Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1848: Trying to commit suicide

In fact, the princess knows Nicholas Tse best, and she knows best about Nicholas Tse's filming in the mainland.

Therefore, when Ye Ming said that, he knew what kind of crew Ye Ming was talking about.

The princess immediately followed up and said: "Are you talking about Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque, which Nicholas Tse filmed in China? The filming of this TV series has been started for a while now, what kind of trouble can it cause?"

Although the princess is a singer, generally speaking, the princess will not make movies easily. In fact, the princess has only filmed three movies so far, Chungking Express, The Unparalleled and A Little Affair in the City.

Therefore, the princess is basically a pure singer. But even if this is the case, it cannot be said that the princess is not clear about the filming. On the contrary, she is very aware of some of the inside stories.

As for the actors in the Hong Kong city of Baodao playing big names, this is no longer a secret, and it is also open to the entertainment industry.

It’s no secret that actors in Hong Kong and Taiwan are well paid. Usually on the set, actors from the Mainland and Hong Kong and Taiwan don't get to play together.

From the princess's perspective, washing her hair should be a fun activity with Zhang Weijian and the others, and there shouldn't be any major conflicts.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "I got the definite news that some problems have arisen.

In fact, it is precisely because Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque have been filming for a while, so there will be some friction at this time. As I said just now, actors from RTHK generally have a feeling of being superior to others, and the staff of RTHK actually also have this mentality.

Because they think they are professionals, more professional than the mainland staff, so they are also able to put on airs.

Anyway, he just wanted to bully people. That's what happened. The news I got is that a few days ago, the actor who played Jiang Biehe, Mr. Wang Bozhao, who played the pretty boy in Journey to the West, is also an old-timer.

At that time, he saw a chair at the scene and wanted to sit down and rest, but someone said that it was from Xiangjiang Cosmetics and refused to let him sit. Later, Xiangjiang Cosmetics came over, and Mr. Wang asked why he was not allowed to sit down. The two almost started fighting. .

Of course, the scene at that time was said to be pulled away.

But you also know that people in Xiangjiang tend to stick together. Zhang Weijian and Nicholas Tse found out about this. The next day, there happened to be a scene in which Jiang Biehe was beaten up by Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian. That kind of drama.

Even if I don’t tell you, you also know that for scenes like this, you usually need to borrow more space. If you don’t mean it, you won’t really hit it hard.

But because Mr. Wang had a conflict with the makeup artist from Xiangjiang, Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian wanted to teach Mr. Wang a lesson.

It was a real punch to the flesh, and the beating was really brutal. As a result, you think that although Mr. Wang is not well-known, he is also an old-timer. Aren't you bullying others with this thing? "

Na Ying said with some disbelief: "I heard that there are real scenes like this, but they don't talk much. Could there be a problem? If there is a problem, it will definitely come out. I haven't heard of this happening?" "

This is not an excuse, but a fact. In fact, if this kind of thing really happened in the entertainment industry, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Therefore, Na Ying felt that she really had not heard any rumors about such a thing.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "This thing is true. It's just that I was suppressed by the crew at that time. Moreover, at this time, the photo scandal broke out. Think about it, such sensational news has appeared. , this kind of thing may not break out for decades, so the incident of Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian beating people on the set of Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque was temporarily suppressed.

But looking at this issue now, do you think Nicholas Tse can really suppress this matter? Moreover, Mr. Wang was examined at the hospital and found that the injury was minor. This shows that Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian were not very ruthless at that time. "

Acting in the entertainment industry is acting, but once it involves retaliation and issues that affect the unity of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the relevant departments will definitely be ruthless.

Na Ying and the princess also understood very well that if this matter was what Ye Ming said, then Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian would definitely be punished.

It's not even certain that this incident may affect the broadcast of Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque's crew.

The princess frowned and said, "This TV series seems to be supervised by Wang Jing. Isn't it possible for Wang Jing to resolve this matter with his status in the entertainment industry?"

Ye Ming nodded and said very seriously: "This involves the issue of regional discrimination. News about the entertainment industry has begun to break out. I have asked people from the company to issue a statement to support Mr. Wang's rights protection. I believe Today, more stars in the mainland entertainment industry will support Mr. Wang.

You must understand your status no matter what. The Xiangjiang entertainment circle is no longer the Xiangjiang entertainment circle it used to be.

At that time, they led the trend of Chinese language, but now capital is king, and the mainland is the real big market. Without the help of the mainland, the entertainment industry in Hong Kong will not say that they will die early and be born early, but they will definitely be tortured into little scum by others. .

They still don't understand this kind of thing, and they still think that they are the boss, so they are definitely seeking their own death. Look at the superstars in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. They are all beginning to explore the mainland market.

Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian are definitely seeking death at this time. Moreover, Nicholas Tse broke these news during the photo scandal. What do you mean by saying that he is not committing suicide? "

Seeking death, definitely seeking death. After hearing what Ye Ming said, the princess and Na Ying looked at each other. They were definitely at odds.

Na Ying's eyes widened and she said, "Ye Ming, you said that the release of the TV series Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque might be affected. Is this possible?

Could it be said that the relevant departments are paying attention to this matter? "

There are actually many factors that affect the release of a TV series, but when it comes to an issue like this, what everyone fears most is the attention of relevant departments.

Once the relevant departments start to rectify it, there is still a very high chance that it will not be released.

For example, Alive, a classic starring Uncle Ge and Aunt Gong, was not released in the end.

It cannot be said that the background of this film is not strong, but the relevant departments say that you cannot release it if you are not allowed to release it.

In fact, the same is true for TV dramas at this time. Once the relevant departments start to pay attention to the news and say that they will not let you show it, it is definitely not without purpose.

Ye Ming smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Actually, on the way here, Director Zhang and Director Wang from the Directors Association also exchanged opinions with me. Someone must pay the price for this matter.

It is said that this is what the third master meant, that is, he must be killed to serve as a warning for such a thing. Otherwise, it will be difficult to manage in the future. It is estimated that the higher-ups are studying whether the TV series will be allowed to be released. "

Whether you are allowed to film a TV series is one thing, but whether you are allowed to show it on a TV station after filming is another matter entirely.

Generally speaking, as long as you get a filming permit, at a time like this, you usually don't have to commit suicide to get a release permit.

Of course, this is a general situation. Although some TV series have obtained a filming license and completed filming, they cannot be shown on TV stations if they fail to pass the final review. This kind of thing does not happen often in the entertainment industry, but That's definitely not to say it didn't happen.

And it definitely didn't happen once or twice.

As for Nicholas Tse's photo scandal, it will definitely not have any impact on this TV series. After all, Nicholas Tse is not a party involved, it is just that he has a girlfriend who is one of the parties involved.

But at this time, in fact, in such a matter, since you Nicholas Tse is involved in the photo scandal and has caused such a scandal of bullying mainland actors, then at this time, it is almost a foregone conclusion that you will be punished. What's more, relevant departments have begun to pay attention to this matter.

Na Ying said very simply: "If this is the case, then Xiao Xie will be in more danger at this time. If the TV series can no longer be broadcast, then his and Zhang Weijian's acting career in the mainland will basically be It will be cut off. No investor will use a banned actor, which is equivalent to losing everything."

To be honest, in Hong Kong, the entertainment industry has been going downhill. People in the entertainment industry on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places are basically competing for mainland audiences. If there is no mainland market, then this star will Basically, half of the martial arts is wasted.

Even if they are stars at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings, no one dares to ignore the mainland entertainment market.

Andy even said that in 18 years he was still a king-level existence, with extraordinary influence in the entertainment industry. In fact, the key is that he is better at business in the mainland than any of the four kings.

As for Andy not telling everyone about his marriage, it's drizzle and it's impossible to cover up Model Liu's diligence and kindness.

Therefore, being blocked by the mainland will definitely have a huge impact on your career. The princess was a little depressed, but regarding this kind of thing, she was just an artist, and there was no way she had any ability to affect the outcome of such a thing.

But in the end, the princess finally figured out a problem. Ye Ming was talking about studying what kind of punishment, but he had not yet said the specific punishment.

As long as the people from the relevant departments will not personally take action, then based on the background of Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, basically there won't be much of a problem with the film being released in the mainland.

Therefore, the princess thought for a while and said: "You just said that people from the relevant departments are studying it. In other words, it is not certain whether Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque will be banned from being released in the mainland."

Ye Ming nodded and agreed with this point of view: "After all, it didn't take long before the incident happened. You also know the speed of the relevant departments very well. It is impossible for the results to appear so quickly."

This actually made the princess feel a little relieved. If there was room for relaxation, that would be the best.

But what Ye Ming said next, regarding this matter, made the princess feel cold.

Then Ye Ming immediately said: "But don't be so optimistic. Since Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian caused this kind of thing at this critical time, and someone wants to kill them as a warning, will the TV series really be banned? I don’t dare to say clearly about the release, but no matter what, these two people will definitely be banned by the mainland entertainment industry, and the relevant departments have already started to let it out.”

In fact, speaking of it, some things in the mainland entertainment industry are really wonderful. Relevant departments generally will not say anything about banning certain people easily, but the relevant departments will say that it is best not to consider some artists with bad records. This is a cryptic statement. If there are bad records, then recently there are only two artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan, Nicholas Tse and Zhang Weijian. This is tantamount to blocking the path of these two people in the mainland entertainment industry.

The princess knew the background of Xie Tingfeng's company, which was quite capable, so she said, "If Xiao Xie's company comes forward to protect him, is it possible to succeed?"

Ye Ming shook his head and said with certainty: "It may be better to have a company to protect you, but don't think about it in the short term. Since it is said that people from relevant departments want to kill people as a warning, then we will never allow anyone to destroy this in a short period of time." According to the rules, Zhang Weijian has completely failed, and Nicholas Tse, even if there is support from the company, he will definitely be banned in the mainland in a short period of time.

As for Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, it depends on their company's public relations efforts. Lao Yang has been in disgrace recently due to the photo scandal. Anyway, he has almost lost all his dignity. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether he will work hard at public relations at this time. Probably a 50/50 chance. "

Ye Ming couldn't guarantee it. Who knew whether the relevant departments would ban Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque from being released in the mainland.

Of course, if the matter got serious and caused public outrage, it would not be impossible for this TV series to be banned later. Therefore, Ye Ming said that the chance was only half and half.

In fact, Ye Ming has already made it very clear that if this matter had not been suppressed by the photo scandal, which was a popular incident abroad, it would have become a big issue long ago. And now that the computer hacker behind the photo scandal has been caught, then At this time, everyone's attention will gradually shift to this matter.

At that time, the entertainment industry will be turned upside down again. This is a struggle for the initiative in the entertainment circles of the three places across the Taiwan Strait.

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