Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 2002: Strike first to gain the upper hand

Ye Ming glanced at the information in his hand and was a little surprised. Simon Fu, thirty-five years old, is a scientist at Cartierana Research Laboratory and one of the top young scientists in this laboratory.

Chinese, Master of Computer Science from Harvard University. PhD in Mathematics. It can be said that Ximen Fu can be regarded as one of the leading scientists in the future and will become a technology giant. It is just a matter of age.

Looking at the photo with eyes that are a little dull, you can tell from his expression that this guy's emotional intelligence is not very high. This kind of simple and honest behavior is exactly the standard configuration of a scientific research dog.

It's really surprising that such a person dares to defect.

Wang Fulin told him: "This guy should be supported by someone in another world, and he is the kind of person who is instigated to rebel.

Therefore, there should be a lot of people protecting this guy, and you have to act according to the situation when the time comes. Based on our several failed experiences, it is not that easy to kill this guy. "

Ye Ming glanced at Shu Lin with disdain and said, "Old Wang, this is your fault. You clearly said that you knew this guy was not very easy to kill, but you still had the nerve to ask me to capture him alive. You... Aren’t you planning on letting me die?”

Anyway, Ye Ming has already agreed to go on the mission. Wang Fulin himself doesn’t know why Ye Ming, who has always been reluctant to agree, quickly changed his mind. But since he has already agreed to take the risk to do this mission, complaining about the two The sentence is actually not a big deal.

Wang Fulin said without feeling embarrassed at all: "This guy is a talent. Not only is he considered a talent on our side, he must also be a talent on the other side.

Therefore, I think even if this guy Ximen Fu gets to the other party's place, he will definitely be reused.

This guy should know some of the other party's secrets. If we can come back alive under such a situation, then such a thing will still have a considerable impact on our side.

Therefore, from the beginning, I said that if I could capture this guy alive, I would try my best to capture this guy alive.

Even now, if it is possible for you to capture him alive, it is better to capture him alive as much as possible. "

Ye Ming waved his hand and said, "Come on, don't do this. I won't put myself in a dangerous place. I will act according to the situation. Anyway, I think it is more likely to kill him."

So don't get your hopes too high at this time. Anyway, I have the attitude that if I can kill him, I will definitely kill him.

By the way, is this really not a fairy world like the Red Mansion World? "

Ye Ming was somewhat uncomfortable with the fairy tale world of the Red Mansion World, although he felt that it was very cool to call upon the wind and rain, and move mountains and seas.

It is very good to have eternal life, great freedom, great freedom, transcend reincarnation, etc., but that place is a bit precarious.

Anyway, Ye Ming didn't like that kind of atmosphere very much. Reading other people's fairy novels was very satisfying, but if he really experienced it once, he would almost have a narrow escape from death.

Therefore, Ye Ming himself is in the state of Ye Gong who loves dragons and likes to watch fairy tales and fantasy, but he is not willing to experience that state.

Wang Fulin said very confidently this time: "Don't worry about this matter, it is definitely not the state of Xianxia. I promise, I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong. Although we did not succeed in sending people several times before, we still have a lot of success." We also have some information about the other party. It is a place that is similar to ours and is dominated by technology. Flying swords and golden elixirs cannot appear in that world.

At least the people we sent didn't encounter them. "

Ye Ming nodded with satisfaction, took a lighter, lit the information directly, and said while burning: "By the way, Director Wang, do you think I can contact you if I go there? Or if I go If anything happens, how can I contact you?"

This question is actually quite important. After all, on such a question, Ye Ming knew that it would be of great help if he could contact Director Wang at any time.

Director Wang said very firmly this time: "Don't think about this matter. If it were so easy, wouldn't we have started fighting long ago?

This is a difficult thing. In fact, it is already very difficult to send someone over or over. It requires specific means in a specific interstellar environment to succeed. It is almost impossible to travel through the past casually. At least according to the technological situation on both sides, this kind of thing is difficult to do. Therefore, in such a situation, it is almost impossible for you to contact people at home.

Of course, when you get there, you can't say that you can't contact people at home, but there is a very harsh condition, that is, if you want to contact people at home at this time, you need to steal the one stolen by Ximen Fu. Brown chip, with the help of that smart chip, you may be able to temporarily contact people at home.

Of course, your contact person is me.

As for me, of course I hope you can find the chip as soon as possible and contact me as soon as possible. "

If Ye Ming can find the chip, then in such a matter, it means that the artistic conception has completed the task, and then everyone will naturally be happy.

But this news is actually not good news for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment and then said: "Tell me, I might have the chance to come back for a short time. It seems that I didn't mention the conditions. Does it mean that if I want to come back, it will only be possible with the help of that chip?" Arrived?"

Director Wang was also surprised for a while. This boy actually saw through such a trap so quickly. He thought that he would not be able to figure it out until he arrived in that world.

Therefore, Director Wang was actually quite surprised when he testified about this matter.

Therefore, under such a situation, Director Wang immediately said: "Not necessarily. If you can calculate the occurrence time of the next special interstellar phenomenon and calculate the dimensional space barriers and orbits, you can also do it at any time over there. But if you find the chip, this kind of calculation will be much easier. Otherwise, you may have to contact a lot of optical brains to be able to do this. Remember, it is possible, Rather than saying for sure.”

Ye Ming stretched out a seed and walked forward slowly. A ray of light flashed. Ye Ming quickly passed through a round milky white light door and disappeared directly in front of Director Wang.

At this time, Director Wang was stunned. This guy Ye Ming is really hard to figure out. What on earth is this guy thinking? Finally he saw clearly how dangerous this matter was, and he knew about it. In essence, in the end, I went without any hesitation.

As for weapons and equipment, Ye Ming didn't bring anything too advanced. Bringing a gun or something like that didn't look very reliable to Ye Ming.

If you bring a gun, do you have to bring bullets with you at this time?

Otherwise, in such a matter, even if you bring a gun with you, it will be as useless as a fire stick.

But if you travel with bullets, there is gunpowder inside. If there is any danger during the journey, it will be even more troublesome at this time.

If there was an explosion in the middle, Ye Ming would have no place to find someone to redress his grievances even if he cried.

Therefore, although Ye Ming had the conditions to bring some high-tech thermal weapons there, thinking about it, his own life was more important.

Therefore, in fact, at a time like this, Ye Ming chose two cold weapons for self-defense. One was a Tang Dao, a shorter Tang Dao, and the other weapon was the Han Ba ​​Sword, an Eight-sided Sword. Bundle.

With these two weapons, Ye Ming felt that self-defense was enough. As for how to find weapons over there to kill Ximen Fu, that is not something to worry about now, we will talk about it later. At this time, Ye Ming appeared in an abandoned building. At this time, Ye Ming suddenly received the news that he actually had an identity here.

The system told Ye Ming to assign an identity to himself here.

This made Ye Ming feel very curious. The system has not contacted itself for a long time.

This time, he actually jumped out to help, which surprised Ye Ming very much.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming asked curiously: "This identity you arranged for me, what about this person in this world?"

The system immediately said: "Missing person. Anyway, there are countless people missing in this world every year. Your identity is that of a missing person, but you have only been missing for three days. According to the rules of this world, you should not be missing for more than three days. That is not considered missing. And your identity is that you were deceived into a pyramid scheme, and when you were escaping, you were hit and killed by a garbage truck. And your identity is that of an orphan, in an orphanage He was born without any relatives, so it was not easy to be exposed.

Moreover, his appearance is somewhat similar to yours. If you pretend to be him, there is absolutely no problem. And the most important thing is that since you are here to do a task, you need a legal identity.

Do you know why the previous few people who came here failed? In fact, to a large extent, it is because they have no legal status when they come here, so it is easy to expose themselves. In such a bridge situation, there will be a lot more chances of being killed.

But you are different. When you came here, you were lucky enough to meet someone who died. Therefore, you became him in this world.

Don’t worry, genes and other things have been adjusted for you. If you don’t expose yourself, I guarantee that no flaws will be exposed in other aspects.

This is all I can do to help you in this world. If I help you in a hurry, it still consumes a lot of energy.

Therefore, I will fall silent in this world. When the time comes, when you return to the three-dimensional world, I will restart.

Young man, keep going, I'm optimistic about you. "What kind of broken system is this? It actually means that you are collaborating with others to plot against yourself.

Ye Ming was very moved and understood that in such a situation, the system must know something, but it did not tell him carefully, but now that he thinks about it, if he can have such a legal identity, it is already quite good. A remarkable achievement.

Therefore, Ye Ming did not complain too much, but walked slowly on the road and slowly observed the world.

This is actually an abandoned factory area. Why did I end up in this abandoned factory area when I traveled through time?

There's not a single person to be seen.

However, in such a situation, just when Ye Ming was suspicious, he suddenly saw a sneaky person.

He was looking for something furtively, but Ye Ming felt that the homeless man looking for something in this place must be a homeless person nearby. It seemed that he was worried in vain.

He hid very energetically. It was a new arrival and there was nothing wrong with being careful.

At this moment, the homeless man was holding a stick and pulling something back and forth among the ruins.

He found a few plastic bottles and threw them in his pocket, then carefully looked around, took out a wallet, looked through it, and said to himself: "Ye Ming, this guy should be called Ye Ming based on his ID card." It's obvious, but you can't blame me. Why are you running around at night on a rainy day? You deserve to be hit to death.

But it was not the person I hit. The person the driver hit and killed was just your wallet that was left at the scene and I happened to pick it up. I don’t know if these cards can be used or not, but the money can last for a while.

Those drivers are all virtuous. If they kill someone, they usually bury them directly in the garbage dump. They think that no one will know the secret. Little did they know that what I saw was not just once. But it's a pity for Ye Ming. After two years, your bones will be reduced to slag, and no one will know. "

These words told Ye Ming some news. Looking at his clothes and listening to these words, he could tell that this guy was indeed a homeless man, but a lucky homeless man who picked up a wallet at the scene of the car accident.

And this wallet should belong to Ye Ming in this world.

At this moment, Ye Ming himself felt that he was a very lucky person. Otherwise, the guy named Ye Ming who had just traveled through this world was killed, and that Ye Ming's wallet was actually With the help of a homeless man's hand, he took the initiative to bring it to him.

This is called luck, very lucky.

Without these things, it would be quite difficult for Ye Ming, and it would be quite troublesome to replace them.

Now Ye Ming is secretly glad in his heart, God is helping me.

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