Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1896 No coincidence

At this time, Liu Sisi said very definitely: "Sister Mei, don't worry, I will definitely seize this opportunity.

correct. What did Brother Hu do in Shanghai? This TV series focuses on him, so we can't always wait for him, right? "

Brother Hu is the male lead, and he is very important in the crew. Many scenes are inseparable from him. Therefore, as the male lead, it is impossible to leave casually.

Sister Mei was a well-informed person, and she immediately said: "There was no time to see him off just now. In fact, I heard some news from his assistant Xiao Zhang. It seemed that Tangren Company picked up something for Brother Hu in Shanghai. Activity, this is a contract that has been signed before starting to shoot the vultures.

Therefore, even though it is said that Brother Hu is gone, the filming speed of this scene will definitely slow down, but after all, the contract was signed and it was determined early. If Brother Hu does not go, it is also a violation of the contract.

Therefore, I rushed over in the middle of the night and tried to deal with the matter in two days. "Under normal circumstances, even if it's a slap in the face, as long as the contract is signed, you have to stay on the set faithfully. Unless there are special circumstances, you will not leave the set casually. This is pretty much it. It's an unspoken rule.

Of course, if it is said that celebrities are playing big names, then it is difficult to say at this time. Although Brother Hu is famous, he does not act like a big name, but the contract he signed before must be fulfilled.

At this time, Liu Sisi said thoughtfully: "This is the first brother, the first brother of the Tang Dynasty, a popular niche in the entertainment industry." Envious and jealous, when Liu Sisi heard this, she naturally felt envious and jealous.

In this situation, Sister Mei said with a smile: "Sisi, actually you don't have to worry about this matter. As a first brother, you naturally have the status of a first brother. Few people in the crew dare to offend Brother Hu.

Moreover, although Brother Hu said it was a bit harder this time, it also required a lot of hard work, but no matter what it was, for such a thing, Brother Hu received a performance fee, one hundred thousand, this It’s a fee of 100,000. But Brother Hu is also worthy of such a price. "

One hundred thousand, a number like this, made Liu Sisi very envious. After finishing this movie, she didn't have Brother Hu; she made a lot in two days.

Therefore, with such a wardrobe situation, Liu Sisi said with some envy: "One hundred thousand, I wonder if I will ever have the chance to reach this level in my life?"

Anyway, from Liu Sisi's point of view, it would be almost impossible for her to reach this point in such a situation.

Sister Mei said very definitely: "One hundred thousand, give it a try, it's not what Ni thought. Do you think that the performance fee of one hundred thousand will be one hundred thousand in Brother Hu's hands?"

This is simply impossible. The performance fee of 100,000 yuan is taxable, right? Moreover, after paying taxes on this money, the company will also take a very large commission. Basically, if it falls into the hands of Brother Hu, it is already good to have 30,000 to 40,000 yuan. . "

When Liu Sisi heard this, her eyes widened and she said, "One hundred thousand, and in the end, the remaining 30,000 will go to the actor. Isn't the gap too big?"

Anyway, Liu Sisi was very surprised when she heard this. Is this agency a vampire?

Sister Mei said with great certainty: "Of course this is correct, it must be true.

The contract signed between the actor and the company involves a commission. According to Hu Ge's status, the company takes a commission of three or four points, which is considered a considerable amount of face.

If you are a new employee, it is not impossible for the company to offer you 80% of your salary.

Ten thousand yuan, maybe. If two thousand yuan finally falls into the hands of a new employee, it is considered a kindness of the company.

Some newcomers receive a salary directly and will not be involved in commissions or anything like that. For people like this, no matter how many jobs you take, your compensation belongs to the company. At the end of the month, the company will pay you your salary. "

This is actually a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry. If you are unable to break this unspoken rule, then just work hard to adapt to it.

The golden monkey rises up with a thousand-strong stick, and the jade moon clears thousands of miles.

Not everyone has this kind of courage.

Only then did Liu Sisi truly understand the complexity of the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry was far more complicated than she thought.

Even the cast of The Condor Shooting is actually very complicated.

Producers, directors, starring actors, staff, extras and temporary workers, in fact, these all have large and small circles.

Even if he is the driver of the crew, he has his own circle.

When the crew is filming in a car, they naturally say there is nothing wrong with the driver.

A driver is only needed when driving.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, being a driver on a film crew can be considered a relatively easy job.

It's like saying that the crew is filming. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem for the driver to go to bed.

But you definitely have to stay at the filming location.

Even if you go to sleep in the car, it is absolutely impossible to leave the set.

Because the crew seems to know how to use cars, no one can guarantee this.

If not, if the director suddenly wants to use a car and the driver here leaves, then some people will definitely not be able to bear the burden of driving around in such a matter.

Therefore, the same is true for the driver. Even if he goes to sleep, he must wait at the set.

Of course, there is no problem sleeping at night, it is a relatively comfortable job, but you can't always sleep during the day, right?

Therefore, it is actually very normal for the drivers of the crew to play cards together, and the director is not surprised by this.

Although this kind of thing is in the nature of gambling, it is more of just killing time. Therefore, in such a situation, no one will care about it.

Of course, there were three drivers from the production crew who were sitting in a teahouse playing Landlords near the filming site. They were having a bit too much fun and were unlucky. They were caught by the patrolling police and detained for seven days, which made the director angry. Half dead.

Of course, this is a special situation. Under normal circumstances, such an accident will not occur.

For example, the Condor Shooting crew has at least five common drivers. This is still relatively small. For example, a film crew of Zhang Yimou has three driver groups. It is normal for each group to have four or five drivers.

After all, the scenes that Director Zhang shoots are relatively large, and some equipment, personnel, etc. all need to be transported. Therefore, Director Zhang Yimou's crew basically has the most drivers among his peers.

At least this is the case in the mainland market. As for these drivers, it is actually the most common thing to fight landlords together under normal circumstances.

After all, it is said that in such a situation, playing mahjong is quite troublesome. If the director bumps into him, it will be difficult for everyone in person.

But not everyone is like Uncle Dao Ming. He doesn’t shy away from directors when playing mahjong. Sometimes he even asks the director to play mahjong. There are very few people like this in the entertainment industry. They don’t have a top-tier status. You would never dare to commit suicide like this.

The same is naturally true for drivers, so playing Landlords is a relatively normal and relaxing way to kill time.

After all, playing cards are relatively easy to carry. Even when shooting on location, you can just lay out a newspaper and start fighting landlords.

And even if you are called by the director, you can just throw the playing cards and run over, it's not a big deal. Poker cards cost only one or two yuan each, so you won’t feel bad if you throw them away, right?

As for the crew of The Condor Shooting, these drivers also like Landlords the most. A game lasts only ten minutes, or even seven or eight minutes, and the winning or losing is very simple.

Although it is usually one, two, three, that is, ten yuan, twenty yuan, or thirty yuan for small amounts, but if you are unlucky, it is very normal to lose two or three thousand in one night.

After all, this round is relatively short, right? If someone loses five thousand in one night, then this person is easier to be remembered. Basically within a week, if no more unlucky person breaks this record, he will always be mentioned frequently. Get up.

But this time, there was actually one driver who lost almost 6,000 yuan last night.

At this time, the three drivers of the crew, Lao Zhang, Xiao Liu, and Da Mao, were playing Landlord together. There were no filming tasks tonight, and the drivers were usually relatively relaxed. Unless the director has some temporary ideas, under normal circumstances, they have nothing to do.

Therefore, Landlord Dou is relatively normal. This time, Da Mao's 34567 flush was directly killed by Lao Zhang's 45678 flush.

Luck was so bad, and Da Mao said helplessly: "This is too bad luck, isn't it? I just went on a long trip yesterday, Lao Zhang. How come your luck is so good when you come back?"

Even if the flush was blown up, Da Mao recognized it, but it was just a little bigger than his own flush, and he was directly destroyed.

This can basically be described as luck.

This time, Lao Zhang laughed loudly and said: "Da Mao. What you said is absolutely correct. As for the two of us, our luck is indeed better. Guess what, last night Xiao Liu and Xiao Kai and I played Landlord. How much did I win?”

Seeing Lao Zhang showing off like this, Da Mao found it a bit interesting in such a situation.

If in such a situation, Lao Zhang only said that he had won three to five hundred, it would be impossible to show off so proudly. There must be more, which would make Lao Zhang feel very satisfied.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lao Zhang to look so triumphant in his clothes.

At this time, Da Mao thought for a while and then said: "How much did you win? One thousand yuan is worth it, right?"

Lao Zhang laughed and said, "One thousand? It's too little. It's more than three thousand. Xiao Liu almost won more than two thousand? Do you think the resentment is better?"

Da Mao took a breath after hearing this. One was more than 3,000, the other was more than 2,000, a figure less than 6,000. For a driver, this is basically two months less salary now. This is definitely not a small number.

Therefore, at this time, Da Mao glanced at Lao Zhang and Xiao Liu, and then said: "Lao Zhang, Xiao Liu, are you kidding me?

Xiaoliuqian, the two of you and Xiaokai fought against each other, and he lost an amount of Xiaoliuqian by himself? "

Anyway, looking at Da Mao's expression like this, it seems that he doesn't believe in something like this. Xiao Liuqian, Xiao Kai’s brain is flooded, how can he lose so much?

Xiao Liu also said proudly from behind: "Brother Da Mao, you don't understand. If a person's luck comes, nothing can stop him. This was the case for me and Brother Zhang yesterday.

And if a person is unlucky and doesn't know how to stop, he is basically waiting to lose money.

As for Xiao Kai last night, he was basically the kind of person who would stuff his teeth even if he drank cold water.

Moreover, after he lost seven or eight hundred dollars, he had no intention of stopping. He was focused on making a comeback, so he dragged Brother Zhang and me to play all night long.

You said, you are so lucky, and you dare to drag Brother Zhang and me to fight all night. Even if the two of us don't want to win Xiaokai's money, it would be a bit embarrassing, right? "

The most taboo thing in playing cards is to say that you have a red eye and know how to stop. This is the first level of playing cards. Of course, the highest state is not to play, not to play anything. This is the highest state of a gambler. It is impossible for others to win a penny from you.

But Xiao Kai is obviously not the kind of person who knows how to stop. Generally, veteran gamblers who are more cautious know that they should stop playing when they lose to a certain level.

For example, many people will set a number for themselves, lose three hundred, five hundred, or even one thousand at a time, and then stop immediately.

Wait a few days to change your luck, or even say to worship the God of Wealth or something, and then you will talk about finding someone to play with.

This can be regarded as a small gambling pleasure, but the school exam obviously does not know this kind of small gambling pleasure. It is just about making money. Otherwise, it is impossible to lose a number like Xiaoliuqian.

Da Mao said with some regret: "Okay, Xiao Kai. If I had known this, I asked Dalin to go yesterday, and I also played mahjong with you, so I can get some cigarette money."

When I came back last night, our brat said he wanted to go to cram school, so I transferred him a thousand yuan overnight. That was a small treasury that had been saved for half a year, so he could only smoke Peony cigarettes. "

Peony cigarettes cost two yuan a pack and are considered the lowest-grade exotic cigarettes. If it's any lower, it's a cigarette without a filter.

It's not a cigar, it's the kind of cigarette where you buy tobacco and find paper cigarettes to smoke.

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