Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,771 The World Premiere of Fast and Furious

Stringer was a little speechless at this moment. Yes, that's right. The problem Idei said is very realistic.

China will rise one day! By that time, it’s hard to say whether they will be able to compete with themselves in the movie box office. But if you think about it carefully, it is really possible that Hollywood’s movie box office is indeed big, but China has a large population. Yeah, it's not impossible that one day when people get rich, the box office scores of movies will increase.

What's more, Stringer knows very well that it is simply impossible for the United States and China to start fighting. It is still possible for everyone to argue with each other. As for actually fighting, it is almost zero.

If Yingjiang and Rabbit get into trouble, the bear will benefit. Yingjiang knows this very well. Therefore, his attitude towards China has always been one of suppression and co-optation, using carrots and sticks. This is Yingjiang's attitude towards Rabbit, at least it is the mainstream attitude now. If the furry bear is not completely fucked to the ground in a day, Yingchan will never fight with the rabbit to death!

Stringer then nodded and said: "If this is really the case, then it is indeed possible for a person to go back. I don't know what this guy thinks. His matter is all based on Will China’s box office warehouse become the second largest in the world? After chatting for a while, I will definitely compromise. The powerful vested interests behind Hollywood movies may not be able to get along with any country.

However, his only impossibility is the box office. The purpose of making movies is to make money. If your box office can rank second in the world, the boss of world movies like Hollywood will also follow you to fawn over you. This is irrefutable! Nothing has to do with money. "

Stringer knows Hollywood very well, and Hollywood will definitely bow to money.

And the actual development also proves this year. Later, China's movie box office really became the second largest box office market in the world. By that time, when Hollywood makes any blockbusters, it will consider one issue, that is, what can be done in its movies? You can't join Huaxia Seriousness. If you are a man, then remember to add Chinese elements. If you really can't join Huaxia Performance, it is completely understandable to find a Chinese actor to play a supporting role or something at this time. Nobuyuki Idei has already given an answer, which is to stand still.

This matter makes Stringer not very satisfied, but now the boss has the final say. These days, the mobile phone is not willing to directly deal with Ye Ming, so it is impossible for Columbia Pictures to do this at this time. Become a villain. Therefore, the Hollywood blockbuster that was originally a vigorous response to the birth of Ye Ming has no successor.

The people in Colombia have admitted that in such a situation, it is not easy for them to deal with Ye Ming. Therefore, it is very necessary for him to compromise.

Fast and Furious 20 will be released on this night. Ye Ming also invited his friends, and there were many celebrities who came to support him.

Director Coppola. You lied to my brother, Lucas. Wait, wait, etc., as long as there was a slight relationship with Ye Ming, he would snatch it away, and among the big stars. Brother Shaoxing is the most high-profile one. A large black Hummer drove directly to the scene.

Basically, I want to ask everyone to know that Schwarzenegger should be here at this time. Likewise, people like Jackie Chan and Jet Li also rushed over.

Ang Lee from Baodao is also among those invited.

When you say that Huazhen's film directors didn't come, it's not that they didn't come, but that they were waiting over there in China.

Because for such a movie, Ye Ming operates a simultaneous global release, so there will be two openings in this city, one is in Hollywood, the China Grand Theater... and the other is in China, the Huaxia Film and Television 's theater.

After watching the movie, Coppola praised: "This is a very classic movie, I like it very much."

Coppola is one of the four major directors in Hollywood.

Coppola has semi-retired, and basically doesn't come out to make movies. If it's a social event like this, he won't come if he can't, because it's very cool to be able to invite him over. Dick stuff.

As for the old man's status in Hollywood, there is no doubt. Among the major directors in Hollywood, if he only made one movie about The Godfather, he would be famous in history, not to mention that his son made the Godfather trilogy.

And Apocalypse Now, which didn't cost the old man a lot, actually suffered a lot at the box office. From an artistic point of view, Apocalypse Now is very successful.

Now the movie Apocalypse is one of those movies that fails at the box office but is very successful in terms of consciousness. This is also where the top ten directors in Hollywood are great. They made it like a movie that failed at the box office. Got it made up elsewhere.

Ye Ming's The Fast and the Furious was praised by Director Coppola, which shows that this movie is really well shot, because only people like Spielberg and Lucas know that Cobra This old guy has a very stubborn temper. If a movie is not very good, then he is simply too lazy to watch it.

This is Coppola's unwillingness to compromise, which makes him less popular in Hollywood. However, there is no doubt about Coppola's accomplishments in film. If he says it is good, then it is really good. , it really means that the Fast and Furious movie filmed by Ye Ming is very good. Otherwise, Coppola would definitely criticize it in person.

And he also has such qualifications. In Hollywood, there are basically no film directors that Coppola dares not criticize or cannot criticize. Even if he is Spielberg, Lucas, or his sister, it is the same. Coppola Director La basically criticizes whoever he wants to criticize. This is a status issue in Hollywood. This guy who is also directed by Pierberg is concerned about box office issues, and there is one very important thing.

Issues with screening in China.

At this time, Spielberg glanced at Ye Ming and said, "I heard that your movie is basically released simultaneously in China."

Ye Ming nodded and said: "That's right. It will indeed be released simultaneously in China. After the premiere, I will fly to China to host the same premiere. Our time difference is 24 hours. It’s about an hour, and now I can attend another premiere after I go back.”

Spielberg said with great envy: "It's not easy to release a movie simultaneously around the world.

Especially if you can obtain the right to be a simultaneous student in China, it is not easy for anyone. Can you do this?

We are very envious. If you have a chance next time, take us with you. It has been our wish for many years to be able to get a simultaneous release in China. Is there any way you can teach it and let us all communicate with each other? "

It was Pielberg who said this at this time, and he is not wrong at all. It seems that many Hollywood blockbusters cannot be released simultaneously in China. This is a loss, because China has a very powerful place. , that is to say piracy.

This is basically an unsolvable existence. When a Hollywood blockbuster is released, it usually only lasts about ten days, and pirated copies can appear there even before it is released. This is very diversion of the box office. If it can be released simultaneously, then this situation will be compressed to the minimum. Remember, it is compressed to the minimum, not to say that it disappears. China's piracy is basically in a state of no solution. At this moment Spielberg knows.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing special. If you want to achieve simultaneous release in China, then basically you have to find an organization that can do it, and then the rest will be easy to say, which means there will be certain compromises. Movie It is an art of compromise, I believe you all should know this! I dare not say anything else about the Fast and Furious movie!

In fact, it is not easy to get the opportunity to be released simultaneously. After all, this is a movie shot in Hollywood, although it is a movie co-produced by our brilliant film and television and Hollywood.

However, this movie is indeed a cooperative film, and it is not easy to do business in China. If we take this situation, as long as we find the right partner, there is a high possibility that this film will be released. The partner we found is China Film and Television.

Let China Film and Television help us distribute it and then introduce it as a co-producer. Of course, you have to give up some profits.

This is a slight concession at the box office, allowing them to take one more spot.

After all, if someone helps you distribute your movie and you don't give in, then this thing is simply impossible. If you want something from others, you have to make a certain statement.

Making appropriate concessions within a reasonable range is the result of our simultaneous release in China. Of course, building relationships is often very important. You should be aware of my relationship in China even if I don’t mention it. They know that I film What kind of movie is it? They know that the content of the movie I shoot is positive, and my movie has been reviewed by the General Administration.

Moreover, it is a road movie and basically does not involve any political issues. This is also a key reason why China allows me to release it simultaneously around the world. "

That guy Ye Ming also kept his word, and he immediately flew to China.

After all, there is an opening ceremony waiting for him in China, so the simultaneous global release has attracted considerable attention in the Chinese entertainment industry.

After all, among the Hollywood blockbusters that can be released simultaneously around the world, so far, the only one is The Fast and the Furious!

Some other blockbuster movies are basically released in China after a month or two of review after being broadcast globally in Hollywood. This is also very normal. After all, the movies are shot in Hollywood. As for the movie, you should pay close attention to it.

But he is the only Hollywood blockbuster that can truly achieve simultaneous global release. Fast and Furious is the only Hollywood blockbuster that can achieve simultaneous global release. So far, it is the only Hollywood blockbuster that can achieve simultaneous global release.

You don’t need to go into detail on this point, you will know that because it is a movie directed by Ye Minglai and starring Ye Minglai, the overseas Chinese have paid a certain amount of attention and care to this aspect. Moreover, the distribution company is also Huaxia Film, which is an official partner.

After everyone reviewed the movie, I think there is no big problem, and I have already made appropriate concessions in the form of box office splitting.

This is a manifestation of political correctness. No matter what you say, if you are filming a blockbuster in Hollywood, it is very normal for you to make appropriate concessions to your colleagues in your country. Of course, Mr. Han Shanping also contributed a lot here.

According to Han Shanping, Ye Ming's The Fast and the Furious can be regarded as an experiment, an experiment for Chinese filmmakers to go out. Wang Xiaojing, it cannot be limited to China. It must also go out to the world and participate in the filming of Hollywood blockbusters with filmmakers from all over the world. Seeking innovation and change is also a problem that Chinese filmmakers must face now.

Since Ye Ming has such ability, he must take on this responsibility. Fast and Furious is basically a movie that appeared in such a state. This is an experimental film, at least in the eyes of Chinese films, this film is considered an experimental film. As for the Chinese entertainment industry, my colleagues are also very excited.

The director naturally took a fancy to Ye Ming's ability to connect in Hollywood. Being able to shoot a movie in Hollywood must be a very remarkable achievement. This is why although Ye Ming is young, his status in the entertainment industry is basically as good as that of his elders. Zhang, Lao and Chen are the same key factor.

And those heroic spirits who have a better relationship with Ye Ming naturally feel very proud.

After all, being able to walk on such a red carpet can basically attract the attention of the whole world. That's right. My current Fast and Furious has indeed attracted the attention of the world. If the box office of Fast and Furious continues to be popular, then Ye Ming Even if you are truly successful, you will be able to gain a foothold in Hollywood! How many years? There are only a few filmmakers who have established themselves in Hollywood.

Now that a new character has finally appeared, it will naturally arouse great concern from everyone.

Therefore, the red carpet of the Fast and Furious premiere in China was really star-studded! If this mattered much, he would definitely find some connections to come and attend the red carpet.

Even some movie stars from Korea and Japan came here.

This time is actually a key event related to whether Ye Ming can truly reach the summit. The real crushing in Asia-Pacific and the real reaching the top depends on the box office this time.

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