Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1613: The oriole is behind

[The frosty moon shines for half the day, and the night is cold tonight. The sound of falling leaves is slow, one night beside the Luo Bridge. --Autumn Night】

After Ye Ming came out, he asked directly: "What is going on? There was a landslide in that place. Don't tell me it's just a coincidence." 】

What kind of coincidence is this? If it is a coincidence that ASUS really has something to say, then it is also deceiving people. There is no such coincidence in the world. The relevant departments in China said there was a landslide, but there will be a landslide over there soon? There is no such thing as a coincidence. The power of the relationship-related departments is so great, so if the relevant departments say that they can surpass Eagle Sauce and dominate the world, can the Chinese Rabbit really dominate the world?

This is just deceiving people, it’s no big deal. Therefore, Ye Ming had to ask the system what was going on.

The system replied, "It's very simple. It's not a coincidence at all, but caused by the battle. In other words, it was caused by this guy Ma Laosan. Death harvesting, this is the way of interstellar combat. Although the interstellar battery is at this time Most of the energy has been lost, but death harvest is death harvest, and some mountains on the earth cannot bear it. 】

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment. The power of Death Harvest was very powerful. He had seen this with his own eyes. And if it can be controlled in terms of power, then when it comes to a problem like this, it can be a weapon for killing people and stealing money. However, this thing sounds like something is wrong. When I heard this reason, it seemed to be a good reason, but if I think about it carefully, this kind of thing does not mean that there are no flaws at all.

Ye Ming immediately said: "It's impossible. If Death Harvest is really that powerful, then the landslide should have happened when a few of us were there, but in fact it was when we left. The landslide definitely didn't happen there, at least it didn't happen until a few of us left. How do you explain this? Don't tell us why we had better luck."

This matter definitely has nothing to do with luck. Luck definitely exists, but it is definitely not in this case.

That was a landslide. It was a natural and man-made disaster. It couldn't be explained by good luck at all. If this Death Harvest is really that destructive, then Ye Ming, Spielberg, Lucas and others will be suppressed in such a thing.

The system answered very directly: "Death Harvest is indeed very powerful, and its destructive power is also very huge. Therefore, in fact, it is not a big deal to damage the geology in the Luoxia Mountain area. And it is said that it is like this As for one thing, there was indeed a heavy rain in the Luoxia Mountain area some time ago, and it was also one of the culprits.

As for why the launch is delayed, the matter is actually very simple. It means that on such a problem, it is necessary to have the power to restrain the outbreak of Death Harvest. This power is the energy generator, and the energy generator constrained the geological conditions at that time. And under such a situation, when you are here, there will naturally be nothing unusual in Luoxia Mountain.

But the energy generator is damaged, so in such a matter, the power to restrain the Luoxia Mountain area no longer exists. Moreover, the geology in the Luoxia Mountain area was originally said to have the potential to become famous.

Therefore, after you left, Luoxia Mountain lost the restriction of the energy generator. Therefore, in such a problem, it is not a strange thing for a landslide to occur. Energy generator, this is the key to the stability and instability of Luoxia Mountain. If you take this thing back, then Luoxia Mountain has gone through more than one death harvest. Landslides and other things have occurred. That is not a normal thing. ? "

After hearing such an answer, Ye Ming nodded, but immediately said in surprise: "No, no, this is wrong. I took back this energy generator. There is nothing wrong with this." No matter what, they are all things discovered by us in China. Although they are said to be scrapped, these things are still ours in China. It is impossible to have six Spielbergs, right?"

Although Ye Ming usually said that he would be very calm, but when it came to a question like this, he became a little less calm.

The system replied: "It's a scrapped thing. Who said this energy generator is scrapped?" In fact, the energy generator is damaged. Therefore, since the energy generator is damaged at this time, we can just fix this problem. Things that can be broken can naturally be repaired. The same goes for energy generators. 】

This news is very beneficial to Ye Ming. Therefore, he immediately said excitedly: "It seems that the energy generator can be repaired."

The system replied very definitely, "There is no problem, but to what extent it will be repaired is hard to say. It is not easy to completely repair it, but we can indeed repair part of the function of the energy generator." . 】

Even if we talk about repairing some functions, it is still a very rare thing to do with a problem like this. Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming said happily: "It is very rare to repair part of it. If part of this energy generator is repaired, what benefits can I get?"

At this time, the system replied: [I don’t know, because it has not been completely repaired. Therefore, I don’t know what benefits the host can get, but like life energy or something, that is no problem. At least it can get part of the life energy. .

It may not be possible to make the host immortal. After all, the energy generator has been damaged, but it is not a big deal to get part of the life energy to make the host's body healthier. Also, for example, Sister Fang who has passed away, if it was Hu who said that the host had life energy at that time, then she would not need to be fragrant. 】

In other words, life energy can cure diseases. If immortality cannot be achieved, then this may be somewhat of a pity. But at this time, if it can cure diseases, it is indeed very good news.

Ye Ming said happily: [When will the energy generator be repaired? 】This issue is the issue that Ye Ming is most concerned about.

The system said very simply: "Insufficient data, therefore, the exact time cannot be determined. After all, this is the first time to repair alien technology, so the repair time is unknown." Moreover, the benefits that the host can get are also unknown. Life energy is just the most basic effect. There are many unknown black technologies waiting for the host to discover. Anyway, if the host gets this energy generator, it will be like smoke rising from the ancestral grave. 】

This time, the system rarely teased Ye Ming, which made Ye Ming a little disappointed. You don't know when this thing will be repaired. What is the difference between this and the flower in the mirror or the moon in the water?

Therefore, Ye Ming said with some frustration, "That's it, I thought I could get life energy right away?" 】On the plane, Spielberg still said with some lingering thoughts: "This time I really lost my wife and lost my troops. If I had known that this was the case, then I would not have come. If I couldn't say it, then the Interstellar Battery The energy can still last for a movie, but now, I have completely lost the interstellar battery."

Lucas was very open-minded and said: "What you gain must be lost. Speaking of which, you have already gained a lot. Now that you have lost the interstellar battery, maybe it is not bad for you. A good thing.

Otherwise, you may not get any good results. I heard that the White House has already said that it has doubts about you. If things go wrong, they will take action against you. Who made you perform so eye-catchingly? The movie box office makes people jealous, and many of them are The subject matter has something to do with aliens. To be honest, if you said that I was from the White House, you would be suspicious.

For those who have not experienced alien events, it will be difficult for them to use their imagination to achieve the effects of your shots. Even if it is a movie, it is not something that just any director can do.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them. You should understand this well. "

Lucas is a good friend of Spielberg, and he is very well-informed. Therefore, when Spielberg complained to himself, he quickly comforted Spielberg, saying that he must maintain a good attitude, as good fortune and misfortune depend on it. This seemed to be a good idea. It's not a form of revenge against him.

Spielberg said with some emotion: "Do those bastards in the White House want to take action? Maybe, according to the temper of those bastards, it is not impossible to just grab whatever they see. Politicians are all bitches." You son of a bitch, you have no etiquette, justice or shame at all, and the moral character of the people in the White House is not even comparable to that of the homeless people in New York."

Anyway, no matter what we say, Spielberg really doesn’t have a good impression of the politicians in the White House. Even when he rescued homeless people, those homeless people still knew how to say thank you and bow to Spielberg. As for the politicians in the White House, Spielberg helps them a lot overtly and covertly, but these people, as long as they have enough to eat, are capable of doing all kinds of dirty things.

For example, movies that export the culture of Eagle Sauce and express the spirit of Eagle Sauce are often shot by Spielberg. For example, Saving Private Ryan is a proposition composition.

Don’t think that Spielberg is so great that he must make a movie related to World War II. In fact, it was a proposition given by the White House. It was just because Spielberg’s cry was loud enough. , Therefore, it was at this time that people from the White House came to the door.

Otherwise, how could Spielberg think of making a movie like Saving Private Ryan? He likes to shoot movies about aliens and movies about treasure hunting and adventure.

Of these two films, one is Spielberg's own favorite, and the other is America's favorite. The spirit of adventurous treasure hunting has always been part of American culture. For example, Spielberg doesn't like filming war-themed films. Saving Private Ryan is actually just an export of American culture from Hollywood.

On a question like this, I just want to say that Spielberg is the best at what he does. He succeeds and becomes famous, whether it’s the essay given by the White House, the box office revenue, or the film awards. , Saving Private Ryan is the kind of movie that wants to be famous and profitable. Therefore, in fact, a guy of Spielberg's price has no good impression of the White House.

On a question like this, I heard Lucas actually say that the people in the White House were thinking about him, so they must be thinking about his interstellar battery. Although not many people know that he has an interstellar battery, his performance is indeed very dazzling, and he is the first to win. It is not impossible for such a thing to make people in the White House care about him.

Lucas laughed and said: "What do you think politicians are, the Virgin Mary?

Impossible, that group of people is the most sinister group, and some of the people who can stand there are kind-hearted. And this time, you are actually a blessing in disguise. No matter what means the people in the White House use to find your interstellar battery, they will never succeed. Because this thing is gone now after all.

Therefore, if you lose the interstellar battery, it might not be a very good thing for you to deal with such a problem. "

There is indeed a certain truth to this statement. Since someone in the White House is concerned about Spielberg, they will definitely dig out Spielberg's secrets at the appropriate time.

Like lie detectors or something like that, this is already very outdated. The White House has more high-tech things, but Spielberg really doesn't have an interstellar battery now, which means there are no secrets.

Therefore, when it comes to such a problem, no matter how the people in the White House check it, it is impossible to find anything. Therefore, such a thing is indeed very beneficial to Spielberg.

Think of a result like this. Spielberg seems to think that if the interstellar battery is lost, it will not be a big deal.

After all, I have made a lot of money. Now, even if I rest at home and rest on my laurels, I can still make a profit, and there are also series of movies such as Raiders of the Lost Ark, right? (To be continued)

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