Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1960 Li Lianjie was accused

Ye Ming is a superstar. Although he has been in a coma for a year, his popularity may have declined slightly, but because of Fast and Furious Part 2, Huihui.com and Huihui Film and Television, etc.

Now everyone in the circle knows that Ye Ming is still the same Ye Ming, and he is still the top group of people in the entertainment industry.

That is to say, a part of the audience, because of the deliberate suppression by some media, felt that Ye Ming might be a little outdated.

But now that Ye Ming has reappeared in the public eye, his popularity has begun to slowly recover.

As for some media in Hong Kong, no media dares to underestimate Ye Ming.

When I arrived in Xiangjiang, the first thing I did was of course attend the Li family's wedding, and by the way, I did some work to buy the shares of Penguin Company. The next step was to be invited over by Mr. Jin Yong. In fact, many people think that Jin Yong is Mr. Jin, which is a mistake. His real surname is Cha, and he comes from a prominent family in Jiangning.

Of course, according to the titles between writers, Jin Yong is the most direct. This is basically a common rule in the writer circle.

This was also the case in the online writing circle later. When it comes to an author's real name, the circle may not be very familiar with it. But generally speaking, when it comes to pen names, people in the circle are somewhat familiar with them. Even if they don’t know each other, they have probably seen each other’s works or something.

These are some of the ways writers communicate, which may be difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Ye Ming just liked to call Jin Yong Mr. Jin. Although Jin Yong also protested, it was of no use.

On the contrary, Ye Ming is relatively lucky, because when Ye Ming was published, he actually used the name Ye Ming. Jin Yong came to Ye Ming this time and said: "This time, I am looking for the publication of those things about the Ming Dynasty. What you did in unscripted things is too unethical."

One book a year may not satisfy the audience. I hope you can give me these works as soon as possible. If you can give me the finale, that would be the best. At that time, our group will also be able to prominently promote it.

At that time, the sales of those things in Ming Dynasty will definitely increase greatly. "

Ye Ming thought for a moment and said, "That's not right. At that time, I was so worried that I was busy with work and forgot that I would not give you a single manuscript. You must be lacking in manuscript publication now."

Jin Yong hesitated for a moment before saying: "Well, I've also asked about this matter. What you gave us at that time was indeed a different manuscript, but part of it was lost due to the editor's negligence.

By the time the editor rang, it was nowhere to be found. It seems that it was crushed and thrown into the garbage dump.

Because of this, I have already fired two responsible editors who were not very good.

Therefore, we still need you to give us some manuscripts, and it is best to give them to us together with the finale. "

"Those Things in the Ming Dynasty" is a super interesting historical book, which is equivalent to the character of a mountain monster.

Of course, this book tells Yi Zhongtian who is the real founder of the Three Kingdoms. Generally speaking, everyone tends to Yi Zhongtian’s talk about the Three Kingdoms, because Yi Zhongtian’s talk about the Three Kingdoms was broadcast earlier on CCTV, and then Mingyue will appear on CCTV. Tianya wrote "Those Things in the Ming Dynasty".

Of course, at this time, those things in the Ming Dynasty were relatively early, because they were things that Ye Ming had already written long ago.

Ye Ming agreed at this time and said: "This should not be a big problem, but it can't be done now because I am still quite busy.

Whether it's Run, Brother, or Ode to Joy, I have to run it properly, otherwise I will disappoint everyone. Therefore, at this time, I actually don’t have much personal time. "

Of course, Jin Yong is very clear about this. In fact, he also works in the film industry and has also been a screenwriter in Hong Kong. For example, movies like Midnight Orchid were written by Jin Yong himself. Therefore, he is relatively familiar with some things in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Jin Yong nodded and said: "Of course, I won't let you hand it over right away, but you must strike as soon as possible while the iron is hot. The sooner this matter is completed, the better.

Because there are already some people in the market who have started this kind of joking about history just like you. "

Following the trend and imitating, in fact, Ye Ming himself is very clear about this kind of thing. The classics of the Ming Dynasty are enough for people to imitate. It is only now that some imitative works have been published on the market. This has already been It's very respectable.

Ye Ming thought for a while, calculated his time and said: "Will it be spring tomorrow? I will definitely give you all the manuscripts, including the finale, before May 1st International Labor Day. You can rest assured."

Although it is relatively easy to give Jin Yong a finale, because he actually has backup preparations for these manuscripts, including the finale.

Therefore, on a question like this, there is no problem in giving Jin Yong.

But giving it directly would make it too easy for the manuscript to be obtained. Therefore, Jin Yong must be made to feel that he is writing the manuscript for him in his busy schedule. This is a matter of small favors.

Jin Yong is not in a hurry anyway, so there is really no big problem in delaying a certain issue.

Sure enough, when Jin Yong heard the result, he said: "There is no problem with this. There was no big problem before May Day. Anyway, if the release of the film is not delayed every year, there will be no big problem.

Over there, the company has had some changes. Do you need help?

If you need help, just say it directly on a problem like this. Don't dare to say anything else. I still have a certain influence in Xiangjiang. Even if I go to the mainland, I think many people will give me face. "

Ye Ming shook his head with a smile and said: "This is not a big problem for the time being. If Mr. Jin needs help, I will definitely call you later."

There is indeed no big problem. Ye Ming feels that these things are all under his control. Therefore, there is basically no big problem that requires Jin Yong to help.

Ye Ming knew that Jin Yong didn't say it casually. Since he said that he could help, he would definitely help as long as Ye Ming suggested it.

One is that Jin Yong admires Ye Ming, and of course the two are partners with mutual benefit.

Ye Ming actually didn't stay in Xiangjiang for long. At this time, there were actually many things in the capital that Ye Ming had to deal with personally.

Therefore, after bidding farewell to Jin Yong, Ye Ming took Liu Tao directly to the airport.

Of course, they are waiting in the VIP room, otherwise the painting will cause a big sensation. Celebrities have so much influence, especially if an international superstar like Ye Ming is really surrounded by fans, then It is more difficult to escape.

When you arrive at the VIP room, there is usually no scene of large-scale crowds of people.

Although there were people looking for Ye Ming's autograph in the VIP room, they were in the minority after all.

There are also some airport service staff who ask Ye Ming to sign autographs in private. Although this is quite against the regulations of the airport, after all, we are a humane society here. For some reasonable requests, Ye Ming still tries his best to meet the needs of fans.

In such a situation, Ye Ming actually met Li Lianjie, which was something that surprised Ye Ming himself.

It is not easy for two international superstars to meet together.

Now, the relationship between the two people is pretty good. At least, under such a situation, they are the kind of people who can talk together.

Although Ye Ming was not comfortable with some things about Li Lianjie, they were also personal matters. As long as they were not directed at him, Ye Ming had no intention of treating Li Lianjie as his enemy.

After all, he is considered the Kung Fu Emperor, one of the few international superstars in the world who can sustain himself.

But when it comes to truly becoming good friends, this is also impossible for women.

However, since they said they had met at the airport, it was a relatively normal choice for everyone to chat with each other.

Because on the plane, the two people's seats were relatively far apart, so there wasn't much communication.

On the contrary, some passengers and flight attendants came over to ask for autographs and photos.

But because this is a first-class cabin, the people inside are generally either rich or noble. Therefore, even if they see international superstars like Ye Ming and Li Lianjie, there will be no onlookers.

However, in fact, just when Ye Ming thought that the matter might end just like that, something happened that made Ye Ming feel a little surprised. Li Lian Jie and Ye Ming also came out of the VIP passage, but at this time, they were surrounded and blocked by a group of reporters.

What surprised Ye Ming even more was that this time, the reporter intercepted was actually Li Lianjie.

Even if this is a relatively big trap, it directly traps Ye Ming.

Li Lianjie is also very, very helpless. He has actually felt very depressed recently. This is not an ordinary depression. As an international superstar, he has been sued. How can he explain this?

And he was accused because of the movie. His movie Huo Yuanjia, released this year, was originally quite good, but later the descendants of the Huo family directly sued the crew of the Huo Yuanjia film crew, and by the way also sued Li Lianjie.

It is said that Fearless's crew distorted the facts and slandered the reputation of their ancestors.

This actually made Li Lianjie feel very embarrassed. There is nothing wrong with him being the lead actor, but in a matter like this, he is not the screenwriter.

However, what journalists like most is to ask Li Lianjie for this kind of thing. There is no news if they go to others. Anyway, at this time, Li Lianjie is also the defendant. If you ask him some questions, you can always get some news to write. of.

If Li Lianjie talks freely in front of reporters, it would be said that he is unrepentant and gets carried away.

If Li Lianjie remains silent, it means that he knows he is wrong and dare not face reality. If Li Lianjie hesitates, just say he is guilty and covering up the truth.

Anyway, if a reporter wants to tell something about you, there is always a reason to tell it about you. As long as it is true that Huo Yuanjia's descendants are suing Li Lianjie, there will be no problem in how reporters generally write news.

If coupled with the news about Li Lianjie, it would be even more attractive at this time.

This time, the reporters were actually very surprised, because not only did they wait for Li Lianjie, but they also waited for Ye Ming.

This made the reporter very happy. This is buy one get one free, which is very exciting.

Being able to meet Ye Ming while interviewing Li Lianjie is a rare event with a small probability. It is not much easier than winning the first prize in the lottery.

Therefore, after some reporters asked Li Lianjie some questions and were tortured by the reporters, Li Lianjie was tired of dealing with it, so some reporters turned to Ye Ming.

When some reporters asked Ye Ming what he thought of this matter, all the reporters, and even Li Lianjie himself, were paying attention to Ye Ming's answer.

After all, Ye Ming is the real boss of Huihuang.com, and no one dares to underestimate Ye Ming's influence in publicity.

Even Li Lianjie wanted to know what Ye Ming thought of this matter.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said solemnly: "Dear friends from the media industry, actually, I don't know much about this matter.

As everyone knows, I was in a coma for a while. After I woke up, I filmed a TV series, and then I was busy establishing a new company. Then I started my own company's variety show "Running Brothers" and the TV series "Ode to Joy".

Now I'm too busy to do anything, and I didn't go to see the movie Fearless at all.

Therefore, I remain silent on this matter.

Without investigation, there is no right to speak. If you ask me what I think about this matter, I can only go back and watch the movie Fearless, and then see what this matter is like, and then I Only then can we be able to give you an answer to your question. "

Ye Ming directly pushed 265 and didn't answer at all.

In fact, he knew a little bit about this matter, but because he didn't want to get involved too deeply, he still didn't express his opinion at this time.

After all, as a public figure, he must be responsible for what he says.

He knew a little bit about this kind of thing, but he didn't know what the inside story was, so he wanted to investigate and see what this thing was like before he decided whether Not to get involved.

At this time, the reporter had no choice. Ye Ming didn't say anything, and no reporter dared to force Ye Ming to express his opinion.

Only then did Liu Tao realize that his boss's character of always reporting flaws was well-known in the media industry.

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