Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1970: The so-called friendship

After Ye Ming came back, he also felt that the entertainment industry was simply amazing.

After all, there are not many first- and second-tier stars in the entertainment industry who make big money, let alone those who are above the first-tier.

But Ye Ming has not been very busy recently. He has also found time to take care of the affairs of the Huo family. The big movie "Running Brothers" and the filming of Ode to Joy are enough to keep him busy.

Therefore, Ye Ming actually did not continue to pay attention to this matter. In fact, in the entertainment industry, there are more actors who don't make much money.

To be precise, these are just saying that there are more celebrity artists who are at a well-off level.

I haven’t seen those artists in the capital. Even if some are in the second tier, there are actually quite a few people who cannot afford to buy a house in the capital.

In the entertainment industry, in fact, there are many people in the entertainment industry who do whatever it takes to get money.

It is inevitable to use some tricks for money. The entertainment industry is not a charitable place in the first place. There are many intrigues and intrigues in it.

But regarding a question like this, Bai Jing just said that the method used was too extreme and too shameless.

There is nothing wrong with liking money. It can be said that unless you are a fool, no one dislikes money. From the time a child is three years old, he probably knows that he needs money to buy things.

There is nothing wrong with liking money. Regardless of whether they are men or women in the entertainment industry, they actually try their best to climb up. They treat each other like brothers and sisters in front of each other and have a deep love for each other.

It is normal for someone to turn around and curse someone behind their back and stab them secretly. Purely good people will not last long in the entertainment industry, and sooner or later they will suffer in the entertainment industry.

Even people like silly Wang Baoqiang will slowly become cunning. Once his head turned green, Wang Baoqiang would remember it for the rest of his life.

But Bai Jing does have character problems. If he wants money, he must earn it himself.

Sleeping with a director or sleeping with a producer is a common thing in the entertainment industry. Generally, if it is not made public and made public, it is just good for you, me, and everyone.

But it's really rare for people like Bai Jing to deceive their husbands. In the entertainment industry, such top performers can be considered giant pandas.

At this time, Bai Jing had already graduated a few years ago. In the entertainment industry, her life was just like that, and she didn't have any big opportunities at all. That is to say, she has the opportunity to have supporting roles in two movies, the kind of supporting actresses who don't have many scenes.

Moreover, the movie is also in a lukewarm state, and no one pays attention to it at all.

This kind of movie is destined to be cannon fodder level.

Let alone a supporting actress like Bai Jing, in fact, even if she is a male and female protagonist, no one will pay attention to it.

Both movies were flops.

The entertainment industry is actually like this. Under normal circumstances, unless an actor is a complete newcomer and has no works, if he applies for a role at this time, he must look at the box office of the last movie, or the previous TV series. ratings.

If this aspect is not done well enough, it is unlikely that the next film will have a very important role, and it will be even more difficult to become famous.

Bai Jing is the kind of artist who has been in the fourth and fifth tiers for the past two years.

Since you are not doing well, you have to find another way out. At least I can live a worry-free life. Only in this way can I continue to be in the entertainment industry.

It would be a good choice to find a good man to marry. Bai Jing knew that she was not a first- or second-tier star, and she was not qualified for critical eyes.

Therefore, she made a plan from the beginning to find a rich man to marry. Anyway, just spend your husband's money first so that you don't have to worry about anything later.

However, Bai Jing actually knew very well that even if she wanted to find a rich man, it would be impossible to find someone at the level of a billionaire.

Unless he is a first- or second-tier player, or even a first-tier player. For example, seniors Qingxia, Jiaxin, and even Shuo Zhilin, etc. Although Zhilin did not marry into a wealthy family and is still a golf legend, they are now billionaires themselves. In terms of real estate alone, It would be enough for her to last a lifetime. As long as you don't squander it a lot, you will definitely have nothing to worry about for the rest of your life.

Therefore, at this time, finding a billionaire obviously requires someone who is on the first or second tier, or even above the first tier.

As for Bai Jing himself, he is basically at the level of a multi-millionaire. It is also very important to have a registered permanent residence in Beijing.

If you don’t have a Beijing household registration, then don’t think about it yet.

Therefore, she was actually filming, accepting banquets, and looking for some suitable targets. Young actresses like her who have just debuted are actually very marketable.

If you are willing to play freely, it is actually relatively easy to make money. The entertainment industry is so chaotic, don’t treat it as such a sacred place.

Although there is a positive aspect in the entertainment industry, in fact, more of the intrigue and intrigue are more realistic.

As for Bai Jing, she actually met a fat man named Zhou Chenghai at a recent event. According to friends, this guy can be considered a rich man, a little better off than a well-off person.

People from the capital, and owning more than one property, are all hard power.

All in all, he should be regarded as a better golden turtle son-in-law.

As for billionaires, Bai Jing knows very well in her heart that being a billionaire is not as simple as everyone thinks, nor is it someone who can act like a fourth- or fifth-tier actor.

And I can't afford to offend that kind of billionaire.

I heard that if you marry such a billionaire, you have to sign a prenuptial agreement. When the time comes, both your life and wealth will be lost. The entertainment industry is not without such actors.

Therefore, in such a situation, what Bai Jing wants to do is to find a millionaire, preferably someone who is honest and obedient.

After all, you are looking for a long-term meal ticket. Naturally, this kind of person is looking for an honest person.

Men conquer the world with force, and women conquer the world with men. People in the entertainment industry can definitely understand this best.

Especially female celebrities can understand this deeply.

For example, Aunt Xiaoqing is definitely a role model here. In the past, just for a Beijing registered residence, I could marry myself off, and then after several marriages, in the end, Aunt Xiaoqing was definitely a winner in life.

Of course, it would have been better if Aunt Xiaoqing hadn't gone to jail once later. However, nine times out of ten things go wrong in life. Who knows how many surprises are waiting for this bastard in his life.

Bai Jing is also the kind of person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Anyway, getting a Beijing household registration and then getting a long-term meal ticket is the first step.

Zhou Chenghai, this can be considered a good spare tire. If you don't find a more suitable one, then maybe Zhou Chenghai is a good choice.

Although it is the second marriage, it is still relatively in line with the conditions of being fair.

Bai Jing also understands this. What's the use of finding someone handsome and young, but not as good as before.

Do you mean that you still have to spend your own money to support a pretty boy?

This thing is almost impossible.

Therefore, regarding such an issue, no matter how it was considered, she considered Zhou Chenghai to be one of the key people to observe and make friends with.

But I don't know why. Zhou Chenghai, who was quite enthusiastic towards me and seemed to be quite interesting to me, didn't have anything to say when he called me this time. He just said a few words to me and hung up the phone.

This is a bit abnormal. Zhou Chenghai must be interested in him, and Zhou Chenghai took the initiative to ask for his phone number. Therefore, in such a situation, Bai Jing knew that it was very normal for him to choose Zhou Chenghai as his spare tire. .

And Bai Jing herself felt that if she hooked her fingers, Zhou Chenghai would definitely come over. But looking at the situation now, things seem to be a little different.

At this time, Zhou Chenghai seemed to have no interest in him anymore.

The occurrence of such a thing caught Bai Jing off guard. Therefore, she quickly contacted her friend and said: "Old Zhao, I have something to ask you. Today I met Mr. Zhou. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhou's behavior seemed to be very abnormal. It seemed that he was not normal. You know me, this is a little different from how we behave when we eat.

At that time, Mr. Zhou asked for my phone number. You said I won't offend him in any way, right? However, we don’t seem to have much social contact, so we shouldn’t offend Mr. Zhou. "

Lao Zhao thought for a while and said: "Xiao Bai, I think this matter is still a matter with Mr. Zhou. I was drinking with Mr. Zhou yesterday. Mr. Zhou originally said that he was looking for a beautiful female star. As a daughter-in-law, I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhou’s mother would not be willing.

And Mr. Zhou is also a very filial person. If his mother is unwilling, then he will not consider being an actor.

Therefore, he just has no interest in some people in the entertainment industry.

Yesterday when we were drinking, Mr. Zhou said personally that if you want something, just find a teacher, dancer or something. In fact, he also said that he was disappointed with the entertainment industry.

Therefore, I think Mr. Zhou is not talking about you, but all the women he knows in the entertainment industry.

Normally when we drink, we usually find a few familiar sisters from the entertainment industry to come over, but this time Mr. Zhou said he was not interested, so forget it. "

Are dancers considered to be in the entertainment industry? Maybe, sort of?

But dancers have two characteristics. One is that they are beautiful, which I don’t have. The other is that the relationship is relatively simple. Especially for dancers who have just graduated, the relationship is even simpler.

It is undeniable that today's college students have learned to get in touch with society, but they are college students after all and do not have a deep understanding of society.

Therefore, dancers, especially those who have just graduated, are actually quite capable.

If there is a suitable one, then there is no need to enter entertainment literature at all, and you can just marry home and be a full-time wife.

This is something that those actresses who have worked hard in the entertainment industry cannot compare to.

Therefore, Ye Ming was talking about a nurse, teacher, etc., and Lao Zhou himself also imagined the position of a dancer.

Bai Jing was a little dumbfounded when she heard this. Zhou Chenghai's mother was unwilling to find a daughter-in-law from the entertainment industry?

But think about it, China is a society that attaches great importance to filial piety. An honest person like Zhou Chenghai attaches great importance to what his mother says.

If it was said that his mother was not very willing, then Zhou Chenghai probably would not choose an actress in the entertainment industry.

Thinking about this kind of application, she was originally 80% sure, but on this question, Bai Jing is no longer sure.

Zhou Chenghai is such a good spare tire, but I didn’t expect that he is also a filial son. However, although Bai Jing felt quite regretful at this time, in such a situation, it was not to the point of being miserable. After all, Bai Jing knows very well that a multi-millionaire like Zhou Chenghai is very easy to find under such circumstances. There are many rich people in the capital, including Zhou Chenghai.

And Bai Jing also feels that she is still young, so if she works hard for two years and slowly finds her goals, that would be a good choice.

This Lao Zhao is an old man in the entertainment industry, with strong connections and broad connections. At this time, he can be regarded as a broker in the entertainment industry. As for whether there is any gray deal behind Lao Zhao.

Nowadays, in the entertainment industry, there are a few people who do not have any gray transactions behind their backs.

Anyway, now Bai Jing still hopes that Lao Zhao can continue to introduce some millionaire-level guys to him.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is obvious that Lao Zhao cannot be offended casually.

On such an issue, Bai Jing is very assertive.

Sometimes, you just understand this kind of thing in your heart.

Therefore, Bai Jing sighed helplessly and said, "Thank you, Sister Zhao. Since Mr. Zhou is not involved in the entertainment industry, forget it. If anything good happens in the future, remember my sister."

It is not easy for a person to work hard in the entertainment industry. He must know people from all walks of life. Therefore, Bai Jing knows that if he has a good relationship with Lao Zhao now, he will always be able to use him in the future.

At this point, I have to say that Bai Jing is a very scheming girl.

Maybe she is no longer a girl now. She knows this, and Lao Zhao probably knows this too.

Anyway, this is the case in the entertainment industry. If you want to climb up, you have to pay a certain price. If you don't want to pay the price, then at this time, it is basically impossible to have any good results.

Friendship, so-called friendship, basically gives way to interests in the entertainment industry.

Interests, eternal interests, are the unspoken rules that the entertainment industry must abide by. The so-called friendship should not be taken seriously in the entertainment industry. Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

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