Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 182: Who knows who is the fool?

What is the most important thing for a movie? It is naturally mastered. If Ye Ming wants to take away the master tape, it is impossible. The editing is naturally done at Poly Huayi. Conducted indoors.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. At this time, in Dong Ping's office, Kadokawa Liyan said with emotion: "This Ye Ming is indeed amazing. For three days, he only rested for four hours a day, except for eating. In the bathroom, he is basically editing movies all the time. It seems that his success is not a fluke. People with such persistence will definitely skyrocket as long as they are given a little chance. .”

This is the kind of virtue the Japanese have. If you are really capable, they will definitely admire you from the bottom of their hearts. Dong Ping also said helplessly: "Yes, I have also watched [Crazy Stone]. At the time, my first impression was actually that it was a good movie. A good film will have good results, but I I never expected that there would be such good results. One is that the quality of [Crazy Stone] itself is very good, and the other is [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin]. With [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin] as a foil, it is even more impressive. It makes [Crazy Stone] more enjoyable to watch. The right time, place and people have created a box office of 63 million."

Helpless, thinking of this, Dong Ping felt helpless. Thirteen million bought out the domestic copyright, and in the end only two million was recovered. This is also a big loss for Poly Huayi, and its cash flow There is a crisis.

Inviting Zhang Yimou and Ye Ming to come, there is no remedy, but it seems that Kadokawa Liyan may gain something. Dong Ping was also happy to show off to Kadokawa Tatsuhito and lend him the editing room. When he went to Japan in the future, he also had many friends.

Just as the two people were talking, Ye Ming opened the door and came in. When he saw Ye Ming again three days later, he saw that the man was a little depressed and his eyes were bloodshot. This was because he was extremely tired. of a performance. After Ye Ming came over, he immediately sat down on the sofa, closed his eyes and said, "Mr. Kadokawa, I have finished editing and watched it. There is no hope of making money from this movie. The key is to see how much loss you can make. If you make an international Awards or something, maybe pay a little less.”

Kadokawa Ritsuyan took people to watch the movie again, and found that although the content of the movie was still ahead of its time, at least I could understand it a little bit.

At this time, Kadokawa Liyan was very happy and immediately returned to the office to greet Dong Ping. At this time, Ye Ming was drinking coffee leisurely.

Kadokawa Liyan immediately said: "Director Ye's wonderful rejuvenation. Even senior Kitano was amazed. It is true that heroes have been born since ancient times. I have asked the lawyer to complete the formalities for the courtyard. It will be signed by Director Ye later. Here is the key , and my business card, be sure to call me when you go to Tokyo in the future."

Kadokawa Tatsuhimo is finally in a slightly better mood now. At least the movie he is editing now is a movie that has been recognized by Kitano Gou-senpai. Based on this, it is impossible for the people who returned to the club to express any dissatisfaction. Art It’s normal to lose money on investment in movies.

If we get another Cannes award or something, we might be able to pay less. A courtyard house is really worth it. At least now that he's back, the people in the club won't dare use this excuse to attack him.

And Ye Ming also had a smile on his face. It was a very good thing to be able to slander Kadokawa Liyan. Moreover, others expressed their gratitude and gave the courtyard to him. This was definitely a happy thing.

The two foxes, one old and one young, had false smiles on their faces as they looked at each other savoring their victory triumphantly.

After Ye Ming finished these things, he returned to the company, lay down on the bed and fell asleep. This sleep was in darkness, and he slept until dawn the next day, when he was woken up by Zhang Yimou's phone call.

At this time, Zhang Yimou said on the phone: "Ye Ming, did you help Kadokawa Liyan edit? You are quite insidious."

Ye Ming smiled and made a proud voice and said: "Haha, yes, I won't do this. If Director Chen Kaige does it, it may be re-edited and the box office will be worth 20 to 30 million, but what I edited may be I won an award, but the box office is estimated to be only over 10 million, so Kadokawa will just wait to lose money. What's more, they also gave me a courtyard house, which is a good deal."

Zhang Yimou nodded and said: "Kadokawa came to me again with the movie and let me watch it. You edited it for others in three days, and the editing was like that. It's rare that Kitano Wu also approved of you, otherwise you would have waited for Kadokawa to take revenge." You. But I like this thing, and I did a good job. As for the courtyard house, I know that Kadokawa was a foreign businessman, so he had the opportunity to get it. It is not easy for ordinary people to get it, so it is a good deal for you. It’s better than that guy Kadokawa who is cheap. However, Kege will not give up if he knows about this. You have offended him terribly."

Ye Ming said nonchalantly: "Director Chen Kaige has always disliked me. This time [Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin] lost to my [Crazy Stone] at the box office. There is almost no possibility of reconciliation between us. If he offends him It’s no different this time.”

Zhang Yimou thought for a while and then said helplessly: "That's true, but about this matter. Just be careful. In such a situation, Chen Kaige will never give up and will probably find an opportunity to retaliate against you. Yes, be careful yourself."

This last sentence is actually the key point of Zhang Yimou's call this time. In the afternoon, in a corridor of the Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, a long-haired waiter sneaked over and called to another waiter: "Xiaoqin, come here, let me ask you, are the cast members of Huan Zhu Ge Ge gathering in the box? Woolen cloth?"

The waiter named Xiaoqin nodded and said: "Yes, there are quite a few people there. Xiao Yanzi Zhao Wei, Ziwei Gegeling Xinru, fifth elder brother Su Youpeng, and of course Erkang Ye Ming, several people are talking inside. Where is Huan?" At this time, the long-haired waiter said mysteriously: "I am Ye Ming's fan. Why don't you switch with me and I go for you? Just ask Ye Ming for an autograph."

At this time, Xiaoqin looked at the long-haired waiter with wide eyes and said: "Xiaoqing, you are out of your mind. We can't disturb the guests, because you don't know how many people have been fired. What if? If the manager finds out, not only you, but also me will lose my job."

Xiaoqing said helplessly: "There is no other way. What chance do we have to get in touch with these stars except this time? If we go to the cast of Huanzhugege, obviously we can't get in."

At this time, just when Xiaoqing was disappointed, she suddenly widened her eyes and looked at a young man walking slowly in the corridor, wearing sky blue casual clothes. In such a situation, the lights in the corridor were relatively dim. , but still talking about wearing sunglasses. But even though this man was wearing sunglasses, Xiao Qing could still recognize it as Ye Ming.

At this time, Ye Ming took his mobile phone and said: "What, I can't find the way. I said, Miss, you really have yours. You can't find it in such a famous place in Quanjude. You, I'll give it to you, forget it." Now, are you at a crossroads? Which way is it? I'd better go there, otherwise you won't find this place even if you run to Tiananmen Square."

When Ye Ming finished the call, Xiao Qing immediately pulled out an album [Legend] like a magic trick, walked over and asked cautiously: "Mr. Ye, I am your fan, can you sign it for me? If not, forget it. , don’t tell our manager.”

Ye Ming took the album without hesitation, even if he was in a hurry. Decisively signed his name, then wrote "This is a pirated copy" on the back, sent it over and said: "Little girl, next time you come to me for an autograph, just buy a genuine album, otherwise, then I will Will be angry."

After Ye Ming left, Xiaoqing stood there stupidly, angrily staring at the album in his hand and saying to himself: "Bastard guy, tell me that it was specially brought from Hong Kong City. It turns out to be Shen* The pirated goods produced in Shenzhen have made me embarrassed. How will I deal with you when I get back?"

Xiaoqin said with some envy: "Okay, okay, let's talk about this when we get back. Let's go first, otherwise you will be dead when the manager catches you."

This girl Fan Binbin is waiting obediently at the intersection. She is wearing a lavender sportswear, her head is wrapped tightly, like a Teletubbies, wearing huge sunglasses, like a little hide-and-seek. The girl is afraid that others will recognize her, but she also seems to be afraid that others will not recognize her.

At this time, Ye Ming drove over, rolled down the window and said, "Binbin, you're so quick, Director Sun and the others are waiting for you. You're a roadblock, so why don't you come out as soon as possible."

Fan Binbin quickly opened the car door and got in in the blink of an eye. Then he closed the car door and took off the hat on his head and said: "Brother Ming, you are a crazy person. I just have no sense of direction. OK, agent, I dare you to let me know." Does she know?

However, I am not used to it these days. I went to Beihai Park to shoot something a few days ago. As a result, I was discovered. My agent and I were blocked for more than an hour before we could figure it out. I can't let my agent know about this. I spent a lot of time trying to get rid of her. I wouldn't dare to hit him. If he was recognized, it would be hard to tell. "

Fan Binbin finally got one thing right about this matter. If she had beaten him, the possibility of being recognized was still very high. At this time, we can also see how popular Huanzhugege is.

When he returned to the box, he saw that Director Sun Shupei was a little depressed. He looked at Ye Ming and Fan Binbin who came back, and then said: "Everyone is almost here. In fact, I want to tell you some bad news. The crew has come back. A director, Li Ping, came here. He said he was an assistant director, but he was actually the director. He came to share my rights. Doesn’t he just dislike me? It is also a tragedy for a director to not be able to control the crew." (To be continued.) )

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