Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1835: Breakthrough of the Photo Gate

At this time, the computer hacker's mental journey is divided into three aspects.

The first thing was surprise. When he just got those photos of Edison Chen, he was of course very surprised. The female stars he usually saw on TV screens and movies were so clearly displayed in front of him. Just like Japanese prostitutes, this was simply unbelievable. He never thought that the glamorous entertainment industry would be in such a state of decline. On the surface, it was a chastity arch, but in fact, men were stealing and women were prostitutes.

I dare not say that everyone in the entertainment industry is like this, but since then, a considerable number of actors will adopt this double-faced beauty state.

You have no idea that I, the actor, am laughing at your acting, or that it expresses my true personality.

This is the most elusive part of the entertainment industry. Bitches are ruthless and actors are meaningless. In fact, this is an ancient understanding of actors and this industry.

Although it is possible to say that such a person is a little bit deceitful, it does not mean that it is completely unreasonable. Sometimes actors are used to acting themselves, and they may not be able to get out of this kind of entrance. It's easy to play but hard to play.

It is naturally easy for a good actor to enter the scene, but it is not necessarily that easy for a good actor to show up.

It's easy to get into a play and it's easy to get out of a play. Then such an actor is a superstar, a real top star.

Control your acting skills to the point where you can send and receive them freely. Acting is acting and life is life. There are no more than 20 actors in the pan-Chinese entertainment circle in the whole world.

Even those Oscar-winning actors don’t necessarily say that everyone can reach this point.

There are very few people who truly control the identity of an actor rather than being controlled by the identity of an actor.

Therefore, generally speaking, as an actor, he himself does not necessarily know whether he is acting or expressing his true feelings.

Just like Zhang Baizhi in the photo, do you think the image of the golden boy on the surface is his own personality, or is it an expression of her true temperament?

I think back then, she and Nicholas Tse were the real golden boy and girl. Such a life is also very acceptable. Fans just hope that their goddess will get married in such a state.

If you get married, then everyone will be happy, just like the prince and princess in the fairy tale, living happily together. This is the result of the characters of Nicholas Tse and Zhang Baizhi.

But what kind of person is Zhang Baizhi?

Everyone said that Zhang Baizhi was the leader of the Jade Girl Sect, but he himself denied more than once that he was not the leader of the Jade Girl Sect.

The last photo scandal actually proved that Zhang Baizhi is a very fun-loving person, a carefree person, not the kind of person with a very distinctive personality, not the kind of leader of the Jade Girl Family.

It can be seen from the photos that Zhang Bo is a very good actress. As long as he is determined, it is reasonable to do some unexpected things. The photos really transformed Zhang Baizhi from a goddess to a goddess. It's a point of no return.

In fact, the first thing that made him anxious when the computer hacker got these photos was the surprise. When he saw these photos, he felt very surprised and surprised.

And it can be said that if Nicholas Tse and Zhang Baizhi had not unexpectedly had a successful proposal, which suddenly stimulated Zhang Baizhi's fans and made him do it, it would not be such a very wise move.

This time is the second stage of the computer hacker's psychological journey.

That is to say, under such a situation, he originally planned to keep these photos for himself. After all, as a fan of Zhang Baizhi, it is definitely a very rare proportion to have these photos, and it is almost the same as Mark Six Lottery.

But, isn't this just a woman? There are some very die-hard fans among his fans, just because goddesses shouldn't get married. The goddess is their goddess, so she shouldn't get married.

The fans in the past two days seem a bit extreme, but these are really crazy fans. What can they do? This is really unpredictable.

And this computer hacker happens to be a crazy fan of Zhang Baizhi. This computer hacker thinks that James should not get married, Nicholas Tse?

What kind of thing is this guy Nicholas Tse? At least this computer hacker thinks so.

Therefore, in this computer, the hacker thinks that it would be unforgivable for Zhang Baizhi and Nicholas Tse to get married. It is precisely because of this inner effect that the computer hacker chose to send the photos separately.

He took a lot of protective measures and used different methods to send out the photos.

If the computer hacker hadn't used such a variety of methods, he would have been caught long ago.

The computer technicians in the Xiangjiang police system are not idiots. At least it is easy for ordinary hackers to crack it, but if they are masters of computer hackers, it will be difficult to crack it.

And it just so happens that the computer hacker who posted these photos is a master among computer hackers.

Therefore, in such a situation, it is not easy for hackers to find this computer. At least the technical personnel of the police have proved this method.

The third change in the mentality of this computer hacker is when the people on the street and the police put a bounty on this computer hacker.

This suddenly stimulated the computer, the weakest and weakest part of the hacker's heart.

Because generally speaking, computer hackers are those who hide behind the scenes. In fact, she is very fragile in her heart and is not that strong. If she were really strong, she would not be a hacker. It would be better to be a hacker.

Perhaps it is for this reason, where is this computer hacker? He is still very concerned about whether he is exposed or not. People in the world and the police have put a reward on him.

This increases the chance of him being exposed. This kind of computer hacker feels very uneasy. The pain is so painful that it suddenly stimulates the computer hacker. If everyone wants to play, then let's play it.

At least at this time, computer hackers believe that in such a situation, the police and the gangsters are wanted together, which is a provocation. Since you are not willing to make things bigger, then I will really make things worse. It's too big. The law doesn't punish everyone. Anyway, what happens in the end? I'm not the only one who takes the blame?

And in such a situation, computer hackers have also found many scapegoats for themselves, the most famous of which are Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang.

It was because Brother Hutou's two younger brothers found the computer hacker's address and network address that he was kidnapped, which caused Brother Hutou to be killed by Ye Ming.

It can be said that this computer hacker dared to post photos and found a lot of chickens, all of which were his scapegoats. As for whether the police were able to discover them in time, this probably has nothing to do with computers. Anyway, he was hiding in Just watch the joke.

Posting the first batch of photos was a form of revenge, and posting the second batch of photos was actually a form of revenge.

But after both photos were sent out, some changes occurred in the computer hacker's mind. In such a situation, this point will be considered. If these photos and videos cannot be sent out, then I can at least purify the entertainment industry in Hong Kong.

In fact, this guy takes it for granted. Here in Xiangjiang, it is also a brilliant entertainment industry that makes people feel heartbroken. Now it has reached the point where it is declining, so it is difficult to talk about influential movies. It is said that there is not one thing, but compared with the 1980s and 1990s, the Hong Kong film market has shrunk. It is not one layer or two layers.

From the perspective of computer hackers, stars in the entertainment industry are closely related to the occurrence of these things.

These big stars just have titles, but they actually do these dirty things, and the movies they make are also rubbish.

To be honest, there are really not many banana movies that people can watch nowadays. Even movies from the mainland entertainment industry that they looked down upon in the past have begun to enter the Hong Kong film market.

This makes those people in the rubber entertainment industry who have always been aloof feel very unhappy.

Of course, some of my local fans in Xiangjiang also feel unhappy. In their opinion, the mainland market is booming and the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang is declining.

These are two very sharp contrasts. You know, at this time, computer hackers think that by releasing these photos, they are doing justice to heaven, purifying the film market in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, purifying those actors, and letting those actors who are male thieves and female prostitutes be hurriedly dusted. In this case, The remaining movie actors and directors should all cherish their own feathers.

At this time, the computer hacker found a very fair reason for herself. With this reason, she finally didn't have to endure it anymore.

In fact, he had already posted photos twice. In such a situation, Ye Ming thought the same thing. There was nothing wrong with it. A person could post photos twice in a row.

It is basically impossible for him to escape from posting photos for the third time, which means that the computer hacker will definitely post the photos for the third time, and he doesn’t know when he will post them, but Ye Ming thinks that the computer hacker will not How long to hold on.

It is simply impossible to directly say that you can persist for half a year or something. This computer hacker simply does not have the perseverance to persist for a year and a half.

If this computer hacker can really persist for a year and a half at this time, then under such a situation.

It's really a bit tricky. In fact, both computer hackers and Ye Ming himself are very clear about this.

This computer hacker is not unaware that posting photos for the third time may be very dangerous. However, this matter is like being addicted. He posted it the first time and then the second time. , then no matter what, there is no chance of a third time.

And if he doesn't post it, the computer hacker himself will feel a little lonely and unbearable. He always thinks that posting these photos so that everyone can watch them together, let everyone go to the scene to observe and make progress together, is this. As an obsessive fan, I have an obligation.

The third photo was indeed sent out, and what’s more, this third photo was also carefully selected by computer hackers.

Not all photos of Zhang Baizhi, but also photos of Ajiao, and even some photos of Lao Yangzi's daughter were also sent out, but there were some missing photos of Lao Yang's niece.

In fact, this computer hacker is still a little afraid in his heart. He knows what kind of person I am, but that guy Lao Yang also offered a reward to him, which makes him feel a little unhappy. If he doesn’t give the photo of Lao Yang’s niece to After sending it out, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But in such a situation, he himself knows very well what kind of person I am, she is the eldest brother in the world.

He would definitely seek death for such a person, so although he sent out photos of Lao Yang's niece, he sent very few of them. This was considered a test.

This thing seems to be a bit deceptive. Once something like this happens, Lao Yang will be absolutely furious if he finds out about it.

In fact, many people are paying attention to when the computer hacker will release the third photo on the Internet, and everyone is also looking forward to the release of the third photo.

Therefore, after the third photo was released, Lao Yang knew the news almost immediately.

After hearing the news, Lao Yang said with some admiration: "As for you, I also said that this computer hacker couldn't post the first and second photos, so he would definitely post the third photo, and this It is indeed the release of the photos, it will definitely not be too long ago

Because this is a human problem, this computer hacker almost has an addictive habit. He has become accustomed to posting these photos to show his existence. Sure enough, this guy did post the third photo. I think Ye Ming should use this opportunity to find where this guy is? "

As long as this computer hacker can be found, then the photo, this matter can be ended, otherwise there will always be people shooting secret arrows behind the back, which ordinary people can't stand, and old people like Lao Yang will definitely not be able to stand this. It's such a thing that someone can plot against you at any time.

Therefore, under such a situation, the computer hacker released the third photo. At this time, after getting the news, Lao Yang immediately contacted Ye Ming.

Ye Ming himself said that as long as the computer hacker releases the photos, he will definitely be able to find this guy somewhere and he will definitely catch him. Who is this person? Now, it depends on what kind of result Ye Ming will get.

Being able to find this computer hacker is the best progress for the photo door.

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