Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,788 Cruel Hands

Ye Ming stood on Zhuque Street and let out a long sigh.

Why bother fighting over me? The arrival of the ancient world is an opportunity, isn't it a danger?

It is indeed a danger, but most people don’t think of it. After coming in, Ye Ming had already seen this situation, and then he realized why the country didn't care about this kind of thing. It’s not that the country doesn’t know, but it means that the country already knows but deliberately ignores it. This seems to be in line with the interests of the country. It is estimated that since there is a first coming, there will be a second coming. But, how many cultivators are there in China?

This country doesn't know that these practitioners are usually hidden, so it is very difficult to count them. Even the country has cultivators, and the cultivation of these cultivators is also extraordinary, but it is almost an impossible task to count the cultivators in the entire China. The country also knows this deeply, so for those who are hidden deep in the country, it is almost impossible. Generally speaking, the country would turn a blind eye to private cultivators as long as they did not cause trouble. What's more, there was not much spiritual energy at that time. Even if the cultivators wanted to produce powerful destructive power, It would be difficult to live without one for seventy or eighty years. But he is different now. Now he has spiritual energy. At this time, if the ancient world comes, this situation will continue to happen.

Then it will bring a steady stream of spiritual energy, and then there will be a way to advance by leaps and bounds in cultivation. It is really a way to break through mountains and stones. This is something the country does not want to see. It is not cool. Power that cannot be controlled cannot appear in the world. Outside. It is precisely because of this reason that the arrival of the ancient world in Chang'an City has allowed the country to seize an era and attract cultivators from China. Since you are here, you will definitely be monitored by the country. This method is very good, it is definitely not a method that ordinary people can think of.

Ye Ming saw the people coming and going on Zhuque Street. Although they were all ancient people, there were also some modern people among them.

From this situation, it seems that many cultivators from outside have already rushed in. The ordinary people in Chang'an City seem to be used to seeing these cultivators, so they don't take this kind of thing to heart at all. In other words, these ordinary people in the ancient city of Chang'an cannot see outside cultivators at all! Ye Ming tried it and found a vegetable vendor, but it seemed that Ye Ming was not seen half way up there, as he was greeting his customers.

Ye Ming sighed in his heart. Sure enough, ordinary people can't see cultivators! But at this time, a group of soldiers slowly walked over to maintain law and order. They were tall and mighty. When these soldiers came over, those wearing modern clothes fled away one after another. It seems that the soldiers can see these practitioners. After all, now that the current cultivation has been achieved, in the ancient world of Chang'an, there are also things that I am afraid of. Suddenly, two people in modern clothes pointed at Ye Ming and said: "This is a stowaway, catch him quickly." After shouting, these two guys disappeared into the crowd, but just like that The two people's voices directly attracted the soldiers patrolling the city. At this time, the two people who framed Ye Ming were a little sinister.

We are all outsiders. Normally, in the ancient world of Chang'an, we should have the same hatred and hatred. Let's not say that we have the same hatred and hatred now, but no matter what, these two people actually framed Ye Ming. This and this are a bit unkind. These soldiers were very resentful towards outsiders like Ye Ming. Because there is only so much spiritual energy in the ancient world. Even if the own cultivators in Chang'an Ancient World may not be enough, if these outsiders come in, they will naturally compete for these spiritual energy.

Therefore, the people in the ancient world of Chang'an hate these intruders deeply and want to kill them quickly!

Therefore, the soldiers who came after hearing the news rushed over directly after Ye Ming. In fact, these soldiers are not high-level cultivators, they are just beginners, and sometimes they don't even have the final skills such as sword light. Such a soldier seems to be just trying to scare the common people. If he is a cultivator who is very serious about cultivating fire, these soldiers are actually destined to be cannon fodder.

Although these soldiers are just cannon fodder, if they get entangled with these soldiers and attract powerful practitioners from the Chang'an ancient world, it will also be a trouble for people.

Therefore, there is no one else he can do without taking action on this matter.

But you have to face those crazy things, and it doesn't mean that you can explain them clearly.

Moreover, people in the ancient world of Chang'an are very hostile to outside cultivators, especially these soldiers and those outside cultivators. This is not the first time. Not one or two of his compatriots and comrades have died. .

Therefore, in such a situation, if Tathagata discovers an outside cultivator, these soldiers will rush forward directly without risking their lives.

At this time, it was time to test his acting skills. At this moment, Ye Ming shouted, "Stop!" The momentum of profit burst out, suppressing all the soldiers in an instant! This is powerful acting, actor-level acting, and he is only one step away from joining the 20 million salary club!

In other words, Ye Ming has reached a point outside the pinnacle of the world. Such a powerful momentum burst out! He is like a monarch who rules over the world.

Ye Ming was so powerful that he suppressed all the soldiers, snorted and said: "You people are so bold! Do you know who I am and dare to besiege me? Thank you general for standing up for me. "

At this moment, the soldiers separated from the crowd, and a general wearing heavy armor stood up and said: "The last general of the Five Cities, the Army and Horses Division is the general Feihu. I don't know what you call me, sir?"

Although General Feihu asked this question very politely at this time, his hand was still pressed on the hilt of the long sword. If Ye Ming answered accidentally, he would be split in half by him.

At this moment, Ye Ming said with a serious face: "Because the number of outside cultivators has been very rampant recently, I have been ordered to patrol Chang'an directly."

What he said is not revealed, a token is a token he got from Fifth Brother.

The inner force token bloomed with glorious light. The powerful officialdom exploded! Suppress all soldiers directly from the token!

Some people were kneeling on the ground fearfully. The Feihu general said doubtfully: "May I ask, sir, since it is Fengying who comes here for inspection, why does she wear the same clothes as those from outside? Otherwise, we would not have had this misunderstanding at all." Ye Ming had no idea. He hesitantly snorted and said: "Idiot! Since I am patrolling those foreign intruders, of course I have to mingle with them. Don't you see that I am now doing private visits incognito?

As long as I can seize their handle, then I will kill the whole cabinet directly. This is the result I hope to see. Otherwise, if it costs as much money as usual for your video, you will find a 123 for me. ? "

At this time, General Feihu did not dare to bear this responsibility. The emperor's order was difficult, and he knew it very well. Since the token is real, it is unlikely that other things are fake! And seeing that Ye Ming's cultivation is so advanced, it is even more impossible for such a person to impersonate him. Ye Ming was full of momentum. He collected the token, waved his hand and said: "These things are not something you can participate in. Leave quickly. Otherwise, if it attracts other people's attention, it will not be a responsibility you can bear."

After the soldiers retreated, Ye Ming walked around Chang'an City.

He decided to give these outside practitioners a chance. He was besieged by private soldiers from the ancient world of Chang'an for a while. At this time, almost all outside cultivators knew that Ye Ming was unlucky.

In such a situation, Ye Yeming felt that if someone came to help him, then this person would be considered a kind person.

Therefore, if people like him guide and help them next year, they will keep their feelings in their hearts.

For those who don't make breakthroughs and repay kindness with hatred, they should feel that they don't need to be polite at all.

The result this time was very disappointing. Even if one of these people comes to help him, it would be meaningless in such a situation. I feel that among the people who enter the ancient world of Chang'an, not all people are destined to die, and not all people are destined to die. It's cold, and there will be friends of your own inside.

But things are often very cruel. Ye Ming is so famous that the news about him spread throughout the ancient world of Chang'an almost instantly.

For those who have offended the soldiers, there are people who will help, because if you report one, you will face these soldiers in the city, and you will be subjected to the endless pursuit of the video.

It is almost impossible for others to expose Ye Ming at this time if they are not fools. After contacting Ye Ming, he felt a cold feeling. It made him feel that these people were too selfish!

But at this time, he was already sitting on the high ancient city and said to himself: "No wonder, cultivators are all self-centered, cultivators compete with God for their lives! In fact, what matters is selfishness, you don't If you are selfish, you will not be able to achieve better results. Practitioners are born and grow up in competition."

However, this matter is not a reason to forgive them, so even on such a problem, they can stand up, play the token, and the golden light blooms, like a prison, lighting up the entire night sky.

A golden door suddenly appeared in the void, and Ye Ming slowly stepped up. He pushed open the dormitory door and rushed out. Then the door into the village disappeared. Ye Ming took out the token and shattered it into pieces. It fluttered like snowflakes and fell into the world!

From now on, there will be no such token in the world. This is Ye Ming's ultimate victory. Ye Ming doesn't care what the strength of these cultivators is or what their purpose is here, but this time they went too far.

You should be punished for this matter. This has always been Ye Ming's view. No matter who you are, you will have to pay the price for your mistakes, and the same goes for those who practice. Caused, Ye Ming checked the token, which can be very useful in the Chang'an Ancient World, and knew that this token was a key token that could block the Chang'an Ancient World.

Since this token can block the ancient world of Chang'an, it will be blocked directly and let those greedy practitioners stay in it. So what will be their fate? Ye Ming is not responsible for that.

Who asked them to frame Ye Ming? Who told them not to learn well? After Ye Ming came out just now, he immediately felt his phone vibrate.

Turning on the phone, there were calls from both of us, and we had already called four times. Brother Hong Feifei called nine times.

Sister Fangfang also called three times? Although Sister Fang Fang knew that Ye Ming was going to do something and knew that Ye Ming would be back soon, under such circumstances, she still called you three times to try to contact Ye Ming.

It can be seen that Sister Fang Fang values ​​Ye Ming very much. Fangfang also knows that the entire glorious and eternal glory is often supported by Ye Ming.

Just like the last time Ye Ming disappeared for a long time, it actually didn't mean he was missing, he just said he went out to do his own things. Therefore, when Sister Fang Fang called under such a situation, there must be something important.

Ye Ming called to find out what was going on, and found out that it was the princess who called him and said she was invited to something, a honeymoon trip.

It's good. The princess's personality is indeed different.

Without even taking a breath, sister, you went on your honeymoon by yourself to keep your privacy. You went on your honeymoon last night, and you invited your friends to go. What's going on?

Ye Ming really has no intention of agreeing, and he doesn't know what the final outcome of this matter will be. He just said that you are going to go to Lhasa for a graduation trip. This is a bit unreliable, but the princess's character is such a maverick. .

At this time, Sister Fangfang was still waiting for the answer on the other side of the phone.

Feeling that Ye Ming was always silent, Sister Fangfang immediately urged: "Boss, what are you going to do about this matter? Are you going to give me an accurate message? Whether you are going or not, at least give me accurate information."

Ye Ming hesitated before saying: "Can I go for this? I definitely can't go. I attended the wedding. As a friend, I have done a very good job. You really let me attend their honeymoon last night Travel, what's going on? If my sister finds out, you still don't know how to write it? You know I can't agree to this, you have to tell me about this to his agent, Princess You will know what this situation is like.”

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