Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1816 The ignorant are fearless

After hearing this, Ye Ming thought calmly and said: "There must be a reason for this, just like on Hong Kong Road, there is a certain reason for wanting to arrest people. They will not arrest people for no reason now.

What I want to know is what is the reason? Did Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang offend anyone in Hong Kong? Sister Fang Fang said with certainty: "Absolutely impossible. I know the two of them very well, especially Huang Bo. He is bold and careful. With him in charge of Wang Baoqiang, there should be no problems."

They go to the wireless station just to participate in a program, and the rest is no big deal. According to the plan, they should return the day after tomorrow, so everyone made it so that they didn't have much time to cause other troubles.

This time, he seemed to have the intention of causing a fire at the city gate and affecting Chi Yu. Just over there, there is no such thing, no one talks about it at all, it just seems to be talking about some issues on the former road. If their hotel continues to open, they won't dare to provoke those people in the world easily. You can at least tip us off, which is already a very good result. "

He obviously nodded with satisfaction at this time. It was not a matter of communication between his own people, so this was good. He already had a way to deal with this matter.

At this time, Ye Ming nodded and said: "Since it is not our people's problem, then this matter can be easily solved, so I will go to Hong Kong City to take a look first.

What's going on? More details will be given later: "It seems that the influence of our brilliant film and television in Hong Kong City has declined, and no one takes our company seriously."

At this time, a person looked very calm on the surface, but Sister Fang Fang already knew very well that the expression on Yiming's face was definitely very calm when encountering big things.

In other words, the calmer he appears now, the angrier he is inside. My boss is a very protective person. My people don't receive any good treatment in Hong Kong City. I won't talk about this. Anyway, they are doing shows.

But in such a situation, he was actually kidnapped, and he was kidnapped without his own people causing trouble. This thing he felt was a little unforgivable.

Therefore, in such a situation, Yingming decided to kill the chicken to scare the monkey. This time he must kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and show some people in Xiangjiang that Huihuang Film and Television is not so easy to provoke.

Sister Fang Fang thought for a while and said, "Should we bring a few more people over? After all, this time involves some things in the Jianghu world, so we can be prepared."

The Jianghu towns in Xiangjiang are relatively chaotic, so as a Xiangjiang native, Sister Fang Fang is also very aware of it.

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "There is no need for this, don't make a big deal about it. Originally, this matter was not a big deal. I already attracted a lot of attention in the past. If I bring more people there, Then it will attract more attention.

We went there to solve the problem, not to make trouble, so you and I can just go there, bring two assistants, and let the others wait quietly in the capital.

Tell the people in the company, including the actors and staff, to be more honest with me recently. Who should I deal with if they cause trouble? "

These brilliant films have given a very stern warning to their big boss. No one dares not to listen. Anyone who dares to violate this warning will definitely not end well.

Ye Ming had just arrived at the airport, and Uncle Six had already called from Xiangjiang. To be honest, this time, if something like this happened in Hong Kong City, the wireless station must bear some responsibility.

After all, it was TVB, and it invited Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang to go there, and they were originally taken away from the hotel during the show. This matter has delayed the present. No matter how much shirk is used, it is impossible to evade responsibility. . Uncle Liu is an old man in the world. He knows this matter and cannot solve it casually. This time he has provoked Huihuang Film and Television. If Ye Ming doesn't lose his temper, he will definitely not be able to get through it.

But this time, the wireless station was indeed in the wrong. Liu Cheng felt that it was necessary to call Ye Ming directly to explain.

In fact, according to Uncle Liu's status in the world, taking the initiative to call Ye Ming in such a situation is already considered a great honor. After all, he is a real senior. In Hong Kong City, if there is anyone better than Uncle Liu If you are richer, there will be plenty.

After all, there are still many billionaires here. But if we talk about status in the entertainment industry, if we really want to step forward and have more qualifications than Liu Chu, there are really not many old people, almost only a handful.

Especially after entering the 21st century, there is basically no one older than Uncle Six here.

Uncle Six also said very politely: "Ye Ming, I feel very sorry that two people from your company were arrested.

But don't worry, I have already asked some friends about this matter, and I will definitely try my best to rescue these people.

If something goes wrong, we on WeChat are responsible. It’s my fault that no one is doing a good job of protecting you. Don’t worry, we will definitely give you an explanation. "

At this time, Ye Mingming said very definitely: "Uncle Liu, this happened quite suddenly, which neither you nor I could have imagined, so don't blame yourself.

Don't worry, I will handle this matter. I am already on my way to the airport. The teacher is about to arrive at the airport. I will rush to Xiangjiang in the shortest possible time.

As for this matter, since it’s the people over there who dare to offend us like Huihuang Film and Television, I have to make them pay the price. If you don’t have wireless and want to help, either tell us their address or just tell us the general information. Just the address is fine, it doesn’t have to be too precise.

It seems that in the past two years, our company, Huihuang Film and Television, has been relatively easy to talk to in Hong Kong, making them think that we can bully anyone.

If we don't educate them at this time, more people will see our jokes in the future. I'll come here first and just send a message to help. We will do the rest. "

When you say such words, are you very calm, without a trace of anger, or any dissatisfaction in his words?

Convergence, Ye Ming now expresses a very restrained emotion.

Uncle Liu is an old fox and has experienced many things, so he can already hear it at this time, because your words express one of his wishes, that is, in such a situation, I will go to Hong Kong City. Whoever does this will definitely be in trouble.

This is almost certain. According to Uncle Liu's thoughts, he will definitely fight back at night. However, Uncle Liu did not expect that Ye Ming would bring him directly and sit down in Xiangjiang himself.

At this time, Uncle Liu was also a little helpless and felt deeply unlucky for those in the world.

You guys, you know, you are not a good person, and he will definitely not give up, especially as a leader, he has very strong financial and material resources, and he must have a lot of connections in Xiangjiang.

If you had known that such a person wanted to take revenge on you, it would definitely be an overwhelming revenge.

Is the man in the Jianghu who kidnapped Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang brain-washed?

In such a situation, he actually dared to provoke Huihuang Film and Television.

Don’t you know how much the Fast and Furious movie brought to the box office in Hong Kong? Even now, the popularity of Fast and Furious has swept the world. In such a situation, Ye Ming's every move will be strictly watched. Go and provoke Ye Ming at this time. , that is definitely an act of seeking death.

After this happened, Ye Ming actually dared to come here in person, so don't talk about it. He would definitely not take some of the media's reactions to heart.

No matter what the media says, as a boss, if he can allow his employees to be kidnapped, he must be here to pay attention to this matter. Even in such a situation, Ye Ming's words made it very clear that a dozen people would definitely pay a price for doing this.

So the price is nothing, but it can be felt from Ye Ming's words that there is a faint murderous intent in the anonymous words.

Although Ye Ming concealed it better, Uncle Liu was an old fox for so many years, what kind of things had he not seen before?

Although Ye Ming hid very well, in such a situation, he couldn't beat Uncle Liu's sharp eyes.

He has been in the entertainment industry for most of his life, almost a century. At this time, Ye Ming's thoughts can be hidden from other people, but it is impossible to hide them from Uncle Six.

After Uncle Liu put down the phone, he sighed and said: "The world must be uneasy now, why did you provoke Ye Ming here since he was a child?

This guy is a lunatic. Who knows what he can do. "

To be honest, Ye Ming usually doesn't care much about the entertainment industry in Xiangjiang.

It can be seen from his actions that although Fast and Furious has had a very big impact in Hong Kong, the box office is also very high.

But Ye Ming has never passed it at all, which means that his focus is not on Xiangjiang. But think about it, now that Ye Ming has made a name for himself in Hollywood, under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to develop in Hong Kong.

From the fact that he made way for the movie Infernal Affairs and some subsequent incidents, it can be seen that the Banana market is not in his eyes at all.

But in such a situation, he has a premise that you should not provoke her.

But after all, someone did this and provoked Ye Ming directly. It's hard to say what kind of collection he will make now. Even Uncle Liu is a fox with thousands of years of experience. He has watched a lot of Liaozhai. But in such a situation, he didn't dare to say how much he knew about Ye Ming.

Fang Yihua was thinking on the side and said: "We have already received news about this matter. The person who said it was done was a man named Brother Hutou.

There must be something going on with Lao Yang. It seems that the photo did not involve his children or anything, so Lao Yang asked Brother Hutou to help check. I don’t know what the specific matter was, but she found out where it was and arrested the two people named Huang Bo and Wang Baoqiang.

I guess this Hutou brother also thought that for two actors from the Mainland, who didn’t have any big background, it would be swollen when they walked. Even if they were wronged, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

Should we tell Ye Ming about this first? "

Uncle Liu said without thinking: "I must say it at this time, but Ye Ming will have already boarded the plane at this time, I guess. And he will come in person, so there is no need to call him again, When we arrive, we will meet and tell him this matter first.

Tell him the general story and let him have a good life. If he has a goal, he will be turned upside down even if he stays here.

Who did this? Whoever takes responsibility will face Ye Ming's anger. These young people these days do things carelessly and always think that God is the boss, earth is the second boss, and they are the third boss.

As for Xiao Qiang, it's true. If something like this happens, no one wants to see it, right?

It's better to keep calm in the entertainment industry, but he has to find someone in the world to solve the problem. Does he think Hong Kong is still the same as before?

People in Jianghu can solve any problem. The police have already paid attention to this matter, so in such a situation, you should act in accordance with the police's method.

Such words are the kingly way, but if he uses people from the Jianghu, it is a bit disrespectful.

If you provoke some weak people, there is no problem, but if you provoke someone like Ye Ming, you are definitely seeking death.

Okay, let’s not talk about him anymore. Don’t tell Ye Ming about this matter. Let’s see how he does it. I hope Ye Ming doesn’t go too far this time, otherwise it will not end well if he takes it. "

At this time, Fang Yihua said more cautiously: "I've seen you guys before. You're not such a frivolous person. Could it be that he will really cause earth-shaking troubles after he comes?"

Uncle Liu said helplessly: "Is the Ye Ming you saw his cousin or Ye Ming? Did you provoke her, and what about that time? He came with Fang Fang. According to Fang Fang, how much You are also considered an elder.

Therefore, under such a situation, he performed better. This is the Ye Ming you see on the surface, but the actual Ye Ming is definitely not like this. "

Regarding Ye Ming, Uncle Liu felt that he was a little unable to see through him. In fact, when he first saw this little guy, his attack power was not very powerful, but later he became increasingly invisible.

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