Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1965: The defendant gave in

The Fearless crew here became defendants in the UK. No matter what, the British court also filed a case.

Therefore, it has naturally become the hottest news in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Originally, it was not a big news at all for someone from the Huo family to sue the crew of Fearless.

And everyone knows very well that in this kind of case, the possibility of getting fifty votes each is very high.

Therefore, this kind of case often happens in the entertainment industry, and it will not become big news at all.

But if this case was someone from the Huo family who went to England to file a lawsuit, then it would definitely be very eye-catching.

Therefore, many reporters are trying their best to find out what this case is like.

After all, it means that in such a situation, Chinese people don't like to litigate, and it is even rarer to go to the UK to litigate.

Although the Huo family vowed to go to the UK to file a lawsuit in front of reporters, some reporters also paid attention to it.

But it's one thing to just talk about firing cannons. Who wouldn't say big words?

But when the Huo family really went to the UK to sue the Fearless crew, and the British court really accepted the case, then things were different at this time.

This has the potential to become explosive news.

It can be said that even if the Huo family cannot win this time, it will definitely cause quite a sensation.

At this point, reporters of course have to dig deeper.

After returning from the UK this time, when they got off the plane, Huo Shan and Guo Degang found that there were no reporters to greet them.

This time, Huo Shan was a little surprised. He took a look at the situation outside the airport and said: "Mr. Guo, something seems wrong about this matter. Last time we sued the Fearless crew in China, there were many reporters who followed us.

This time we are the crew of Fearless who went to the UK to sue. This is the first time in the Chinese entertainment industry to do this.

As you said, this matter has not attracted the attention of the entertainment industry. It seems to be somewhat different from what your boss said. "

Yes, there was no reporter, so Huo Shan naturally felt strange. He still wanted to attract media attention to this matter, so would it put a certain amount of pressure on the Fearless crew?

But I didn't expect that in such a situation, it actually said that no reporters were following. This seemed a bit impossible.

Guo Degang smiled bitterly and said: "Master Huo, do you really think that no reporters care about this matter? When we went to the UK, there were still reporters following us.

Of course, there must be a few reporters invited by the boss for their sake, but most of them follow the news.

Do you think that this time we went to the UK and a case was filed there, the reporters wouldn’t care about this matter?

In fact, I just left the airport and received a call in the passage, saying that many reporters had blocked Future Films.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t care about this case, it’s that they don’t care about us. "

Huo Shan was stunned and said: "Why, why?

We are parties to this case, so we should be interviewed.

Also, when we go to the UK to file a lawsuit, there should be reporters coming to interview us, right? "

At this time, Guo Degang immediately said: "You are not from the entertainment industry and you don't know anything about the entertainment industry.

Compared with this matter, everyone pays more attention to the attitude of big shots, do you know.

As for me, in the entertainment industry, I am considered a nobody at best. He is relatively well-known in cross talk circles and is not liked by the mainstream people yet.

According to the entertainment industry, I can be considered a third-tier artist at best. It’s not necessarily the third level outside the cross talk circle.

And you, Mr. Huo, you are not from the entertainment industry at all.

If it hadn't been for a lawsuit with Li Lianjie this time, reporters probably wouldn't have paid much attention to you.

Therefore, the two of us actually have nothing to attract reporters. Reporters care about big stars.

For example, our boss and Li Lianjie are both international superstars. Only superstars like this have news value for interviews.

This time, it was those people who blocked our boss’ door.

Because Li Lianjie came over, reporters were of course paying more attention to Li Lianjie's attitude on such a matter.

Anyway, when we file a lawsuit, the news is already there. The British side has also filed a case, and we will definitely win again.

This interview with us is not of much value.

You think so, if entertainment reporters and paparazzi don’t care about big stars, how can they care about us?

Therefore, they estimate that Li Lianjie is currently being blocked by Future Film and Television.

Speaking of which, in fact, this case was initiated by our boss. Without our boss’s advice, would we have thought of going to the UK to file a lawsuit? "

This, it seems, is simply impossible. Huo Shan nodded and had to say: "I really can't remember, because we didn't even know that we could go to the UK to file this lawsuit?"

Guo Degang patted the suitcase and said, "It's still the same truth. This is the case. Reporters are paying more attention to the things behind this cross-border lawsuit. Who should you go to if you don't go to our boss?"

And Li Lianjie also went to see our boss. If my guess is correct, then in such a matter, Li Lianjie probably went to our boss to discuss this issue.

Let's go and take a rest first. If our boss intervenes in this matter, then we will just wait for the good news of victory. "

Anyway, Guo Degang has great faith in his boss. In Guo Degang's opinion, in fact, in this kind of thing, the boss just waits for good news to intervene.

Although Huo Shan didn't believe it, there was no way. Now Huo Shan himself had no better way. Therefore, the only way to solve this problem was to go to Guo Degang's place to take a rest.

Anyway, on this issue, the British side has already filed a case, and everything is left to the lawyers.

Although Pedro's fee is relatively high, it seems that this guy is also quite professional.

This gave Huoshan a little more confidence in winning. But this time, Yu Guo actually came over in person, and one of his subordinates, a young female reporter, stood not far from the door of Future Film and Television, waiting for something to happen inside. At this time, the female reporter asked: "Master, tell me, why can this lawsuit be fought abroad? The case has actually been filed in the UK."

Master and apprentice, this is also a relatively well-established rule in the journalism industry.

Generally, for new reporters, the unit will always designate an experienced reporter to guide them. This can be regarded as a glorious tradition of mentoring.

This female reporter is one of Yu Guo's disciples. A newbie, not very familiar with the situation, that is, how should this reporter, who slowly started to get familiar with the entertainment industry with Yu Guo, deal with unexpected situations and so on.

This time I brought my apprentice here to open his eyes.

Yu Guo said without thinking: "Xiaotian, pay attention to collecting intelligence, this news is no longer a secret.

The key is that Fearless was released in the UK.

Li Lianjie is an international star and takes an international route. Like Cheng Long and Ye Ming, his movies are released in other countries around the world.

Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why these people's salaries are relatively high.

According to the British legal system, as long as the film is released in the UK, the UK has certain jurisdiction.

Therefore, the Huo family went to the UK to sue, and the British court naturally accepted the case.

As long as the Huo family insists on fighting this lawsuit, it will be very detrimental to the Fearless crew.

After all, they never won the case in China.

The protection of reputation rights in China is relatively lagging behind.

But in the UK, the protection of reputation rights has a history of one or two hundred years, and the laws in this area are relatively sound.

Therefore, basically speaking, the Fearless crew has no possibility of victory.

I estimate that this is also a key reason why Li Lianjie came to Ye Ming. He may have wanted Ye Ming to be the middleman, or he simply did not want to continue fighting this lawsuit. "

There is no possibility of winning this case. Is it interesting to litigate?

It seems to have no meaning at all.

At this point, things are rather awkward.

What Yu Guo said was correct. Li Lianjie came here to find Ye Ming about this lawsuit.

This matter has also been reported in the entertainment industry. Guo Degang is by Huo Shan's side, so it is not difficult to find out that this matter is actually related to Ye Ming.

Transnational lawsuits, except for Ye Ming, who likes to litigate, few people in the country can think of such a thing.

But it just means that Li Lianjie has no possibility of victory.

Because Li Lianjie also asked the lawyer, according to the current evidence, it is basically a foregone conclusion that he will lose the case.

It’s also a matter of time. Therefore, at this time, Li Lianjie felt that if the lawsuit continued, it would be basically unnecessary.

It's not so much like this, it's more straightforward and solved.

This time he came to Ye Ming just for this matter.

Li Lianjie was in the capital to handle some matters of his own, so he heard the news, then asked the relevant lawyer, and came directly to Ye Ming.

In fact, after finding Ye Ming, reporters had already blocked Future Film and Television.

Of course, Li Lianjie has never seen anything like this. Small things like this will not affect his mood at all.

Regarding such a problem, after Li Lianjie saw Ye Ming, he was the first to complain: "Mr. Ye, what you are doing is a bit unethical. You actually gave it to the Huo family." This idea.

Didn’t you say that you don’t know much about this matter and don’t pay much attention to it? "Ye Ming said without any politeness at all: "To be honest, I really didn't pay much attention to this issue at the beginning.

This matter has nothing to do with me at all. When I was interviewed with you at the airport, I already said that I don’t know much about this matter, so I can’t comment.

But, the problem is that the Huo family found me through Guo Degang, and I also investigated it myself. Your producer was indeed a bit unkind. After losing the lawsuit, you actually didn't apologize?

It would be unkind to bite the bullet and not apologize.

Let me ask, after all, you are filming Fearless Huo Yuanjia, right? He is his grandfather. Therefore, on a question like this, you don’t get his authorization. I admit it. Things like this in the entertainment industry are also not allowed. Not without.

But you wrote that the ancestors of others were exterminated, which is a bit unkind.

And he insisted on not admitting his mistakes.

At this time, people came to us and said that even if you compensate them for mental damages and so on, they will donate it to Jinmen University to establish the Fearless Education Fund without paying a penny for themselves. I think they will file a lawsuit. It's just for the reputation of the ancestors.

Therefore, at this time, you think I have no reason not to help others.

As long as you regress a little bit, admit your mistake, and make some compensation or something, I think it is impossible for this matter to reach this point, right? "

Ye Ming's words made Li Lianjie speechless.

This kind of thing is actually so simple after all. Once the Fearless crew admits their mistake, they will definitely have to pay compensation, and the compensation will probably not be too small.

This is a key point why Fearless's crew is unwilling to admit their mistakes.

Fortunately, the court did not order the Huo Yuanjia crew to pay compensation in the first instance.

But they didn't expect that the Huo family would find Ye Ming, a litigious maniac, who had the idea to ask them to go to the UK to sue the crew.

The court in the UK really accepted this matter.

At this time, Li Lianjie, one of the producers, couldn't sit still.

In fact, other investors are also a little unable to sit still. After all, Ye Ming's identity as a litigious maniac has been confirmed. There is no possibility of flattery in a lawsuit with such a person.

Therefore, under such a situation, Li Lianjie was selected as the representative and came directly to Ye Ming. After hearing Ye Ming's analysis, Li Lianjie also admired the ruthlessness of Huo Yuanjia's descendants.

If the Huo family hadn't said that if they won the case, they wouldn't have to pay a penny and donated all of it to establish the Fearless Education Fund, then 90% of the time, Ye Ming would not have intervened in this issue.

But there is no way, nothing is done now, we can only discuss how to solve this matter.

Therefore, thinking of this, Li Lianjie immediately said: "I have invested in this crew, and I am one of the investors. The other investors also said that it is best to settle the lawsuit and not continue to litigate.

Therefore, let me ask for your opinion to see what you mean and whether you are willing to settle out of court. "This means that the Fearless crew has given up.

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