Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 798: Repairing Computers

In the villa of the princess in Beijing, Ye Ming carefully talked about one of the characteristics of Hong Kong City Movies, in addition to their current situation and their future development direction.

It is said that this direction is controlled by them?

Ye Ming is not responsible.

At this time, Andy asked him to integrate some things about Hong Kong Film. Ye Ming shook his head with certainty and said: "Impossible, I can't do this. At least I won't do it now, even if I If I have the ability to do it, my efforts will not be directly proportional to my gains.

OK, there is no problem with what you said. I have the ability to integrate movies in Hong Kong City, but what do I get? What I pay is not directly proportional to what I get. What I get is just an honor. But in this process, what do I pay? Do you know?

More than you think, the water is too deep to make a movie.

It’s so deep that even if I want to integrate them, it will be very difficult. There are too many interests involved. Even if Hong Kong City Film is now declining, even if Hong Kong City Film is now at its trough.

But this is not the reason for me to intervene. The benefits obtained by those with vested interests have become very small now. Some people are even said to be losing money, but they are not willing to give up the power in their hands.

Therefore, if he wants to fight these people, the price I will pay may be higher than you think. Now is not the time. Now is not the time to integrate Hong Kong movies, at least that’s what I think. "

Liu Dehua was very surprised. There was no book like Ye Ming's. He was sure that he did not deny himself. He had reservations about his proposal.

This is a bit strange. Andy said doubtfully: "Now it has just been recorded in the movie. This is what you said yourself. Why do you think this is not the right time?"

Ye Ming said straightforwardly: "Hong Kong movies have reached a low point now, but it has not reached a real low point, and it has not reached a time of despair!

Hong Kong City Movies is just resting on its past achievements, but it can still last for a while! For example, even if it is made into a movie now, no matter how underestimated, there will still be a movie like Infernal Affairs, right?

I just said that after Infernal Affairs, it is difficult for Hong Kong movies to be called classics. But he is not saying that Hong Kong movies will die immediately. It needs a slow process.

This process may take three to five years, or it may take ten or eight years. It’s hard to say. It depends on how Hong Kong Films does it. If the people who make the film understand the reality, cooperate with the mainland, put down their pretensions, and truly Sincere cooperation, then they will not be without it when they get up again.

It will be difficult to restore the golden period, but there is no problem in actually doing it. There is absolutely no problem in keeping up with the pace of the world. But it is hard to say whether they are willing to do this. I think not, so , I will wait until the filmmaker becomes truly desperate.

I really think that there is no possibility of salvation for Hong Kong City Film. If I take action again at that time, it will be very easy to integrate the resources behind Hong Kong City Film, and the price I will pay at that time will be very small.

I mean, if I have to do it this way, it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way. I’ll just see how they do it. "

Andy realizes that Ye Ming may have some prejudice against making a movie. He can do this, but he may not necessarily do it.

And even when the Hong Kong City movie is really desperate, it's hard to say whether Ye Ming can really come out and wait for the Hong Kong City movie. He said it himself, I have no obligation to do that, and I will watch it when the time comes.

This is completely a paradox. You have the ability to do that, and why not make a movie where everyone is a family? Why not come out and save high-energy movies then?

Andy later asked, "Why is this? Hong Kong Film is worth saving. After all, he once was brilliant."

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "I am used to playing Hong Kong movies. Even Jin Qiao,

Now they play together at home, and they basically don’t care much about movies from the Mainland or Taiwan. There may be movies from the Mainland, Tiaobao, etc., or even movies from around the world participating in the Hong Kong City Film Awards.

But you can't deny that Hong Kong filmmakers just have fun. Today, Bird has almost no room for other movies to interfere.

Nowadays, the Academy Awards are becoming more and more like Hong Kong Films’ own films. Therefore, if they do not lead others to play, you can entertain yourself, just like our country’s Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards. You said that the world’s movies will recognize our country. Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award?

This is basically difficult, so at this time, it’s hard to say whether I will be willing to go. The key is to watch Hong Kong movies and whether people in the Hong Kong entertainment industry are willing to cooperate. If they really I will take action when the time comes, but if they really won't cooperate when the time comes and would rather hold the Titanic in silence, then I really have no choice.

Don’t worry, Hong Kong movies are part of Chinese movies. If I can save them, I will never let them go! "

In fact, at this time, when Ye Ming and Andy were discussing this issue, a very interesting thing happened in Hong Kong City, and it was a very interesting thing that had a great impact on the entertainment industry.

In this matter, he does have a little relationship with Ye Ming. It's not a big relationship, but it definitely has a little relationship. The protagonist of this incident is Edison Chen.

Edison Chen's father is also a very powerful person, and he is also very good in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Therefore, Edison Chen is also very famous in the entertainment circle of Hong Kong City. He himself is also somewhat handsome, and he is what is now called a young man.

I am the eldest brother in the entertainment industry, so there is a reason why Edison Chen is famous!

At least Edison Chen is considered a first-class star in Hong Kong City now. If he develops carefully and does not commit suicide, it is not impossible to become a first-class star!

It is precisely because of Edison Chen's status in Hong Kong's entertainment industry that he has made friends with many female stars.

And most of the female celebrities he befriends are top-notch celebrities. But it’s understandable that Chen Guanxi is a bit flirtatious and carefree as a young man.

A young man is not a romantic man, let alone a rich and powerful young man! But the key point of his matter is that as a young man, there is no problem for you to be romantic, and no one can stop you. There are many unspoken rules in the entire entertainment industry, and they are not just one or two, so it is OK and no problem.

At the same time, it’s not just one or two of you.

Lao Long still ate it secretly, but as a result, he gave birth to a daughter, which almost made him lose face.

There is no problem with this, but Lao Long has dealt with the problem of personal style.

But there is something wrong with your romantic style. Why don’t you leave any evidence of this? right? You also like photography, and you also take photos and videos. This not only extends to you, but also to those female stars.

In this case, it is not just a matter of one person's style. Therefore, in the end, Edison Chen was banned by the entire entertainment industry and completely quit the entertainment industry. This is what he deserves.

At this time, Hong Kong City's Edison Chen was indeed looking at his computer at his home and venting his anger. Because he saw a popular movie in the Hong Kong entertainment circle.

This movie is a movie that has rarely appeared in recent years, a Hollywood blockbuster, that is, Ye Ming's Fast and Furious.

In one week, the box office has exceeded 850 million, which is a very impressive result. Even those real Hollywood blockbusters and science fiction blockbusters may not necessarily be able to achieve such results. Therefore, the Fast and Furious movie is an incredible achievement in Hong Kong.

The most outstanding box office performance of a movie in the Hong Kong entertainment industry in recent years is actually Ye Ming's The Fast and the Furious!

This is hard for Edison Chen to accept! Ye Ming and Edison Chen are not very good at dealing with each other!

In fact, he said that it was because of the mediocre team uniforms that Edison Chen felt that he was looked down upon by Ye Ming, so he had an unusual resentment towards Ye Ming.

Now those two people are basically no longer in the same celebrity position. Ye Ming has become an international superstar, so he doesn’t care too much about Edison Chen’s reaction, but I don’t think so about that relationship. Do you think Ye Ming will The better he can be, the more detrimental it will be to him. The more he thinks that Ye Ming despises and looks down on himself. Although this is a fact, he is unwilling to admit this fact! Watching the box office of Ye Ming's movies in Hong Kong's entertainment industry rising steadily.

Chen Guanxi was naturally very angry. Why was Ye Ming doing so well? Why is it that I am just here to pick up two titles? There is no way to compare. One more than five million dollars, this thing is definitely similar to robbing a bank.

Therefore, the relationship became very unhappy and angry. Why was Ye Ming doing so well in Hong Kong City? Why is it that under his own eyes, this bastard guy has become more prosperous than himself? While speaking, Edison Chen suddenly took an instant noodle in his hand and threw it on the computer. He got angry and hit Ye Ming directly in the face.

Of course, Edison Chen doesn't have the guts now. Even if a real person appears in front of the Urban Management Bureau, he doesn't have the guts to directly smash instant noodles into Ye Ming's face.

Even his father doesn't have the guts. This is not a question of whether he hit someone, but a question of whether he is insane. If his brain is not full of water, he will never do that.

But the real person didn't dare to smash it, but seeing Ye Ming smiling so brightly on the computer screen, he seemed to be very satisfied with his box office, so at this time, Edison Chen was smashing the computer screen with instant noodles. It can be regarded as a slap in the face of Ye Ming. He has this kind of Ah Q spirit to stimulate his happy feelings! I smile proudly. I smile triumphantly.

After the smash, Edison Chen felt very comfortable and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although he breathed a sigh of relief mentally, how was it? They all hit Ye Ming in the face.

But it's rare that Edison Chen couldn't laugh at this time because his computer was completely scrapped. If you think about a bowl of instant noodles with soup and water completely smashed on the computer, it would be really strange if the computer was not scrapped. Well, both the computer screen and the host computer were filled with water, making crackling sounds.

Anyway, even if Edison Chen himself is a computer idiot, he still knows that his computer is really doomed.

However, he has given this computer to himself for such a long time. Thinking about it, if he throws it away, he seems a little reluctant to part with it. He has feelings for it, so it is not appropriate to throw it away casually.

Therefore, at this time, Edison Chen directly called his assistant and asked his attention to come to his home and take out his computer to repair it.

It seems that this level of damage may not necessarily mean it is finished. If it is repaired, it will be of the same use.

There are so many coincidences and helplessness in the world. It would take some time for the photo scandal to happen, and it would not happen immediately.

But there are amazing coincidences in history. What should happen will always happen. This time, because the movie "Fast and Furious" by Ye Ming has achieved great success in Hong Kong, Edison Chen himself can't stand it. He was so angry that he threw the instant noodles directly on his personal computer.

Therefore, in such a situation, what kind of photo does he have? It should have broken out in advance.

Because Edison Chen repaired his computer early, it is not surprising that the photo scandal broke out early at this time.

This means that Edison Chen himself never thought that because of his behavior of throwing out instant noodles, the photo scandal broke out in advance.

It is even said that in such a situation, even Ye Ming may not know that because the box office of Fast and Furious was very popular, Chen Guanxi was very angry. As a result, the photo broke out in advance. It can only be said to be fate. It can be said to be a coincidence.

In other words, if you don’t seek death, you won’t die.

In fact, it is only a matter of time before something like this breaks out for him. After all, Edison Chen himself saved the photos and videos on his computer.

And for something so important, if you don’t know how to protect it, just add a password and forget about it.

It is not wrong at all to say that Edison Chen is a computer idiot. It is just like adding a password to the computer. This password is just to prevent computer idiots like him!

For a true computer repair guru, this password is no different than a girl in a bikini.

In a certain computer repair shop in Hong Kong City, a computer hacker was busy repairing computers.

There is nothing wrong with this guy being a computer repairman, but she is also a hacker secretly, and she is a relatively tall amateur hacker. If an amateur hacker has a rank, then there should be no problem with this guy's 7th dan, and there is absolutely no problem with being an amateur 7th dan. of.

At this time, a young man in jeans came over with a computer, put it on the stage and said, "Boss, show me this computer."

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