Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2005 Street Fighting of Superpowers

Although their friendship is superficial, Ye Ming and Su Ho are not really boyfriend and girlfriend after all. At most, they have an employment relationship.

Of course, the four-year friendship between classmates is still there, otherwise, Ye Ming would not have revealed so much information.

Especially the dark forum, which is an underground forum that only top hackers can hack into.

That is to say, I want to read this forum. The world ranking of hacking technology cannot be lower than one hundred.

The two of them were originally going to watch a movie, but Su Ho received a call saying that there was something going on at home and he had to go back early.

Ye Ming also dutifully hailed a taxi to take Su Ho up. This was near the school, so even if he was just pretending to show everyone, it was very necessary to take his girlfriend into the car.

When Ye Ming returned to the gate of the college, he was stopped by Gao Feng and said, "Zi Zi, you came just in time. A few of us are going to practice street stalls."

Fan Dong, the Big Stomach King, is a foodie and a fat man.

Shi Qing, a truck driver who is as tall and strong as a heavy truck, practices shot put.

These two people were also people who signed a confidentiality contract. They are all classmates in the same class as Ye Ming. Things flock together and people divide into groups.

Now, the ten people with awakening potential in the school are basically a small group. Although Ye Ming did not sign a confidentiality contract, he had the potential to awaken, so he was not excluded from the small group.

However, if other students who have no awakening potential want to break into this small group, it will not be easy. This is probably the primary form of class.

Ye Ming said without hesitation: "Look at you, you all signed a confidentiality contract, and you are about to become a superpower. If you don't prepare for it, do you still have the heart to go out and practice street stalls?"

Gao Feng laughed loudly, pointed at Ye Ming, and said to Shi Qing and Fan Dong very proudly: "How is it, how is it, what did I say? Although Ye Zi did not sign a confidentiality contract, there are some things he wants to do If you know, you will definitely know.

His girlfriend was Su Ho. If there was anything Su Ho would hide from Ye Ming. It must be Su Ho who told you, right?

I think I heard that you and Su Ho are going to see a movie. "

Ye Ming said with some dejection: "There was a call from Su Ho's house and he had something to do with her, so she went back early.

I would know these things without Su Ho telling me. "

Now Fan Dong was a little curious, his eyes widened and he said: Ye Zi, you don't know how to brag, do you? It wasn't Su Ho who told you, who told you? You wouldn't say it was your love rival Wu Wei who told you, right?

He really wants to kill you, how could he tell you so kindly?

And we are all people who have signed a confidentiality contract, and we will not easily benefit from the contract. "

Ye Ming glanced at Fan Dong with great disdain and said, "Big Eater, don't think that you can know more than me just because you signed a confidentiality contract.

I saw these messages from the dark forum, and I also know that if you want to awaken, jade is an indispensable thing.

Captain Dongfang didn't tell you this, right? In fact, whether it is the state or the private sector, research on the powers of awakened people has not been carried out for more than a year or two. Some results have been achieved, but they have not been announced. Maybe it's not the right time. "

Shi Qing immediately said with certainty: "Yi Zi, wait a minute, what are you talking about? Is there any information you mentioned on the dark forum?

I often go to dark forums, so why didn’t I notice the news you mentioned? "

Ye understood and rolled his eyes and said: "Truck, don't think I don't know what you bitch is doing in the dark forum. It's just to download a short movie. I advise you, small masturbation will make you happy, big masturbation will hurt your body, and forced masturbation will turn you into ashes." ah.

The dark forum you went to is just a superficial portal, not even a portal. Most people can only go to this one at most.

But the real dark forum is actually hidden in the official website of the dark forum. If you want to go to the real dark forum, there is only one condition, which is that you have the ability to hack in from the official website of the dark forum. If you can hack in, then you can See the real dark forum.

In fact, there are already some people in this world who have awakened their superpowers, but the news is just suppressed by the authorities. "

Gao Feng found a stall nearby and invited everyone to sit down. Then he served beer and peanuts, waiting for the skewers to be eaten.

While opening the beer, he said: "Why, why is this, do you think you can suppress this matter if you want to?

There have been many similar reports on the Internet. Even if you want to delete them, it is not easy. These days, the Internet is developing too fast. "

Indeed, it is already very difficult to block something these days. In this era where everyone may be a self-media, the speed at which news spreads is truly astonishing.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "But the official has not admitted it, right? Therefore, there are still many people who don't believe it.

I saw a relatively reliable analysis post on the dark forum.

Jade, if you want to awaken, you need a lot of jade. The higher the quality of jade, the easier it is for people to awaken. This is now a strategic resource.

Think about it, if this news is confirmed and everyone rushes to buy jade, think about it, there are only so many jade, is it possible for everyone to wake up?

If this is the case, then a slight clamping will not be enough, and this may cause confusion.

Therefore, I think some people mean to control the jade first, wait until this thing is almost controlled, and then announce the news about superpowers. Who doesn't want to be a superhuman being? "

When everyone knows that jade is the key to awakening, jade will definitely be sold at sky-high prices, or even priceless.

Anyway, most of these resources must be controlled by the state, or some major forces in the underground world will definitely intervene. This is an unspoken rule that everyone has defaulted to, and no one will break it for the time being.

Therefore, there is a mixed bag of news on the Internet, and a lot of it is fake news released by people above to confuse everyone.

When Gao Feng heard this, he looked at Ye Ming curiously and said, "Yi Zi, you said so, but why don't you sign a confidentiality contract? Just now everyone said that only eleven of us in the entire police academy have the potential to awaken. , why did you give up the confidentiality contract?"

At this time, some skewers had been served. Ye Ming was sipping skewers and drinking beer and said: "Nonsense, do you think the country will wake you up for free?

This is either a pie or a trap. It is precisely because I know this that I dare not sign the confidentiality contract easily at this time. It is easy to sign, but it is difficult to go back on it.

Besides, I can know some information from the dark forum. Why do I have to sign a confidentiality contract? Wait and see, I am thinking that things may not be as simple as they appear on the surface. This guy Dongfang Long is very cunning, no It will easily benefit us.

Just wait, it won't take long for him to show his fangs,"

In short, Ye Ming didn't really believe in Dongfang Long.

Gao Feng snorted and said, "How can we be tricked? He is the captain of the explosion-proof brigade. As police officers, isn't our highest ideal to become an explosion-proof policeman?"

Besides, for the rest of us, there’s nothing wrong with Dongfang Long. Let’s not talk about this anymore. By the way, Ye Zi, I also have the jade thing you mentioned just now. Look, I’ve been carrying this thing for more than ten years, and I haven’t seen it awaken yet. "

After saying that, Gao Feng took off the jade Guanyin from his neck with one hand and brought it over. It is a custom for men to wear Guanyin and women to wear Buddha.

Ye Ming took it and took a look at it before throwing it away and said, "Boy, the quality of this jadeite is so bad, it doesn't even have egg white background. It's at best the kind with dog poop base. It's the worst kind of water jadeite." .

There are two types of jade wholesalers in the Commodity City. One is complete fake jade made of resin, which costs one dollar for two.

Also, your kind, although it is considered jade, is actually worth shit, close to the value of a stone. The wholesale price is only RMB 50 at most, but if the quantity is large, it is not impossible for it to be RMB 23. "

Gao Feng immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and said angrily: "Impossible, this is the jade that my mother personally begged for from Dongshan Temple when I was a child.

Dongshan Temple is the largest and most popular temple in Tianyuan City. "

Ye Ming laughed and said: "That's right, there are so many pilgrims in Dongshan Temple every day, where do you think their things come from? They are all wholesale from the small commodity city.

Don’t believe it, I even personally delivered goods to the master of Dongshan Temple. There are three types of Jade Guanyin.

One is the shit-bottomed jade you are holding, which is slightly better than stone and is for ordinary pilgrims.

There is also a kind of jadeite that is translucent and slightly fine, which comes from the bottom of muddy water. The wholesale price is about 20, and it is given to generous pilgrims or fat sheep from other places.

There is also the sixty-year-old jadeite with clear water bottom, which is considered to be the best and relatively transparent jadeite among them.

These are for the rich. I don't know if there are other jadeite ones in Dongshan Temple. Otherwise, do you think that there are so many pilgrims and masters in Dongshan Temple who do nothing but carve Guanyin statues for fun? "

For some people, this is a kind of belief, for some people, this is a routine, and it is all routine. Anyway, the master does not take money from your pocket. It's what you willingly offer, and you're just willing to fight and suffer.

Gao Feng was also the kind of heartless person. He put it on again and said, "It's nothing. Anyway, I heard that my mother donated ten yuan of sesame oil at that time. Even if it was a loss, it wouldn't be much." "

Well, ten yuan for sesame oil can give you a consecrated jade Guanyin, which is pretty good. You really can’t blame the master of Dongshan Temple for being stingy about feelings.

At this moment, suddenly, two young people at the table nearby started fighting over a disagreement.

As for this matter, although it is rare when practicing street stalls, it is not uncommon. Everyone is a passionate young man, and maybe they can start a fight just because they say "What are you worried about?"

Ye Ming and others did not have the consciousness to step forward to stop them. In their words, they were police trainees, not police officers. They were also flowers of the motherland and needed care and love. Anyway, in one sentence, I just don’t care about this matter.

In fact, this kind of quarrels and fights usually start out fierce, but in the end, some people try to make peace, and then they basically die down.

If the fuss gets really big, the policeman will definitely come over and invite them back for tea. The police officers are so busy. Under normal circumstances, no one would bother the police officers to come over.

But this time, things seemed to be a little different, and the fight really started.

One of the young men with dyed red hair was secretly kicked twice. He suddenly became angry and picked up a bottle of beer on the table. However, he did not go up to hit the person directly, but instead used his left hand to hit the person. It slid in a semicircle in the air and poured the beer directly on it.

Then he clicked the void with his right hand twice, and a ball of jumping white flames suddenly burned in mid-air, and instantly turned into a red song and went straight to the opponent.

The person on the other side was not hesitant. He lifted up the table to directly block the flames, and then closed the distance, preparing for a fierce battle.

Ye Ming saw this clearly, it was definitely not a lighter or something. Also, it seems like the beer can’t be lit with a lighter? A superpower, this is a guy who has awakened a superpower.

Ye Ming could clearly feel that the fire elements in the air quickly gathered together.

Suddenly the scene changed fundamentally. The red-haired young man stood on the table like a victorious general, pointed directly at the people he was facing and said: "I'm not talking about you, you people are all scum, you know who I am." ?

I am a person who has awakened my powers. You fight me? Have you eaten the courage of a bear's heart and a leopard's courage? "

This red-haired young man, who is called Gese, looked arrogantly at the group of people who were stunned and stunned. He stood there triumphantly, with a supernatural power in his hand, and the feeling I had in the world came over him.

But he didn't look handsome for two seconds. A girl with the same makeup as Sadako over there picked up a beer glass and threw it directly. The water elements gathered, and the beer suddenly turned into two cyan blades in mid-air. , , extremely sharp, with a strange light shining in the dark night.

In the void, the blade turned into two rays of green light, and the two knives directly cut open the red-haired young man's shirt.

Two bloody wounds were left on his body. The red-haired young man was caught off guard and fell off the table, falling onto his back.

He also didn't expect that among the group of people he met, there was actually a person with awakened powers.

There is no one left for this unfortunate child. If he knew that the other party had a water-type superpower, he would at least be on guard and would not be easily attacked by a sneak attack.

However, at this time, the red-haired young man also felt a sense of embarrassment. He quickly got up, looked at Sadako angrily and said, "Smelly girl, I want to see what you are capable of."

While talking. He was not idle, and the fire elements in his left hand quickly gathered.

A ball of white flame rose into the sky.

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