Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,609 The Real Death

[Autumn rain comes, chrysanthemums are blooming everywhere, a cold wind passes by overnight, and the chrysanthemum terrace is covered with frost. --Autumn colors]

Ma Laosan was also clinging to life, half lying next to the stone, and said with a bitter smile: "I deserve it, this is called retribution.

I never thought that this guy, Lao Yang, actually took a death dagger away from the mothership. I thought that this thing was completely damaged along with the mothership, and there was no way it could be left behind. But now that I think about it, this kind of thing is actually very normal. After all, at this time, the energy generator can be preserved, and it is also very normal for a death dagger to be preserved.

The hatred in his heart was too strong. After following me for so many years, he not only figured out how to use the death dagger, but also dealt a cruel blow to me at this critical moment.

My death was not unjust at all. Who made me look away? "

Ye Ming said curiously: "If I heard correctly, then this should be a clone of you. Is it similar to the projection clone we met just now?" Ma Laosan knew that he was not going to die soon, so what? Struggle is useless, no one is better than him; to understand what kind of existence the death dagger is, even Lao Yang does not understand what kind of existence the death dagger is like Ma Laosan.

Therefore, he was very sure in his heart that he would definitely die. Even if he could not die, with a cruel guy like Ye Ming around, he would not have a chance to survive.

Therefore, on such a question, he actually said that he knew that he was dead, so he had no reservations about speaking.

At that moment, Ma Laosan said: "My clone is actually different from the ordinary projection clone. It contains all my information. If I am not injured and there is a suitable opportunity in the future, I may have a chance to be resurrected. But this time I was actually injured. Therefore, with such a problem, I had no chance of survival.

My mental power has also been greatly damaged, and it will never be possible for me to be resurrected again. Even if I have enough mental power, it is impossible for me to be resurrected. The most damaging thing the death dagger does is the mental power.

therefore. My death was now inevitable. "

Spielberg asked very excitedly on the side: "Anyway, you said it yourself, you are about to see God. So on a question like this, why don't you talk about the energy generator? Look where it is, you are going to die anyway, don’t waste the energy generator.”

This is a foreigner who speaks very directly. Anyway, on a question like this, it would be great if he died and left the rest to me. Moreover, foreigners basically say whatever they say. It seems that they don’t have any big intentions if they don’t say it. They are careless anyway. At least this guy Spielberg is confused when he cares. When negotiating, this is quite a profiteer expression. In his opinion, the most important thing is what benefits he can get at this time.

Ma Laosan didn't know whether he was about to die, he could see it, or he didn't want to offend Ye Ming. Anyway, after hearing such a question, he frowned, and then said: "I know you What I want is an energy generator. I am going to die anyway. In fact, I should have died a long time ago. I am alone on the earth without any relatives or friends. The only one who is considered a friend, Lao Yang, is actually my enemy. , and he is an enemy that has been tolerated for so many years.

The energy generator is the rock behind me, I just disguised it. "

In fact, what Ma Laosan said is not wrong at all. He can take out the life energy and let Lao Yang use it. Therefore, speaking of it, in fact, on such a question, Ma Laosan has nothing to do with Lao Yang. It's really good. But the hatred for killing his father and the hatred for taking away his wife are all sworn hatreds. Therefore, Ma Laosan's death was not unjust at all. It is only because he was too arrogant on earth and took life and death. There is no room for negotiation.

Ma Laosan took off his disguise. At this moment, it’s no big deal if he doesn’t take it off. Ye Ming knows how to remove the disguise anyway. Moreover, if he dies, the illusion he set up will definitely disappear. of.

After Ma Laosan's disguise was removed, a cube more than two meters high and shining with snow-white light appeared in front of everyone. The mysterious texture is like a computer circuit.

This cube, which is more than two meters high, is the core of the energy generator, and it is the most critical component that allows the mothership to carry out interstellar travel.

Moreover, it is also a component of the production of life energy. Spielberg is very excited. He can finally see the energy generator. This is the real energy generator. He found the clues from the Sanxingdui culture and now he can finally see the legendary energy. What exactly is a generator? If you have such a thing, then your own interstellar battery will not be afraid of running out of energy when it comes to such a problem.

Thinking of this, Spielberg was also very excited. He didn't care about so many and immediately took out the interstellar battery. But Lucas said without politeness at all: "Steven, didn't you say you destroyed the interstellar battery? Why is this thing still in your hand? Could it be that the interstellar battery you encountered , is it also the buy-one-get-one-free kind?”

In fact, Lucas had never heard of such a mysterious thing as an interstellar battery before. Spielberg actually said that there were two.

This alien can't really buy one, get one free, right?

Spielberg said proudly: "Buy one, get one free. How can there be such a good thing? In fact, the question is very simple. I found two interstellar batteries. Are they any good? This one is better than the one I just used. The one I had to fight still needs to be beaten, this should be a main battery, and the one I blew myself up just now is just a backup battery. Ma Laosan, you didn’t expect that I won the victory in the end, right?”

It's no wonder that Spielberg is very proud of his price. Looking at the situation now, it is indeed said that he can win the final victory. On this point, Ma Laosan has nothing to argue with.

It was a huge blow to him to meet a subordinate like Lao Yang who was hiding his money and seeking revenge. But Spielberg's showing off is actually no big deal.

After all, regarding a question like this, Spielberg also had reasons to be proud at this time.

Therefore, Ma Laosan smiled faintly and said: "Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. As a foreigner, you may not be able to understand this."

Spielberg would not be like a dead person. He said with a smile: "You are actually laughing at me for being a foreigner, making you seem to be a Chinese. No matter what you do here, I am considered an earthling. And you are an alien, and you actually spoke to me in Chinese dialect, so you have a good intention."

Spielberg said this, but his hands were not idle at all. He directly took out a connecting cable and connected the interstellar battery and the energy generator together.

This energy generator is indeed very powerful. Even if its current capacity is less than 67% of a thousand, it is not a big deal to charge an interstellar battery.

But at this time, something unexpected happened. At this time, only a slight explosion was heard, and then the interstellar battery was completely destroyed, and a line of white smoke came out.

At this time, Spielberg looked at the interstellar battery in his hand stupidly, feeling the urge to cry without tears. He didn't understand just now why this guy Ma Laosan would say that life and death depend on fate and wealth.

In fact, he just thought it was Ma Laosan himself who was lamenting, thinking that his fate was the kind of situation where life and death depended on fate and wealth.

In fact, now that he saw Ma Laosan's proud smile, Spielberg realized that the emotional Ma Laosan was talking about himself.

At this moment, Spielberg was so angry that he suddenly smashed the main interstellar battery on Ma Laosan and said angrily: "You already knew that there would be such a result, didn't you? Why did this happen? What’s your situation?”

Ma Laosan will die soon anyway, so it’s not a big deal if he hits it. Regarding a question like this, he didn't feel pain at all, or he did, but he didn't show it now.

Instead, he said very proudly: "This matter is actually very simple. It means because the interface is wrong. Do you understand? It is simply impossible to charge an Apple phone with a Nokia charger, and you have to force it." Charging, I just used the energy generator, and now the energy of the energy generator is residual at the interface, so you stupidly brought the interstellar battery to your door.

You said you are not unlucky, but who is? You actually dare to use our energy generator to do this. Even if you don't die, it will be an advantage for you. If the energy of the energy generator does not need to be too much, as long as it reaches more than 10%, The result of your action just now is that you will be completely blown up, and there will not be any bone residue left. It is the same as facing the harvest of death directly.

Moreover, this energy generator will be completely scrapped because of this. "

Originally, Ma Laosan felt that he was killed by Lao Yang, and the energy generator was still left. This was definitely very frustrating.

But he himself is about to die, and it will be the result of a complete death.

Therefore, in such a matter, he felt that even if he wanted to destroy the energy generator, he would be powerless.

Originally, Ma Laosan was so resigned to his fate. He had lived alone on this earth for too long, and even what he considered his best friend and his most loyal subordinate, Lao Yang, would betray him. If you die, you die, and you deserve to die. But he never expected that at such a moment, Spielberg would actually rush up and give him a big gift. Energy generators cannot be used casually.

And this thing is a very precise and high-tech thing. It is so precise that even a mothership does not have a backup energy generator. If this thing is operated slightly improperly, it will be completely scrapped.

Therefore, at such a time, Spielberg's actions not only destroyed his interstellar battery, but also completely destroyed the energy generator.

This time, Spielberg couldn't bear it anymore.

He admired the device crazily, grabbed Ma Laosan, shook it hard and said: "You lied, you lied, this is not true, yes, this is not true. You must have other ways to restore my interstellar battery pair wrong?"

Ma Laosan completely stopped talking, and looked at the angry Spielberg with a victorious smile. He laughed twice, then spit out a mouthful of blood, and did not look at anything at all. This time Ma Laosan was completely dead, his original self and his clone were all dead.

Moreover, the mental power he backed up in this clone was also because Lao Yang used the death dagger to seriously injure him. Therefore, at such a time, his own mental power was also greatly damaged and has disappeared at this moment. No trace left.

On a question like this, Spielberg looked at the dead Ma Laosan, raised his head and said: "Ye, George, do you think this bastard Ma Laosan is deceiving me? My interstellar Battery. My interstellar battery, which has been with me for so many years, is just scrapped.

How do you want me to work in the entertainment industry in the future? "

The amount of information these words say is quite large, but whether it is Ye Ming or Lucas. In fact, everyone has already understood what such a thing is.

Moreover, the two of them actually understand very well about such a thing. The impact of this kind of thing on Spielberg at this moment is not just ordinary, but very big. It is so big that now he suddenly They may not be able to bear it easily.

Think about it, Spielberg actually has his own obsession, and such an obsession is actually the interstellar battery.

But the final result, the final result is that in such a situation, not only did I not recharge the energy of the interstellar battery, but also that in the result of such an incident, all the interstellar batteries were scrapped. .

Such a result would not be an ordinary blow to Spielberg, but a very big one. He has not completely collapsed now, which can be regarded as quite restrained. (To be continued)

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