Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,785: People in the Jianghu

Ye Ming could clearly feel that the tension in the air was gradually increasing. It's like trembling in the face of an abyss. Of course, only people in the world can feel this suffocating squeeze.

If he wanted to enter Lin Gujian quietly, Ye Ming knew very well that he could only know this if he found people from the world, and Zhuque Antique City had such people hidden in the world.

These people were the first to discover the arrival of the ancient world. It is even said that some people in the world have entered in advance, but have withdrawn due to some reasons.

Ye Ming had just walked into Zhuque Antique City and walked around for less than ten minutes when a fat middle-aged man came over and pulled the corner of Ye Ming's clothes. Then he winked at him and walked aside.

At this time, Ye Ming followed, and the middle-aged man lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you look like an outsider, here to hunt for treasures."

Ye Ming thought for a while and then said: "Brother, how do you know what I am here to do? If you don't tell me this, you will know that I am on Taobao. Do you know how to tell fortunes?" Qiqi Xiao○say○

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said with a mysterious smile: "Let's not talk about whether this can tell fortunes. You are definitely not a local. With your accent, you are from the capital.

Moreover, look at my little brother, your temperament is not bad for money at all. Let alone me, if you have money or not, how is your temperament? At first glance, I looked inseparable.

And I also know that little brother, you are not here for ordinary Taobao. Do you want to get in? Let me tell you, this path is not easy to find. Now that the higher-ups have begun to pay attention to this place, it is said that they are already thinking about taking over those things, so it is getting more and more difficult for him to get in. "

Ye Ming was speechless for a while. The official has not really paid attention to this matter until now. Do you still have to study it for two months and wait until the ancient world comes and is closed before you go in?

Then the cucumbers and vegetables will be cold.

But for such a problem, it is a blessing to think about it. This kind of thing almost never happens. The people above want to delay it for ten days and a half. This is normal.

However, the people above will definitely not see such a thing, and those who continue to develop will definitely take over some ways of entry.

If you want to go in quietly and come out quietly, it is really getting harder and harder.

Ye Ming looked around and saw that there was no one around, then he said, "Please give me a call."

The middle-aged man laughed awkwardly twice, and then said: "The little brother is kidding him, if I had such a connection, would I still hang around here? But I can find someone who has the connection.

Be careful of outsiders like you! It’s really not easy to find the right way without referrals. Are you willing to stay here for ten days and a half? When the authorities block all entrances, then it’s just a matter of drawing water from a bamboo basket. All in vain. "

This is true. If the official notices the score, it is simply impossible to enter all the entrances quietly. Besides, after entering, come out. If the official blocks it, you Toys need to be inspected. What good stuff is missing? Are you willing to let the authorities inspect it? I'm sure I won't be happy about it. Therefore, Ye Ming felt that if he could take the time to go in and then come out quietly, this would be the best result.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming nodded and said: "I see that my elder brother is also a happy person. Please give me some guidance. Let me know if there is any way. There is really a way. I won't be indebted to you, brother!"

It is unlikely that a middle-aged man has his own connections, so he should be a middleman.

At this time, the middle-aged man glanced at a jade shop in the distance and said, "Have you seen that Lao Wang Jade Shop? After you go in, no matter which salesperson you look for, just ask, I want a jade Guanyin, and then, The clerk will definitely get you a jadeite, Guanyin is worth 200,000, so don’t say anything and just pay him to issue an invoice.

Then what,

Just come over with the invoice that was issued after you picked up the item. I will take you there to meet someone, and then you can discuss the next thing on your own. It has nothing to do with me.

Of course, if we can't negotiate and you can't get in, I'll get you the invoice certificate. I won't let you go in vain and I'll refund you 50,000 yuan. When it comes to business, you can do it if you think you can. , if I can’t do it, I’ll find another person. "

When it comes to relationships, this middle-aged man is also afraid of getting things done. If he encounters a ruthless character, if he really can't get in, he won't get the money back, and he will just fight with a knife.

What businessmen focus on is making money by being friendly. Although they have a way here, they don't want to make things worse and attract the attention of the outside world, which will be bad for everyone. Therefore, the middle-aged man made it clear that if it fails, he will bring something back and refund you 50,000 yuan.

This can be regarded as leaving room for things to happen, so that we can meet each other easily in the future. Ye Ming walked straight to Lao Wang's jade shop without saying anything.

He proposed that he wanted to buy an Jade Guanyin, and the clerk was familiar with it. He only remembered to take out a box from the back, opened it and saw that it was a very ordinary Jade Guanyin, but Ye Ming didn't say anything. He took out his card and swiped it, and the waiter was quick and easy. My son issued a ticket.

Ye Ming took a look and saw that it was not a formal invoice, but a store receipt with a seal stamped on it. It was not a formal round official seal, but an oval privately engraved seal.

Turning around, Ye Ming came out to find the middle-aged fat man and showed him the things. The middle-aged fat man said with a smile: "Come on, little brother, you might as well come with me when you are doing something!"

After coming out of Zhuque Antique City, the fat man with a swollen face led Ye Ming to a secluded alley in a twists and turns.

At the end of the alley, there is a large, secluded courtyard. It looks very dilapidated, and it must have seen better days.

Looking at the yard, I thought of this scene of old trees with dead vines and crows. It was indescribably desolate.

Opening the door, there was a creaking sound. The middle-aged fat man walked in front and called out.

Fifth brother, fifth brother's business is here. "A middle-aged thin man with messy hair, like a chicken coop, came out, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He didn't look like a bicycle repairman on the street.

The car repairman glanced at the middle-aged fat man and said, "What's wrong, fat man? You have a lot to do today."

The middle-aged fat man was not angry. He took a taxi and asked, "I just saw what you said. I am just an errand boy. I have business today, so I will naturally bring it to you. There are no conditions. It's this little brother." , there is also a jadeite Guanyin, okay, you can’t have a long face, take a look." At this point, a discerning person doesn’t need to say anything, it must be a customer brought here by the middle-aged fat man.

Needless to say, if a middle-aged fat man brings you a cold, he must buy a jadeite Guanyin from Laowang Jade Shop.

The fifth brother nodded impatiently, waved to the fat man and said, "Come on, I know about this. If you don't have anything to do, you can leave first."

The middle-aged fat man just nodded and bowed, said goodbye and pushed out the door! After closing the door, the small courtyard begins to live an isolated life. Because it is far away from the downtown area, it is difficult for outsiders to know what is happening here.

Not long after the fat man left, five people came out of the yard. They looked like Lian Jiazi.

He's not handsome, he's tall and thick, but he looks very energetic and strong. After finding someone to come out, she attacked Ye Ming without saying a word.

The attack is vicious and the knife is deadly. The silver-white knife danced in the sky, as if it was about to take Ye Ming's life away at any moment. He started to argue without saying anything. This is not an ordinary fight with a knife.

Google seems to be so accustomed to this kind of thing that it doesn't even bother to look at it. China always had to go back to the room. Suddenly, when she heard something from behind, she was no longer serious at all.

At this time, she turned around curiously and saw that her five brothers were already lying on the ground wailing, and Ye Ming was standing there as if nothing was wrong.

At this time, Fifth Brother seemed to have a sudden realization. It seemed that this time he had encountered an iron plate. If you often walk by the river, how can your shoes not get wet?

At this time, the fifth brother took a serious look at Ye Ming and said, "It's okay, little brother. It seems like I'm a little distracted. Where are you from?"

When Android heard this, it was basically a message of peace talks, but at this time, the five did not have any interest in him, but rushed over quickly. The junior high school student raised his foot and kicked up a sword belonging to Ning Hong. This was a weapon that the five people had left on the ground when they were dealing with Ye Ming.

The sword flew into the sky, and the fifth brother had it in his hand instantly! The long sword bloomed with blood-red light in the hands of the fifth brother, and the sword struck like a road in Huashan.

Go straight, without any room for maneuver. If you don't succeed in this matter, you will be benevolent.

Because the fifth brother felt that Ye Ming was putting a lot of pressure on him, he immediately used his special skills from the beginning. If he could kill one person, everyone would be happy, and if he couldn't, he would just admit defeat.

Ye Ming smiled slightly, with a cold light in his eyes. Two fingers of his right hand stretched out and flashed out, golden light, and quickly clamped the blood-red sword.

He only felt that Ye Ming's fingers were as solid as rocks, which surprised the fifth brother.

What a powerful guy. The cultivation level of this little brother in front of me should be much higher than mine. Otherwise, I would never be able to feel this oppressive aura.

When it was over, this fifth brother was also a straightforward man. He abandoned his sword directly, knelt on the ground and said: "Senior, spare your life!"

Ye Ming sneered, glanced at the fifth brother and said: "Five Tiger Soul-Severing Sword, I didn't expect that there is such a heritage in the world. Although you use a long sword, you are walking with a sword." The way of law.

But you, the Five Tigers Soul-Severing Sword, don’t seem to be practicing properly. Either you learned it secretly, or you just got a scroll of residual pictures. Let’s hear what happened.

If I mean, if you can come up with the information I want, it's not impossible to spare your life.

But remember, you only have one chance, and you only have one chance to live. If I think you can't show enough sincerity, then there is no need for you to live in this world. "

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Ye Ming has been in the world for more than a day or two, so he is well aware of this kind of thing. Fortunately for them, they have deep cultivation and are familiar with dealing with these people. However, if it were someone else who would be instantly killed here, it would not be impossible.

What's more, even if a warrior came over and knocked down these gangsters, this one called Fifth Brother used the Five Tiger Soul-Severing Sword. Although this sword technique is considered third-rate in the world, The inheritance may even be regarded as an inferior inheritance.

But in this matter, after all, he belongs to the public law mandala in the world. Now that he has spiritual energy, he can achieve certain achievements in practice.

Therefore, if someone is from the Jianghu, he is not very high. Even if he defeats these little Huihui, he will definitely be ruthless against this fifth brother! Therefore, Ye Ming knew that these people were not kind-hearted people, and he was extremely ruthless when he started to attack them.

Killing one person may mean saving a hundred people. For this kind of garbage in the world, you can't scare them unless you use evil hands.

The weak eat the strong and worship the strong. This is the rule of the world. As long as you show enough strength, then you will have a group of people chasing after you.

At this time, Fifth Brother said without hesitation: "Senior, I am indeed practicing the Wuhu Soul-Destroying Sword. This sword technique is actually a sword technique passed down from my ancestors.

I have been practicing this kind of thing since I was a child, but after practicing for more than ten or more than 20 years, I found that it doesn't seem to be of much use, that is, it makes me a little more flexible when fighting. What is coming from my ancestors this week?

They all seem to be as bragging as martial arts novels. But later on, I slowly discovered that my Five Tiger Soul-Severing Sword was becoming more and more powerful, and it was even said that the sword light was coming out of my chest. uuread a book

Later, I accidentally broke into the place where the ancient world descended.

When I arrived at that place, I felt that I was practicing very quickly, as if there was a stream of Qi flowing directly into my body.

Originally, under such circumstances, I wanted to practice there for ten days and a half, or a month or two, but then, I met two fellow practitioners. As a result, these two fellow practitioners He was caught by the soldiers of the ancient city and hacked to death. He was cut into pieces by five horses.

When Lin Zi took a situation like this, I was more afraid. I went through all the hard work and stole a jade talisman, and then I found an opportunity and rushed out.

After I came out, I heard the legend in the world.

Speaking of the arrival of the ancient world, as long as you find a suitable way, you will have a great opportunity to enter the ancient sword, magic weapon, offensive and defensive weapons, etc., all of these things are available in the ancient world. At this time, I regretted why I came out earlier. If I had stayed in for a longer time, would the result have been different?

But since his fifth brother escaped alive, he seemed to be scared to death.

No matter what, he was unwilling to enter the ancient world again.

But what about this fifth brother? He has mastered a portal to enter. Therefore, in the recent period, he has made a lot of money by flipping the quotas of these portals.

But it is dishonest to do business with these five. If you meet a weak person, kill the chicken and throw it into the river to feed the fish.

But this time he met a monster like Ye Ming, and he fell directly into Ye Ming's hands.

Now Fifth Brother is regretting it. He has made a lot of money recently, so why can't he stop in time?

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

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