Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,767 Mastering the Rhythm of Interviews

If this matter were replaced by a Japanese devil, it would be really difficult to talk about it at this time.

Anyway, Ye Mingcheng is inspired by the spirit of the Han nation in a sense.

Fortunately, reporters from USA Today are also here. Old Brown from USA Today is very concerned about Ye Ming. Therefore, although Ye Ming's level is not very high, he still sent a reporter to interview. Let's see if there is any news on Ye Ming's side.

Of course, there are still some reporters who are hired by Brilliant Film and Television, and they all pay for them. There is still a lot of money among these reporters.

Ye Ming is here. If there are fewer reporters coming to interview, then Huihuang Film and Television will sometimes have no glory.

In such a situation, if you can spend money to buy some addresses, you are looking for trouble for yourself, in the entertainment industry! Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Although there are three, six or nine levels of journalists in the United States, and there are seniors and juniors, etc., but specifically speaking, journalists in the United States are not as hierarchical as those in China.

The unspoken rule in China is that CCTV reporters are the boss. As long as this is the case, you will be the boss under normal circumstances.

Who let him be the boss of the TV station?

What if Xinhua doesn't come out? Under normal circumstances, CCTV is the absolute leader, and no unit can compete with CCTV reporters.

In the United States, media outlets are generally divided according to their size. Of course, if they have won the Pulitzer Prize or something, such reporters are naturally seniors.

Therefore, in the United States, unless the strength of the two media is very different, one is national and the other is local, there may be some exceptions to this situation. Generally speaking, reporters at the scene will be the first to arrive. First served.

Whoever arrives earlier will get a better position?

If there was a Pulitzer Prize-winning season on set, he would usually be the first to interview.

If there is a war reporter, then this reporter will also be ranked very high. This is a kind of respect for the predecessors, this is a Pulitzer Prize, and this is a kind of respect for a special profession such as war reporters.

In other cases, basically whoever stands at the front has priority for interviews. Whoever you don’t know where to look for comes to me in a good place. This is also very necessary for a reporter. A lesson to pay attention to.

Ye Ming walked out and did not avoid reporters. This was a habit of his, and reporters also knew that Ye Ming did not like to avoid reporters, so it was very easy to read Ye Ming's words. As long as Ye Ming was caught, Normally, he wouldn't run away.

Song Zhongguo is ranked relatively high. Since he is ranked relatively high, he will still be the first to ask questions at the beginning.

Song Zhongguo said very excitedly: "Hey, welcome back to the United States. I have a few questions to ask you. I hope you can give a satisfactory answer to the fans who like you in the United States."

Ye Ming nodded and said: ". I am a straightforward person. I never hold back what I say. If you have any questions, just ask. But of course, I think if you fail to refine the speed and passion." As for the interview, I think it’s pretty good. After all, my movie will be released soon. Would you like to help promote it well?

If I could promote it better, I might have attracted him last night. I hope everyone can promote my movie Fast and Furious as much as possible after I go back.

There are so many people in Hong Kong, so I think it’s time to promote it. Although reporters are not necessarily here for Fast and Furious, many of them are also here for this guy Ye Ming, but no matter what, if you are the speed dragon If you are interviewing with Passion, then Ye Ming, you are very cute this season, and Ye Ming will take the initiative to change the topic to Fast and Furious, which is a movie.

Song Zhongguo said very politely: "This also reassures you. Of course we will pay close attention to Fast and Furious. There is a lot of news about such a movie over there.

Therefore, at this time, Song Zhongguo said very politely: "Of course, we are here today for the movie Fast and Furious. I hope that her husband can help us solve a problem that everyone is very troubled about. That's why Was the post-production of a movie like Fast and Furious done in China?

And I heard that his special effects work for a movie like yours wasn't done by industrial magic either, but by your brilliant form. What do you think about this? "

Ye Ming was very interested in such a topic, and he also knew that after arriving in the United States, someone would definitely ask such a question. After all, Hollywood has always considered itself to be the absolute big brother in the film industry!

Under such a situation, the post-production and special effects of Ye Ming's movie are all done in one word, which makes some Americans very unhappy in me.

Of course, Ye Ming does not require every American to like herself. What she let me know is that as many people as possible should like her movies and herself.

Ye Ming immediately said: "This matter, of course, is because those who can play games have higher skills. Of course, we are destined to hand over men to whomever has higher skills. I don't need to say how great the Guiyang model is, but there are some Sometimes, in some aspects, we will also do very well, there is no doubt about this.

Maybe you think I am bragging, but you can go to the pornographic website to take a look. Our promotional video of Fast and Furious has also been posted. The special effects above were done by people from our brilliant film and television, so at this time, everyone You can take a look at the technical level of our brilliant film and television. "

The focus of reporters from each media outlet is different.

Reporters like the Hollywood Reporter pay special attention to entertainment matters. For a guy like Song Zhongguo, of course he appears as an entertainment reporter. He is the season of the entertainment section of the New York Post, so at this time Song Zhongguo is also very Pay attention to this matter in the entertainment industry.

But reporters like USA Today are more concerned about things related to the soul. For example, at this time, he felt that what you pay more attention to than me is not necessarily Fast and Furious. The movie itself is best a news genre, that is, someone united to oppose this movie. This is the best attention in USA Today. things.

Moreover, they actually met Ye Ming in such a situation. If the reporter of USA Today did not conduct a clear interview at this time, then the name of USA Today would be in vain.

Come on! He was also very concerned about Ye Ming when he made this call. He thought Ye Ming had great potential. Therefore, as a reporter for USA Today, he was naturally very interested in celebrities who are interested in traditional Chinese medicine. He was able to discover such a celebrity. The news about a celebrity is also very good news for reporters from USA Today.

Today, an American reporter finally came over and said: "Mr. Lin, we heard that some people in Hollywood are planning to boycott your movie. What do you have to say about this view? Will you fight for your own rights? And sue those people. If you sue them, I have a very high hope of suing you. After all, those people have publicly clamored to block the speed and passion, which will harm the interests of your company. .

If you sue them at that time, the hope of life is still very high. If you find a few more good lawyers, the hope of victory will be even greater. "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Is there such a thing? It seems that I haven't really heard that Hollywood is an inclusive place. I don't think it can even tolerate a mere actor like me.

Of course, maybe I, as an actor, have a little bit of money, but this is not a reason for people to attack me.

I don’t think anyone would attack me for Fast and Furious, or even say ban me. This seems quite ridiculous.

Of course, if someone doesn't like my movie, that's normal. After all, it's impossible for the movie I make to satisfy everyone. Even Spielberg can't do this.

There will always be people who don't like my movies! Therefore, I won’t take it to heart if I post a few words of complaint online. So to ban me, does it have to be something as simple as what I say?

If we were really separated, I wouldn't know about it at all. I guess I wouldn't be standing here to be interviewed by you now.

So what he said about someone in Hollywood trying to ban me is just a lie. It’s really a lie.

As for those people who publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with my film, don’t worry about them. They can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

You can see this through my trailer. My movie is a very exciting movie that will definitely make everyone addicted to it. "

You just don’t admit that someone wants to ban you. This is a very clever way. Although there are indeed people in Hollywood who want to ban Ye Ming, and they have already taken action, because this movie will encounter some obstacles in publicity, but After all, there is no real clarity on this matter.

Even if there are things that people don't like about Ye Ming, they don't dare to speak out publicly and express what they think about me. If they don't like Ye Ming, I think this guy should get out of here. This would be suspected of racial discrimination. .

If Ye Ming continues to pursue the case, it will be the lightest thing when he resigns. What will be the result then? It's hard to say.

Therefore, Ye Mingqian would not admit such a thing.

Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "I'm here today to tell you that the post-production of the Fast and Furious movie has been completed. Tonight we will determine when it will be released.

Now you rely on the box office to tell the story. No matter how much the movie is hyped or how it is said, whether you like it or not, it all depends on the audience. Movies that the audience likes are truly good movies! If moviegoers don't like to watch it, then even if the movie is said to be good, what's the point of it? "

What Ye Ming said, he wanted money, he was speechless, because what Ye Ming said was true. A good movie is to make everyone like it. What if the audience doesn't like it?

You said this movie is a good movie and a movie with a script, but this doesn’t seem very appropriate.

At this time, a reporter from the New York Times stood up and said: "Mr. Ye Ming, I heard that Mercedes-Benz announced that you and Mercedes-Benz have an advertising shooting contract, and the reward is 10 million US dollars. Are you busy with Fast and Furious now? This movie, do you have the energy to shoot commercials?

One thousand US dollars is not a good amount. Since you have received ten million US dollars from others, you should give them a good work! If you are currently busy with the Fast and Furious movie, what about the Mercedes-Benz commercials?

Did you have enough time to shoot the Mercedes-Benz commercial? "

After Mercedes-Benz signed a contract with a reporter, I naturally revealed the news. The American reporters also learned about it immediately. They just said that they didn't find this guy Ye Ming in China?

Going to China to interview Ye Ming for an advertisement is a bit outweighing the gains. Once I got to know you, I just waited for Ye Ming to come back and then interview you about this matter.

Ten million U.S. dollars. If such a figure were in the United States, it would be a very large number, and it would make many reporters envious and jealous. Since Ye Ming was blocked at the airport at this time, of course he had to listen to this question.

Hearing this question, Ye Ming said very proudly: "I want to thank everyone for your concern. It is indeed the case. Mercedes-Benz and I have an advertisement today, an advertisement for Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks, which was released in 2003. A truck, Mercedes-Benz still attaches great importance to this aspect.

They said that I had a good idea here and there, so they called their chairman and told them that they wanted to have a good cooperation with their products. In this case, there would be a photography situation.

After our chairman received my call, he thought about it and agreed. In fact, this group is very simple. They recognized my strength and I will provide them with a very good advertisement. That's it, and In fact, this culture does not waste time. I have already shot it and the post-production has been completed.

If it’s fast, then tonight or tomorrow there may be promotion at this time. This is a global promotion of this ad. I think everyone will see the magic of this ad. "

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