Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 199 Extras are not actors

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "In fact, at a time like this, it is not difficult to solve the problem, and it can also solve some of the problems we are currently encountering that are not progressing enough." This incident suddenly surprised He Xiuqiong, and she The first thing that worries me now is the director's disagreement. This is the most difficult problem for the entire crew, but the remaining one is the progress issue.

Once the first problem is solved, the remaining things are actually no big problems. Once the director's discord is solved, the crew's progress will naturally improve, and Qiong Yao's second One requirement is actually a matter of progress. At this moment, outside, the crew was filled with a kind of tragic anger, as if it was the kind of anger that went straight to the bone marrow and wanted to tear the [modern music scene] directly into pieces. Such a controversy was provoked in the media. In this case, it is actually very detrimental to the production of Huanzhugege, especially since the current progress is not good in the first place, and it even makes some actors feel unhappy. A kind of desolate emotion, the desolation after anger, is like the kind of bleak fallen leaves crossing the quiet courtyard at this moment, announcing in the silence that late autumn is walking on the road step by step, those in the first part of My Fair Princess. Actors, in fact, cherish the cast of My Fair Princess. However, for the same reason, in fact, under such a situation, the cast and crew of the first part of Princess My Fair Princess all knew a problem. The filming of the first part almost stopped several times. This is a very serious, but also realistic issue. Especially when I heard that Qiong Yao was very dissatisfied with this incident, it made people talk even more. There were many.

At this time, several actors from the first part of My Fair Princess formed a small circle. Generally, only the leading actors from the first film get together, but for Qinggege, Wang Yan, Ma Su, Wang Di and other new actors, in fact, this is also the crew's rule on this issue. Zhao Wei , Lin Xinru, Fan Binbin, Su Youpeng, Zhang Tielin and others are all famous actors. Therefore, these people are gathered together, they have common topics, and their status in the crew is actually equivalent. Wang Yan, Ma Su and Wang Di are newcomers, so naturally they are not qualified to sit with Zhao Wei and others. This is also an invisible level issue of the crew.

First-tier actors rarely go to the second-tier and third-tier actors, and the second-tier and third-tier actors are also very knowledgeable. Unless they have something to do, they generally will not go to the first-tier actors to find someone who is not married. Everyone knows this kind of thing, so at this moment, even though Ma Su looked at Zhao Wei and the others with envy and thought about the past, he still suppressed the impulse in his heart. . It was even said that Ma Su himself wanted to go to Zhao Wei and others to sign autographs, but thinking that he was from Huihuang Film and Television, he said that he wanted to support the company on such a question. In such a situation, this The thing is that you need to be patient. Although Zhao Wei and others are big names, can they have their own big boss? In fact, the entire crew understands very well that the real big name in the crew is Ye Ming. It used to be Su Youpeng, but now it is Ye Ming.

It is even said that He Xiuqiong often goes to Ye Ming to discuss some issues. In such a situation, in fact, the status of a big name is actually formed in this invisible way. At this moment, Fan Binbin said with some sadness in this small circle: "Teacher Zhang, tell me, will Aunt Qiongyao really be angry about this matter? What if the crew of My Fair Princess 2 really If you are so unlucky, will you be cut off in half?"

At this moment, Fan Binbin really fell in love with such a crew. Sharing the joys and sorrows created a miracle. Fan Binbin sincerely hopes that everyone can protect such a miracle together and will not let such a miracle disappear due to external forces. . Zhang Tielin smiled and teased his parrot sister, and said very definitely: "Girl, don't worry, what you said will not happen. If it is possible in the first part, it is almost impossible." If it is turned on, it is because no one knows whether Huan Zhu Ge Ge will be popular under such circumstances. But look, how is the first part?" mentioned the effect of the first part "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", Fan Binbin can wake up smiling from his dreams.

Under such circumstances, she changed from a northern drifter who ate cold skin every day to a famous actor, all of which were given by the cast of My Fair Princess. At that moment, Fan Binbin narrowed his eyes very proudly, as if a very excited light flashed through his eyes. Fan Binbin curled up on the recliner like a cat. He didn't know what he was thinking in his little head, but he said proudly: "This is wonderful. I have never received anything from others before. A few letters, but now, now I receive a lot of letters every day. In such a situation, this kind of thing is the feeling of being a star. Also, I can't help but wear sunglasses now. Walking on the street, otherwise you will be surrounded by people asking for autographs. In fact, at this time, many relatives and classmates still asked me for the autographs of some people in the crew. Teacher Zhang, you guys have to help me to satisfy those people. request."

Zhang Tielin laughed heartily and very proudly, but few people could really tell that there was some sadness in this pride. Especially when he heard these words of Fan Binbin, Zhang Tielin even more I felt a bit sad. Yes, becoming famous in one fell swoop has been Zhang Tielin's wish for many years, and now it has finally come true. Under such a situation, in fact, it is said that this is something that one should always be happy about. But at this moment, Zhang Tielin looked at Fan Binbin, who was still childish, as if he was seeing his own daughter, but everyone was equally famous. It can be said that all the actors starring in "Huanzhugege" are now first-line actors, but Zhang Tielin is old after all. Fan Binbin and the others have unlimited possibilities. They are still young and not afraid of failure. Therefore, in such a situation, in fact, there are some problems in such a matter, and it is so helpless.

Therefore, Zhang Tielin couldn't help but feel a surge of sadness in his heart at this moment. Even Sister Hua's whole body was standing on end when she was like this. Only then did Zhang Tielin say: "You will get used to this problem in the future, especially after the second part of Huanzhugege. Moreover, I dare say that Zhongjie Company cannot keep us people."

Originally it was about the fate of the second part of My Fair Princess, but under such a situation, Zhang Tielin changed the topic to the actors of My Fair Princess. At this time, Fan Binbin, who was originally a very out-of-the-box thinker, didn't realize that the topic he was about to talk about was now completely off topic. At that moment, Fan Binbin said in confusion: "Why, Zhongjie Company treats us well. Several of my advertisements were obtained by Zhongjie Company, and I made a lot of money from this."

Fan Binbin still keeps her way of thinking at the age of school. Although she is vaguely aware that money is more important than school, after all, she has not gone through some big storms. Therefore, in this At that time, Fan Binbin could not understand the reason for what Zhang Tielin said at this time.

Ordinarily, Zhongjie Company should attach great importance to the actors in Huanzhugege.

Zhang Tielin said very seriously: "Actually, you should understand that this matter is a question of remuneration, or a question of remuneration. Under such circumstances, we actually really want to increase the remuneration, but Will Zhongjie Company give us a salary increase in the end? Such a thing, in fact, such a question shows the stingy nature of Zhongjie Company.

Ye Ming was right. Ms. Qiong Yao was good at everything, but she was just a little bit stingy. Therefore, under such a situation, there is a rift between us and Zhongjie Company, and they will deal with you sooner or later. "This is really based on experience, and at this time, Fan Binbin seemed to understand some things like this. After all, it was too many twists and turns.

Therefore, in such a situation the whole thing is a somewhat vague impression. It seemed that Fan Binbin was full of confusion about Zhang Tielin's words, but she also vaguely realized that what Zhang Tielin said was very correct. Because one of her elementary school classmates called her and asked her if her salary had reached 10,000. The classmate also complained that Fan Binbin's drama cost RMB 10,000 per episode, but his hard work for half a day was still not as good as one of Fan Binbin's dramas. This made Fan Binbin quickly think about the issue of the pay fracas. In such a situation, Fan Binbin actually laughed in the end. She just said that in such a situation, she could only feel deeply confused and said: "Actually, at this time, Zhongjie said... We actors are quite good, and our treatment is at least that of first-line actors. I am very satisfied with this treatment. I heard that many Beipiao may not find a role as a character actor in ten years. Don't mention Brother Ming. That is an exception, an exception that has not been encountered in thirty years." At this time, Ye Ming said behind him with a smile: "Binbin knows the life of Beipiao's group actors very well."

After Fan Binbin heard the voice, he turned around with a smile and said, "That's natural. I've also been here since that time. Naturally, I know those people's living conditions very well. I often eat to save money." It’s a Liangpi kind of person. It was simply a kind of ordeal. When I see Liangpi now, I always feel frightened. It was all because of the injuries I suffered at that time.”

At this point, Fan Binbin actually had a very deep understanding in his heart. At this time, he naturally felt it. Ye Ming saw that Fan Binbin had such an unacceptable and resistant mood towards this kind of ordeal. Although it is said that under such a situation, in fact, such an issue will have a great impact on Fan Binbin's romantic career in the future.

It is even said that under such a situation, it will become a demonic obstacle for Fan Binbin. In the future, acting will be fire, and this demonic obstacle cannot be circumvented no matter what. At that moment, Ye Ming comforted him and said: "Actually, this may not be a good thing for you. The hardships you suffered when you were young are actually a fortune for young people. We have that kind of experience, but we don't You can lose yourself because you have that kind of suffering experience, and you will often be reminded that the basis of your success is actually suffering." Fan Binbin found it difficult to understand such a thing, and why Ye Ming took this kind of suffering so seriously wealth, but she jumped to some things that interested her.

Just now, in fact, before Ye Ming came over, Fan Binbin and Zhang Tielin were discussing the fate of the second part of the My Fair Princess cast. And it seems that Ye Ming can give Fan Binbin an accurate answer to such a matter. He Xiuqiong always came to Ye Ming to discuss some matters. Therefore, on such an issue, Fan Binbin said with a smile: "Brother Ming is right, but it's hard, and some things can't be forced. And in this case In one case, I am actually more worried about when the crew will stop filming. It is said that Aunt Qiongyao is very dissatisfied with this matter. If the filming is stopped, the losses will be very big."

Ye Ming deeply realized that Fan Binbin's kind of concern was completely from the heart. Regarding such an issue, in fact, at this time, most of the actors in Huan Zhuge Ge were concerned about the crew. .

At that moment, Ye Ming said: "Don't worry, there is actually no big danger in this matter. In such a situation, Aunt Qiongyao is actually just worried. We have finished filming, and it's done, Regarding a matter like this, in fact, most of it is just media hype. Do you care what they do? Remember, do your job with peace of mind. What are the basic qualities of an actor? Zhang The teacher can tell you." At this time, Zhang Tielin finally laughed truly and said: "This, I am happy to tell you, Binbin, remember, the basic quality of an actor is to act well and do well. If you do your job well, you are better than anything else."

Fan Binbin said doubtfully: "It's so simple. Does it mean that if you do it like this, you will definitely succeed?" In fact, if you do your job well, it will be difficult to do something like this. Fan Binbin may be saying that it is impossible to understand the seriousness of such an issue, but a veteran actor like Zhang Tielin has experienced this very well.

Therefore, Zhang Tielin still remembers this matter. It is an unforgettable memory that cannot be forgotten no matter what. At this time, Zhang Tielin felt deeply that the hardships in life were a small fortune. He had enough wealth and enough experience. Therefore, he is the teacher Zhang of the crew. Zhang Tielin was hesitant to say this. Yes, if you persist, will you definitely succeed? It doesn't mean that people who made their debut like him are still unknown until now.

Therefore, Zhang Tielin was speechless for a while on such a question. He didn't know what to say in a situation like this. At this time, Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, if you persist, it may be successful. However, at this time, if you persist and fail, it does not mean that it is impossible.

However, if we say that there are actors who persisted but did not succeed, that does not mean that there are none. Binbin, let me ask you a question. If you are talking about the foundation of the film and television industry, who are they? "This question is a bit strange. But Fan Binbin answered such a question decisively in such a situation.

She said: "Groups, such as these, are the foundation of the entire film and television industry, and even the foundation of the entertainment industry. Big stars also started their career as extras, such as Cheng Long, Hua Zai, Xingye, etc. They are all people who have come through this way. Therefore, I think it is the ensemble cast that is the foundation of the film and television industry. Without them, we would not be able to do anything."

This answer is quite satisfactory. In fact, Fan Binbin may not necessarily mean that he has such awareness. Therefore, in such a situation, it is actually what Director Xie often said. Old artists have always said that art comes from life. , this group of actors is the foundation of the film and television industry. Even under such a situation, at this time, Director Xie once mentioned why Hollywood has become the world's movie palace. In fact, at this time, it is because Hollywood has a good foundation for group performances and there are many stars who have emerged. It’s hard to say whether this is really what Director Xie said, but the overall quality of the ensemble cast in Hollywood is indeed extraordinary. After all, it is accumulated over more than a hundred years, and this is unmatched by other places.

Therefore, in such a situation, if Fan Binbin can talk about such a problem, it actually shows that Fan Binbin has really worked hard on such a matter.

But at this time, she sometimes remembered wrongly. At the moment, Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "To be honest, your answer is not wrong, but it cannot be regarded as correct. Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year. This is how it works You've always heard of this saying. In fact, it's also used to describe group performances. It's the most appropriate thing. Group performances are like flowers every year, but different people every year. You can recognize them. An extra? Even if the person is replaced, it is impossible for you to recognize him. Therefore, in fact, in the film and television industry at this time, this matter is definitely a sad thing. However, this is a Reality, this is a very serious reality. At this time of group performance, everyone is aware of this problem, but there is no solution.

Extras, not actors. This is a rule in the film and television industry. You may think it is inappropriate and tragic, but this is a fact. Only character actors are truly called actors. In other words, at a time like this, only character actors will be remembered by everyone. Even if it is a supporting role, there is still a golden supporting role. In such a thing, among the film and television awards, there are There is an award like the Oscar, but at this time there are actually only Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. I have never heard of an award like Best Ensemble in a movie award. What do you say? "

At this time, Fan Binbin stopped talking. She really said that she had nothing to say. In such a situation, Fan Binbin knew that Ye Ming was telling the truth. At this time, this was basically what he said. One problem is that the extras are not actors. Even if Fan Binbin feels sad for the extras, it is also a very helpless thing in such a matter. Fan Binbin became very lonely, and he could only lower his head at the moment, trying his best not to admit it, but in the end he admitted: "This is a fact, this is something that none of us can deny. Or maybe I have already I began to adapt to the role actor's identity. Therefore, in such a situation, I somewhat forgot that the term "actor" is not the title of an actor. It is not easy to get out of the group actor. Yes. I just want to say that sometimes, I am a little unwilling to do so."

Ye Ming looked at Fan Binbin and said: "Actually, such a thing is very normal, and you don't have to worry about anything. Those extra actors, once they insist on their acting career, they will not be able to become character actors in the end, but But being able to become a special guest actor is also a kind of progress, a reward for those people, and a reward for their persistence.

A reward like this is a reward for real group performers. Those extra performers who give up halfway will never get such a reward. This problem may be the fundamental reason that most group performers have been insisting on. "

Ye Ming actually has a deep understanding of this matter. He himself has been a real group performer, so he and Fan Binbin feel the same way. Extras are not actors. This is an unspoken rule in the entertainment industry that no one can change.

Moreover, in the past, if extra actors wanted to change their living conditions and status, they had a long way to go, and it was almost impossible to do so.

ps: This chapter is a two-in-one chapter. I finished it in the hospital around 11:38 yesterday. Because Bao Yatou was a little weak, the doctor said it was best to be hospitalized for some injections or something, but she was not discharged anyway. , I went to the hospital to find the wireless network at night. I felt dizzy. The wireless network in the hospital actually broke down. I watched helplessly as twelve o'clock passed and this chapter was not uploaded. I was speechless. But in the future, all that’s left is to give little Bao Ya an injection, and I’ll have a little more time coding. There will be an update today. (To be continued)

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