Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 166 The wild and uninhibited Zhang Huimei

Facing this gold medal agent who is all-powerful in the entertainment industry, Ye Ming still admires him from the bottom of his heart. He is a woman with great foresight and skill. Her eyes are like a deep pool under the mountains, deep and deep. The bottomless, dark eyes made it difficult to see anything else from Wang Jinghua's face except that professional smile.

Ye Ming said very politely: "Hello, Sister Hua." Simply and directly, he didn't want to have too much friendship with Wang Jinghua, but it was better not to offend such a popular person. Ye Ming's purpose They were just acquaintances, not acquaintances, let alone friends.

Wang Jinghua nodded and expressed satisfaction, and then opened the red invitation-like thing. After opening it, she said to everyone with a smile: "I have kept you waiting. Today, A-mei is coming from Treasure Island. According to the rules, that is The topic she raised first was poetry appreciation. In this case, let A Fei extract a poem by herself, and then both parties have half an hour to evaluate it themselves, or they can ask for help from the foreign aid they brought. However. "

At this time, Wang Jinghua changed the subject and her tone immediately became stern: "Everyone knows the rules here. At this time, no one can interfere except myself and foreign aid. Because there are new people here today, I have more After saying a few words, let’s get started.”

Behind Wang Jinghua, a staff member appeared with a laptop. There was an interface on which the names of various poems were constantly rotating.

The princess clicked the OK button, and what was revealed was Poppy, a classic poem that has been sung through the ages by Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

At this moment, Ye Ming was sitting in an unglamorous and conspicuous place and said, "Sister, what is this? Is it interesting? It's so busy, isn't it?"

Ye Ming didn't think this kind of competition had any meaning. In such a situation, he could feel that this room was full of loneliness, boredom, and decadence, as if it was Wall Street after the Great Depression. There was no life at all. It seemed that only a few noisy shouts came occasionally, which proved that this was a private party.

Na Ying took a look and said: "What did you say, boring? You are really right. We are just bored. What do you think? Apart from filming and singing, how do we spend our private time? Apart from traveling and shopping, it is just a bunch of bored people getting together to find something to do. This is a boring game. You will gradually get used to such gatherings. In fact, it is not only boring, but also... There are still opportunities, it just depends on whether you can seize them. Sometimes, a movie, from conceiving the script, to finding investment, to finding actors, and finally to screening, can basically be solved here. Do you believe it?"

Ye Ming did not answer immediately, but looking at the celebrities present, he knew that Na Ying was not lying. Maybe that was really the case.

Ye Ming glanced at the scene and said, "Sister, by the way, what is this concubine's gambling game like? How did she end up facing Zhang Huimei? Betting on poetry, who came up with this idea?"

Na Ying shrugged her shoulders and said: "It's not necessarily about gambling on poetry. This kind of thing is actually a challenge. Zhang Huimei is a new generation queen, and Ai Fei is an old queen. Naturally, they dislike each other, so Zhang Huimei challenged Ai. Concubine, this is nothing. Sometimes, others will be challenged. The content of the challenge varies, such as red wine, mahjong, and even once someone challenged Chen Daomin to play table tennis, which made Lao Chen very depressed. Challenge him to mahjong and he will definitely be more than happy to do so."

Ye Ming said that he had no chance to hear about such secretive things before. Therefore, in such a situation, he was very interested: "Challenge Teacher Chen Daomin to play table tennis. It's interesting. Who is it?" ?”

Na Ying thought for a while and said: "There is a newcomer in Hong Kong City, no matter how big or small, but he came with Liang Chaowei. Lao Chen gave Liang Chaowei a face before accepting the challenge. He found a foreign player from the national team and brought that little boy to Liang Chaowei." The guy beat me like a loser. According to the rules of this kind of challenge, the challenging party proposes the question, and the challenger chooses the specific content. And both parties can find a foreign aid. However, for this competition, Sister Hua also said just now, Except for the parties involved and foreign aid, no one can intervene, otherwise they will be suppressed by everyone, and they will never be able to gain a foothold in this industry in the future."

Finally understanding what this was all about, Ye Ming said with interest: "It shouldn't be a vain challenge, right?"

Is Princess Chen Daomin too busy to accept challenges from others casually?

Na Ying's eyes widened and she said: "Of course, no one has that much free time to play casually. The cost of the challenge is 100,000 yuan. For example, Aifei, if she wins this time, as the champion, she will receive 100,000 yuan of chips, and Zhang Huimei wants to take out 100,000. But if the concubine loses, she can give Zhang Huimei 90,000. This is the benefit of being the champion. In fact, it is just for the sake of face. Who can come to this place? I won’t put one hundred thousand in my eyes either. My beloved just memorized a few points and lost three times. This time I am trying my best to make a comeback, so I have invited a master to help me.”

Looking at the net worth of the people present, it seems that no one would spend 100,000 yuan.

Even the princess who lost three times in a row didn't take the money seriously. Her expression at this moment was still so indifferent, as if she didn't care about winning or losing at all. She looked unfazed and calm. It's hard to see what the princess is thinking.

At this time, Zhang Huimei suddenly raised her hand, carrying a wild and uninhibited temperament. During Zhang Yusheng's lifetime, Zhang Huimei was controlled by this master, and Zhang Huimei's every move was relatively well-behaved. However, after Zhang Yusheng died in an accidental car accident, Zhang Huimei started to grow unscrupulously like a bad child with no one to control her.

No one can restrain this new generation of queen. At that moment, Zhang Huimei said with sharp eyes: "Sister Hua, I want to use the preferential option."

Hearing this, Wang Jinghua was also surprised. Normally, colleagues are enemies. When Zhang Huimei came, she directly challenged the princess. This was not unexpected by most people. In fact, when Zhang Huimei came, no one challenged her. There are only two of them, one is the princess and the other is Na Ying. Relatively speaking, the possibility of challenging the princess is relatively high. After all, the princess's influence in the port city and the treasure island is still very huge. It's not something that ordinary people can compare to.

At that moment, Wang Jinghua hesitated and said: "Amei, are you sure that everyone has the right to choose the discount only once, and there will not be a second time, so you have to think about it."

Ye Ming glanced at Na Ying and said, "Sister, what does this mean, preferential option?"

Na Ying also looked at Zhang Huimei puzzled. She didn't know why she acted like this, so she immediately explained: "The right to preferential selection is actually a right of every recognized person, which means giving priority to choosing one's own opponent. For example, Zhang Huimei The one who challenged her was Concubine. However, if she wanted to pressure someone else, it would be almost impossible. This was also the rule.

But if it is said that she has the preferential option, then such a thing will be easy to handle. As long as she uses her preferential option, then on such a problem, in fact, she can challenge Concubine Ai couldn't refuse at this time any one on the scene. Of course, this requires the consent of the parties concerned. "

However, at this time, the princess looked at Zhang Huimei with cold eyes and said: "Amei, what do you mean? You said you were challenging me, but in the end you had to change someone else temporarily. Do you think it's fun to play with me?"

The queen also has the face of a queen. When Zhang Huimei changes people during the challenge, it means she looks down on the princess and does not take the princess into her eyes. People are fighting for one breath to receive a stick of incense. At this time, in front of so many people In human's face, Zhang Huimei did this, and the princess's face was indeed a bit embarrassing.

Zhang Huimei explained with a smile: "Sister Fei, don't be angry. Didn't I use the preferential option? How can I look down on you? Everyone only has the right to choose the preferential option once, and only people like you, Sister Fei, can give it to you." I use this right. Sister Hua, is it right that I can use the preferential option?"

This rule has been set long ago and is recognized by everyone. Even Wang Jinghua, as the host, cannot say anything more.

At that moment, Wang Jinghua raised her hand and said, "Concubine, please be quiet. Amei's preferential option has not been used. If she uses the preferential option, you will be considered a winner. One hundred thousand yuan is yours." .”

The preferential option is not to be used casually. If you use such a right, it means you have to give up. You have to pay 100,000 yuan before you can change someone to challenge. This is also a rule, but looking at Zhang Huimei's appearance, it seems that I don’t feel bad at all about using the discount option.

The princess looked unkind and snorted and said, "Do you think I care about this hundred thousand yuan?" However, because Zhang Huimei did say that she had used the preferential option, under such a situation, she had no choice but to admit it.

At this time, Wang Jinghua looked at the two silent queens and felt a headache. One was as cold as ice and repelled people thousands of miles away, while the other was unruly, unruly and did not follow common sense. Neither of these two people were fuel-efficient. Lamp.

The Queen, high above, as lonely as snow, on the stage, enjoying the cheers of thousands of people, and every move can become the headlines of the media. However, a few people can think of the helplessness and lonely heart of the Queen, as if she is a rootless duckweed. Generally, sometimes when they close their eyes, they are in one city, but when they open their eyes, they may be in another city.

Loneliness, loneliness, will always accompany them.

At this time, Wang Jinghua glanced at everyone, and then said: "Okay, Amei has used the preferential option. Tell me now, who do you want to challenge?"

Who is Zhang Huimei trying to challenge? Could it be Na Ying? (To be continued)

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