Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1846: Xiao Xie’s Responsibility for the Photo Gate

Na Ying's eyes widened and she said: "Fuck me, it turns out he is such a die-hard fan. The little girl is really unlucky. But that's just because he doesn't love himself. There are some things he can do and some things he has to do. If you do it, you will pay a price, and if you are caught taking photos, this is the fundamental reason for the development of photos, so Zhang Baizhi himself also has a certain responsibility."

Ye Ming nodded and said with certainty: "That's right. Zhang Baizhi does have a certain responsibility in this matter. Of course, Edison Chen has a greater responsibility in this matter. However, in this matter, Nicholas Tse is actually one of them. One of the parties involved has no choice.

You said that now everyone knows that Nicholas Tse has proposed to Zhang Baizhi, and the proposal was successful, and the photos did not explode, what should we do at seven o'clock?

If Nicholas Tse had dared to get rid of Zhang Baizhi so early, his own life would have completely collapsed. As a man, he should be responsible. If he has no responsibility at all, then he is a man?

If you dare to get rid of Zhang Baizhi at this time, then he will be the Chen Shimei of the new era. Although he has some sympathy and is unwilling to be cuckolded, that is not the reason for him not to take responsibility.

Therefore, under such a situation, Xining stood up and admitted his engagement with Zhang Baizhi, and said that the continuation of the marriage would save his own life, which was very crucial. Maybe you don’t really want to do this, but he has to do it. As a man, he must stand up and be a man at this critical time. If he doesn’t stand up, then his life will be completely over, no matter what Whether it is in the entertainment industry or as a person, it will be completely finished.

I think this is a key reason why Nicholas Tse stood up to support Zhang Baizhi at this critical time.

Sister Fei, I think the person you like cannot be the kind of ruthless person. From your own point of view, if Nicholas Tse really gets rid of Zhang Baizhi, what will you think of Nicholas Tse? Do you think a man who is irresponsible is a good man? "

This matter is actually a matter of responsibility, a matter of responsibility as a man. What Ye Ming said made Wang Fei think deeply. If Nicholas Tse really dumped Zhang Baizhi directly, then would he dare to like such a person who was not very responsible and avoided real problems for his own sake?

Which famous paintings say very clearly that Nicholas Tse must persist in this matter for the sake of his own life, and of course this is also for the better development of his career.

Why not do something that is both responsible and can better develop your own career?

So when it comes to face, sometimes a man should take his face very seriously, but sometimes, he must make a choice.

In fact, Ye Ming also supported Nicholas Tse's approach.

After all, Nicholas Tse is not that young anymore, he should take his career more seriously.

In other words, Nicholas Tse behaved more realistically on this matter.

The princess thought about it for a while, and then said: "It can be seen from this incident that Xiao Xie has finally grown up and is not so impatient in doing things.

It's good to have a little responsibility. Being responsible for such things proves that Xiao Xie has really grown up. "

It can also be seen from the princess's words that under such a situation, she actually did not have any feelings for Nicholas Tse. It is said that the two broke up. Various reasons contributed to their not being together.

Ye Ming then said: "Actually, in this matter, you should look on the bright side, right? Now your view is more in line with reality. Don't always keep the problem in your heart, use Use the ruler in your heart to measure it. He is also a human being. Although Xiaoxue has not reached the level of an artist now, at least he has to face reality, right?

Moreover, a very important point is that you are now married. It seems that you have no right to interfere in other people's lives, but you just can't let it go in your heart. However, as a married person, you have to stand up Think about the problem from the perspective of your own family.

Sister Fei, when it comes to this matter, you should look at it from the perspective of an adult, not from the perspective of an artist. "

Ye Ming's words were very harsh and could even tear the princess's wound directly. The princess actually had an emotional wound in her heart, and most people just didn't have the guts to touch it.

But Ye Ming also knew very well that for people like the princess, if you don't use some harsh medicine, then he won't be able to listen at all.

After all, the princess is a literary and artistic worker. She has the mentality of an artist, and her way of thinking about problems is definitely different from others.

If you don't shatter her inner fantasies, it is almost an impossible task to comfort the princess.

Why tell the truth? As a friend of the princess? In fact, there are very few friends, and there are even fewer friends who can talk about problems with him on an equal footing.

Not to mention the Sixty-one class organized by the princess, what kind of class monitor is she? Is this interesting?

It can be seen from this small group that the princess is the absolute protagonist, and others regard her as the monitor. Such a small group is actually a big brother in the world of martial arts and a bunch of younger brothers who come out to make a living.

That is to say, everyone hugs together to keep warm, and it is easier to mingle. In other words, the princess leads this small group of people to mingle in the entertainment industry.

It's not that I dare not say that if one party is in trouble, all parties will support it, but then everyone should stick together to keep warm. On the premise of not harming their own interests, there is no problem in reporting appropriately to the members of the small group.

Therefore, in this class, there are very few people in this class who can truly sit on an equal footing with him, have conversations with him, and be able to say something in front of him that would offend him.

If Ying can be counted as one, I dare not say that Zhao Wei is not.

As for the other people, basically no one dared to say offensive words in front of the princess.

If you offend the princess, you will definitely be kicked out of this small group.

As for Li Yapeng, it’s hard to talk about this. Everyone knows that benevolence sees benevolence and wisdom sees wisdom, so I won’t say more about this person.

This path was chosen by Li Yapeng himself. No matter what, he would continue to walk on it. If he couldn't bear it, the result would be divorce.

Obviously, the marriage between the two people actually reached the point of divorce.

As a friend of the princess, Ye Mingna is actually so simple and pure.

Ye Ming is not afraid of offending the princess, and it can also be said that although he is a little cruel in his attitude, although he is a little cruel, he directly tears open the emotional wounds deep in the princess's heart, but in fact this method It is the most effective way.

A way to get the princess out of this period of depression as quickly as possible.

At this time, Na Ying was feeling nervous. It would definitely take a lot of courage to dare to say such words directly in front of the princess.

Sometimes even a die-hard old friend like him wouldn't dare to say that.

This can almost be said to be a rhythm that offends the princess to death. If the princess still can't think about it and can't turn around, these words will still hurt the princess very deeply.

The princess will definitely hate Ye Ming very much. The final result of this kind of thing may be that the two people can no longer even be friends.

After all, the princess would not like to be friends with someone who has hurt her.

Therefore, at such a time, Na Yingxin, who was sitting aside, was very nervous. He wanted to know whether the princess could think through this matter.

If you can't think about it, Na Ying's role should be revealed at this time, and he should be the one in the middle.

Once the princess can't think about it, then in such a situation, it is impossible for two people to fight, and ten princesses will not be able to fight to their satisfaction. However, if two people quarrel, the person in the middle should fight It's Na Ying. Well, in such a situation, Wang Fei pondered for nearly 10 minutes. He didn't know what to say.

Ye Ming had said these words. In fact, he knew in his heart that he was married and had no right to care about other people's marriages. He owed Li Yapeng some moral debt.

After all, Li Yapeng is her legitimate husband, and she is Yapeng's wife in the legal sense.

After hearing what Ye Ming said, the princess was still very touched. The atmosphere in the living room seemed rather strange, and the three of them were very nervous.

Ye Ming's expression seemed to be considering what choice I would make. If we can't get over this matter, then his pain will continue, and Ye Ming is sure that by then Her marriage to Li Yapeng will end early.

Fortunately, the princess finally said: "Xiao Yezi, you are right, I am already married, right? It is too much to ask me to worry about others in this matter.

What did Xiao Xie make?

Letting you choose is his own life choice. I am actually not qualified to care about others. Thinking about it, it’s ridiculous that I still can’t let go.

There was a breath in my chest that couldn't come out, so I felt very depressed until now. "

This is the princess's true words. Some people like you chose Zhang Baizhi, and after the photo scandal broke out, Nicholas Tse actually chose Zhang Baizhi. What will happen to me if you do something like this?

As Nicholas Tse's ex-girlfriend, the princess will definitely feel resentful in her heart. No matter what, I am definitely one of the top people in the entertainment industry.

The majestic queen is actually not as good as Zhang Baizhi, an actor whose photo scandal broke out, whose persona has completely collapsed, and whose future is basically doomed?

What does this make the princess think? Is my status too bad? You know that at such a time, the princess actually feels in her heart that you don't feel aggrieved, but she feels angry towards Xiao Xie from the bottom of her heart.

The princess does have a reason to be angry. Nicholas Tse's choice is indeed a bit of a slap in the face, at least from the princess's point of view, such a choice is indeed a bit of a slap in the face.

The princess, no matter what the entertainment industry, thinks that the golden boy is the most suitable. In her heart, she just feels that she is being compared.

If the matter has reached this point, it has basically been talked about. At this time, Na Yingcai said with a smile: "My beloved, it's okay for you to be angry. In fact, if I meet Nicholas Tse then, I will find an opportunity to deal with him. Forget it, if you really can't get married, I'll find someone to beat him up and give him a slap on the stick to vent your anger so that he doesn't dare to call the police, otherwise I'll let him lie down and go back to Xiangjiang."

It's a bit angry to say something like this, but what can I say? It's just to relieve the Internet fee. I definitely won't do it. After all, it's illegal to hit someone, let alone a celebrity.

Celebrities are stared at by almost everyone, whether it is the paparazzi or the audience. Those who stare at the celebrities will be banned if they behave slightly out of line, not to mention that it is almost impossible to hit someone.

Naturally, I would listen to this matter as a joke and try to persuade myself as my friend, as long as Princess Hou would not take it seriously.

However, Ye Ming immediately said at this time: "If you can and must go out, then there is no need for us to take action personally.

You don’t know that Nicholas Tse committed suicide. Although in this matter, Nicholas Tse saved his personality and stood up with loyalty and did some responsible things, saying that the marriage will continue and so on. In other words, this leaves a lot of impression points for the audience.

However, some things are difficult to change even if you change your nature, and some things are impossible to change no matter what. If you want to get out, then you don't have to take action yourself, he will commit suicide on his own.

Nicholas Tse will definitely get himself involved this time. When the time comes, I dare not say that his career will completely stagnate. At least his career will definitely experience a certain decline. "

Na Ying said with some curiosity: "Xiao Xie has been in trouble recently. Although his photos have some influence on the public, but you also said that he has stood up and acted responsibly. Isn't it better for him to win?" Few good impression points.

In this case, his career should take a step forward. Many fans of Nicholas Tse think that their idol is a very generous person, and they don’t even know that fans will definitely think that Nicholas Tse is a man of affection and righteousness. In this case, his career should be further advanced. Regarding this matter, what do you think he will understand? "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, I just got a piece of news on the way. At this time, Nicholas Tse is actually filming a TV series in the Mainland. And I dare to say where is the TV series he shot?

To some extent, it will definitely be a turning point for her career, at least in a short period of time. If he can't get over this hurdle, it will be difficult for him to predict the future."

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