyway, if we have 10,000 more and 10,000 less, it won't change anything.

Otherwise, use my 10,000 yuan to rent a house and use your own 10,000 yuan to experiment and see if you can complete the task with this 10,000 yuan? "

Do you really think that the jade market is so easy to get around and that you can buy the real thing with money?

Don't be naive. If it were so easy to make money in the jade market, who would still work hard? Everyone would have jade.

For Ye Ming, this is basic common sense.

One unit of ice jade is 15,000 yuan. Don’t really think that a person can buy a unit of ice jadeite in the jade market with 15,000 yuan.

How deep is the water here?

Substituting inferior products for good ones is something that people with some professional ethics do. It is not uncommon in the jade market to use jade made of resin as ice jade to deceive ordinary customers.

Anyway, many people come here to visit relatives and stop by to have fun and pick up some jade to give away. Maybe many of these people may not have a second chance to come here in their lifetime.

If this is the case, then at this time, who are you going to kill if you don’t kill these people?

Therefore, Ye Ming was sure that even if he brought fifteen thousand with him, it would be difficult to directly buy a unit of jade when he arrived in the Emerald City.

And not scraps, but whole jadeite. In the jade market, there are more processed jadeite, but there are very few unprocessed jadeites for sale.

Not counting those who gamble on stones, in fact, this kind of raw jadeite is mostly traded among peers.

Therefore, under such a situation, Ye Ming was very sure that Ouyang Long's test must have another purpose.

Don't forget, many people are now collecting jade and hoarding jade on a large scale.

Therefore, at this time, the price of 15,000 is not necessarily the real price. Although Ye Ming is sure that the increase in the jade market will not be too big, but if there is no increase at all, Ye Ming is the first to not believe it.

Therefore, at a time like this, Ye Ming was actually ready for a protracted war.

If you really want to buy raw jadeite, it is impossible without some means.

In the command hall, Ouyang Long saw Ye Ming throw away his mobile phone directly, and said proudly: "Have you seen it? I knew that this guy must be a little fox, and he will soon be able to think of the person who sent us the mobile phone." The effect is actually to test them.

In fact, after entering the test, it is like being an undercover agent. The support from their family is actually limited.

In a situation like this, everything depends on their inspiration.

This time, if they don’t throw away their phones within a week, they will be eliminated. "

Lin Shan glanced at Ouyang Long unconvinced, and then said: "You're cruel, how can this kid be a student of the police academy? He basically threw away his phone not long after getting off the car.

What about trust between people? Barrow thought for a while and said: "This kid is an orphan and grew up in an orphanage. Therefore, he is still very defensive against outsiders."

This kind of people are usually cautious. But they never thought that when we monitor them, we don’t just use their mobile phones, but their bank cards also have such a function.

I think Ye Ming can realize that there is a problem with his mobile phone, but he may not necessarily realize that there is a problem with his bank card.

Besides, even if he realized that there was something wrong with his bank card, wouldn't he just throw the card away without asking you to pay 10,000 yuan? "

Ouyang Long looked at the other people and said, "These people really have their own paths.

There are four famous jade distribution centers in Luohua City. These people went to these four places to try their luck. Maybe they don't know what it means to never give up until you hit the south wall.

Do these people really think that with 10,000 yuan, they can get a unit of ice jade?

If jade was so easy to get now, it wouldn't be their turn to participate in this kind of test. "

It can actually be heard from these words that Ouyang Long has a lot of confidence in the eleven police academy students he selected.

However, some things always have to be done. Fortunately, this time there was a good seedling like Ye Ming.

But think about it, Linshan Barrow and the others have family members as their trump card, and Ouyang Long is also worried about Ye Ming.

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