Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1839: The impact of the photo scandal on the entertainment industry

As for the photo scandal, it is actually that simple and has a key conclusion.

Regarding this matter, everyone knows that the computer hacker has been caught. At least one thing is certain that the photo will definitely not be released in the future, and there will be no fourth or fifth wave.

Lao Yang called Chen Guanxi over without any delay.

Of course, this press conference is for Edison Chen to apologize to the public and his fans. Of course, it is more like an apology to the female protagonists who were victimized in the photo scandal.

Regardless of whether these heroines accept this apology, this attitude must be there.

Moreover, Edison Chen also adopted a direct press conference speaking style, all in English.

Thinking back to the Xiao Longnu incident, Lao Long actually used English to deal with reporters, which made him more comfortable.

In other words, when facing reporters' questions, the answers are not so embarrassing, at least they are not in Chinese language, but in English, which seems to have little to do with me.

This is how Lao Long made a statement in the incident involving Xiao Longnu. When it comes to reporters, Lao Long certainly has such confidence.

However, it is really difficult to say that Edison Chen is a celebrity. After all, there are few people who can compare with Lao Long.

Therefore, in such a situation, the reporter was a little unhappy when he heard that Edison Chen actually answered the reporter's questions in English. How could this happen?

After all, an old dragon is an old dragon, and you are you. Do you have the status of a husband? But at the last press conference, a shocking news was revealed. In order to take responsibility, Edison Chen himself permanently quit the entertainment industry.

This made all the reporters at the scene dumbfounded. Edison Chen quit immediately. He took responsibility for this matter and quit the entertainment industry permanently.

It can be seen from this point that it is not a big deal for him, Edison Chen, to answer reporters' questions in full English.

After all, they don’t have fun anymore and have permanently quit the entertainment industry. It doesn’t seem to be a big deal if they offend reporters at this time. Therefore, in such a situation, don’t worry about their status in the entertainment industry. Like that.

And as for Edison Chen, although his status in the entertainment industry cannot be compared to that of Lao Long, among the young actors and singers, Edison Tsang is definitely the one who stands out.

At least before the photos come out, Edison Chen's status among young people in the entertainment industry should be absolutely stable in the top five.

Regardless of fame or influence, there is no problem in being in the top five. Among young people, there are really not many young actors who can overpower Edison Chen with their performance and influence.

If Edison Chen works steadily and can continue to be involved in the entertainment industry, then if he doesn't make mistakes, he will basically be the king by default, and the future king will definitely have a place for him.

But it's a pity for him that apart from the photos, there is no such thing. In the entertainment industry, let alone the position of a superstar, it is good to be able to maintain his current first-line status.

In fact, it has basically been determined that under such a situation, it is impossible for Edison Chen to maintain his current position.

Therefore, in such a situation, Edison Chen actually acted very decisively. Since I could no longer stay in the entertainment industry, I simply quit the entertainment industry, and I quit the entertainment industry permanently.

Of course, everyone knows that in the end, this scumbag did not reap the rewards and did not permanently quit the entertainment industry, that is, he quit the entertainment industry for more than 10 years.

But think about how many decades there are in a person's life, especially for an artist, the golden decade is more than ten years, and he quits the entertainment industry. This kind of punishment is almost enough for Edison Chen.

This is not to say how to forgive or not forgive Edison Chen. At least this guy is still a scumbag. It is said that he has permanently withdrawn from the entertainment industry. Basically, he has not appeared in the public eye for more than ten years.

There is no harm without comparison, right? Compared to some actors in the mainland entertainment industry, such as the singer of a certain group, his wife cheated on him.

As a result, he said that he and his wife had divorced. Of course, my wife and I should be called my ex-wife. In the end, in order to take responsibility, he said that he would temporarily withdraw from the entertainment industry.

Although he didn't say that he would quit the entertainment industry permanently, you should stick to it for a while. This thing is said to have been withdrawing from the entertainment industry for less than a year, which is more than half a year. It was paid directly. You are teasing the audience. You said you were temporarily withdrawing from the entertainment industry, just online, for more than half a year. What's the big deal if you haven't persisted for a year?

This means that there is no harm without comparison. There is really no way. Compared with this behavior of mainland singers, Edison Chen has basically not appeared in public view for more than ten years. He has already paid the price for his photos. .

Of course, everyone naturally contacted Ye Ming about this matter, because when Ye Ming didn't come, the police and Lao Yang couldn't find the computer hacker.

But once Ye Ming arrived in Hong Kong City, the computer hacker was quickly caught.

What about such a thing? In fact, even thinking about it, Da Lian could see some of the tricks in this matter, so many reporters have already guessed whether Ye Ming took action to catch this computer hacker.

And some reporters also knew that two artists from Brilliant Film and Television, Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang, were kidnapped.

Although such news is not very widespread, there are some people in the village who have great supernatural powers who will know about it, especially when it comes to banning rest. There are some well-informed reporters who can know about this matter. , that's normal.

It can be seen from such a thing that in fact, under such a situation, if the photo scandal has any relationship with Ye Mingming, basically no one will believe it.

Therefore, under such a situation, in fact, at this time, reporters began to interview Ye Mingle and began to look for Ye Ming for investigation and interviews.

Moreover, everyone had the same purpose, to ask Ye Ming what he thought about the photo scandal. In fact, if Ye Ming did not deliberately hide from reporters, then the paparazzi here in Xiangjiang are actually very powerful. It would be very easy to find Ye Ming for interviews, and they did not intentionally hide themselves. , since you are in the entertainment industry, if there is no special purpose and you need to hide from reporters, then accepting interviews is actually not a big deal.

This, in fact, can be regarded as a task for celebrities. You are obliged to complete this task and accept interviews from reporters, whether you are willing or not.

This is the price you should pay for being a celebrity. The freedom of celebrities, or the privacy space of celebrities, is very less than that of ordinary people.

If he cannot adapt to such a life, then under such circumstances, it is impossible for the artist to stay in the entertainment industry for a long time, or it is impossible to really make it.

After Ye Ming was blocked at the entrance of the hotel, a female reporter was the first to rush forward and stood up and asked: "Mr. Ye, what do you think about the photo scandal? The protagonist of the photo scandal One, when Gillian held a press conference, she said that she was stupid and naive. She mistakenly realized that others were wrong and believed in others.

That's why she caused the current situation. What do you think of such a thing? "

This is your question. This reporter deliberately wants to bring down Ye Ming. Ye Ming is a big international star. Therefore, in this matter, if the fake can be brought under the spotlight, then this news Although it has gradually come to an end, it is still very possible to explode.

However, Ye Ming was not fooled by such a thing, but said with a smile: "In fact, everyone's attitude towards life is different, and everyone's view of life is also different, no matter it is Edison Chen or Gillian, they are all young people, and they are not married. Well, if a man is unmarried and a woman is unmarried, what happens? Isn’t it normal?

Good cabbage will always be eaten by pigs. Please believe that it will feel even scarier.

Such a thing has arisen. I think it is illegal if privacy is leaked. No matter what angle you look at this matter from, whether from a legal or moral point of view, the computer hacker must bear certain responsibilities. of responsibility.

Of course, Edison Chen must have a greater responsibility. If you don't take these photos, nothing will happen. But that person has already paid the price for his appearance and his wrong behavior. We will quit the entertainment industry forever. Therefore, I Guess he deserves his own punishment.

Computer hackers will definitely be punished by law. This can be seen from both legal and moral perspectives.

It just depends on how the judge will make the decision at the critical moment, and how many years the computer hacker will be sentenced in this case.

Of course, this sentence is a matter of legal discretion. So what do you think I think about this matter? What do I think? It just depends on how the judge decides and you must believe in the law. This is a legal society after all. If you do something that violates the law here, you will definitely be punished by the law, no matter who he is or what your purpose is. . "

Regarding this matter, Na Ye Ming actually elaborated on this issue directly from the legal perspective, which left the reporter speechless. How should I put it? If he could talk freely and say something like condemnation, then some reporters would definitely misinterpret Ye Ming's meaning at this time.

Therefore, in such a situation, no matter how this matter is discussed, everyone can see that from a legal perspective, this matter is the most correct answer, or the most official answer. After all, no matter what, this computer hacker did invade other people's privacy and violated some laws. Answering from this perspective is absolutely speechless.

Another reporter stood up and said: "Mr. Ye, during the interview a few days ago, you once said that the photo scandal will have a very big impact on the entertainment industry in Hong Kong. So now, what do you think about the photo scandal? How big of an impact will it have on the entertainment industry?

What kind of harm will be caused? "

This was actually another trap for him. The reporter just dug a hole. Ye Ming was not fooled. However, the other reporter did not let Ye Ming go and dug another hole on his own initiative. Photos, this matter has indeed had a great influence on the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and Ye Ming also said similar things, so at such a time, reporters brought up the old story and directly mentioned Ye Ming's Some opinions were raised, asking Ye Ming how much impact the photo scandal would have on the Hong Kong entertainment industry at this time?

In such a situation, if a person cannot answer this question well, then it is certain that he will offend quite a few people.

Therefore, these reporters dug a hole for Ye Ming, hoping that Ye Ming could jump in.

But Ye Ming is an old fox. He is not as young and simple as he seems on the surface. He also understands this issue very clearly. What about the Xiangjiang entertainment industry? Hard to say.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said: "The Xiangjiang entertainment industry has a glorious past. Everyone can appreciate this. In the previous movies and movies in the Xiangjiang entertainment industry, Being able to radiate to Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region, there is basically no place that can compete with Xiangjiang movies. Even in the history of world movies, the movies of Xiangjiang entertainment industry definitely have an unshakable position.

But that was the glorious past. Now, the Xiangjiang entertainment industry has indeed declined to a certain extent, and its influence can indeed be seen to some extent.

However, I believe this low point is temporary. However, the photos are not as popular as the entertainment industry, but there is still some influence, because what is the basis of a film market? Think about it. "

At this time, the reporter was a little dumbfounded, and several reporters in the county were a little dumbfounded. Ye Ming suddenly asked such a question, which was really difficult to answer. What is the basis of the movies in the Xiangjiang entertainment industry?

How do you say this? Could it be that it's club funds or celebrities or something? It’s really hard to say. The answer to this question seems to be a bit broad, so many reporters at the scene were a little dumbfounded.

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