Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1705: Awakening? Heroes of King of Glory

Ye Ming was attacked by Luban No. 7, so he naturally refused to give up. Even if it was reincarnation or something, he could not be brought out of the two-dimensional world of Dream of Red Mansions, but without these equipment, Ye Ming was also a veteran of the King of Heroes.

He immediately wanted to summon the hero Li Bai and kill him directly. Although the distance is so far, what he is facing is Luban No. 7, the short-legged one in the King of Glory.

Moreover, Li Bai's displacement and other movements are very fast. Therefore, it is not easy for Luban No. 7 to deal with Li Bai with the knowledge.

Therefore, Ye Ming directly tried to summon Li Bai, but it was useless.

He turned into a golden light and flew away, heading straight for Luban No. 7. At this moment, Luban No. 7 was also shocked. Ye Ming was too vigilant. How could he quickly lock himself in this situation?

At this moment, Ye Ming had not walked far, about a hundred meters away, when he felt weak all over. His eyes turned black for a while, and he almost fell down from exhaustion.

This surprised Ye Ming, and Luban No. 7 saw this situation and ran away directly. Ye Ming sat aside a little depressed, speechless. Why?

A beautiful police officer came over. After seeing Ye Ming, she asked unceremoniously in a cold tone: "Some unusual things happened here just now. Did you notice what happened?"

Ye Ming replied angrily: "Comrade police, my car was struck by lightning for no reason. Is this an abnormal situation? I was about to call the police, but you came, so I didn't have to call the police. This is a big deal. It was during the day and there was no thunderstorm, but suddenly my car seemed to have been struck by lightning, and I wanted to ask what happened."

The beautiful police officer looked at her watch. A flash of blue light flashed, and a screen appeared in the void. Countless data appeared densely. She quickly checked the surrounding situation, feeling a little confused in her heart. She clearly felt that there was someone here just now. The energy fluctuates, but after taking a look at the car not far away, it seems that it is really the power of thunder and lightning?

At that moment, the beautiful police officer said: "In that case, wait a moment and my colleague will make a record for you. Also, don't leave the local area in the past two days. The police will come to you at any time to understand the situation." Ye Ming said curiously : "Comrade police, what is going on? I was driving so well, but this is like a disaster falling from the sky."

The beautiful policeman didn't say much, but jumped into a police car on the side of the road and drove directly to the place where Benluban No. 7 appeared.

Because she checked the information and found that the energy fluctuations were the most powerful in the place where Luban No. 7 appeared just now. Therefore, there is no doubt about Ye Ming's side, thinking that this is the energy fluctuation caused by the explosion just now.

Ye Ming called a lawyer to come over and handle the matter here. Celebrities always have privileges. After the police asked about the situation, they made an on-site record, and the lawyer took care of the rest.

In such a situation, Ye Ming drove a car sent by the company and returned home directly. He asked with some doubts in his heart: "What on earth is going on? I use Li Bai, but It's very smooth, I'm the strongest bronze, but after using Li Bai, I fell down from exhaustion almost instantly, doesn't it make sense?"

The system said very rudely: "Of course it's a matter of energy. In real life, if you want to embody the characters, props, or even skills of King of Glory, you need energy support. No. Supernatural powers may appear out of nowhere. This is not Skynet or the two-dimensional world. This is the real world, so its use will be restricted.

And your opponent is also subject to this restriction. In fact, the Luban No. 7 just now has only one blow. Although the opponent is testing you, it doesn't mean that they have no better way, unless they use Luban No. 7. A hero with long-range attacks. Otherwise, if he attacks you at close range, you will easily be caught directly. Because even they only have the power of one blow. The key is the emergence of source particles in real society. "

Ye Ming frowned and said, "Source particle, what kind of ghost is this? Is there such a particle?"

The system said very definitely: "There must be, this is a kind of particle that will appear in future research. In the future, people discovered that in the early twenty-first century, there was a sudden and dramatic increase in source particles on the earth, which caused A major change in human society. Of course, this major change cannot be completed in a year or two, but requires a step-by-step process. On the earth, the increase of source particles also has a relatively slow process. "

Ye Ming immediately asked: "Source Particle, what on earth is it? You said it is so mysterious? Also, why is it called Source Particle? This is a bit strange. Source Particle, is the name a bit bloated? Why? They are not directly called king particles or emperor particles, but are called source particles?"

The system still replied calmly: "The source particle is also called the God Particle. In the West, it is called the God Particle. Anyway, it means the same thing. It is called the Source Particle because this particle is very special. Magic, when gathered together, can produce supernatural abilities. When it reaches the most powerful place, it can move mountains and seas.

It's very mysterious anyway. Even in the future, no scientist can say that they can thoroughly study the source particles. And the more important point is that once the source particles are awakened, then the awakened person will have the superpowers of the heroes in King of Glory, such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder and lightning, wind, and other magical powers. ability.

Of course, if given the opportunity, the awakened person can also practice skills. The skills of King of Glory do not mean that they cannot appear in real life. Just like the Luban No. 7 encountered by the host ambushes you, that is the embodiment of the skills of Luban No. 7 in Honor of Kings. Meta-particles are the source of all abilities and the basis for the existence of all abilities.

Therefore, this particle was finally named the source particle. "

The emergence of this kind of super particles will give people the opportunity to target the stage of the sea of ​​stars, superpowers, target the sea of ​​stars, the source of all superpowers.

This is a considerable reason why source particles are recognized.

Ye Ming immediately said: "Have the source particles been discovered now?"

The system replied with certainty: "No, definitely not, but now source particles have begun to affect this society. You can read some news on the Internet, especially news about some strange people and strange things. Many of them are An awakened person who has awakened superpowers under the influence of source particles."

Ye Ming checked similar news online and found that there were indeed a lot of similar news online. For example, a bank's vault in the UK was stolen. Strangely, the suspect was in a residential house across the street. He dug a hole directly to the bottom of the large vault, and then while the vault guards were changing shifts, he directly stole 30 million pounds in cash and a large amount of gold and jewelry from the vault.

Ye Ming looked at the news and said, "Is this also a case done by people who have awakened superpowers?"

The system replied: "What is not reported in the news is that the bank's vault is built on a mountain, which means that the underground of the vault is made of hard rocks. He is a bronze-level primary awakener who has awakened the ability of rocks. It was done by one person. This idiot thought he had awakened superpowers, so he dared to provoke the police, and he was immediately caught.

He never thought that the police would ignore the awakening of such a superpower.

Will the government just ignore it? Officials have already come to deal with similar matters. It's like saying the first female police officer you met today is the same. "

Ye Ming frowned and said: "Bronze level? The grading of King of Glory. Could it be said that the awakening of this super power uses the grading of King of Glory?"

The system still responded mechanically: "Do you think that a popular game like Honor of Kings will not have an official background? In fact, it is like this all over the world. It uses various methods to slowly let the public understand it. It accepts source particles and accepts the existence of awakened beings. For example, in the game Honor of Kings, on the Internet you say that I am bronze, silver, or even the strongest king. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Of course there is nothing wrong with this. Honor of Kings is called a hit game and a phenomenon-level game. It is not just for nothing. It is called the King of Pesticide for a certain reason.

You don’t have to be obsessed with it, but if you want to chat with your friends, then playing two games of King of Kings will help you talk more to each other. Ye Ming thought for a while and said: "Then there are also official people who manage these awakened people. When everyone talks about bronze, silver, and skills on the Internet, there will be nothing wrong with it, right?"

The system answered very definitely: "That's right. Awakening is actually just the first step. The source particle is a universal particle with infinite possibilities. It can allow people to awaken any ability, such as lightning, lightning, power, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc." Ability.

Everything is possible. Theoretically speaking, any person or creature can awaken source particles and become an awakener, which means that anyone can awaken and become the kind of hero in King of Glory.

But in fact, there are certain restrictions on awakened people. Most people are unable to awaken source particles, and even people with potential awakening physiques can only awaken under certain conditions. As for what abilities are awakened, It's hard to say.

For example, this British bank robber awakened with the ability of earth-type rocks. Otherwise, do you think he could have this ability by himself, punch through the mountain, and steal all the money from the bank vault? "

Ye Ming glanced at the Internet and said: "There is news in China that a young man chased eight gangsters through three streets and was finally taken away by the police. Is this person also the one who has awakened the source particles? "

The system replied: "Yes, this young man should have awakened as a bronze awakener of the power type, but he has just awakened himself. Otherwise, he would have been able to deal with those eight gangsters in less than half a minute, and there would be no need to chase three streets." . There are a lot of similar news on the Internet recently, and this is just a subtle way for everyone to accept it. However, awakening is just a starting point, not even a starting point, at most it is a reserve qualification.

Therefore, the road to host you is long and arduous. If you do not reach a certain height within a certain period of time, you are destined to become a stepping stone for the strongest kings. If you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent person. This is a huge opportunity for improvement for people on earth, but at the same time, it is also a huge disaster for people on earth. If you can pass it, you can reach the stars in the sea; if you can't pass it, you can only become a stepping stone for others. I hope people on earth will not waste this opportunity again. "

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment and said: "If we waste more, could it be said that similar things have happened before?"

The system was silent for a moment and then said: "Life on earth has had two such opportunities before. One was in the Triassic and Jurassic era of dinosaurs. That was the first time life on earth had a chance to rush out, but in the end It failed. The second time was the so-called mythical age in human history."

Ye Ming immediately asked curiously: "Do dinosaurs also have this opportunity? There is no record in history? You won't fool me, right?"

The system immediately struck mercilessly and said: "Without the source particles, do you think the dinosaurs could have grown to that size at that time?

It is simply impossible. Therefore, in fact, in that era, dinosaurs had a chance to dominate the galaxy, but they failed in the end. "

Ye Ming immediately said with great interest: "What is the mythical age of mankind?"

The system explained: "The creation of man by God in the West, Noah's Ark, the legend of Atlantis, Nuwa patching up the sky in the East, Kua Fu Zhu Sun, the list of gods, and even Journey to the West and the Eight Immortals crossing the sea are all legends from the mythical age. , basically the age of mythology came to an abrupt end in the Song Dynasty of China, and in Liaozhai, it was just a sporadic continuation of the age of mythology.

Later, the age of mythology completely ended, and mankind had modern civilization. And this time is the third chance for life on earth, perhaps the last. If it fails this time, the earth will completely become a battlefield for others.

The explosion of source particles and the emergence of the awakened ones are this opportunity for huge change. If we seize it, human beings will be able to star in the sea. If we fail to seize it, the entire earth and the entire solar system may become a stage for others to compete for hegemony. "

Ye Ming was speechless for a while, and finally said: "The emergence of the awakened ones should bring huge changes to human society, right?"

The system said with great certainty: "This is inevitable. Of course, the official has a great advantage. After all, the official knew about this earlier, prepared earlier, and has the most resources. Changes are gradual. Process, but this process has already begun. The host’s entertainment empire dream also needs to be prepared early. Only the host can have huge power, have the right to speak, and build a huge entertainment empire.”

[The morning fog locks the vast sky, the fallen leaves are all yellow, the wind blows the color of the hometown, and the autumn moon is covered with frost. --Autumn Moon Night】

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