Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1691: People who appear and enter the drama

After listening to Ye Ming's words, Chen Xiaoxu also felt that they had a sense of superiority. Anyway, they should be enough to deceive people. At that moment, she was also curious and said: "When I read those poems, can you guarantee that my second personality will appear?"

Ye Ming thought for a while, and finally said rather uncertainly: "This is not necessarily true, but at least it will be helpful to the formation of this second personality.

The old saying goes that after reading a book a hundred times, its meaning will appear. This is basically the truth. In short, it won’t do you any harm to read more poetry or something like that.

The cultivation of the second personality cannot be achieved in a day or two. It must be done slowly, so you should not be so impatient. It does not mean that if you read 300 Tang poems today, you will be a great poet tomorrow. There will be one in the middle. The process of subtle influence requires slow accumulation, and the time for this accumulation is not necessarily certain. As for when to wait. Well, it's hard to say. This depends on the individual's talent. If it's quick, I'm afraid it will take half a month to a month, and there should be obvious changes.

Don’t worry, the director has invited so many teachers to prescribe the right medicine for you. Asking the teachers for advice should be helpful to you. The same goes for reading poetry. It is just to cultivate an emotion in your heart and awaken the second personality in you. .

This thing can't be done in a day or two. You don't have to be so nervous. And at the speed we are shooting, we have to wait for a day to shoot.

So you can wait slowly. Do you think the shooting can be completed in one or two days? I tell you it’s possible in two or three years, just wait. "

As for what Ye Ming said, it can be filmed in two or three years. Chen Xiaoxu and Deng Jie, etc., but they didn't take two or three years to film a TV series. What do you think?

Everyone thought Ye Ming was telling a joke.

They know their own affairs, and the second personalities of Deng Jie and Chen Jianyue have not yet been formed.

The cultivation of the second personality cannot be achieved in a day or two. It requires a step-by-step process. Therefore, after letting go of the burden, Chen Xiaoxu also became cheerful! Don't look at the sister Lin played by Chen Xiaoxu on TV, who is sad for spring and autumn, but in life, Chen Xiaoxu is a very lively person in private.

Chen Xiaoxu came out of his frown and said, "Where are we going to improve our lives tonight? Does the director not care about this?"

The management on the set is very strict. If you go out for half a day, you have to ask for leave.

Therefore, a few leading actors went out to improve their lives. Although it sounds reasonable and the food on the crew is not very good, if you want to go out, it seems not so easy for a whole group of people to go out.

What can't you say at this time? Suddenly a cheerful voice came from outside the door, saying: "Since you are going out to improve your life, you must find a good place. I looked at the restaurants in Moscow which are better. Those in the capital usually go there." Moscow restaurant, if we don’t go to Lao Mo once when we come to the capital, wouldn’t we be missing something?

Style, we also need to have style when we eat. After all, everyone is a cultural person now, so we can't go to street stalls. I think it would be better to go to Lao Mo. "

When Ye Ming heard this voice and tone, he knew it was Dongfang Wenying, and only people from the capital had so much nostalgia for Moscow restaurants.

Of course, it's not a restaurant. What place does it have among literary youths? Well, it seems to be a relatively high-level existence.

It seems that if you eat in a Moscow restaurant, the quality can go up, and you can also take into account humanistic feelings and so on.

Although the mutton steamed buns sold at Lao Mo Restaurant for 20 yuan each are not necessarily more delicious than the mutton steamed buns sold for two or three yuan outside, it may not even be better than the mutton steamed buns sold for two or three yuan each. a little better.

But what we ate this year is that style, and I guarantee that if you go this time, you’ll want to go again next time. "

Dongfang Wenying has never been there a few times, but he never forgets the environment there and so on! So when I heard that my friends wanted to improve their lives today, the first place I recommended was Moscow Restaurant.

At this moment, Ouyang Fenqiang followed behind and said: "What kind of place do you have? It sounds like a place where Lao Mo eats Western food? I want to tell you that you are not from the capital after all, so how can you treat the people of the capital? I’m not very familiar with the place, and I’m not very familiar with places like Moscow restaurants. I’ve also gone to Moscow restaurants, all over the capital, whether they’re in the literary and art circles or the naughty circles, they are all famous, high-end and atmospheric. Upgrade.

Dongfang Wenying introduced it with a smile: ""Mo% Si Ke Restaurant is known as Lao Mo. Many people like to go there. It is a place with more gatherings in the capital circle.

After all, Chen Xiaoxu is a literary young man at heart, and he still longs for the kind of unfettered freedom. He nodded and said: "I am in a Moscow restaurant. I seem to have heard someone mention it before."

It’s also good to go and have a look. "

Wenqing This is Wenqing, and he is seriously ill. He dares to follow the sound of wherever he has never been.

This is not something that ordinary people can do, and they did not sigh and said: "We are going to improve our lives, not to listen to concerts, symphonies, etc. The style should not be so high.

Now, you see, everyone knows that the living conditions of the crew are about the same, not to mention clear soup and lack of water. Therefore, everyone wants to change their lives when they go out, eat some meat and fish, and two hard dishes. You said you want to go to Moscow. It’s hard to say whether people can afford a place like a restaurant, not to mention the high cost. I can just say that it improves life. As for the dishes in Moscow restaurants, there is not even half a ounce of meat on a plate. What you eat is a feeling. It's just a style.

You said that when we go to Moscow restaurants, are we going to improve our lives? return

Did you change it to your own wallet? Let me see, we still need to find another place to eat and drink well. This is our theme today, instead of saying that we must go to a high-end and classy place. Thinking of this, Sister Zheng also followed suit and said, "Yes." Yeah, food is the most important thing. If you can't have enough to eat after spending so much money, what are we going to do?

As for the others? Let's go, let's go out and improve our lives, not to pretend to be stylish, so eating well is the most important thing, I will also change a place for everyone. "

Deng Jie is also the kind of person who is very frugal at heart, and to be honest, everyone’s living expenses are not very high. Even though Deng Jie has never been to a place like Moscow Restaurant, she knows from listening to this place that the cost is There must be quite a few.

Therefore, he also echoed: "It's best to find a more affordable place. Now the crew has not really opened up for filming. We still have the opportunity to go out and relax ourselves. If we wait until the filming is in full swing, we can find a place It’s not easy to go out and get together, it’s really like an ascetic life.”

Dongfang Civilization looked at Deng Jie and found that they were not willing to go to a place like Lao Mo, so naturally they had to listen to everyone.

The minority obeys the majority.

At that moment Dongfang Wenying greeted: "Okay, okay, please hand over the money quickly and bring your money. It's five yuan per person. If you give me five yuan, you should have a good meal."

Sister Deng immediately said loudly: "Five yuan Dongfang, you are robbing me. What is the difference between this and robbery?"

How much does our daily living expenses cost? You want five dollars, so you might as well kill me. "

While talking, Deng Jie also clutched his little box tightly.

Some of Deng Jie's hard-earned money is in this small box.

Of course, he understood the character of his good sister very well. At the moment, Dongfang Wenying said unceremoniously: "Deng is stingy. I say you are stingy but you still don't admit it. You are the most saved person in the whole crew, and you have everything to eat and drink." , I’ve basically never seen you go out to buy anything. You’ve been in the set all day long, so it’s only 10 or 20 cents, do you think that’s enough?”

Ye Ming stopped and said, "Five yuan is indeed a bit more. If you go out to improve your life, you won't get that much. Let's take two yuan. If everyone takes two yuan, they should be able to have a good meal. Dongfang, you go first Count how many people are going and charge one.

Those who want to go will gather together when the time comes, and those who don’t want to go can stay at home as they please. "

Two yuan per person is actually very good.

The standard of living at that time was very low, so Dongfang Wenying nodded in agreement and said, "It's only two yuan. You guys should pay first, and you can all go, right?" Two yuan each, bring the money first.”

In fact, every crew must have an enthusiastic person. Oriental people are that kind of enthusiastic people, like a small leader.

Ye Ming was very happy and took out the money directly and gave it to Dongfang.

Ouyang was also prepared. He directly gave Dongfang Wenying two yuan, which was a very straightforward person.

Chen Xiaoxu took out a book, took out a brand new two yuan bill and handed it over.

Still a little worried at the moment, he said jokingly: "Butler, you have to watch the money carefully. It's up to you whether you want to eat water or meat tonight.

If you lose it, I'll give it to the hotel and we'll come back. "

Dongfang Wen responded unceremoniously: "You should underestimate the trump card. If you dare to touch the money in my hand, you won't be able to kill them."

Sure enough, looking at Dongfang Wenying's tone of voice, he looks like a small leader and a warm-hearted person.

Deng Jie opened her little box with some sadness at this time, but she felt quite distressed.

But everyone is basically going to go. If she doesn't go, it will be unreasonable, and she will be slowly excluded from this small circle.

Sure enough, everyone watched Deng Jie open her little box. Here are some of the money she saved,

Deng Jie was seen frowning in pain, but he still took out two yuan and gave it over, saying, "Okay, isn't it just two yuan? It's not like I haven't been out before.

You have to eat whatever you want tonight, you can't waste these two dollars. "

Anyway, after hearing what Deng Jie said, she really felt sorry for the two dollars. This was also due to her personality.

Dongfang Wenying comforted Deng Jie and said, "Don't worry, Deng Jie, I'm very familiar with the place here. I promise to take you to a good place."

Ye Ming looked at it and said: "It's still early in this weather. Let's see who is going to that house. Let's make statistics and settle the matter early. By the way, where is Ma Guangru? He walked around a lot when he went back and forth. Why didn't he look at it? Are you coming to Ma Guangru? How about calling him over today?"

As for Ma Guangru, he is not very gregarious in the crew. Anyway, he always has a kind of aloof temperament. Maybe it is because he has played the male lead in his own troupe for a long time, so he has that cold temperament. Anyway, He looked like he was repelling people thousands of miles away.

Maybe Ma Guangru himself doesn't want to do this, but in fact, he still has this kind of arrogance in his heart.

Therefore, almost the entire crew can get along well.

Ma Guangru, because of his personality, cannot say how many friends he made on the set.

This is actually the beginning of the crew, and everyone is not very familiar with it. Most of them are in the running-in stage, and only a few talkative people such as Ye Ming are relatively familiar with it.

Ma Guangru is the kind of person who is relatively rejected by everyone.

But after all, he is also a member of his own crew. Although it is Ma Guangru's own fault for saying such things, it is not good to always exclude him.

Ouyang, who came with Dongfang Wenying, hesitated and said, "It seems that I haven't seen him in the past two days. Moreover, Xiao Ma's mood doesn't seem to be very good. He has a gloomy face all day long, as if he is someone else's. It's the same as owing him 500 yuan.

Ye Mingxiang wanted to say: "Ma Guangru is here for Jia Baoyu.

But now, due to some combination of circumstances, he didn't succeed. He only got a supporting role, which was not the same as what he had in mind. Therefore, he may be a little unbalanced in his heart. This means he didn't get out of the drama. I heard In the troupe, Ma Guangru plays Jia Baoyu, so she is very dedicated to the role of Jia Baoyu. If she doesn't step out of this role, it will be difficult for him to adapt to the supporting role.

Forget it, this is a problem that the director is worried about. Maybe he needs to clear his head and think about how he should perform this role, and let's improve his life.

We will wait until he comes back to talk about the rest. After all, we are a group and we always have to be concerned about it. If he cannot figure out the role well, it will have a certain impact on us. "

Since Ma Guangru is not here, everyone seems to feel that the atmosphere has become much more relaxed.

After all, if Ma Guangru, a person who is not very gregarious, is here, if you don't call him, he must be saying in his heart that you look down on me, right? Why don't you call me when we go to have a drink together?

But if you call him, he will always look so embarrassed no matter what. He is arrogant and unsociable.

[The autumn wind does not understand the meaning of Jiangnan, and the leaves are covered with white frost all night. Unexpectedly, where did the brocade book come from? I sighed to the bright moon in the sky - Qiu Si 6]

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