Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1943: Audition Storm

The show Ode to Joy requires actors to be selected, not auditions. In fact, Ye Ming seems to think that auditions are not necessary. Ode to Joy is a program that requires relatively few actors, so auditions are not necessary.

But some actors from other companies will definitely be chosen. This information is the most important.

This is also something that people in the entertainment industry are more concerned about. Because this is a brand effect.

Ye Ming is a guarantee of ratings in the entertainment industry. Every one of his movies and TV series is basically a guarantee of ratings.

It is very easy to become popular after performing Ye Ming's works.

Let me ask, who in the entertainment industry doesn’t want to become popular? For example, there are also rumors about Huayi Brothers. Du Chun and others were recommended to the Ode to Joy crew, but they were eliminated directly.

Why is it not mentioned above? Anyway, several young actors were re-recommended.

Originally, people from Future Film and Television wouldn't talk about this matter. Hong Fei doesn't have that much free time. He has too many things to be busy with. Ode to Joy and Wumei are also busy experiencing life, so they won't talk about it at all.

Ye Ming himself would not be too busy to release such news.

If you think about it carefully, Wang Zhongjun probably did this. Why? I don’t know, anyway, all the actors of Huayi Brothers knew about it, and even people in the entertainment industry gradually started to know the news.

Someone also went to interview Hong Fei specifically about this matter. Hong Fei's expression was highly consistent with Ye Ming's.

The selection of actors is based on the needs of your own TV series, so don't be in a situation where you are so handsome that you can overpower the five beauties of Ode to Joy.

He also said that his company is not suppressing anyone, it is purely a matter of inappropriate roles.

After this incident came out, the criteria for selecting characters in the TV series Ode to Joy have become very clear.

Those young talents who are relatively famous in the entertainment industry originally wanted to take this opportunity to audition to see if they could get a role on the Ode to Joy crew, but many of them later stopped.

After all, if you are rejected directly, it will be a loss of face.

Therefore, after the casting news for the Ode to Joy crew was sent out, not many people responded, and everyone was afraid of being rejected. At this time, Ye Ming was actually taking care of Huihuang Film and Television.

The notes are from his old ministers. Although he said that during the period of time when he was comatose, the performance of these people was not very satisfactory, but there was no real accusation of betrayal and job-hopping. This is enough.

After all, speaking carefully, at this time, it is impossible to say that you are loyal and loyal in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, on an issue like this, no matter how it is, Ye Ming is more satisfied by remaining neutral.

Therefore, Ye Ming didn't pay much attention to this matter. Ye Ming casually blocked a few of those people in Baodao who were job-hopping. Jay Chou is a relatively sensible guy. In fact, he also wanted to change jobs. , but then he hesitated, and the news came out that Ye Ming had woken up. Therefore, at this time, he was the first to stand up and express that he was on the boss's side.

This is a very correct statement. The other two people in f4 also stated that they will abide by the contract and stay in the company well.

On the contrary, several newcomers signed by the company before Baodao changed jobs, and were directly blocked by Ye Ming.

Ye Ming is not the Holy Mother. You have a contract with our company and you dare to change jobs directly. This is unforgivable.

But the other people at Huihuang Film and Television performed relatively well.

Therefore, at this time, although Ye Ming said that he would not praise brilliant film and television actors, he would not ignore it.

In fact, it can be seen from the TV series "Ode to Joy" that Ye Ming is praising the five virtues of "Ode to Joy". Everyone in the entertainment industry can see this.

But the other supporting characters can take care of the people of Brilliant Film and Television.

This time, while Ye Ming was training the Five Beauties of Joy and experiencing life, he also found Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and others. Of course, Sun Li, Tang Wei, Ma Su and other beauties were also there.

This is the first meeting that Ye Ming has held with them for Ode to Joy.

In fact, at this time, everyone was still quite uneasy.

Although he still said that the boss meant that he would not pursue the matter, in fact, everyone saw it clearly, and the boss was quite angry because everyone was hesitant to stand aside.

Otherwise, the female lead in this Ode to Joy should be Sun Li, Tang Wei and others.

But this time Ye Ming actually reorganized the company and recruited new people to shoot a new TV series. At this time, it fully expressed Ye Ming's dissatisfaction with such a thing.

However, Ye Ming did not express any dissatisfaction, but directly typed the script and said: "This time, for Ode to Joy, the selection of actors is actually the top priority.

Of course, I will start some new people. For example, Zhao Baozi and Liu Sisi are newcomers with little experience, so they need some more experienced actors to protect them.

This time, I have decided that most of the supporting roles in Ode to Joy will be played by people from Brilliant Film and Television, but about one-third will still choose people from other companies. "

Wang Baoqiang immediately said from the side: "Why, boss, our young company can actually completely digest the supporting role of Ode to Joy, why do we still need to find people from other companies?"

Brilliant Film and Television still has other second- and third-tier actors. Therefore, it is normal for Wang Baoqiang to say at this time that Brilliant Film and Television's own people can fully digest it.

But Ye Ming immediately denied it and said: "It's true that Brilliant Film and Television can fully digest it, but we can't do that. It's impossible to find other people for Ode to Joy Wumei, but supporting roles are still possible .

As a human being, you cannot eat alone. For example, if we give up a certain amount of profit when our movies are screened, we can get a better schedule. Of course, we have our own theater chain, so we don't have to make too many concessions.

But if you are talking about those who do not have their own theater chain, they will definitely make concessions in terms of profits. Otherwise, why would they arrange a good film schedule for you?

The same goes for filming TV dramas. I have arranged the heroine, but at times like this, I always say that I have to leave room for others to eat. If we eat alone, then our TV series may be boycotted by others.

Anyway, this is not what I expected to see happen. "

If it were said that in the past, it was really possible for Ye Ming to give all these roles to his company, but if it really didn't work, he would just recruit people again.

But now Ye Ming actually knows very well that although he has great energy, he cannot do everything.

At a time like this, it would be better for the entertainment industry not to live alone. For example, the filming of Lao Guo's 19th Generation was pretty good, and big-name stars came one after another. However, it was precisely because Lao Guo was unwilling to compromise on his interests. Therefore, the final filming schedule was either in the morning or late at night. Anyway, 19th Generation The box office was greatly suppressed.

Otherwise, it is not necessarily possible that the box office will exceed one billion, but it will definitely be very easy to reach eight hundred million.

Therefore, in fact, in such a situation, it means that in the entertainment industry, it is not good to eat alone.

Unless you have Zhou Xingxing's status as a super king in the entertainment industry.

Super King means that the audience will buy it, which will force the theater chain to give in.

For ordinary actors, it is better not to compete with theaters.

In the Mainland, in fact, the only ones who dare to challenge the theater chain are Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang, not counting Ye Ming. Ye Ming and his own theater chain now, and no theater chain owner will provoke Ye Ming casually.

Otherwise, Ye Ming, who must repay his flaws, might be waiting for you somewhere?

Therefore, in fact, Ye Ming also knew very well at this time that giving up a few places could at least unite some people and attack some people. This will make yourself less stressed.

Otherwise, he simply said that he would not care about the few people recommended by Huayi Brothers.

But now, Ye Ming has decided to appropriately arrange positions for the people recommended by Huayi Brothers. As long as they can pass the audition, some relatively unimportant roles will be arranged.

As for the people recommended by other companies, they also participate in the audition. In the end, who will be able to pass the audition is what Ye Ming needs to nod.

At this time, Du Chun was actually the one who felt depressed.

Almost everyone knows that Du Chun was directly dismissed by Ye Ming because he was too handsome.

When this reason came out, it actually caused some minor sensations.

Because he is too handsome, this is a weird reason, that is, Ye Ming's status is aloof, otherwise, he would have been sprayed to ashes long ago.

It's a pity that the Ye Jiajun is too powerful. The small landowners in the village, Wawa and Miaomiao, the three bosses of the Ye Jiajun, directly destroyed some posts and comments that were unfavorable to Ye Ming on the Internet.

Ye Ming looked at Wang Baoqiang and said: "Actually, our company can handle a lot of roles. For example, Huang Bo can play the role of Brother Shengmei, and Sun Li can adapt to the role of Sister Shengmei.

Xu Zheng will assign you an important company role that is not very good.

As for staying strong. Among Ode to Joy, there is no role suitable for you.

This TV series has more fresh characters. I’ll see if there are any roles that can be assigned to you as a security guard or something like that. "

After thinking about the male protagonists in Ode to Joy, they are all young and handsome. If Huang Bo were to perform at this time, they would indeed be suitable in terms of age, but they would not be suitable in terms of appearance.

After all, it was a turnaround work, so Ye Ming was cautious enough.

For example, Wei Wei, Zhao Qiping, etc., these should be regarded as young handsome guys. When the time comes, we will find a few suitable actors and recruit them if they can sign a contract. If they cannot sign a contract, then we will talk about finding other people.

As for Wang Baoqiang, he is an actor with a relatively specific role.

Therefore, at this time, it is indeed difficult to decide what kind of role Wang Baoqiang will play in Ode to Joy.

There is no problem with Deng Chao, but this guy is filming a TV series and has already signed a contract. In such a situation, it would be inappropriate to talk about breach of contract.

Let’s wait and see if Deng Chao can come back quickly.

Actors like Deng Chao who are handsome and have acting skills are actually relatively rare. No wonder the Deng Dynasty would have such great achievements later.

This is almost inevitable. If a person is handsome and works very hard, if such a person cannot succeed, it will basically be an unacceptable result.

However, in fact, for audition recommendations, connections are indispensable. This time, Ye Ming received a call from Brother Chen Kai. Originally, he and Brother Chen Kai were enemies. Basically, every time two people fight in front of the media, it is regarded as entertainment. Big news in the circle.

It's just that later on, everyone eased the relationship, and there was no tension as before.

But Brother Chen Kai personally called and recommended him, which made Ye Ming pay enough attention to him.

In fact, Ye Ming also vaguely knew who should be recommended.

Chen Chichi, only this guy would let Director Chen Kai personally call and recommend him. In fact, Brother Chen Kai has no choice. His cousin is also quite troubled by what he does. If there is one more person in the Chen family who can develop in the entertainment industry, it will also be a help to him. In fact, Brother Chen Kai also wanted to ease the relationship with Ye Ming.

We are all members of the Directors Guild, so we are always fighting each other, and there is no solution.

Therefore, through this incident, it may be possible to ease the relationship. When he called to recommend Chen Chichi, it was actually Brother Chen Kai who made the move himself. How Ye Ming responded was up to Ye Ming himself.

Regarding Chen Chichi, Ye Ming is actually quite helpless. This person is a natural comedian, and his acting skills are absolutely online. There is no doubt about this.

Among the leading actors in Love Apartment, Chen Chichi is considered the best one.

Being able to stabilize in a front-line position means that Chen Chichi is a very patient and talented actor.

Even if he was later called a scumbag by everyone, it was a personal emotional matter. Didn't this also affect Chen Chichi's development?

Ye Ming's answer was to ask Chen Chichi to come over for an audition. He didn't immediately say yes, but he didn't immediately say no, either. This result was quite satisfactory to Brother Chen Kai.

Ye Ming did not refuse immediately, which showed that he had the intention of reconciliation.

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