Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,628 National Auditions

[The cold wind blew all over the building, and it drizzled all night in autumn. The falling shadow is pitiful alone, and the person is thinner than the yellow flower. --autumn】

Just as the Red Mansions crew was established, a related advisory committee was also established, and most of the country's red experts were invited to participate in the advisory committee.

Then the crew was divided into three teams and headed straight to the south of the Yangtze River to find actors. As for the director, there are not many that I can read in the self-recommendation letters. I need more people.

This time, Ye Ming followed Sister Wang and Lao Zhang to the south. This time, he did not go to Yangzhou, but went directly to the capital of Shu. It was also a place full of outstanding people. Three visits frequently troubled the world, and two dynasties opened the door for veterans. Heart.

The ancestral hall of Mr. Zhuge Liang, who was respected by later generations as a dancing master, is here.

After getting on the train, Sister Wang also said she wanted to see Zhuge Wuhou Temple, but Lao Zhang said with a bag of instant noodles: "Xiao Wang, don't think about it. We don't have time at all. We only have two days to spare." We need to select more than 50 people now, which will be very busy, and the local brother units will definitely entertain us. If you say it is inappropriate for us not to go, don’t think about it this time. Complete the leadership arrangements first That’s all you have to do, you don’t have to think about anything else.”

Lao Zhang is the most unlucky guy. As the team leader this time, he naturally takes on the important task of communicating with the local brother units.

When Lao Zhang arrived, he found a hotel and directly called an acquaintance of his.

For people like Lao Zhang who have worked at CCTV for many years, saying that they have friends all over the world may be a bit too much. But if you go to big cities across the country, I can’t say that everyone has friends, but you can definitely find a few who are comparable. Familiar people. But this time when he arrived in Shudu, what he was looking for was a colleague with whom he had cooperated before.

Lao Zhang called and said, "Lao Xia, we're here. No, no, we've already got off the train and found the hotel. It's at the Tianyuan Hotel. You'll definitely bring me here tomorrow. We have time." But it’s not much, just two days, and then I have to rush back.”

Lao Xia repeatedly assured that there would be absolutely no problem and he would definitely bring the person over.

Moreover, Lao Xia not only guaranteed this, he drove over directly in less than half an hour. The car from the work unit said that the boss heard that a friend was coming to the capital, and he must invite him to dinner and communicate with each other to try his best. Landlord friendship. Lao Zhang knew he couldn't shirk it, so he naturally gave in a few times, and was forced into the car by Lao Xia, not forgetting to ask Ye Ming and Sister Wang to follow him.

Lao Xia and the others were very enthusiastic. They introduced a few people in the car and everyone became familiar with them. Lao Zhang also introduced Ye Ming and Sister Wang. When he introduced Ye Ming, a young man who was actually the artistic consultant of the crew, Lao Zhang was a little surprised and said: "Lao Zhang, you are not kidding me, this young man, Have you graduated from college and become your art consultant?"

Lao Zhang said proudly: "You don't understand this, Xiaoye, a talented student in the youth class of Yenching University, a close disciple of Master Lin Jilin, the master of Yenching University. Just last month, I visited abroad with Master Lin Ji. Come back. The professional level has been recognized by Master Lin Ji. Moreover, Xiaoye is not only our artistic consultant, but also a member of our cast group. The first choice actor for the role of Jia Baoyu. Know why I let you take it all When the actress came, didn't you ask the actor to take you with her? In fact, it doesn't mean much. Jia Baoyu already has a candidate. The biggest purpose of our coming is to choose the role of the actress. Even if the actor is selected, it is also The only choice is to choose other supporting roles."

Having said that, Ye Ming's status suddenly emerged at this time, and it was definitely improved to a higher level.

Seeing everyone's surprised look, Lao Zhang said boastfully: "You don't believe it, right? Xiaoye is really a capable person. He conquered the director with just two works. And it was his first time to go to Yangzhou to explore the road selection." While visiting the scene, Xiaoye bought a package from an antique dealer at the train station, saying that he was taking it back to do research on props. It turned out that there were two pieces of Yun brocade in it, each worth more than 50,000 yuan. When Qianlong celebrated his 60th birthday that year, Weaving tributes from Jiangning to celebrate the emperor's birthday. Do you think the director can dislike such a person?"

Maybe, art consultants or something like that have a relatively small impact on other people in the car. It's really hard to say how good an artist is. Another point is that although Master Lin Ji is famous all over the world, he is still relatively far away from them. After all, these people are engaged in literature and art, and they are still in the capital of Shu. Therefore, Master Lin Ji does not have much influence on them. big.

But these two pieces of clothing, added together, cost 100,000 yuan, which is 100,000 yuan in real money. It was like thunder rolling from the sky, which directly stunned the group of people in the car. Naturally, during the meal, Ye Ming was mentioned as equal, and he also had the right to communicate with them on an equal footing. Otherwise, it is not impossible for a young man of about twenty years old to be placed directly on the driver's table.

There was nothing to say all night. The next day, Teacher Xia came with a group of girls. All of them were beautiful. Teacher Zhang admired and said: "Old Xia, if I had known this was like this, I would have come here a long time ago. You didn't know that we The director forced me to do it, and I wanted to jump into the river. He asked me to find actors for him, and find suitable actors. I showed him no less than a thousand photos before and after, but there were few suitable ones."

There are a thousand things Lao Zhang said here. In fact, he and Sister Wang chose to give birth to him. Taken together, he is a self-recommended actor who meets the requirements, or an actor recommended by others.

Those who failed to pass the primary election, sorry, have no chance at all.

But Director Wang was not satisfied with this. Except for Chen Xiaoxu, basically no one else was suitable.

Director Wang said that if he couldn't find suitable actors, he would rather not film the film than make up for it randomly. No, it was almost the Spring Festival. Therefore, they did not dare to delay on such a matter, and rushed over to the capital of Shu in a hurry.

Sister Wang greeted the girls with a smile and said: "Since everyone is here. There are many people and there are many roles. Now, I will assign a role to everyone. You can go back and think about it first, and then come here tomorrow. Just record it. Remember, you must go back and think about it carefully. This video is for the director to see. Director Wang will be here tomorrow."

Director Wang himself forced his men to come over just before the Spring Festival. Naturally, he would not be lazy anymore and share the joys and sorrows with everyone. This is the only way for a great director to control the crew. At least on the surface, he should be able to share the joys and sorrows with everyone. An act of sharing joys and sorrows. If Director Wang Fulin hadn't said he was too busy, he would have definitely rushed over at this time. This time Ye Ming and the others came here, just to stand in front.

At this time, it is estimated that nine out of ten people auditioning have not thought about the role. Therefore, it is unrealistic to audition immediately. They are assigned roles and directly let them go back and think about it. If you don't, I might be able to have some confidence in the video recording tomorrow. At this moment, Sister Wang greeted everyone and said, come and try Baochai, so and so, Daiyu, Miaoyu, Zijuan, etc., all the roles have been selected.

And at the end, a little girl sitting next to her stood up and said, "Teacher Wang, what role should I play?"

Sister Wang took a look and found that the little girl was not very tall. If she was talking about a performance lady, she might not be tall enough, but if she was talking about a performance maid, her aura would be higher than that of a maid. Much better. Not to mention a person's momentum also determines a person's success or failure to a certain extent. This girl's success is also based on her momentum, and her failure is also based on her momentum.

Sister Wang was a little unsure and said, "Captain Zhang, come over and see how this actor is doing."

Lao Zhang came over, took a look, nodded, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, I'm a little short. Why don't you try the role of Ping'er first and see how it works?"

The captain said so, so naturally the matter was settled. In fact, this short girl was already very satisfied when she heard that she could play the role of Ping'er. After all, in such a thing, she came here to play a supporting role. of. In fact, she secretly wanted to play a leading role like Wang Xifeng, but she knew that such an opportunity was very difficult.

Therefore, if there is a chance to play the role of Ping'er, it is already a pretty good opportunity.

Therefore, although she was a little disappointed, she nodded and agreed with satisfaction. The next day, Director Wang brought people over. Before the audition officially started in the morning, Director Wang also said: "Among these people, do you think there is a suitable actor?"

Lao Zhang and Sister Wang looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Sister Wang took over and said: "The local teacher Xia recommended a lot of good actors. Yesterday we assigned roles to them. They said they were waiting for the director to come and start recording today. I think there are a few in them." A good seedling."

Director Wang looked at Ye Ming, who was standing aside as if it was nothing to do with him, and said somewhat unhappily: "Xiaoye, I didn't ask you to come here to enjoy the sights. I ask you to choose actors at this time. Although it is said that Lao Zhang is the first There is only one person in charge, but at this time, as a member of the team, you also have to take responsibility, why do you think you are so lazy?"

Ye Ming immediately said aggrievedly: "What the director said seems to mean that I am not very good at doing things. In fact, I was busy observing the actors yesterday and felt that there are indeed good people among them. If you look at it from the perspective of an actor, If you look at it, it means that it is very suitable for the role in our TV series." Hearing this, Director Wang was suddenly surprised: "It is very suitable, can you tell me?"

Ye Ming picked out one of the photos on the table and said, "This person named Deng Jie is a good candidate. If she is asked to play the role of Wang Xifeng, it should be very suitable." Lao Zhang immediately shook his head. He shook his head and said: "Xiaoye, you are wrong. Deng Jie is relatively short and doesn't seem to have anything outstanding. Although she has a slightly more imposing appearance, it is still a bit inappropriate to perform Wang Xifeng.

After all, there are four leading actors in Dream of Red Mansions. Besides Bao Daichai, there is Wang Xifeng. It is even said that Xue Baochai does not have as many roles as Wang Xifeng.

If you want a role like this, you must find someone who can hold the scene. Also, he is relatively old, in his mid-twenties.

This is also a fatal weakness. If the role is a maid, or other supporting roles, such as the second sister Thou You, it may be a good choice.

But if you want to perform Wang Xifeng, it is a very difficult thing. "Lao Zhang raised objections, but he didn't mean to target Ye Ming, but in such a matter, at this time, it was actually for the sake of the TV series.

Ye Ming immediately replied: "Brother Zhang, can't you say that some people are born actors? I'm just talking about this issue from my perspective as an actor. I think if Deng Jie plays Wang Xifeng If so, then at least she can hold down the scene with her momentum.

I'm talking about this from a purely acting perspective. "

Director Wang looked at Deng Jie's information, then shook his head and said: "She is a little older, but it doesn't matter. After all, our Bao Daichai is determined to be under twenty years old. Wang Xifeng is their Naturally, my sister-in-law cannot be found from someone under the age of twenty. This Deng Jie who plays Wang Xifeng is quite short. Let’s try her acting when she comes back.”

Lao Zhang and Ye Ming are both his right-hand men. Lao Zhang has always followed him loyally, and Ye Ming is a rising star and a very great talent.

At this time, Director Wang felt that what they both said was very reasonable. Therefore, Director Wang made such a decision after thinking about it.

Sure enough, work matters did not affect the friendship between Ye Ming and Lao Zhang. This was not the case at night. When they went to eat hot pot with the director, Lao Zhang asked after having a few drinks: "Xiao Ye, you also saw it during the day, Deng Jie's appearance doesn't stand out among so many people. She is the shortest person, so why do you think her acting skills are very good?"

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Brother Zhang asked about this, so I petrified life. In fact, there is a kind of actor who is born to eat this bowl of rice. Maybe in life these people are not amazing in appearance, but once they are Facing the camera, they will have the feeling that the sea is vast and fish can leap, and the sky is high and birds can fly.” (To be continued)

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