Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,736 The ban on rune weapons is lifted

Ye Ming took out his mobile terminal and said: "Actually, from the beginning, I was thinking about where the Black Gold Company's boundary ship was going.

However, after all, because there is relatively little information, it is impossible to really think about the outcome of this problem. But now that I got a mobile terminal, this time I naturally said that I would find out where the Black Gold Company's boundary ship had arrived. "

The Black Gold Company is famous, so of course there is no problem with being notorious.

The boundary ship is actually just one of the many businesses of Black Gold Company.

As a reporter, naturally I will understand it very well.

The camera immediately raised a question: "Isn't it said that the channel is unstable and the boundary ship has stopped operating? Why can the Black Gold Company's boundary ship still appear in the opposite world?"

Ye Ming opened the mobile terminal, and it also showed a place where many people gathered. These people were the players who participated in the Beiman Mountain Ruins Trial. More importantly, these people were all near the boundary ship.

The boundary ship also has a positioning system, and the location can be determined through a mobile terminal. Once the two are mixed together, there will definitely be some unexpected consequences.

Ye Ming pondered for a while and said: "Some news I got is that there are some treasures handed down from ancient times in the Beiman Mountain ruins. I haven't found out exactly what they are, but they are indeed treasures handed down from ancient times.

But these treasures are at the core of the Beimang Mountain ruins.

There is a formation in this position, which is actually a way to bind the source energy with specific runes. But this method was very popular in ancient times and was called formation. Zhuge Liang's Eight Formation Diagram is actually a similar formation.

The formation in Beimang Mountain is an offensive formation. Although it is a passive attack, there will be no big danger to you if you don't go in. But if you want to get the treasure, you need to crack it. Formation. The most effective way to break the formation is to use blood stains. Ancient blood sacrifice is always the simplest and crudest method to break the formation.

Therefore, I suspect that the Black Gold Company wants to use the people on the boundary ship to perform blood sacrifices." What exactly is the Black Gold Company's boundary ship like?

Mo Fei frowned and said with some worry: "If this matter also involves Black Gold Company, then the matter will be more difficult to handle.

However, this style is indeed the style of the Black Gold Company. After all, this is a company that started out in the underworld. Even now, it is at best half whitewashed. They can indeed do this kind of blood sacrifice. But it is also because they are whitewashing themselves. If they dare to arrest a large number of people to perform blood sacrifices in the new world, it will offend the public, and no one will allow this to happen.

But if something like this happened in your world, there would be no problem, and no one would stand up for the people in your world. "

Could it be that such words are very serious? It means that even if the people on these boundary ships die, no one will redress their grievances and avenge them.

The cameraman on the side argued with some indignation: "How can there be such a result? Black Gold Company."

But the cameraman thought about the domineering style of Black Gold Company in the New World, and he did not continue to count, but finally said comfortingly: "Fortunately, if you die in this ruins, you will be resurrected. This is a blessing among misfortunes.”

However, just when the cameraman felt that something like this was a blessing, Mo Fei immediately said firmly: "Resurrection? This kind of result is limited by the relics, which means that we only have hope of resurrection in marginal areas. Here After all, it is the ruins of Beiman Mountain. Therefore, it is impossible for the intelligent host of the Seven Star Alliance to take care of such a problem in the central area.

In other words, if you die there, you will really die. Blood sacrifice is not as simple as you think. The blood, body, spiritual thoughts, etc. will all be absorbed. The methods of ancient formations are definitely more terrifying than you think. Ye Ming, you can't control this matter. At least a master from the Seven Star Alliance can possibly control it. But within the ruins of Beiman Mountain, only Silver level awakened ones can enter.

If gold level masters or even higher level masters want to come in, they will be suppressed to silver level.

Therefore, something like this is more complicated than you think. If you want to be a hero, you must be prepared to fail, and the chance of failure is very high.

Not everyone has the courage to confront the Black Gold Company. "The Black Gold Company is a behemoth. It is a very influential consortium in the new world. Its influence is spread across all walks of life. If anyone dares to touch the interests of the Black Gold Company, the result will definitely be very tragic. of.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, this matter is nothing. If it were not in the Beimang Mountain ruins, I would not go to fight against the Black Gold Company stupidly. They killed more people than the people in their company. There are many. If gold turns black, it is dyed with blood. This should be a famous saying of Black Gold Company.

However, in the Beimang Mountain ruins, I believe I can still do what I should do. Now go deal with Duanmu Kai and his gang. "

I didn't see Ye Ming doing anything else. He was just walking around the mountain, seemingly looking around at the scenery.

The cameraman said with some confusion: "Boss Mo, what is this boy Ye Ming doing? It seems that he doesn't take people like Duanmu Kai into his heart at all. If these geniuses of the new world are really mobilized, then There is no problem in taking care of Ye Ming."

Mo Fei shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "I really don't know about this, but this guy Ye Ming actually said that he wants to fight even the Black Gold Company. If he can't deal with young people like Duanmu Kai at this time, Then there is no need to deal with those ruthless characters from Black Gold Company."

Not long after, Ye Ming came back and sat down directly to open the mobile terminal. At this time, a message on the Internet caught his attention.

It was posted by netizen Lao Fuzi [The restrictions on rune weapons in Beimang Mountain ruins have been lifted. What kind of rhythm is this? Bullying Ye Ming for not having rune weapons, right? 】

Netizen Hai Pili commented: "This matter is actually very simple. Someone has complained. Look at the people who entered the Beimang Mountain ruins, such as Ji Renjie, Duanmu Kai, and Bai Wenhao. Yes. Well, there is also Shi Aotian. These genius families are all rich and powerful. If you appeal, the restrictions will naturally be lifted. 】

Netizen I am very annoyed [Ye Ming also confiscated the rune weapon. Of course it is the primary form of the rune weapon. The violent double blade is not a very good rune weapon. Just sit back and watch the show. 】

Mo Fei reminded: "Ye Ming, it has been said on the platform that the restrictions on rune weapons in the Beiman Mountain ruins have been lifted. This is not good news for you.

Ji Renjie and Duanmukai will definitely bring in more than one rune weapon. "

In comparison like this, Ye Ming was not at a disadvantage.

Ye Ming, however, waved his hand and said indifferently: "Don't think about absolute fairness at any time. Some people are born to be the heirs of billionaires, and some are born to suffer in slums. There is no comparison at all. Sex and origin cannot be changed, but one's own destiny can be changed. So what if rune weapons can be used.

I don't believe that they can make a big difference. When the time comes, they will be convinced that they have lost. Reporter Mo, basically there is no problem now. You can turn on the camera. "

Because at this time Ye Ming looked at the mobile terminal and saw that the big fish finally started to come.

Mo Fei gave the camera a gesture, and the camera naturally turned on the camera quickly. Then Mo Fei said very excitedly: "Dear viewers, let everyone wait for a long time. At this time, the show is about to begin. Please lock in the first one." The three live broadcasts are waiting for a fight between dragons and tigers. Ye Ming is now waiting for work, waiting for his opponent to appear. Let me tell you, for this reason, he actually gave up hunting biological beasts just now, let us interview him. "

At this time, Could it be possible to walk over and ask: "Classmate Ye Ming, I want to ask you a question. In order to pass the assessment of the Seven Star Alliance in the Beiman Mountain ruins, according to regulations, at least seven biological beasts must be hunted. But you have not done it yet , that is to say, you just hunted a biochemical beast, so in such a situation, wouldn't you worry that you would not be able to pass the exam?"

"This problem will not arise. According to the results, I will definitely enter the Seven Star Alliance. As for whether it is the top ten or the top three, this is what I need to worry about." Ye Ming said firmly and confidently. : "Although I didn't hunt the biochemical beasts, there are people who are busy hunting the biochemical beasts. Ji Renjie and Duanmu Kai are all acquaintances of me. I think that when the time comes, I can borrow the source power beads of their biochemical beasts. , it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

A moment ago, Ye Ming was talking about fighting Duanmu Kaiji Renjie in front of the camera, but now he has immediately become a good friend. Such a change in attitude really makes people feel... A little bit uneasy.

Couldn't Ye Ming be crushed by the strong mental pressure and now he is talking nonsense?

However, such an answer is indeed eye-catching. Until now, Ye Ming insists that he can enter the Seven Star Alliance. The question is actually whether he can enter with the top ten results, or the top three results.

This is not ordinary confidence. Moreover, the audience also likes to see Ye Ming bragging here. Could it be that he immediately asked: "Isn't there a conflict between you and Duanmu Kaiji Renjie?

Will they obediently lend you the Origin Power Beads they hunted? "This is suspected of collaborating with the enemy. It seems impossible for such a thing to happen.

Duanmukai and Ji Renjie are not fools, so they would foolishly help Ye Ming?

Obviously, netizens believe that this is just a tease by Ye Ming. It is not Ye Ming's confidence at all, but a tease of his enemies.

Ye Ming immediately said with a smile: "This is definitely possible. What kind of friendship do we have? If there is anything we can't do, you will know when the time comes. Ji Renjie and the others will definitely do this, but now Ji Renjie and Duanmukai It should be coming soon.

As for these two people, one has the rune weapon Infinity Blade, and the other has Pure Sky. They are not easy to deal with. I have to make preparations. "

After saying that, Ye Ming left without looking back. He said he was going to prepare, but in fact he was still walking around on the mountain. No one knew why Ye Ming felt that walking around meant that he was preparing for a battle.

At this moment, he could have seen Ji Renjie and Duanmu Kai walking slowly over. Of these two people, Ji Renjie holds the Pure Sky, and Duanmu Kai holds the Endless War Blade. It's actually the kind of state of being ready to go.

Could it be that from the cautious attitude of these two people, it can be seen that these two people have suffered losses at the hands of Ye Ming. Therefore, when facing Ye Ming now, they will definitely be prepared first. From the fact that these two people took out their rune weapons early, it can be seen clearly that these two people are very afraid of Ye Ming.

At this moment, Mo Fei suddenly faced the camera and said: "I don't know if Ye Ming was drinking when he came, he was so confident.

Okay, now Ji Renjie and Duanmu Kai have arrived, and the battle will start at any time. Please lock the third channel and don't miss the exciting battle. "

Online, the old master is now Ye Ming's staunch supporter [I will accept Ye Ming's stubborn attitude of refusing to admit defeat, give me two cups of Pure Life, I can make you doubt your life. Ye Mingjue came here because of drinking. It was a buffer period just now, and he should be high now. 】

Netizen Laozi said very annoyingly [From a probability perspective, Ye Ming has at most a 10% chance of making a comeback. But in terms of self-confidence, I would give Ye Ming nine points. One point less is because he is afraid of being proud. 666. 】

Netizen Hai Pili cynically said: "What kind of era is this now? This is an era where poverty is laughed at but not prostitution. The rich and powerful have everything." I hope Ye Ming can turn things around and show them that even a poor family can produce a noble son. 】

Anyway, now on the platform of Channel 3, there are still a lot of people supporting Ye Ming, which makes Mo Fei feel gratified.

Now Channel 3's ratings are firmly in second place, and it's hard to watch the first one.

As for Channel 5, it has been suppressed to death.

At least until the results of Ye Ming's confrontation with Duanmu Kai and the others come out, the ratings should be very stable.

As for whether the ratings will rise or fall, it depends on whether Ye Ming can achieve an earth-shattering victory in this action, or whether he will be completely defeated by Ji Renjie Duanmukai.

The winner takes all, this is the cruel reality.

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