Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2008 Test Questions for Superpowers

Ouyang Long gave the super card to Ye Ming the next day. The super card was made of a very rare metal, blue gold. Therefore, the entire super card showed a dark blue color. The blue color was like It's as deep as the sea, as if there is no bottom.

Because in the tests of various metals by scientists, blue gold is the most ideal metal in the world for uploading superpowers.

Only super cards made with blue gold as raw materials can truly be used by superpowers of various elements without any hindrance.

Ouyang Long said curiously: "Ye Ming, I just don't understand. Have you awakened your powers now?

Super cards can only be used by those who have awakened their powers.

For example, this thing's superpower is equivalent to a bullet, and a bullet is equivalent to scrap metal in the hands of a person. I dare not say it is useless at all, but an ordinary person wants to use bullets to kill people. not easy.

The super card is equivalent to a pistol. Only those who truly possess the super card can truly play the role of super powers.

If you have a super card now, it is not only a waste, but also, for you, you are innocent of the crime.

You have to think about this carefully, otherwise, how about I give you the super card after you come back from the test? "

Even Ouyang Long, the number of super cards he can get every year is very limited. Therefore, giving one to Ye Ming is actually very painful for him.

Ye Ming quickly took back the super card and said, "Captain Ouyang doesn't need to worry about this. I will protect this card myself."

At this time, someone shouted a report outside the office. Ouyang Long frowned. His subordinates were a little unwilling. They were here to cause trouble, right?

However, at this time, he thought about it and considered whether to give Ye Ming a blow, so he still called his men in.

Two sturdy young men walked in quickly. A young man walking in front was obviously a little unhappy looking at Ye Ming, with that inexplicable hostility.

At this time, Ouyang Long said very seriously: "Song Weiguo, what can I do for you?"

Song Weiguo was also a member of the anti-explosion brigade. Among the recruits, he ranked first in all indicators. Some statistics may not be comparable to those of veterans.

This is a person he is more optimistic about. Of course, in Ouyang Long's opinion, there are still some areas that need to be tempered, such as his temper. It can be seen from what happened this time. This guy's temper is not as hot as usual. .

Song Weiguo immediately said: "Captain, I have something different to think about. Why are the super cards in the team given to this student but not to our people.

I think that some people in our riot brigade are more qualified to have super cards than this student.

And according to the team's practice, I should own this super card. "

Ouyang Long just looked down and wanted to teach his men a lesson. His plan was to teach his men a lesson first, and then find a way to let Song Weiguo and Ye Ming fight. If Ye Ming loses, this is almost certain. Yes, in this case, Ye Ming would not have the shame to ask for that super card.

Ouyang Long actually said it very clearly just now. It is basically the same principle that a man is not guilty of having a jade in his possession.

If a person has a super card without awakening his powers, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing.

At this time, Ye Ming said with a smile: "As a police officer, what should you pay attention to most? What are the rules and prohibitions? If the people in the explosion-proof brigade can't do this, then I think the explosion-proof brigade can also do it. There is no qualification to represent the highest honor of the police.

It's a pity that there are more than 3,000 police trainees in our school. Most of them dream of becoming riot police one day, but I didn't expect that the Shandong riot police would look like this today. It really makes me a little disappointed. "

Song Weiguo seemed a little hesitant and didn't know what to say. Obviously, this kind of thing did mean that what they did was a bit unethical. Who the super card of the riot control brigade is given to is decided by the brigade captain.

Therefore, at this time, as a member of the explosion-proof brigade, it was obviously unreasonable to come and question the brigade leader.

Ouyang Long didn't expect Ye Ming to be so rude.

Following Ouyang Long, the slightly older young man with the squadron leader had obviously experienced some worldly experiences, and he immediately took over the words and said: "You can't say things like this. You can walk all over the world with morality, but you can't move even without reason." .

This is originally the super card of our brigade. Take it if you want. What do the people of our riot brigade think of it? "

Ye Ming immediately stopped these words: "Stop, don't say that, don't say that.

I took it casually, but I didn’t take it casually. This is a reward for participating in this test, and your captain promised it.

If you are not convinced. Then you go to participate in this event. I can give you the super card, but can you go?

It's impossible. You smell like the police too much. It's impossible to successfully complete the mission. And if you go, there's a good chance you won't be able to come back.

I am risking my life to participate in this mission, so don't say that I will take your things casually. This is a matter of fighting or suffering.

Captain Ouyang, if you are willing to give this to me, I will return it to you now. Let's go our separate ways, and don't delay anyone.

In fact, my ambition is very simple, just to be a household registration policeman, so that it will be easier for the children in our orphanage to register for household registration in the future. I don't have many other ambitions.

It’s not necessarily better for me to participate in this kind of action. "

These words left Ouyang Long speechless. He originally wanted to use this matter to beat Ye Ming, but he didn't expect that this guy wouldn't do this.

Ouyang Long had no choice but to say seriously: "Song Weiguo, please pay attention to the overall situation and go back to me and stay there, otherwise I will put you in solitary confinement.

Han Jiang, take care of your people. Next time something like this happens, write a review and read it to me at the plenary meeting. "

At this time, Captain Han Jiang gave Song Weiguo a dead look, which meant that he should withdraw quickly. Some things should not be taken too far.

But Song Weiguo didn't know if he didn't understand the meaning of the statement. He ignored the wink and directly faced Ye Ming and said: "I want to challenge you. Only those with real strength are qualified to get super powers." Card.

Therefore, I challenge you, if you can defeat me, I will admit that you have the qualifications of a super card. "

This is actually a script that Ouyang Long originally set, that is, let Song Weiguo teach Ye Ming a lesson and let Ye Ming know some truths about the power of the strong.

Anyway, it's better to suffer a little loss here than to die because of a super card outside, right?

Who knows, at a time like this, Ye Ming was unmoved and said: "Why? This super card is mine now. Therefore, at this time, I have the right to control this super card." full processing rights.

If I use it myself or give it to others, it’s my own.

Good guy, if you say we have a fight, if you lose, I can get a super card. If you lose, just slap your ass and leave. Wouldn’t it be a big loss for me? "

At this time, Ouyang Long was also a little speechless. Ye Ming, Ruan Jing and Xiao Huantou were all alone.

This can quickly find the flaws in Song Weiguo's dialect. In fact, it is not something that ordinary people can do.

Ordinary people, even ordinary police officers, can always feel a sense of oppression when facing people from the riot brigade.

But Ye Ming seemed to be on vacation, and he seemed very relaxed.

At this time, Han Jiang immediately said: "Classmate Ye Ming. Please note that this super card may not be yours now. You agreed to participate in the operation, but if you fail to pass the test, then this super card, The same thing is not yours, our team will take it back.

So you're just saying you have temporary ownership of this super card. "

Ye Ming did not answer this question, but said to Ouyang Long: "Captain, did you hear that this subordinate of yours is threatening me? Let me make it clear first that if I fail the test this time, it will be entirely because of Han Jiang The captain is responsible, I am not responsible, because I suspect that when I go to test, someone in your team will do something dirty to me and prevent me from testing.

Then don't say that I won't take back the super card through the test.

Otherwise, how about you take back the super card now, let's go back to the bridge and go our separate ways? "

It was not easy to trick Ye Ming into coming in. At this time, Ye Ming wanted to withdraw. Naturally, it was not that simple.

Therefore, at this time, Ouyang Long immediately said: "You kid, don't be so insidious. No one will face you and lower the price in this matter. Our test this time is absolutely fair and just, without any People can do evil things.

And you also rely on your ability to earn a living. If you have the ability, you can pass the test. No one will do anything wrong here. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have to look for you students. "

Han Jiang felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this kind of thing. This super card obviously belonged to the bomb-proof brigade, so why was it given to an outsider?

Therefore, he said a little unconvinced: "Ye Ming, in this case, I will give you a unit of ice jade and make a bet. If you win, you can leave with a unit of ice jade. If If you fail, then you keep the super card. Isn't this fair?" From this look, it seems that at this time, if I don't movie, it seems a bit unjustifiable.

Therefore, Ye Ming thought about it, glanced at the cunning Ouyang Long, and then said: "I only take action once, otherwise, if the fans from the anti-riot brigade come over to compete with me one by one, then at this time , I can’t hold on even if I’m made of iron.”

Han Jiang looked happy and said immediately: "Okay, captain, you heard it too.

I didn't force him, he took the initiative to say that. We will not bully you or find people with super powers to compete with you.

Song Weiguo is a new recruit in our brigade and has not yet awakened. If you fight him, if you can win, then we will respectfully send you off at this time. "

In fact, soldiers are so straightforward and don't have so many tricks.

Of course, Ye Ming thinks this kind of person is actually very cute. Ouyang Long, this old fox, is not in the cute category. He is definitely a scheming old fox.

Ye Ming picked up the tea. When everyone thought he wanted to drink tea, suddenly, Ye Ming poured the tea directly at Song Weiguo, then dodged and whipped Song Weiguo as quickly as a heavy hammer. Smashed to the ground.

Ye Ming sat down again, clapped his hands and said, "Obviously, I won." Song Weiguo stood up angrily and said in a non-bullying tone: "This doesn't count, we..."

Good guy, this Han Jiang was blushing a little, and he said in an angry tone: "Song Weiguo, get back here and double the amount of training this week."

Although he was a little reluctant, he still gave Ye Ming a unit of ice jade.

The flesh aches, Ye Ming can clearly understand from

Although Ye Ming was a sneak attack, Ye Ming is just a student of the police academy. You, a police officer in the explosion-proof brigade, were defeated by a trainee. How dare you say no? I can't afford to lose this person. I really can't afford to lose this person.

Ye Ming was about to leave just now, and then suddenly thought of something and turned around and said: "Captain, I have agreed to participate in your test, but I don't know what kind of test method you use. Well, don’t tell me, just drag the eleven of us to the hospital for a check-up and that’s it?”

Ouyang Long had nothing to hide on this point, and said directly: "Inspection is also necessary. The tasks I need to perform this time are relatively harsh, so special measurements are required, which means I will take your People go to Luohua City.

There is one of the two largest emerald cities in China. When you get there, the final test will be carried out. Who of you is qualified to enter the explosion-proof brigade will also go through special tests and there will be a conclusion.

Of course, if you say you want to join, I can handle the procedures for you now. How about it? "

Ye Ming, however, waved his hand indifferently and said: "Save it, don't come to me for this kind of thing. My target is at most a household registration policeman, and I don't want to get more than that.

If there were no super cards this time, I really couldn't think of a reason to follow those people to Luohua City. "

Ye Ming's state is also the state that Ouyang Long dislikes encountering the most.

If a person does not have any big desires, then this person's weaknesses will become very small, sometimes even so small that it is difficult to find them.

Ye Ming is this kind of person. If it weren't for the super card, Ouyang Long even said that he couldn't find a reason to pull Ye Ming in.

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