Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,758 Two veteran drivers

Wang Baoqiang is a stubborn guy who wants to understand everything. Ten million dollars is already an astronomical figure in his eyes.

Maybe it means that this guy may not be able to dream of so much money.

Therefore, at this time Wang Baoqiang thought about it and said: "Boss, I don't understand how you are like this. You haven't made too much money for this thing with ten million, right? It's just an advertisement, and you can make a movie." How much is it? Is there any doubt whether I can earn 10 million US dollars in the end? I only get 10 million US dollars for you to shoot an advertisement. I have never seen so much money in my life."

Ye Ming laughed so hard that it made people feel hairy!

As a boss, his power has now been demonstrated, and the entire conference room will tremble under Ye Ming's influence!

After laughing, Ye Mingcai said: "You don't understand this matter. You have to think about Mercedes-Benz in a different way, but it is a big brand, and your boss, how much is my endorsement fee?

How much is the endorsement deal from Versace? 360 is also US dollars. Think about it, the boss’s annual endorsement fee alone is already 3.6 million.

Does their Mercedes-Benz company give them more than 10 million?

We still have to shoot ads, and what we sell is creativity. Ten million is really not too much.

If someone can't be invited, you shot a 90-second commercial, which seems to cost more than 7 million US dollars, so why don't you just go and shoot it? They are not responsible for organizing and planning the shooting of commercials, nor are they responsible for providing creative advertising, they just say no. Just let you take the photo yourself!

I seem to have forgotten the amount of 760, but it’s a lot of money anyway.

You know that in Hollywood, your boss is at most a first-tier star. He is relatively far away from the top stars. This ten million US dollars is the production cost of the entire advertisement. It’s not like giving 10 million directly to your boss. "Hearing this, Wang Baoqiang suddenly realized that feelings are contracting work and materials, so Wang Baoqiang said nothing more at this time.

These training schools are easy to find. There are more cycling trainings here in the capital, and it is easier to find one. At most, you can go to the suburbs to have a look, so Sister Fang Fang did not go out at all.

Live in the company, make direct phone calls, and get it done quickly, driving school. Ye Ming immediately ordered to go down.

Find two truck drivers, the kind with very demanding conditions. Have at least 20 years of driving experience.

Priority is given to veterans who have walked the Heavenly Road on the Plateau.

Sister Fang Fang has a very good advantage. She will never ask why when performing tasks. Therefore, although Sister Fang Fang feels strange about this matter, why the driver requires such harsh conditions, she is still uncompromising. Go and execute.

For one person, Sister Fang Fang didn't dare to fight back.

After all, in the entire company, Sister Fang Fang, who felt that Ye Ming's face pushed him back, was one of them, and she might even be the only one, but so on. Once this matter is determined, it seems that you will implement it to the letter. No matter what the boss says, Sister Fang Fang will indeed go all out to execute the order.

Ye Ming was also very nervous at this time. Time waits for no one.

Therefore, in this situation, Ye Ming must grasp this matter very tightly.

When Sister Fang Fang went to contact people, it was Ye Ming who personally handled the matter of contacting people from Mercedes-Benz China.

The phone number was given by the boss of Mercedes-Benz in person, so he couldn't be wrong.

Ye Ming dialed the phone and said, "Mr. Tom? I'm Ye Ming from Huihuang Film and Television. Nice to meet you.

I just want to ask when the two large trucks I need here will be ready. If I am ready to return them to you, I will send you an address later, and you can just let the trucks go to school. "

Tom was stunned on the phone for a moment, and then said: "Oh, dear Mr. Ye, don't worry, the boss has already given instructions on this matter. I have prepared the car and took pictures of two very experienced people. driver.

The advertising boss this time attaches great importance to him, so we will do our best to cooperate with your shooting. "

Naturally, they dare not neglect things that the bosses attach great importance to. What the leaders say is always correct. This is not only true in China, but also domestically and internationally.

If you don't follow the big boss's words, you are seeking death. Therefore, they attach great importance to this matter. Not only did they deploy the two best big trucks, they also hired two very experienced drivers.

Then Ye Ming sent the address that Sister Fang Fang gave him.

Sister Fang Fang's work efficiency is still very high. It only took less than an hour for the two drivers to be brought over by Sister Fang Fang. At this time, the two of us introduced: "Boss, these two are experienced people." The drivers meet your requirements very well and have more than 20 years of driving experience. Both of these masters have been on the road for more than ten years."

The taller master on the left said: "Well, I don't have that long. I have only been a soldier for seven years. I walked on the plateau for seven years.

It has really been 12 years, that is the old Zhao next to me. Master Zhao retired from the army last year after 12 years of service. "

Ye Ming said with great satisfaction: "I will be shooting a commercial tomorrow and need the help of two very experienced drivers.

So let me ask, is it okay to drive Mercedes-Benz's heavy-duty truck? "

Master Zhao said with certainty: "No problem, I have also driven a large Mercedes-Benz truck.

Lao Li has no problem. He has repaired a Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty truck for two years. That machine is really needed. Pretty awesome for a big truck. "

Anyone who can drive a large, heavy-duty truck is already a pretty remarkable person. But if it can be cultivated, this is even more remarkable.

Sometimes, what can be opened may not be repairable, especially for large heavy trucks like books.

At this time, Ye Mingcai said with great satisfaction: "Okay, with two masters helping me, I think this advertisement will be shot smoothly.

By the way, today the Mercedes-Benz company has said that it will send two large trucks to our designated school. This afternoon I hope that Master Zhao and Master Li will go to the school to get familiar with these two cars.

After all, this is the latest model of Mercedes-Benz, which was only released in 2003, so he may not be familiar with some parts. You two should get familiar with it first.

We'll start shooting tomorrow. Therefore, it will be beneficial for you to get familiar with it as soon as possible for tomorrow's shooting.

And you should focus on practicing the feeling when two large trucks are backing up side by side.

So as for the cost issue, I think Sister Fang Fang has already told you, it’s two thousand yuan a day, start counting the money from now on, if the advertising is done well, everyone will have a red envelope, ok now please Let the two masters go to school to get familiar with each other.

By the way, when the time comes, the two drivers from Mercedes-Benz will just ask them to prepare, and then let them go back. These people are also here to help, so it doesn't look good. "

When Master Zhao and Master Li were about to leave, Ye Ming suddenly stopped them and said, "By the way, Master Zhao, why don't you wait a moment, I have a question to tell you.

Well, this is the situation for the commercial we are going to shoot tomorrow.

Two large Mercedes-Benz trucks were reversing side by side, and during the process of reversing, the two large trucks gradually separated. The most important point was that I would stand at the front of the two large trucks.

To create a big truck on top of the car. Then, who told you two to ride until you gradually go backwards and separate? My body will slowly separate. At the end, I will do the splits into a horse, and when I do the splits, the two of you will With a car, there is no need to change direction.

Just move backwards at a constant speed, so I hope that at this time, you two can go back and get familiar with this feeling. "

At this time, Wang Baoqiang suddenly thought of a question, and immediately thought about it and said: "Boss, why do you think of such an idea? This kind of effort is very crazy. If nothing else, how can two cars Cooperation and whether it is safe for you up there are important considerations.

There is no need to promote it here. Anyway, Hollywood's special effects are already very good, and the special effects of our brilliant film and television are also good enough to look real.

After all, your advertisement is too dangerous, and I don’t think you are suitable to participate in such an advertisement shoot. "

correct! One of the advertising ideas that Ye Ming came up with this time was the great split.

In 2013, Volvo asked Mr. Jean-Claude Van Damme to shoot a classic advertisement.

Maybe not many people remember the official name of this advertisement, but this advertisement has a very famous name, called The Great Split.

Even in a country like China, where publicity is basically zero, this great pizza advertisement has attracted the attention of many people and is known as one of the century-old advertising classics.

Countless advertisements are born every year, and one of them can become a century-old classic advertising case. This shows how creative this advertisement is.

Ye Ming said with great certainty: "Sister Fang Fang, don't worry, I know this matter well.

This advertisement should have something to do with our Fast and Furious. After all, it is all about cars. Moreover, I believe this advertisement is a very great advertisement and will definitely cause a sensation. When the time comes, it will have a great impact on our Fast and Furious. Promotion is also very helpful.

Moreover, after Mercedes-Benz sees this advertisement, if it does not make efforts to promote this advertisement, I will take your last name. A great advertisement can touch people's hearts, so this network can definitely make Mercedes-Benz crazy.

If I hadn't been able to often do some crazy things, you would think that the boss of Mercedes-Benz would think that the 1000 trillion advertisement, this advertisement, is worth signing up for.

Don't be stupid, the people in charge of Mercedes-Benz are not fools, they are smart.

As for the issue of safety, you can rest assured. I have already thought about it very clearly. We will take all kinds of protective measures when the time comes, and I have found two such good drivers who have walked on the Plateau Road. kind of driver.

I believe that Master Zhao and Master Li will complete this mission very well, so don't you still believe in my Kung Fu? And when the time comes, there will be Weiya. Renting a helicopter won’t be the end of it. "

Then no one can deny the greatness of Jean-Claude Van Damme. One of Hollywood's action superstars, a classic veteran star.

But when he was filming this Volvo commercial, he must have done a very good job in safety.

Ye Ming also has this kind of personality. If he doesn't do it, he won't do it, but if he does it, he must do his best. Therefore, at this time, he was still a little worried.

I drove directly to the driving school. Regarding Ye Ming's arrival, the driving school has received a confidential call. The principal of this driving school is a die-hard fan of Ye Ming. Of course he was very excited when he heard that his idol could come from here. He even offered to rent the venue. All fees were waived, and the school, which had been closed for three days, came to greet Ye Ming in person.

Speaking of which, this principal is actually not an outsider.

Principal Wang’s mother’s surname is Fang. That is the eldest sister in the family. This eldest sister stayed in the mainland during liberation.

The second and third eldest children at home followed their parents to Hong Kong.

There was no news for decades, and we only got in touch later.

Where is Sister Fang Fang’s father? Last time, Jia Ming's second child was also the only male in the family. What about the third child? It’s Fang Yihua.

Ms. Fang, the Empress Dowager from the wireless station. Speaking of which, Principal Wang and Sister Fang Fang. They are cousins.

First cousins.

Since you have your own acquaintances here, of course you should use your own acquaintances.

Principal Wang also knows how powerful Ye Ming is, the superstar in the Asia-Pacific region!

It can be said that the films shot by Ye Ming are popular in the Asia-Pacific region.

Even in Hollywood, the movies produced by Ye Ming are very influential.

At least based on his temporary performance, Ye Ming is considered to be near the top of the list in Hollywood.

If this Fast and Furious movie is really successful, then Ye Ming will definitely be able to stabilize his position in Hollywood, and it is not impossible to hit the 20 million salary club.

If you invite a big star to come to your school, of course you have to treat him well.

What's more, Principal Wang himself is a fan of Ye Ming. When his idol comes, how can he not give him good treatment?

After the mooncakes arrived, the gongs and drums were noisy and firecrackers were blasting, just like celebrating the New Year. This battle was very big, and I really thought that it was very honorable to be greeted at the door by the headmaster who brought me to school.

Young Master Ye Ming had to get out of the car and came to chat with Principal Wang! That's also a breach of etiquette, which is bad. It's like seeing Sister Feng's face, no matter what, you have to come down to entertain her.

Principal Wang held Ye Ming's hand very excitedly and said, "It's a great honor for Mr. Ye to come to our school. The school is full of glory, and the quality of our school has improved a lot!"

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