Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1929: Hu Tian Hu Di’s Life

Liu Sisi blushed with embarrassment and walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. At this time, Ye Ming walked out slowly with a nonchalant look on his face.

This is what makes Yang Mi and Zhao Baozi very surprised. The actor is the actor. How can he do this kind of thing very professionally?

If I had to describe it in one sentence, then the two of them would definitely choose to pull up their pants and refuse to admit it to describe Ye Ming's current performance. Even ordinary movie stars may not have this level of acting skills.

At this time, Liu Tao didn't know what was going on, but he didn't observe anything inappropriate about Liu Sisi and Ye Ming. In other words, Liu Tao focused on Yang Mi and the others' Landlord fight.

Needless to say, Liu Tao is actually relatively close to Jiang Xinsuan.

Because the two of them entered the company at about the same time, they naturally became closer, at least for the time being. Therefore, when Liu Tao came over, he immediately sided with Jiang Xin. As for watching the chess game without saying a word, it had nothing to do with women. If Jiang Xin plays cards, it means having an extra strategist by his side.

Of course, this military advisor was actually quite well-known. Although he was giving advice to Jiang Xin, he did not rely on his status as a bystander to directly peek at other people's cards.

At this point, Yang Mi and Zhao Baozi naturally didn't want to say anything. Anyway, they were just having fun, not gambling.

At this time, when Liu Sisi came over, Military Advisor Liu Tao happened to be busy giving advice to Jiang Xin. Although Liu Sisi also had a happy expression on her face, Yang Mi and Zhao Baozi could tell what happened to Liu Sisi and her boss before this. , but these two people naturally had a tacit understanding.

When Ye Ming came over, Liu Tao noticed that his boss and Liu Sisi had come over, but he put all his thoughts on Ye Ming's side, simply not observing anything wrong with Liu Sisi at this time.

In fact, Liu Tao also knows very well that if you want to do better in the entertainment industry, then a strong backer is very necessary. In Future Film and Television Company, Ye Ming is the biggest supporter and supporter.

Therefore, even if Liu Tao does not want to offend his boss, he cannot offend his boss for the sake of his own future.

What's more, Liu Tao is also an ambitious person, and he is also the kind of person who wants to reach the top one day.

When asked a question like this, Liu Tao immediately thought of a topic and said: "Boss, I also have some new ideas about Andy in this TV series. I don't know when you will have time, so you can give me some advice." How to grasp this role."

Liu Sisi couldn't sit still, and her face became even more rosy. Isn't this Liu Tao a sheep in a tiger's mouth? He is really the kind of person who comes to your door carelessly.

This kind of thing actually depends on fate. When fate comes, everything will naturally fall into place.

At this time, Ye Ming also waved his hand with a very generous smile and said very generously: "This is no problem. Hong Fei is doing some of the preparatory work for other crews. This week, I basically just let The three of you can quickly enter the plot of "Ode to Joy". As for the questions about the characters, don't worry, if you don't understand anything, just ask me.

Jiang Xin, the same goes for you. If you have any doubts, just ask me and we can have an in-depth discussion. If you can quickly get into the role by then, then the drama will basically be half successful. "

These words made Liu Tao feel very excited, given Ye Ming's level.

Liu Tao naturally knows very well that a superstar, even in Hollywood, is a resounding golden sign. Especially after the second part of Fast and Furious failed miserably, the calls for Ye Ming's return are getting louder and louder. .

With the guidance of such a big star, it will be quite helpful to improve your acting skills. At this time, Liu Tao also felt that he really made the right move by joining Future Films. Otherwise, how could a stuck star like Ye Ming guide him?

Didn’t you say that because he was his boss, he would be so generous in giving guidance to him?

Therefore, Liu Tao said with a smile: "Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard to study what it is like to play a role like this, and strive to play the role of Andy well."

As for Jiang Xin, she is a silly beauty, the kind of silly beauty who has her own opinions. She doesn't have much scheming and can easily offend people.

Concubine Hua is also the kind of character who likes to taunt others when she disagrees with her. The ability of such an actor to succeed in the entertainment industry is as much a miracle as Wang Baoqiang's success in the entertainment industry.

Grassroots counterattacks only happen in the entertainment industry when smoke rises from the graves of ancestors.

And for people like Jiang Xin who like to quarrel with others and still make it in the entertainment industry, they have the same luck as smoke rising from their ancestral graves.

Therefore, at this time, Jiang Xin, who had been talking about playing cards, listened to the boss's words of arrogance and immediately said: "Don't worry, boss, isn't he just an HR?

I went to get a preliminary understanding today. Basically, there is no difference between a housekeeper and a housekeeper. We all learned about Dream of Red Mansions when we were in elementary school. This position is similar to Lai Da's role. In the company, I can definitely play a role that offends people. "

In fact, human resources is indeed the kind of role that offends people. Don’t hear human resources. Basically, you think of the archives bureau, the organization department and other departments. In fact, it is not like this. After all, it is a question like this. Above, the company's HR is basically just a housekeeper. Jiang Xin was right on this point.

In a company, it is actually the boss, manager and other leaders who have the final say when it comes to firing someone. But if it really comes down to offending someone, then the human resources people have to go first.

Therefore, it is not a big deal for you to say that Fan Shengmei is an offending character. This is indeed a relatively offending position. And Ye Ming also believes that Jiang Xin can indeed play this role well.

Even if Jiang Xin cannot play the role of Concubine Hua well, she can definitely play a role like Fan Shengmei well.

Because this is basically Jiang Xin’s true performance.

On this point, he had great confidence in Jiang Xin.

Therefore, Ye Ming nodded and said: "If you insist on understanding it this way, it is actually the same. If there is anything you don't understand in the future, we can communicate with each other."

Liu Tao actually has a fiery character. He does what he says. He says he is going to ask his boss for help. He really means he is going to ask his boss for help. At this time, Ye Ming doesn't have to do anything else. He just says to wait and see. Can enjoy the blessings of all people.

At this point, Ye Ming actually had some plans in mind.

Moreover, Liu Tao was still wearing pink pajamas at this time, and the cartoon pattern was actually a doraemon, which was very surprising. Liu Tao, who is like a royal sister, did not expect that it would be a cute series.

Speaking of figure, Liu Tao also has a mature figure. It is not particularly exaggerated, but it is also concave and convex.

This can be regarded as a tempting and criminal feeling.

Ye Ming took one look, and immediately calmed down the pounding emotions in his heart, and directly greeted Liu Tao to come in. You asked for this. I didn't expect to take you down so quickly. The key is that there are so many people, it's not easy to deal with.

But since you said that under such a situation, it is already delivered to your door? Seeing Liu Tao really coming, you would be a fool not to take action at this time.

The two people were quite absorbed in discussing the issue. Anyway, when they saw the time, it almost passed by unconsciously.

More than an hour later, it was almost midnight. At this time, the two of them also felt a little tired.

Finally, Liu Tao moved his body and still felt a little sore.

Pajamas are naturally as comfortable as they come, so when it comes to covering up, they are not very good. Sometimes, if there are some scenes of having a happy couple, that is also a very normal thing. of.

At this time, Ye Ming said: "Liu Tao, do you feel some pain in your spine? Did you get injured during filming?"

Seeing Liu Tao's performance at this time, Ye Ming felt that Liu Tao should be the kind of person who had injured his neck or back.

In fact, there is basically no need to look carefully. In the entertainment industry, as long as it is an actor who has filmed action scenes, basically nine out of ten will definitely be injured.

Because of fatigue, a considerable part of the spine suffers certain damage. This can be considered a work-related illness.

At this time, Liu Tao also filmed martial arts dramas. Even if you don't look carefully, you can guess that Liu Tao may have been injured while filming.

And Ye Ming is also a star in action scenes, and he is considered an expert in this aspect.

Therefore, when it comes to a matter like this, some of the questions are actually very easy to deduce.

Liu Tao was stunned for a moment, and then said casually: "Yes, when I was filming Tian Long Ba Part, I was not very famous. I was able to get the role of A'Zhu, and I performed it very hard. As a newcomer at that time, I didn’t have much support in the crew.

Therefore, it can only be said that he is working harder. During the filming, the crew originally prepared a stand-in for me, but later the stand-in didn't come due to delays, so I had to do it myself.

Unfortunately, there was a little accident in the end and it fell.

Fortunately, it was not serious at the time, and after a few days of recovery, I was almost ready to read.

But what it means is that there are some sequelae left behind. Therefore, over time, the spine may actually experience some soreness.

But it's drizzling, no big deal.

This little injury and pain can't bother me at all. "

Liu Tao has played the role of Seventy-Two Tenants, so he can basically speak Cantonese.

Under such a situation, Liu Tao's perseverance is actually a true portrayal of many artists in the entertainment industry.

Ye Ming actually has a deep understanding of this point.

Ye Ming suggested: "I am also a kung fu star, and I have some experience with bruises and injuries like this. How about I give you a massage. A radical cure may not be guaranteed, but when it comes to the link, your soreness is no problem." "." At this time, it doesn't matter what Ye Ming's mentality is, whether he is really willing to help others, or has other ideas. It really doesn't matter. The important thing is that this is an excuse, a good excuse to get close to Liu Tao.

Liu Tao may be very tired, and the soreness is actually quite torturous. Even if he goes back to sleep, it will take a while before he can fall asleep.

Therefore, at this time, Liu Tao also hesitated a little and nodded in agreement.

The next thing will naturally fall into place, there must be a massage, and Ye Ming is also a person who does what he says.

And Ye Ming really didn't brag. Even Ye Ming's method was absolutely professional. Even professional methods may not have the same effect as Ye Ming's.

Ye Ming is considered a professional among professionals.

Therefore, Liu Tao's soreness has actually been greatly improved under Ye Ming's massage.

Moreover, Liu Tao also felt that his whole body was getting hot at this time.

Ye Ming is actually also a master at flirting with girls. If the old driver really starts the car, he won't be able to stop the car.

This is definitely not a joke. Once a cultural person becomes a hooligan, he will become a high-end and profound hooligan.

Of course, this is considered an in-depth discussion of the script. Although it was late at night, at least it was a real discussion of the script at the beginning.

As for the next things, they are naturally indescribable. After a while of nonsense, Liu Tao finally understood what Ye Ming said. Let’s have an in-depth exchange. What kind of in-depth exchange is this? .

This time, he was really eaten up by Ye Ming. This in-depth exchange is called thorough, and it is definitely something Liu Tao has never thought of before.

Don’t miss it. In fact, Liu Tao is slightly mentally prepared for this. In this regard, the entertainment industry is actually like this. Life is like a drama, and it all depends on acting. In the entertainment industry, some things must be accepted.

This kind of nonsense is not too much, but it is definitely not too little. The key is how you look at this matter. Things that arise out of drama also happen from time to time.

For example, when Shui Ling was photographed in Qiao's courtyard, she was captured by Qiao Zhiyong. Is it true that they are in love?

This is not necessarily true. Of course, there must be a certain amount of affection in it, but it may not all be as emotional as the news.

However, it is certain that men take advantage of this kind of thing.

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