Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1995: How much sorrow can you have?

Spielberg hesitated and said, "It's hard to explain this clearly. The Red Mansion is called China's No. 1 novel by many people. Has Ye Ming participated in the TV series adapted from this novel?

This news is indeed something I have never heard of before, and no one has investigated it.

Maybe this is surprising news, but that was twenty years ago.

Isn't it? Didn’t you say you would attend a party to look back on the Dream of Red Mansions after 20 years?

It must be the 1987 version of Dream of Red Mansions. Ye Ming was only four or five years old at the time. This matter seemed inappropriate. "

Tom also didn't know what Spielberg wanted, so he asked himself to help check Ye Ming, but he didn't explain clearly what the purpose of the check was.

Therefore, when asked a question like this, Tom Cruise immediately said: "Actually, many things about Ye Ming are indeed difficult to figure out.

I have been in contact with him for a while and found that his aura is extremely powerful. Among Hollywood actors, there are no more than three actors alive who can have such a strong aura.

Only those who have truly collaborated with him, come into contact with him, and acted opposite him will truly feel the terror of this guy. "

It's a kind of pressure in acting, and the aura is very strong, so strong that even Tom Cruise can understand it.

Spielberg said with a smile: "Of course, as a representative actor from China, he naturally has a strong aura. He is more capable than you think."

Tom was very curious and said: "What is the origin of this guy? I think, not only do you attach great importance to Ye Ming, but even other big names also pay more attention to Ye Ming. "

Spielberg didn't say anything directly, but he still said: "There are some things that it would be better if you didn't know. Of course, if you know one thing, it's better to say it. That means that at this time, Ye Ming may be better than you." Think much more powerfully.

I suspect that this guy is the spokesperson of the East. Although there is no real confirmation, I think it is close. "

The spokespersons and representatives of Western culture are the top Hollywood filmmakers headed by Spielberg. There are very few such people.

Spokespersons for Eastern culture are even more rare. After all, on this issue, Eastern culture also needs people to promote it in Hollywood, and Ye Ming should be this type of person.

Otherwise, when Spielberg came to China to do something, it would be impossible to find Ye Ming. We are all at the spokesperson level, so some things are easier to talk about.

As a spokesperson, Tom Cruise, as a top superstar, naturally knows what this spokesperson is like. Therefore, at this time, Tom Cruise really took Ye Ming seriously.

Not everyone can be selected as a spokesperson, but every spokesperson is very powerful.

For example, Spielberg and Lucas, Coppola was and is the spokesperson representing Europe, but then the old man stopped playing.

Go home and enjoy your happiness. There once was an invincible spokesperson in the East, Bruce Lee, the Chinese Bruce Lee. Unfortunately, Bruce Lee also died young.

Later, Huaxia never had the role of spokesperson, and it was even said that the spokespersons in the entire Asia-Pacific region were vacant. Why have Hollywood's films in the past thirty years been sweeping the world? That means there are no spokespersons for Asia-Pacific.

Now, it seems that China really has a spokesperson. The open space in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was naturally not rented casually.

Even if Ye Ming was involved, he only said that he would start shooting before the Forbidden City opened. When the Forbidden City was about to open, he would naturally have to withdraw. Anyway, he could not delay tourists visiting the Forbidden City.

Ye Ming did this very quickly.

Speed, speed, speed, these are the three biggest conditions for filming in the Forbidden City.

Fortunately, it was only 20 minutes of footage at most, and I shot more than six hours of material from three cameras. When I went back to edit it, it was enough to be edited no matter what.

The acupressure board, since Tom Cruise is not around, the rest will be easy to deal with. Anyway, Robert Downey Jr. and Britney originally thought that the next game would be very easy, but they did not expect that the next game would be more complicated than they thought. Much more complicated.

Because a game like acupressure board is somewhat beyond the tolerance of ordinary people.

Walking for a minute or two, gritting one's teeth can actually hold on, but when filming a movie, I can't bear to run back and forth. It is indeed a thing to do it again and again. The acupressure board is actually quite painful.

But now Robert Downey Jr. is also very able to endure hardships, and although Britney is a diva-level existence, after all, her current popularity cannot be compared with before.

Therefore, in such a situation, Britney also knew that she had to perform well here. How your career will develop in the future will depend more on the help of Huihuang.com.

If she hadn't said that she wanted to have a relationship with Ye Ming, when promoting her album in the future, or even talking about selling singles online, Huihui.com would have taken a lot of care, would Britney be able to come back and give her a try?

But thinking about Jackson, he had been pushed to the edge of the cliff by people in the circle, but he didn't expect that after meeting Ye Ming, he would actually stand at the top of pop music again.

Arguably the most laid-back star in the West right now is Jackson.

Even if there are new singles, they can be sold directly online. As for the issue of albums, at least there is no intention of Jackson releasing an album in the short term.

But this does not prevent Jackson from becoming the king of pop music with great influence again.

Therefore, Britney is actually quite wild. Ye Ming's invitation can be regarded as a smooth flow of events and a direct favor.

Therefore, Britney performed quite well on the scene. At least compared to Britney's worth, her performance is already very good.

Fortunately, most of the people on site were relatively familiar with each other and had worked together more than once before, so the filming progressed relatively quickly.

At this time, when the door was about to open, the staff over there came over to urge them to stop work. Ye Ming waved his hand to signal everyone to stop work.

The staff carried out the finishing work in an orderly manner. Ye Ming exchanged pleasantries with Robert Downey Jr. and Britney, said some useless words, and then sent the two people back to the RV.

That's right, I can't go back to the hotel next, there are still scenes to be filmed.

The next place we want to go is Prince Gong's Mansion, which is also a famous residence in the capital. It was the official residence of Lord He Shenhe in the past. It was built in the most luxurious way and surpassed all other palaces in the capital.

The Forbidden City cannot be closed casually, but there is no problem in Prince Gong’s Mansion closing a relatively quiet corner for filming.

The scenes were shot well and everyone cooperated well.

In fact, this is because there is a leader. Even Tom is very cooperative with the director, and other people naturally don't have the guts not to cooperate.

Therefore, in fact, throughout the whole day, the filming this time was quite smooth. In the evening, it was probably time to go to CCTV to film the ultimate brand-name tearing battle.

As a result, after some communication with Tom, Tom himself directly believed that if he was going to have his brand name torn off, he would just let Zhao Baozi rip it off in a sneak attack.

After all, Zhao Baozi is a little girl. If she rips it off, even Tom Cruise's fans won't have anything to criticize.

A person of Tom Cruise's level can be considered half an action star after all, and his muscles are quite impressive anyway.

Therefore, no one would not think that Tom Cruise could not deal with Zhao Baozi and was ripped off by Zhao Baozi. This was the gentlemanly demeanor shown by Cruise and it had no impact on Cruise's own reputation.

Therefore, the final task of tearing apart Tom Cruise fell on Zhao Baozi.

The result was the same as expected. Tom Cruise was torn off and his name tag was torn off by Zhao Baozi.

Now, Tom Cruise's role is all over.

After Tom left, he immediately called Spielberg and said: There must be something wrong with Ye Ming. The more I work with this guy, the more I feel that this guy is unfathomable.

Anyway, it's just very mysterious. This kind of thing is just like when I saw you. It seems like this guy is probably going to be the spokesperson for the East.

But I don’t understand why it is necessary to have a spokesperson and find this type of person. "

A spokesperson is actually a symbol, at least in the eyes of many people, it is just a symbol, just a symbol. A cultural symbol, just a cultural symbol.

Spielberg said with a smile: "You have only cooperated with Ye Ming in filming. You have not experienced anything else. I am afraid that Ye Ming's cooperation is not as simple as filming. There are some things that you may not be able to do now." I know, but when the day comes that you can become the spokesperson of the West, you will find that this world is more magical than you thought."

Yes, that’s right, no superstar of Brother Tan’s level has become a spokesperson for the West.

Because there is Spielberg in the West, Spielberg can completely crush Tom Cruise. Therefore, Spielberg is the spokesperson, and there is no problem with Cruise. Of course, Tom Cruise is also a prepared spokesperson, so he will know some of the inside story.

Although I don’t know much about it, I definitely need to know something.

Therefore, on such a question, he hesitated for a moment without asking any more questions, and decided to have more contact with Ye Ming in the future. At this time, he might learn through Ye Ming what this spokesperson is like. It's over.

After finishing work in the evening, Ye Ming invited the crew to dinner, as well as people from CCTV who came to help.

After the meal, it's time for rest, and this rest time is naturally personal time.

Ye Ming took Zhao Baozi back to one of his residences. Although he was driving along the way, his fighting spirit was aroused by Zhao Baozi.

When we arrived at the residence, Liu Tao was actually there. Ye Ming called Liu Tao.

As the eldest sister of Ode to Joy, she is actually quite attractive at this time. At least many things can affect Zhao Baozi.

Anyway, Ye Ming has been holding it in for a few days. This time he had the opportunity, so he naturally said he wanted to have a good time.

Liu Tao is now considered the kind of person who is lightly matured. Therefore, he must have experience and body, so he can be said to be a good mentor.

There are some things and some actions that Liu Tao can easily help Zhao Baozi unlock.

Therefore, sometimes, if Liu Tao is around, it will be quite easy to do it.

Moreover, Liu Tao knew that Ye Ming was a philanthropic person. Therefore, he did not think about dominating Ye Ming. He knew that he could not deal with Ye Ming. In fact, even with Zhao Baozi, he would definitely lose his helmet in the end. A's.

Therefore, Liu Tao actually felt that it would be good if he could have a helper on such a matter.

Otherwise, it would be hard to tell whether he would be able to get out of bed the next day. He would not be able to do strenuous exercise for at least two or three days and would stay at home to rest. This result was not what Liu Tao wanted.

But in such a matter, with Zhao Baozi's help, although Ye Ming was still the most powerful, the two of them always had time to take turns to rest.

Zhao Baozi is actually like a little girl who has found a curious toy. This is the time when she is full of curiosity.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is also very hard. When Ye Ming was in the car, Zhao Baozi was actually working harder while Ye Ming was driving. When he got home, he naturally worked even harder.

As for Ye Ming, he was naturally enjoying himself. He was majestic and the moonlight was like water. He asked you how much sorrow you have, just like the spring water of a river flowing eastward.

Of course, this is a kind of enjoyment. Ye Ming never thought of it before. What he often thought about was career. In fact, career is too much. Sometimes, when career reaches a certain level, you should still enjoy it as usual.

Otherwise, if you look at an existence of the level of Ode to Joy and Five Beauties, if Ye Ming doesn't take action, then other people will do it sooner or later.

Therefore, now Ye Ming actually thinks very clearly, why can you do it, but I can't? This matter, even if it is an exchange of interests, if the woman is not treated badly, this is already considered an industry standard in the entertainment industry. Conscience.

Not admitting it when you lift your pants, this kind of thing actually happens a lot in the entertainment industry. Anyway, everyone is used to it.

As for Ye Ming, actually doing this in the entertainment industry is enough to qualify for praise from most actresses.

The entertainment industry is such an unreasonable place, there is no way around it.

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