Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1871 Director Feng called

In fact, there are not many opportunities for Xiaoya and Ermei to wait for temporary replacement. Da Mi Mi also made it clear to them directly. It depends on the situation and the opportunity. If it is suitable, If you have the opportunity, you can take it. If you can't, you can only go back.

Sure enough, the actors in the crew are not fools. They managed to sneak in. In such a situation, they would not leave casually unless there was something very important.

Therefore, two people, such as Xiaoya and Ermei, were in the hotel hoping that such an opportunity would appear from the crew, but it did not appear.

Being able to star in Zhang Jizhong's TV series seems to be a very good opportunity for actors in the entertainment industry, so not many people are willing to give it up.

In the end, Ye Ming also felt that it was a bit shameful to let her go back like this, so she went to Zhang Jizhong and asked them to play a special role with two or three lines. Although This kind of role is not as exciting as a small supporting role, but at least it is worse than nothing.

Of course, the salary for this kind of role is only six to seven hundred yuan. This is also given for Ye Ming's sake. For a role like this, and it is recommended by Ye Ming, in this case, no one will deduct it. Money.

Otherwise, in terms of wealth and sex, Xiaoya and Ermei will always have to pay something. Don’t think that this kind of role can only be captured in large numbers. In fact, this kind of role only comes one by one.

Xiaoya took over the role without hesitation, and even after finishing the scene, she still looked like she was still unsatisfied.

As for the second sister, it was said that there was no competition or competition. Xiaoya proposed a role to perform by herself, but the second sister didn't say anything at all.

Ye Ming also saw this in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

Understanding the overall situation and taking into account the overall situation, this is Ye Ming's impression of his second sister.

Da Mi Mi sent the two of them to the train station. When they were about to get on the train, Xiao Ya also warned: "Mi Mi Mi, if there is any suitable role in the future, you must think of us and give it to us immediately. Make a call and I'll be sure to call you."

Da Mi Mi repeatedly promised that he would definitely call the two of them if there was any news, but in the end he told the two of them not to have any big hopes.

And Xiaoya actually understood very well that if the two of them were waiting in Jiuzhaigou, they might not have any good opportunities to be photographed, let alone go back to the film school?

When other people's crews are looking for temporary replacement actors, they usually follow the principle of acquaintances. If there is really no suitable acquaintance, then in such a situation, they will find one nearby.

I really had no choice but to look for actors somewhere else.

Therefore, Xiaoya and Ermei also know that if they return to the film school, even if the Condor Heroes crew has any suitable opportunities in the future, they may not be able to take their turn.

This is actually a highly competitive entertainment industry. No one will spoil you. You must go all out to compete for the opportunity to be on camera.

Because movies and TV series only have so many fixed quotas, and there are not many directors who can guarantee the release of their works.

Don't think that if you are allowed to shoot a movie or TV series, it means that it will be broadcast.

In fact, not necessarily. In China, there are many movies and TV series that are shot and never have a chance to be broadcast. They are simply thrown into the film library.

It wasn't until later with the advent of the Internet that these movies and TV series had a better outlet.

Even with the advent of the Internet later, it does not mean that all movies and TV series can be broadcast online. Therefore, directors who can ensure that their works are broadcast normally are extremely valuable.

And Zhang Jizhong is the kind of director and producer who can easily guarantee that his works will be released. Even under such a situation, it would be very easy for his own work to be shown on CCTV.

Therefore, Zhang Jizhong's crew is relatively popular, because if you get a role here, it is basically guaranteed to be broadcast on a star, and even if it is broadcast on CCTV, it is not impossible.

This made Zhang Jizhong's role even more tense. The competition was fierce, even worse than the college entrance examination.

In fact, after coming back, Da Mi Mi also talked about this matter with Ye Ming, and asked: "Boss, do you think that at this time, when we go to the film and television city, will my two classmates have a chance to get One role, the day student queen, the two of them are quite regretful."

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "Regret? How can this person have such a good thing in the entertainment industry? He got a role without any effort. It's just for your sake.

This matter is actually indispensable. Even if it is a relatively unimportant role like Da Te, at such a time, our crew still has interests in it.

This time Xiaoya got this role because Zhang Jizhong just gave him face. If he doesn't give it to you, there's nothing he can do about it, right? "

Da Mimi said this very clearly, but this matter is like this. Ye Ming then said: "This matter is actually a very normal thing. As for whether your classmates still have a chance? What if? Let me tell you, even if there is a suitable opportunity after our crew returns to the film and television city in the future, the second sister will still have a certain chance, but Xiaoya will definitely not have any chance. She It’s impossible for him to appear on our set again.”

What exactly does this mean? Da Mi Mi couldn't figure it out for a while, so he immediately said: "Why is that? If you look at the acting skills, I think Xiaoya is slightly taller than the second sister."

Ye Ming shook his head with a smile and said: "A thing like this is actually not entirely about acting. If your acting is good, of course you will have more opportunities.

But actually it also depends on the person’s vision and mind. For the sake of immediate interests, Xiaoya wants to take on a minor and important role like Date. Do you know what this means? "

There is nothing wrong with the big role, Date is actually the big role.

Big actor is actually a title among group performers. Although Da Te is the highest-level title among group performers, he is still a big actor after all. It's like Master Xing became the leader of a beggar's gang, but he's still a beggar, right? He still can't escape his duties as a beggar.

Therefore, in a matter like this, at this time, the main actor is the main actor. This kind of role is usually arranged by the actors' union, and of course it can also be found by a director or something.

Anyway, this kind of actor usually doesn't have any formal contract with the crew, unlike the starring and supporting roles on the crew who have a formal contract. As for Da Te, sometimes he is there and sometimes he is not. It all depends on how the crew handles the relationship with Da Te.

Therefore, Da Te can actually be regarded as the most important supporting actor in the group, called Da Special Actor. But no matter what it is, it cannot be separated from the essential problem that Da Te is a minor player.

This time Da Mi Mi seemed to have some understanding and said: "Does this mean that Xiaoya will have no chance in the crew in the future?"

Ye Ming nodded with certainty and said: "That's for sure. Regarding this matter, no director will let a big star appear in his work again.

You know, no matter what, Da Te also has lines and frontal shots. Some of the more important Da Te actually have close-ups. Do you know what this means?

This thing means that Xiaoya has already appeared in the TV series at this time. Therefore, even if there is a role in the future, it will be impossible to give it to him.

Because it is impossible for a director to let one person play two different roles in his work at the same time.

The exception is the role of twins, but that is already a supporting role or a starring role, not a big one.

Therefore, even if our crew has a chance in the future, in such a matter, maybe the second sister, who did not get the big role, still has a little chance, but Xiaoya will never do this again. opportunity. "

After hearing this, Da Mi Mi naturally understood the twists and turns, but if you think about it carefully, it is also the same reason. If it were not a setting of twins, it would be impossible for one person to appear in a TV series and play two different characters. Same role.

Of course, if you're talking about things like "Journey to the West" where you wear a balaclava to perform monsters, that's an exception. Anyway, who is inside the hood is not very important to Journey to the West.

In fact, this is a matter of vision and mind. Sometimes when you are an actor, you have to take a longer view.

For example, Shu Qi turned down the role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. If Shu Qi had not turned down this role at that time, it would have been a lot more difficult for the international chapter in the future.

And now, even if the international chapter is relatively unlucky, there is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon there, which is a big halo.

Therefore, in fact, vision is still a very important thing.

Ye Ming's status in the crew is quite special. Although he is a supporting role, no one dares to look down on him. Zhang Jizhong and Yu Ming are also very generous.

After all, he is a producer, right? He is the God of Wealth, so of course he has to give face. His scenes were shot centrally.

Therefore, on the location, Guo Jing's shots were quickly completed.

Zhang Jizhong specially found Ye Ming, accompanied by Director Yu Ming. At this time, Zhang Jizhong said straight to the point: "Boss Ye, there is something. We need to find someone to sing the theme song for our TV series. Are you interested in doing it yourself?" Knife.

Of course, the theme song has already been decided and discussed before. But it’s me who has the final say who should be invited to sing.

If it wasn't already decided, would I want you to take action? "

This is actually a kind of compromise. Even a big producer like Zhang Jizhong actually needs to compromise at this time. For example, this time, on a matter like this, he must take into account the interests of all parties.

For example, this theme song has already been ordered.

Ye Ming said optionally: "I can't agree to this right away because I haven't seen the work. If there is a work, I'll take a look and see if it matches my style. If If it's suitable, I can agree to sing.

But if it's the kind of person who's really bad, I can't afford to lose that person. "

Ye Ming is actually very clear about this kind of compromise. After all, in the entertainment industry, no matter how talented one person is, it is impossible to shoot movies and TV series. There must be many people working together.

Therefore, in such a situation, compromise is a more important method.

At this time, Zhang Jizhong immediately said: "No problem, no problem. Well, actually we didn't decide this matter so early. Yu Ming, what did they say about the theme song? Has it been written down? We still haven't decided on it so early." Just wait, if we are asked to wait for them, then I won’t do it.”

Yu Ming immediately replied bluntly: "I was on the phone with them yesterday. Don't worry, Producer Zhang. They said they are almost done. In the past two or three days, we should be able to get the samples out." I promise it won’t delay our crew’s affairs.”

After some preaching, the matter was settled.

Ye Ming still has quite a status among singers, so inviting Ye Ming to sing is also a very good selling point and a hot spot for hype for the crew.

After Ye Ming came back, he actually received a call from Feng Xiaogang. At this time, Ye Ming joked: "Director Feng, I haven't heard you call me for a while. Where can I make a fortune?"

Feng Xiaogang said he was not polite at all: "Yi Zi, don't do this with me. I called you a few days ago and you were able to answer it.

How many days did you wake up just now? Was it a month? I have something to do with you. Do you want to come over and play? "

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I think the filming of my scenes is almost complete, only some indoor scenes are missing, but they will be filmed after moving to the movie city. I guess they don't have a month here. It can’t be ended.”

When shooting on location, especially for a martial arts film like Zhang Jizhong's, Zhang Jizhong himself requires that the scene be grand, so he definitely can't handle it. It's common to shoot three to five minutes a day.

Because once the lighting in the exterior scene is inappropriate, it will be impossible to continue.

Moreover, arranging exterior scenes and so on are quite a waste of time.

What's more, the venue has to be blocked and so on, and the actor and director's own affairs often happen, so it's strange that time is not wasted on location shooting.

Therefore, Ye Ming knew very well that Zhang Jizhong would definitely not be able to complete the location shooting here in less than a month.

Feng Xiaogang immediately laughed and said, "Okay then, I have an interesting event here. If you are interested, come and play."

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