Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1850 The compromise between Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian

Being banned was something that neither of them wanted to face. Anyway, as long as it is not blocked, it will be easy to handle this matter no matter what.

At least from the perspective of Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian, if they were banned in the mainland, they would lose a lot of money.

Therefore, Nicholas Tse said nervously: "Director, is it too serious to be banned for this kind of thing? Although we took this matter a little seriously, it was actually for the needs of filming at the time. In this It’s not like I just teach him a lesson casually, there’s a reason for it, wouldn’t it be a bit heavy to be banned because of this matter?”

Even Nicholas Tse, who had a backer, said this, and Zhang Weijian, who had basically a weak backer, felt even more unsure.

Therefore, Zhang Weijian then said: "Yes, director, this is the need for filming. If you are blocked because of this, then such an issue is indeed a bit out of a molehill." Wang Jing shrugged and said: "This It doesn't matter what you said, nor does it matter what I said. I hoped that such a thing didn't happen, but it actually happened.

Moreover, how this matter is handled is not decided by you or me, but by the relevant departments. Pay attention to whether the relevant departments know or not. I am worried about this matter right now. How do I go about public relations for something like this? I am looking for connections. Do you have any good ideas? Let me know. "

Zhang Weijian is also an artist who has had ups and downs in the entertainment industry, so he is a very smooth artist. At this time, he immediately said: "What's the big deal? Just admit your mistake directly. It's not that we beat people." Is that so? That guy named Wang is still hospitalized. I think this is a bit of a fuss.

Didn’t he say he wanted to save face? In the end, the two of us just went to see him and lowered our heads. It was no big deal. As long as he, as the person involved, doesn't say anything more, then I think other people will have nothing to say about such a matter. "

As a party involved, if Wang Bozhao said nothing about pursuing anything, then this matter should be relatively easy to resolve.

Zhang Weijian also does one thing after another, knowing when to give in to get greater benefits.

At this time, Nicholas Tse was actually a relatively young and energetic person. Anyway, he thought that he might have hit people a little too hard. Of course, this also meant that he thought that he was Filming.

Therefore, he didn't think he had done anything wrong. But now that I heard what Zhang Weijian said, Nicholas Tse hesitated before saying: "If this matter can be settled by looking at Wang once, then it is not a big deal after looking at it once. But if I apologize, then this matter may No need, right?

After all, we were filming at the time, so although we were a bit harsh, we can't say we were completely wrong. In some movies in Hong Kong, the sex scenes are done with real swords and guns. Are they also dedicating themselves to art? As for beating people, if people are really beaten in our movies, it's not just once or twice, right? "Anyway, regarding a question like this, Nicholas Tse himself thinks that if he goes to see some Wang Bozhao at this time, it is not a big deal, but there is no need to apologize. On a question like this, there are actually some As for things, Nicholas Tse always wants to stick to his dreams.

After all, when it comes to matters like this, he always regards himself as an artist from Xiangjiang, so he feels that artists from Xiangjiang have privileges in the mainland.

Even if I hit you, even if it was an unspoken rule for you, what can you do about a problem like this?

There are unspoken rules in the entertainment industry. As long as you want to be in the entertainment industry, you must abide by the unspoken rules.

Regarding such an issue, Nicholas Tse is somewhat aware of the unspoken rules of the mainland entertainment industry. It is actually an unspoken rule of the mainland entertainment industry that actors from Hong Kong and Taiwan cannot be offended casually.

This is also what causes the arrogant temper of some stars and staff in the entertainment circles in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

At this point, this guy Nicholas Tse actually said that he still wanted to refuse to admit his mistake. This result actually made Wang Jing feel very painful. After all, in a situation like this, what's the big deal for you two guys to admit your mistake?

As for Nicholas Tse's temper, there are actually many people in the entertainment industry who have this kind of personality. For example, Guo Siniang, Siniang is considered a person in the literary circle, but he just dragged himself into the entertainment industry.

Let’s not talk about Siniang’s other matters. Let’s talk about the copyright issue in this matter. Back then, Siniang was caught plagiarizing other people’s works and was eventually taken to court. This matter also caused quite a stir in the entertainment industry and social news for half a year at that time. A matter of great repercussions.

But Siniang later lost the lawsuit and compensated the other party with millions of wealth. But Siniang had a lot of money. To put it bluntly, there was no problem in paying compensation, but she would never apologize.

This is almost a similar thing. Anyway, those who become famous at a young age and are energetic at a young age just like to do things with enthusiasm and impulsiveness.

Therefore, for a young man like Nicholas Tse, face is more important than money.

Money can be compensated, but people have to apologize. Such a thing is at least the best way Nicholas Tse can think of now.

Wang Jing said without hesitation: "Please, is there any difference? Anyway, whether it is for filming needs, or you deliberately suppress mainland actors, these things will have a certain impact on you. .

Is it so difficult to admit a mistake?

Moreover, at that time it seemed that you were retaliating yourself and were caught. Who could you blame at this time?

If you hadn't forced yourself to help others regardless of the rules, would I have been so anxious? "

Listening to what Director Wang Jing said, it seems that it really makes sense.

Nicholas Tse saw that things had developed to this level, and if he said he backed down again, or said he was unwilling to visit Wang Bozhao in the hospital to apologize, then Director Wang Jing would definitely deal with him ruthlessly. Even if the Emperor were to take care of him, it would be impossible for him to continue his glorious career.

After all, director Wang Jing still has a very high reputation in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. If Director Wang Jing is determined to block Nicholas Tse, it will be easy to do.

Therefore, at this time, Nicholas Tse could only say helplessly: "Okay, director, you have said that, and I have nothing to say.

We must do our best to obey fate. If we went to see the person named Wang, we would also apologize. If this matter cannot be resolved well by then, it would be really interesting. "

Wang Jing naturally understood what Xie Tingfeng was complaining about, but Wang Jing said very definitely: "Apologizing is absolutely necessary, and if we go to the hospital to apologize, it will also shock the good intentions.

When it comes to something like this, we just want the media reporters and the paparazzi to try their best to divert their attention. Don't always take things personally.

Therefore, when we apologize for such an issue, it is actually a good way to divert the topic. "

Wang Jing is such a cunning person. He has been in the entertainment industry for decades and has many tricks. Therefore, at this time, he knew very well that he at least had to occupy the moral high ground on this matter. As for other matters, it was basically no big deal. Anyway, Wang Jing can clearly see where the key to this matter lies, Wang Bozhao?

That's right, the key to this matter actually lies with Wang Bozhao. As long as it comes to the hospital, he takes Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian to apologize and express his apology. According to the previous rules, it seems that this is the case. It's no big deal either. After all, Wang Jing is the kind of person who has a very high status in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

In the Xiangjiang entertainment circle, there are really not many people who can go down to Wang Jing and apologize. If there are, they are very few old-timers and wealthy people. Therefore, when it comes to such an issue, even if Wang Jing drags Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian to apologize, it is absolutely impossible for him to do so silently.

What he said is not wrong at all. He must first occupy the moral commanding heights. As long as he can occupy the moral commanding heights, then the following problems will be easier to deal with.

Therefore, if you apologize, you must make the matter bigger and make it known to everyone, and show that you have brought people to apologize. Then Wang Bozhao, or some actors in the mainland entertainment industry, will not be able to do it because of this. The fuss must stop.

This is actually a matter of Wang Jing's strategy. At this time, Nicholas Tse finally understood Wang Jing's good intentions in this matter.

But now Nicholas Tse has truly realized the difference between himself as a person in the entertainment industry and a real senior, an old fox.

At that moment, Nicholas Tse immediately said: "The director really has a clever plan. In this way, the man named Wang will have no reason to cause trouble anymore, and it will be easier to reverse this matter."

Zhang Weijian also understood Wang Jing's plan, and flattered him and said, "Director Wang really sold you a plan. The two of them have the same surname Wang, but their wisdom is different. This guy Wang Bozhao is the kind of guy who doesn't think about things when they happen." If you want to continue the trouble, you will be messy, but Director Wang, you like to use strategies to paralyze the enemy and gain more room for maneuver."

Of course, this is indeed flattering, but it shows that Wang Jing is indeed a cunning and cunning person.

Wang Jing smiled slightly, and then regained his serious expression and said: "You two, there is no need to flatter him. As for this matter, let's take a look at him, and then you apologized. As for this matter, it was just something that happened just now." It's just the first step.

When it comes to an issue like this, what is more important for us is how to deal with the matter. Don’t think that if you apologize, then everything will be fine.

Let me tell you, things are not as simple as you think.

What the fate of you two will be at that time, or what the fate of our TV series will be, will also depend on the situation.

Therefore, if you two guys do such a big thing, you don’t need to think about the remuneration later on. Let’s see how the crew handles you two, right? "

These words made Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian a little unhappy. If we apologize for our feelings, then saying something like this won't necessarily solve the problem, right?

Therefore, at this time, Nicholas Tse immediately said unconvinced: "Director, what you said is that if we apologize for our feelings, then this matter may still be unfinished, right?"

Wang Jing glared at Xie Tingfeng fiercely and said: "How about it? If you want to rebel, can you use your brain? This matter is not as simple as you think. I told you that your affairs are just It's just a trigger. The root of the matter is a wrestling issue between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places. On the contrary, your matter is no longer the key to the whole matter. Therefore, it is relatively easy to solve your matter.

But if you want to solve the whole thing, then I think it is not such a simple problem. This problem is so big that you can't touch it now. When you stand at a certain height, you will understand that this matter is not that simple. "

Wrestling, yes, this is a wrestling. Wang Jing himself also realized that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After all, it was said that in such a situation, Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian were fighting, and it did not mean that there was any direct conflict. But because of the needs of the plot, the two of them just wanted to take revenge and hit harder.

I had already wanted to suppress this matter, but in the end it got to the point where it is now, and it may even affect whether my TV series will be broadcast in the mainland.

If Wang Bozhao had such energy, he would not believe it even if Wang Jing was beaten to death on such a question.

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