Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,790 The Twelve Golden People are not in the ancient world of Chang'an

All Ye Ming had to do was wait.

Waiting for the dust to settle in the ancient world of Chang'an. Even if you are entangled at this time, you cannot guarantee that the Chang'an Ancient World will not break out again.

Regarding this issue, although he has blocked the Chang'an Ancient World, at this time, the Chang'an Ancient World can indeed be blocked. Can it be guaranteed that it will not appear?

If the ancient world of Chang'an were to lift the blockade again, the impact would be huge. After all, there is spiritual energy in the ancient world of Chang'an, and so many current practitioners have entered it. These practitioners will definitely become very powerful when they come out with spiritual energy. Once an ordinary person masters a powerful ability, his state of mind may not follow suit, and it will be normal for him to endanger society or something.

Think about it, ordinary police can't deal with opponents of superpowers. Count on the country. It's not that the country doesn't pay attention to such things, but like this time in Chang'an Ancient World, why didn't the country's people get involved?

It's not that people from the country are unwilling to participate, but that in such a situation, the higher authorities need to hold a meeting, study the Chang'an ancient world, and express certain doubts about the attitude of the Chang'an ancient world. It's normal to have a meeting just now to study this matter, but for emergencies like this in the Chang'an Ancient World, this is abnormal. You haven't had a meeting here yet, but after the study is over, Ye Ming has already blocked the Chang'an Ancient World. .

Under the circumstances you mentioned, what influence can the above have on the ancient world of Chang'an?

almost none. You can just say that there is basically no winner after this insertion. Those who entered, the current cultivators actually stay in the Chang'an ancient world for the spiritual energy and opportunities, but Ye Ming doesn't have much hope to get the spiritual energy from it. He came out too early and didn't get any spiritual energy at all. He almost entered the ancient world of Chang'an in vain.

No benefits were gained from this official matter. It can be said that this time the three parties failed.

There is no winner on either side, no gainer on either side. Such a result was actually because he did not expect it, but he himself was also very helpless.

Because in such a situation, I never imagined how jealous and exclusive the current practitioners would be.

It was because Ye Ming was a temporary cultivator that all the cultivators began to reject Ye Ming, and it was also because Ye Ming was too rich and not very famous. He actually used his true identity, so All the practitioners naturally tried to find a way to eliminate Ye Ming first.

After all, Ye Ming already has money and status. If Ye Ming is capable again at this time, who can suppress Ye Ming? This is because everyone has such an idea. Therefore, someone said that they should destroy Ye Ming first, and then divide some things in the ancient world equally. This matter immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even aroused the concern of many people. response.

In order to achieve their goals, at this time, among the outside cultivators in the ancient world of Chang'an, some even took the initiative to contact the soldiers in the city and sell Ye Ming.

In other words, some official forces in the ancient Chang'an world want to get rid of Ye Ming.

In fact, such a thing is very normal, just using your strength. This is because the behavior of these outsiders completely annoyed Ye Ming. If I run by a few, just wait inside obediently!

Since you like the Chang'an Ancient World so much and the spiritual energy in it, or just practice enough in it at one time, I don't believe that you guys can still come out after I have blocked the Chang'an Ancient World.

As long as you don't come out, sooner or later you will meet the soldiers in the Chang'an Ancient World, or the leaders of the tribes. Whoever wins and who loses is something Ye Ming should be happy about!

At this time, Ye Mingna reluctantly agreed to the princess's request and had to agree. Ye Ming felt that if he didn't agree, the princess would dare to come over directly.

Ye Ming demonstrated his appearance, then found a small hotel and stayed overnight casually.

It was only the next day that I felt that there was no fluctuation in the ancient world of Chang'an, as if there was such a seal. Already very strong.

Such a result made Ye Ming very honored to be able to seal the ancient world of Chang'an, which was at least a meritorious deed.

Since something like this happened, Ye Ming felt that there was no use staying here, so he thought about taking a car back.

This is not a matter of driving and always taking a bus, but how can I find the bus station and the bus is gone?

There is only one bus. If you want to wait for the bus, come tomorrow. Come early tomorrow, maybe there will be a seat.

The people at the bus station are really considerate, and they don't forget to solicit customers for their station at this time.

However, in such a situation, Ye Ming did not agree to stay. How long would it take to delay him for one day? If a wonderful thing like Chang'an Ancient World hadn't called you this time, who would have never thought of coming. Coming from Chang'an, if Jinan buses are not available, then transfer directly to the train station. Just when Ye Ming was about to arrive at the train station, his cell phone rang.

Ye Ming glanced at the number and was very surprised. Director Wang should have been paying attention to the development of things, but what would happen in the ancient world of Chang'an was not something Director Wang could know.

At this time, the online studio prints your phone number. In fact, it is just a blind cat encountering a dead mouse. I want to see if I can contact Ye Ming, but I can't contact Ye Ming. Unexpectedly, it was successful this time. This made Director Wang very surprised.

At that moment, Director Wang was very curious and said: "What does this guy Ye Ming mean? Didn't he say that he went to the ancient world of Chang'an? Why did he come back so soon? Didn't you gain anything, or is it modern inside? Didn’t you train a lot?”

Mr. Wang asked so many questions in one breath because he was very interested. After all, in the ancient world of Chang'an, not many people who entered were willing to come out. Ye Ming could only count them with two hands. Of course Let’s go to the unlucky five. He obviously has a treasure mountain, but in the end, after not grasping this guarantee well, he got an advantage over Ye Ming.

But why did Ye Ming come out so quickly?

It is not easy to get in and out of a place like Chang'an Ancient World.

Of course, if a cultivator wants a great opportunity, it is also very easy.

But in the end, there was no big chance. Ye Ming couldn't find the twelve golden people even if he wanted to find them.

He actually came out very quickly, while others went in directly. After entering, he did not plan to come out, at least not in a short time, so as to improve his strength in the Chang'an Ancient World.

This is the thought of almost everyone. Therefore, among the people who go in, there are really not many people who can come out. For example, people like Fifth Brother are afraid of death, so it is hard to say.

Ye Ming knew that Director Wang had a good relationship with him and that he often cared about him. Depending on the situation, he knew him well and was considered a friend.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming said directly without any concealment: "Let me wait a moment, are you sure about your news that there will be 12 golden people in the Chang'an Ancient World? Are you wrong about this news? "

Ye Ming also said with great certainty: "According to the information I got, it is basically such a problem.

The ancient world of Chang'an is the Chang'an, the ancient Chang'an, and it should be the Han Chang'an of the Han Dynasty. The 12 Jin people should exist, and the 12 Jin people who inherited the Qin Dynasty will be very helpful to us if we find them. big.

If we cannot find it and are found by others, the results for us will be very unfavorable.

It is precisely because of this that I want to reveal the news to you, hoping that you can enter the ancient world of Chang'an and recruit 12 golden people. Even if you can only find one, it will be quite a deterrent. "

Of course, Director Wang has many more ways to obtain information than Ye Ming. Also, Director Wang and Ye Ming came into contact with this matter earlier than Ye Ming. In such a situation, Director Wang also disclosed his information. I told Ye Ming, hoping that Ye Ming could prevent this from happening and at least find one of the twelve golden people. So in such a situation, how are the 12 golden people used?

Director Wang didn't know this.

At this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "What kind of place is the ancient world of Chang'an? What kind of existence do I see in the ancient world of Chang'an? And I have also tested what the ordinary soldiers' practitioners in the ancient world of Chang'an are like. What a quality.

And I can feel the level of the Chang'an Ancient World even more. As the ancient world evolved from this kind of virtualization, there are indeed similar existences, but what kind of form and way of existence is this world? This all requires a good understanding.

I dare say that under such a situation, of all the people now, I am the only one who understands the ancient world of Chang'an best.

When I went inside, I could clearly feel that not everyone has the opportunity to exist like this, right?

I checked the original Chang'an Ancient World, and it was not a very complete ancient world. Although there is something like spiritual energy inside, it is only in a limited number of places.

Like the Chang'an Ancient World here, the spiritual energy here, at least on Zhuque Street, is not that good. Therefore, I knew that the ancient world of Chang'an was not an ordinary place, and it was not a place where ordinary practitioners could easily seek benefits.

Now in the ancient world of Chang'an, the auras of several princes' mansions, palaces or sects' residences are truly the places with rich aura.

Therefore, I judge that those are just ordinary ancient worlds, or even low-level ancient worlds manifested.

It is impossible for something like the Twelve Golden People to appear in the ancient world of this level. Therefore, Director Wang, the twelve golden people you mentioned have a treasure like this, which is definitely not the case in the ancient world of Chang'an. "

Director Wang was still a little reluctant and said: "Although you said this matter and it seemed to make sense, but what is actually going on, I think we still need to investigate carefully. Maybe the twelve gold coins People are hidden in a corner like this in the ancient world of Chang'an.

If you don't want to go anymore, then I'll find someone else. Although practitioners say that I don’t know many, at a time like this, I still know a few real people in the world. "

Director Wang means. It’s very clear that if you don’t want to go, then I won’t believe it if I find someone else, because no one else is willing to go.

At this time, Ye Ming said with great certainty: "I didn't tell you that day, and this time, you can't be looking for someone to go to the Chang'an Ancient World.

Because you can't get in at all. No matter who you find, they can't get in. He must have been blocked. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to escape on my own. Do you know how to escape?

I escaped. I felt that the place was very dangerous, so I looked for an opportunity to escape. After I escaped, I felt that the ancient world of Chang'an was completely blocked. Those modern cultivators inside are unlikely to come out in a short time. It is said that they have said that they have broken up for a long time. Isn't this the rhythm of seeking death? If Director Wang knew that Ye Ming broke up with him, he would definitely come over with a knife to deal with him.

Therefore, Ye Ming was very sure and said solemnly: "Who knows about this matter? Maybe there are more opportunities in the ancient world of Chang'an. Strangely, it is normal for him to break up now. I have no chance at all. I went in to observe other situations and then retreated. If I couldn't retreat, then at this time, human life would really be at stake.

You said that this is a situation like this. Do I feel that he is an official in the ancient world of Chang'an? I can understand that it is a low-level world, which is very good. Anyway, I think that if the 12 golden people appeared, they would be somewhere in the Qin Dynasty. Let me be in, I can’t say, maybe Qin Shihuang. It's possible inside the mausoleum. "

Director Wang was also a little disappointed. He felt that this place should be an opportunity for development, but in the end it did not develop. Director Wang seemed to suddenly think of something, and he immediately said: "By the way, I forgot to ask you a question. Did you say that the ancient world of Chang'an was blocked?"

Ye Ming nodded very firmly and said: "That's right, the ancient world of Chang'an is indeed blocked.

To be precise, it was blocked yesterday. I am still a little unwilling to do so. I deliberately stayed here for an extra day to see if there is anything worth saving. But the result is hard to say. I still haven’t. Find out if there is any way to return to the ancient world of Chang'an.

This is something that makes me depressed. "

This is also an explosion of acting skills and strength. Ye Ming is an actor at the level of a movie king. Even when facing a great director like Director Wang, he can act very easily and naturally.

After all, Ye Ming's acting skills are now almost at the peak of proficiency. Director Wang didn't notice this at all. At this time, Ye Ming was actually acting to fool him.

This can also be seen from how superb Ye Ming's acting skills are.

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