Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,646 Ring of Glory

[The white frost falls on an autumn night, and the moonlight is thin in front of the window. The cold wind is blowing the chrysanthemums, who are you talking to - Autumn Night]

The crew officially started shooting the next day. Before shooting, Ye Ming was called over by the director and said, "Xiaoye, I'll give you something. If you do this, even if you enter the scene, you will be able to quickly enter the world of Red Mansions." Go inside, a place like this is crueler than you think, the jungle is the strongest. If you don’t eat others, others will eat you. Take it."

Ye Ming took it and saw that it was a ring. It was like a white jade ring. It looked very delicate. It was decorated with a dragon pattern and was engraved with two seal script words. However, the words were blurry. I can’t understand what it is. But look at this shape, does it look familiar? Glory ring? An exclusive ring for the King of Glory championship. Let me go, who is Director Wang? He is a guide. Does he have this kind of thing?

At this time, Ye Ming suddenly said a little strangely: "Director, what kind of prop is this? Don't I already have a psychic gem? What is the use of this thing?"

Director Wang said with a smile: "Of course it is useful to give it to you, otherwise, what would you do with me as a guide? I don't plan to go in anyway, so some things are just names for me. Yes, this thing should be used properly by you, otherwise, it will be a little troublesome when the time comes.

I remember that the Witch Clan was reborn, gained glory, cultivated souls and attained enlightenment, and changed fate against the will of heaven. This is the purpose of the Witch Clan refining the Ring of Glory. "

Ye Ming saw that the ring took on the shape of a cute shield, and the more it opened, the more it looked like a ring of glory. At this time, he felt more and more that this was an overall situation, a shocking conspiracy that was difficult to detect. It's a pity that there is no complaint hotline for Tianmei now. Otherwise, we could call them and harass these profiteers. What on earth are they doing?

After getting the ring and wearing it on his hand, it actually fit perfectly. This made Ye Ming feel very strange. This ring was not an ordinary thing. It was impossible to say that it would be very suitable for two people to wear it, but Ye Ming put it on himself. This ring really feels like it speaks to you.

The first scene of the shooting was the scene between Ye Ming and Deng Jie. This was the first scene in Dream of Red Mansions, so the entire crew took it very seriously. The director discussed the play with Ye Ming and Deng Jie over and over again, asking them how to move and what their facial expressions should be. He even said that Director Wang would sometimes demonstrate it himself.

At this moment, Director Wang looked at his watch and said, "Okay, Ye Ming, Deng Jie, you two, listen carefully. Remember everything I said. Don't be nervous, don't be tense, and enter the scene in a relaxed state."

Of course, Director Wang couldn't say that he was always talking to the two of them about the drama. He also walked over to say hello and said: "Xiao Li, Lao Zhang, go check and see how the various departments are preparing. The stage management is watching, don't let it go." Come here, if there is a problem, I will definitely not let you go."

After threatening, the cameraman Xiao Li quickly checked the camera, including the external power supply, and found that there was no major problem. At this time, he felt a little more relaxed. In this situation, the director is exactly When you are most nervous and ruthless, whoever dares to make the director unhappy for a moment at this time, then the director dares to make him unhappy for the rest of his life.

Anyway, just don’t bother the director for trivial matters. Now Director Wang is already a little worried. At this moment, Deng Jie was also very worried and said: "Xiaoye, why don't we review the lines again? I always feel that if I get nervous, I will forget all the lines. For this, it can also help me remember. "

Ye Ming nodded and said he had no objection to this. He picked up the script and opened a scene to be shot today and said: "There is no problem, but don't worry, Deng Jie. If there is any accident, Then I will try my best to help you get there. In the first scene, I also want to have a good result. Otherwise, the director will definitely not be able to spare me today.

Director Wang's requirements for me are the highest among the entire crew. When you people make sketches, even if there are some flaws, it doesn't matter much. But if it were me, then on such a problem, there might be a different result. "

Ye Ming's acting skills are the highest in the entire ending group, so the director has the highest requirements for him.

After reviewing the lines with Wang Xifeng, the director asked for the scene to be cleared. This may not be very important in modern dramas, but in costume dramas, it is a very important part.

For example, if a soda is drunk by an actor and put aside casually, if it is captured in the camera, then the entire camera will be considered scrapped. It's impossible for things like scripts to appear in the camera.

Therefore, Director Wang always clears the set every time he shoots a scene. Not only do the props and stage management have to clear the set, but the actors themselves must also check to prevent any modern items from appearing in the shot.

Ye Ming's scripts and other things were naturally collected by the staff of the props team. Now it was filming time. After the filming, someone would naturally return everyone's scripts to individuals.

And even when performing skits, Director Wang made such demands. Therefore, Ye Ming is actually not very resistant to this matter. Just get used to it.

The director said hello, and immediately the scene entered an intense stage of filming. This scene was the scene where the mother-in-law came to collect the sign while combing the Ningguo Mansion.

Original text [Sister Feng said: "When they came to collect it, you were still dreaming. Let me ask you, how early and late do you study at night?" Baoyu said: "I wish I could study today. It's just that they don't clean up the study quickly. There’s nothing we can do about it.”

Sister Feng said with a smile: "Please ask me to invite you, and I guarantee that it will be soon." Baoyu said: "You are of no use. When they should get there, they will be there." Sister Feng said: "Even if they do it, they have to ask for it." It’s difficult to hold things in check without me giving them the right cards.”

When Baoyu heard about it, he immediately asked Sister Feng for a card and said, "Good sister, give them a card so that they can pack their things." Sister Feng said, "My body hurts because of my fatigue. How can I tolerate you rubbing it like this? You Don't worry, I just received the paper today. They are waiting to be called for what they should ask for. Aren't they stupid?" Baoyu didn't believe it, so Sister Feng asked Caiming to check the book for him. 】

Basically, we just act according to this. In fact, both Deng Jie and Ye Ming have memorized this scene, and they just need to start shooting on site.

For a moment, the entire shooting scene entered a state of high tension. The mothers-in-law came up to collect the signs. At this time, there was nothing to do with Jia Baoyu. Wang Xifeng had to have a conversation with the mother-in-law first, and then elicited Jia Baoyu's words.

Therefore, Ye Ming could not say anything at first. Of course, he was now concentrating and entering into the drama. Just when Ye Ming felt that he should be the one to take the line, he suddenly felt that something was not right. At this time, something seemed to be wrong.

Therefore, he stood up suddenly and looked around curiously. The camera, lighting, Director Wang, and the crew are all right in front of us, so we can basically see them at a glance.

But now Ye Ming raised his head and looked at the whole room. There was nothing wrong with it being antique, but the mistake was that there were no staff at all at this time. There is only Wang Xifeng himself.

At this time, Ye Ming's actions made Wang Xifeng feel very surprised. Therefore, he hurriedly said: "Brother Bao, what are you doing? This is not the first time you have come here. I haven't seen you." I've been so curious. Compared to your room, although the second sister-in-law's room is a little simpler, it is still considered a good one in the house. Apart from other things, who asked the ancestors to love you, Brother Bao? "

The jade looks good, with red lips and white teeth, like a porcelain doll. I also have a good relationship with myself on weekdays. This is something Wang Xifeng himself deliberately maintains. Even if you touch or pinch her in private, it's just a joke. Moreover, now in his own room, who would dare to come over without being notified?

Even Jia Zheng, who could be considered an uncle, definitely had no intention of coming in without being informed by Ping'er. As for Ping'er's little prodigal hoof, I can't hide anything from her.

He just pretended that he didn't know that she and Jia Lian were hooking up, and he still wanted to refuse and welcome her. If he hadn't seen this girl being loyal, he would have dragged her out to match the boy.

At this time, Ye Ming felt something was wrong. He just said that he had just cared about where he was, but now he seemed to be obsessed with Sister Feng. One hand even pressed on the plump chest and squeezed it. For a moment, it's soft but feels very strong.

At this time, Ye Ming was stunned. He stood up and said, "I'm distracted. I'm distracted. Second sister-in-law, don't blame me."

Wang Xifeng got angry, rolled her eyes at Jia Baoyu and said, "Brother Bao, what are you saying? He has a thief's heart but not his courage. Seeing that Brother Bao is acting like this, it could mean that he has other things on his mind that he can't let go of."

Ye Ming let out a long sigh at this moment, looked at the strange but familiar room, and then looked at the glory ring in his hand. Good guy, there was no car accident, no thunder or rain, just like this.

Also, even if he came to the Red Mansion crew, it would be a bit inexplicable, and other things could naturally happen.

At this moment, Wang Xifeng could see something, and said with a smile: "Brother Bao is not worried about the glory test. Don't worry, even if brother Bao can't pass the glory test, he will definitely not do it if his ancestors are here." Let Brother Bao return empty-handed.

It's just that if you want to keep the name of this noble family, it's better to pass the glory test. Our Jia family has a much better advantage than others. This ring of glory has been passed down from our ancestors and has been enshrined in the ancestral hall since childhood. It is most consistent with the blood of our Jia family.

Your second brother has a miserable life. He just opened a one-star ordinary Lord's Glory Ring. Next, it's up to Brother Bao to bring glory to our Jia family. "

The amount of information contained in this is quite large. One is that this glory ring is a status symbol in this world, especially for nobles. Another thing is that Jia Lian has already tested the Ring of Glory.

Ye Ming glanced at Wang Xifeng and said, "Second sister-in-law hopes that I can get some results on the test."

At this time, Wang Xifeng was a little happy: "I am not the one who can call the shots. Not to mention me, even the current emperor does not have the ability to tell whoever will get the test results.

But when it comes to this, the one who has tested best recently is probably Xia Kang, the second prince of the Beijing royal family. A six-star genius, even among the royal family, he is top-notch. He was rewarded by the emperor with a green inscription of mercy. He was shocked. Up and down the government and the public.

If it is said that the ancestors appeared, Brother Bao also awakened the six-star glory ring and summoned a peerless hero, which would be a blessing to the whole family. By then, Brother Bao would be able to walk sideways even in the capital. "

This was said in a bit of a joke, probably because it was impossible for Ye Ming, Jia Baoyu, to get a six-star glory ring.

At that time, Xia Kang was able to open a six-star glory ring and summon the Mohist giant, a skilled craftsman, which shocked both the government and the public.

As for the second master Bao of the Jia family, most people actually just wanted to see a joke. Even Wang Xifeng, because his ancestors liked Jia Baoyu more, and he looked at it seductively, but he would not believe that Jia Baoyu could create a six-star glory ring.

At this point, in fact, in the noble family, including the royal family, there is such a habit. The more powerful the glory ring is, the higher the status of this person in the family. If it is If you can't get a Ring of Glory at all, then you will be called a loser.

Of course, every noble family has such a small privilege. A descendant of the designated family will be promoted to a noble. It doesn’t matter whether he can awaken the glory ring to become a noble, but this kind of noble is called What kind of noble person is a noble person who can't summon a hero to fight for a loser?

Therefore, in such a matter, the real people with power in the capital are those who have awakened the Ring of Glory and can summon ancient heroes.

Of course, in a situation like the Jia Mansion, even if Jia Baoyu cannot awaken the Ring of Glory, according to his ancestors' love for Jia Baoyu, he will definitely designate Jia Baoyu as the noble of the Jia Mansion's generation.

This aspect actually makes Wang Xifeng quite jealous. They are all grandchildren, so the difference in treatment is huge.

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