Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1878 Zhao Xiaodao, come to the bowl quickly.

Ye Ming feels that although Zhao Baozi is relatively innocent, he often insults people carelessly when he speaks. Therefore, in the entertainment industry, Zhao Baozi has a familiar nickname called Zhao Xiaodao.

This means that in such a situation, her words are often to the point, making people unable to get off the stage.

Of course, the irony is to say that a person is short-minded and single-minded.

In fact, it is because Zhao Baozi later became popular. Since a person became popular, someone would naturally praise him. Characteristics such as being outspoken and outspoken, which can be said to be shortcomings or advantages, were naturally praised as Zhao Xiaodao. .

If Zhao Baozi never became popular.

Then her outspokenness will later be called short-sighted, and she doesn't know how to respect her seniors. This means that if an artist doesn't know how to respect her seniors, she will never become popular. For example, Zhao Baozi is an example.

But because Zhao Baozi became popular, everyone liked her works and her round, cute bun face. Therefore, her shortcomings became everyone's favorite.

This is called Aiwujiwu.

Of course, in such a situation, it is actually inseparable from Zhao Baozi's hard work. No one can deny this. After all, no one can succeed casually.

And Zhao Baozi is actually a very smart person. Being simple does not mean being stupid. His IQ is still very high. This is Zhao Baozi.

Therefore, after Ye Ming made some suggestions, Zhao Baozi was immediately able to find the corresponding place from his own life prototype.

Ye Ming was also very happy about this. A good start was actually a beautiful beginning.

It is enough for Zhao Baozi to realize this.

Therefore, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Although things in the entertainment industry are more complicated, what you said is actually correct. The entertainment industry is not as beautiful as you think. Some couples in the entertainment industry, In fact, it may be that they are a contract couple, and they may show affection on the surface, but in fact they may live their own lives. The reason for not getting divorced is actually because they are afraid of the collapse of their personality.

Also, it is normal for some movies to overwhelm their box office. In fact, it would be strange if a movie didn't make money at the box office. In the entertainment industry, 10% of the box office water injection can be said to be a convention and a conscientious figure.

It is relatively common to inject 20% water into the box office, and 30% is not uncommon.

It all depends on the courage and connections of the producer and director. "

Zhao Baozi was an eye-opener today. No matter what happened, Zhao Baozi is now a newcomer in the entertainment industry, a pink and tender newcomer.

Therefore, under such a bridge situation, Zhao Baozi really has not been exposed to the dark places of the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry is more known for its glamorous and positive side. This is actually the superficial mainstream of the entertainment industry.

But in fact, the entertainment industry adheres to a saying that is bustling and prosperous. This is the real entertainment industry.

Although the real entertainment industry is a bit hard to accept, it turns out that the entertainment industry is like this, but this is a fact, whether you believe it or not, this is the fact.

Zhao Baozi's eyes widened and he looked at Ye Ming with a cute look, as if Ye Ming was the big bad wolf who wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood.

In fact, Ye Ming does have the intention to eat Zhao Baozi, the little red riding hood, but definitely not now. If he starts now, he will scare Zhao Baozi away.

But at this moment, Ye Ming had to admit one thing, that is, Zhao Baozi did have a kind of touching innocence at this time.

Zhao Baozi was very surprised and said: "How about water injection at the box office? When buying a ticket to watch a movie, doesn't it mean buying a movie ticket with real money and watching a movie? What kind of water injection is this?"

Ye Ming looked indifferent and said innocently: "This is very simple. If you want to increase the box office, there are two common methods.

One is to steal the box office. For example, I watched the movie [123], but the theater sold me a [456] ticket, but I can still watch the movie in this theater openly with [456]. one two three】.

In this way, the box office revenue of movies one, two, and three will be transferred to those of movies four, five, and six.

This is colluding with movie theaters to steal box office. "

Zhao Baozi was a little confused and said: "Can you really do it like this, so blatantly?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Of course this can be done, as long as you have a strong enough relationship and can occasionally come up with enough chips to bow to the movie theater, everything is so simple.

For example, if people in the public sector buy high-end supplements such as ginseng and deer antlers, and sell them as office stationery or something, do you think such a thing is possible?

Of course it is possible. After all, this is a win-win situation, and it is only the public that is being cheated.

Therefore, it is actually normal to steal the box office.

Box office theft and piracy are the two most stubborn diseases in the Chinese entertainment industry that are difficult to cure. It is impossible to find a good way to combat them in a short time. "

These words are definitely the heartfelt words of an old man in the entertainment industry. Ye Ming has been in the entertainment industry long enough and has experienced enough things. Therefore, he knows a lot about some of the inside stories.

At this time, any experience would be enough to surprise Zhao Baozi.

Zhao Baozi nodded thoughtfully at this moment and said: "Our village chief is responsible for eating. He is obviously treating guests to dinner, but he is entertaining superiors for inspections or something. Is this considered a disguised form of box office stealing?"

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, but he still said earnestly: "Although it is a little inappropriate, basically, it means the same thing. As long as there are enough benefits, who cares what you do."

Zhao Baozi was finally aroused by Ye Ming's curiosity. These things Ye Ming said were something she had never heard of before.

Therefore, Zhao Baozi immediately said: "Didn't you mention two common methods? What is the other method?"

Ye Ming immediately said: "The other way is simpler, which is to directly falsely report the box office. It is obviously that the box office is 50 billion, but the false report is 300 million. This is not impossible."

This point is beyond Zhao Baozi's understanding.

Although the things Ye Ming said before were a bit unbelievable to Zhao Baozi, they were at least within the scope of her understanding. On such a matter, at this time, false box office reporting was within Zhao Baozi's understanding. Within the range.

At this time, Zhao Baozi said with difficulty: "Is this possible? After all, after the box office comes out, you need to pay taxes. How much is the tax for 300 million, and how much is the tax for 50 million? Those film and television companies will share this. Not clear?"

Although Zhao Baozi is a newcomer, there is one thing that Zhao Baozi must know, that is, movie box office must pay tax.

In other words, if the movie box office is 300 million, it does not mean that if the movie company divides it 145%, you will definitely be able to get 135 million. There is tax.

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "Of course, not only are there taxes, a film company's real box office income will be deducted from the film development fund. This is something that cannot be avoided by any film.

There is also the cost of publicity, which must also be included. Therefore, the higher the box office, the higher these costs will be.

In addition to the cost of relationship building, these must be included in the calculation.

But this does not mean that there is no benefit to the film company at all.

In fact, false reporting of movie box office is rare in the entertainment industry, but it is definitely not unheard of, and especially large companies are more likely to do this kind of thing. "

At this time, Zhao Baozi was even more confused. Is it more likely that a large company would do such a thing? At this point, it is a bit hard to believe.

Zhao Baozi's eyes widened and he said, "Why?"

Ye Ming was planning to sign Zhao Baozi, so naturally he had to talk to him more deeply and immediately said: "It is necessary for interests, and the more listed a company is, the easier it is to do this kind of thing. of.

And it is said that in such a situation, the false box office is also due to the need of publicity.

In fact, if you think about it, for example, if a listed film company invests 50 million to make a movie, it will need a box office of at least 150 million to ensure that it does not lose money, which is at least 200 million. It can be considered profitable. Of course, this is still considered as the surrounding environment is relatively mature.

However, at this time, the film company's propaganda said that our film investment was 50 million and the box office was 300 million.

This is a huge box office profit. Although doing it this way, the film company's publicity and distribution, tax, etc. costs will be high, and it seems to be losing money.

But don't forget that sometimes listed companies don't actually expect to make money from these box office.

If this film company is a listed company, and their movies sell well at the box office, think about it, will their stock price definitely increase accordingly? "

This principle, Ye Ming explained, Zhao Baozi already somewhat understood, and felt that he vaguely knew what Ye Ming was talking about about false box office reporting in such a situation.

therefore. Zhao Baozi nodded and said, "That's right. With the good news, the stock price will definitely rise."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "That's right. Even if the stock price of a listed company rises by one yuan because of this good news, then generally speaking, it is normal for the entire listed company's stock to be worth three to five billion. , this is an income of 300 to 500 million yuan. If the boss or someone is sure to have inside information, he will know in advance that the stock will rise sharply.

At that time, if you take out 10 or 20 million stocks and buy them high and sell them low, you won’t actually make a dollar. It may be two or three dollars, but it’s very easy to get 30 to 50 million dollars. Normally, if other people on the company's board of directors follow suit, it would be normal for the entire company to earn hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

This is legal income. Therefore, although this false box office report is rare in the entertainment industry and the risk is relatively high, the benefits are also very high.

As long as things are taken care of by then, the problem won't actually be that big. If you don't get poked out, there won't be any problems. "

As for this, there is one thing that Ye Ming actually did not say, that is, at such a time, if it is actually exposed, it means insider trading.

But these days, the brave ones are pushed to death and the timid ones are starved to death. Although there are few people who do this, they are definitely not just one or two.

Ye Ming looked at Zhao Baozi, who was a little dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "Now you know how powerful the entertainment industry is? In fact, it is really not as simple a circle as you think.

Anyway, the box office issues in the entertainment industry are definitely not related to the two shady things I mentioned. The two things I mentioned are actually relatively common ones.

There are some more ruthless methods inside, which you will gradually learn about in the future. "

The entertainment industry is definitely a place with positive energy, but now instead of saying that you want to sign Zhao Baozi, you must scare him first. The meaning is very simple, that is, you must have a backer in the entertainment industry. If you don’t have a backer, you will be bullied. Very normal.

Zhao Baozi felt that it would be better if he had a backer.

This is actually Ye Ming's purpose. Therefore, he naturally talks about some darker places in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Baozi said with some worry: "I thought the entertainment industry was as simple as making money for filming, but I didn't expect it to be more complicated than I thought.

In fact, it is true. Think about it, even our program team, a Yahu star searcher, always has some backdoor connections to build relationships. Further into the entertainment industry, there are naturally other rules and unspoken rules. "

Ye Ming nodded and expressed his appreciation and said: "If you can wake up like this, you are close to being a qualified person in the entertainment industry.

Background, no matter what the background is, is actually necessary and no one can deny it.

you, too. If you want to have a background, I suggest you sign a contract with Future Film and Television. In this case, you can be considered an organized person. If others want to bully you and step on you to get the upper hand, it will be difficult. "

Zhao Baozi was stunned and said: "Future Film and Television? Isn't your company Future Film and Television?"

Ye Ming nodded and said: "Yes, my company is Future Film and Television, the latest film and television company I founded. You are an actor I like. If you have a good actor, you will naturally sign a contract with our own company.

This is normal, isn't it? As a boss, he naturally has his own selfish motives. I believe your future will be very bright. "

These last words also made Zhao Baozi very happy. No one doesn't like to be praised, even Zhao Baozi is no exception.

On this point, Ye Ming was actually very accurate. After hearing this, Zhao Baozi really smiled and narrowed his eyes. He was very cute, or two out of ten.

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