Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1831 Undecided

Being speechless in such a situation, he really didn't know what to say.

Is there still room for survival in the current Hong Kong entertainment industry?

It seems that in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, almost everyone is talking about Edison Chen now.

It can be said that nine out of ten people have seen photos of Photogate. But it can be said that ten people who have seen the photos will be worthy of condemning Edison Chen.

This is just adding insult to injury, at least something. Edison Chen has always been a scumbag. He thinks that he is just an ordinary man and woman interacting, causing trouble and so on. What's the big deal? I just took a photo and said it was accidentally published.

If you can, don't look at those photos. After reading those photos and then condemning the person who took the photos, this is a bit unkind. Edison Chen has always thought so, but you just looked at them and unanimously condemned me.

But there is no way. Now I know that when I go to Xiangjiang, I will definitely be a rat crossing the street, and everyone will shout and beat me.

At that moment, Edison Chen made his final struggle. He thought for a moment and then said: "Boss, I promise to cooperate with you on this matter. I promise to say at the press conference that I will permanently withdraw from the Hong Kong entertainment industry and will never appear in the entertainment industry again." Here, we will give everyone a quiet space and let time smooth it all out. In this way, the impact of this incident may be minimized."

Lao Yao was also very helpless. He thought for a while and then said: "Actually, he is in such a situation, and I also want to think so. Then the matter will calm down for a while, and then the company will hold a press conference for you to announce that you are withdrawing because of this matter. The entertainment industry, quit the entertainment industry forever, this may have a smaller impact on this matter.

However, things can't keep up with the changes now. Originally, we planned to wait a few days until the impact of the incident is less, and then find a heart. I won't fight, but now things have exceeded our expectations.

Brother Hutou, do you know? That guy who has been trying to curry favor with me, I originally wanted to entrust him to check who posted the photos. He is relatively honest. He is very thorough in executing my orders and has found the hacker. A network address used to disguise one's real address is actually in a hotel room.

Unfortunately, this hotel room was booked by Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang from Brilliant Film and Television. These two guys were filming a program on the wireless station.

As a result, you also know that in the entertainment industry here in Hong Kong, many people are not very fond of the people in the mainland entertainment industry. This confused guy is also like this, thinking that the mainland actors have dealt with one, What we need to deal with is what we can do to them. And it actually proves that the network address is indeed the source of posting photos. Although it is a broiler, a hacker, used to hide his real address, but on the surface it is plugged in, and it is really one of the sources where photos cannot be posted. one.

Knowing this situation, Brother Hutou did not ask me for permission and kidnapped Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang myself.

What do you think the consequences of such a thing will be? "What does this mean? Of course Edison Chen is very clear about this. Ye Ming is very famous.

However, what is as great as his fame is his character of repaying his flaws. Edison Chen has also learned this before. After all, the two of them have collaborated a little bit. During the filming of Infernal Affairs, both Edison Chen and Nicholas Tse were in contact with Ye Yeming. At that time, the king was still the middleman. Ye Ming's fame was not as big as it is now, but he was already a very successful king-level superstar.

So now? In this current situation, Ye Ye has become a world-class star. The billionaire not only has good works in the entertainment industry, but also has a strong background and huge wealth.

If the celebrities in the entertainment industry, including himself, are all wives of entertainment industry bosses, then now Ye Ming is already a qualified person in the entertainment industry to play chess.

If you offend a person who is rich, powerful and well-established, and who has a character that always repays flaws, there will definitely be no good consequences.

Therefore, in such a situation, Edison Chen immediately said: "It will definitely not be settled at night. He will definitely come back with revenge. I am sure of this. If he does not come back with revenge, he will not call me." And he was still reasonable about this matter. In fact, even if he didn't deal with it and kidnapped the star of their company, he would definitely not let him go.

When Ye Ming and I were filming Infernal Affairs, although we didn't have any direct rivalry scenes, I got to know this person and it is true that flaws must be reported. "

At this time, Lao Yang nodded and said: "Don't say what you didn't say. It's not wrong. Also known as this guy, he really can't be hugged. This guy is a person who must repay his flaws. He must treat such a person. It will be very troublesome, Brother Hutou, this guy has caused me a lot of trouble, I want to kill him."

Edison Chen knew his boss was ruthless and cruel. He was definitely not a very kind person. It was impossible for anyone to be as good as a boss.

Therefore, those who offend his boss will never end well. Of course, if your boss is capable, such as Ye Ming, then there is a way. Everyone can sit down and discuss it. If you have not negotiated with your boss Basically, just wait for the boss's thunderous revenge.

The boss said that he wanted to kill Brother Hutou, but Edison Chen knew very well that the boss's character was not like this. If he really wanted to kill him, then the boss would not need to say anything at all and just send people to kill this guy. Get rid of it and throw it into the sea. Not many people will know about it.

So in such a situation, my boss actually said this to me, which means that there must be some surprises in this matter.

Therefore, Edison Chen thought for a while and said: "If the boss kills this guy, it will be an advantage for him. It would be better to sell her to Africa to dig coal. This guy actually dares to disobey and make decisions without authorization. Give you The trouble caused is quite big. Letting him die will really make this kid easier."

What surprised Chen Guanxi was that at this time, the boss sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit it: "Of course I have thought about this, selling this guy to a coal mine to work as a coolie. Let him spend the rest of his life in high-intensity labor and make him regret it for the rest of his life. This may be better than killing him.

But the problem is that this guy has disappeared. He has not been found alive, and his body has not been found. I suspect that this guy has been killed, because everyone including me and the police are looking for him.

But my brother was not found. Think about it, we and the police both left and couldn’t find this person. Moreover, there are no entry and exit records in Hong Kong. She left and said she was smuggling. You said If he wants to sneak out, can he hide his connections from me?

Of course it's impossible.

Therefore, there is no record of this guy leaving Hong Kong, either publicly or officially, but I have searched almost all of Hong Kong and cannot find this guy.

So I was thinking, this guy must have been killed, and how he was killed by the leaf borer, so that we don't see the dead body. I think that by doing this, Ye Ming is establishing his authority and telling people in the world of Hong Kong, including me, not to offend the brilliant film and television team. Otherwise, the price we pay will be unbearable. Started.

Ye Ming's killing method was not used once in the mainland, but he didn't expect that the first time he used it on Banana, it was so powerful and intense, and he didn't care about the impact of this incident at all.

This made the people on Xiangjiang Road feel very scared, but there was no other way to deal with Ye Ming. "

Edison Chen was not surprised at all by such a thing. From what he knew about Ye Ming, he was indeed a person with such a personality. Therefore, Edison Chen said: "If it were another businessman, everyone would think that it would be a win-win situation for you." The situation is better. You earn a little, I earn a little, and everyone makes money together. This is the most basic state of a businessman.

But Ye Ming is not a pure businessman. He just wants to make himself happy. He is the kind of character who makes me unhappy for a while and I dare to make you unhappy for the rest of your life.

Even if she suffers a loss, she will pull you to suffer a loss too. This is Ye Ming.

The key is that if he is willful and has no ability, forget it. Sooner or later he will be banned, but the key is his willful strength?

Therefore, letting oneself kill Brother Hu Tou, although the impact is bigger, is also very effective in establishing prestige. The police can't find anyone, and the Jianghu Sect can't find anyone. You know that this matter may be related to Ye It was obviously related, but there was absolutely no way to deal with him.

His goal of establishing authority has been achieved. This is what Ye Ming needs. As for Brother Hutou, 90% of his chances are gone.

When I was filming with Ye Ming, I observed this guy. He must have a lot of secrets in his hands, so what is this secret?

Sorry, I don't know. Sister Fang Fang and others may know, but Sister Fang Fang may not tell us. "

Although Lao Yang has been paying attention to the page, he has no means of paying attention to immigrants. He has no idea what kind of person such a person is. He thinks that Na Yanming does not pose a big threat to him, but this time Let him know that Ye Ming is definitely not as easy to talk to as he appears on the surface.

Ye Ming definitely doesn't mind using ruthless means when dealing with his enemies.

It was precisely because in such a situation that Lao Yang had understood what kind of person Ye Ming was, that he began to compromise. He was afraid, unwilling to understand, and always held on to himself. When would this thing happen? It's a head.

Therefore, he will contact Uncle Liu and ask Uncle Six to be a middleman, so that everyone can sit down and talk, and be harmonious to make money, and not be so specific.

This is because Chen Guanxi is Lao Yang's favorite, so he was asked to explain a few more words. If it were anyone else, he would have been escorted over directly to hold a press conference.

In such a situation, Lao Yang also gave an ultimatum and said very seriously: "Now I need a situation to change the subject. As for you, hold a press conference and find all the reporters, and then ?

You announced your retirement from the entertainment industry, which is an explanation to everyone. Although the photos will not end because of this, I will be able to control the development of this matter more easily because of this, and will not let this matter develop to the point where none of us can. To the point of cleaning up, you know?

This also diverts Ye Ming's attention. Why are you in such a situation? Although I know that the time is not very suitable, the situation has changed.

We must explain one thing clearly and divert everyone's attention. In this way, no one will know about it later, and I can be more at ease.

In short, as for you, be careful, you have to come back.

You must have an explanation for this matter, to reporters, to your fans, and to the media. There is no way to solve the problem by escaping, so just come here. "

Hearing this, I already knew that I couldn't escape, so I nodded and agreed easily. In fact, he didn't have any choice. If he didn't agree, it was impossible not to agree. Maybe the result of this relationship would be better. Damn, if that's the case, it's better to be a bachelor and stand up directly. Anyway, all the advantages that should be taken advantage of are taken, and you have to pay the price for it.

Unable to follow up, Chen Guanyu was already preparing to return to Xiangjiang to hold a new product launch conference. Since the Sixth Middle School had already agreed to my mother, and Lao Yang had given me very good conditions, Sixth Uncle thought about it at this time. The problem still needs to be solved, and it cannot affect the Banana entertainment industry too much. The impact of the photo matter is indeed greater. If it is not controlled well, the impact on the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang will be almost devastating.

Due to emotions and reasons, he could not ignore this matter.

Therefore, thinking of this, Uncle Liu made up his mind and picked up the phone to call Ye Ming.

Since Ye Ming said that he had rescued Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang, in such a situation, he naturally wanted to think about how to take revenge on the mastermind behind the scenes.

Directly killing Brother Hu Tou is actually a warning to the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, or even a warning to the world of Hong Kong.

But on how to deal with the mastermind behind this, Ye Ming has not really made up his mind yet.

This is definitely not something that Brother Hutou dared to do on his own. Lao Yang entrusted Brother Hutou to do this. Regardless of whether Lao Yang knew about the kidnapping, he entrusted Brother Hutou to find out the news about the photo scandal. This is There is no doubt about it.

Therefore, in such a situation, what kind of concessions Lao Yang will make in the end is more critical. Establishing authority is the last step.

What Ye Ming is thinking about now is whether he should give Lao Yang a severe beating or give Lao Yang a chance.

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