Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,600 People’s hearts are unpredictable

[The autumn night is cool with rain, and the sweet-scented osmanthus is blooming everywhere. I listen to the chilling cicadas in the alleys of Gusu, and wait to share the west window with you. --Jiangnan, Suzhou]

The green mountains are like emeralds, exuding a different color. The turquoise water is like Su embroidery, reflecting the tenderness of the water town. In this poetic and picturesque landscape, there are always people who are not in the mood to appreciate it, and Director Zhou is one of them.

Director Zhou nodded to express his understanding, but when he received a call, he said with a gloomy face: "Mr. Ye, the people above have already passed on the news. People from the three training camps have all entered Luoxia. It's around the mountains." Obviously, this situation is quite urgent, and something special must have happened.

Ye Ming was stunned for a moment before saying: "That's not right. Last time we contacted the people from those two training camps, we also warned them to evacuate quickly. How big is this? How can we talk about the people from the three training camps? Have you all gone in?"

Unless it is said that the people in these two training camps did not listen to the advice and did not evacuate the Luoxia Mountain area. Director Zhou said helplessly: "Someone just contacted the people in the remaining two training camps and found that they could not be contacted, and there was no signal at all. You must know that the people in these training camps are all Equipped with satellite positioning systems, after all, they are organized by companies. Those companies that can organize such training camps are definitely not short of money and will definitely put safety in a very important position.

Therefore, even if something happens, these people can be easily found using satellite positioning. But now we are not only unable to contact the people from these two training camps, but also through satellite positioning, we cannot find the whereabouts of the people from these two companies at all. This is the same situation as the first lost training camp. The final targets of the three training camps were all in the Luoxia Mountain area. When they arrived here, they all disappeared. Therefore, the above suspects that contact may have been lost near here.

Therefore, the people above concluded that these people were as lost as Spielberg. According to incomplete statistics, there are almost fifty of these people. Things are rather tricky. "

Ye Ming frowned and said: "People nowadays have too strong personalities. We have warned these people, but we didn't expect that they still believe in themselves as always, ignore the warnings, and can't persuade them with good words. Damn it."

These things originally had nothing to do with them, but they didn't expect that they would still be involved. "For the first person in the training camp who lost contact, there is no way to do this. It is considered a trap by Ma Laosan. If you fall into the trap, it will be your own misfortune.

But the people from the next two training camps, Director Zhou and Ye Ming, had warned these people, but they didn't expect that at such a time, they still didn't listen, and they really lost contact. This is purely to cause trouble for this operation.

Although Ye Ming said this, and the situation is almost the same, this matter should and must be carried out.

At this time, Director Zhou thought for a while and said: "Mr. Ye, tell me everything. Now you are somewhat sure that you can find this person. Spielberg and those in the training camp, even if there is a problem, If something goes wrong, it will be quite troublesome. Bring all these people out, as we have been told above, and we must ensure everyone's safety. This really doesn't work, the only way is to use the human sea tactic."

Obviously, what Director Zhou meant was that people from the large force would drive in. Anyway, Spielberg and a few of them from the training camp must be found. Ye Ming was also quite embarrassed about this matter. After thinking about it for a while, he said: "It's okay to say that Spielberg is the guy. Ma Lao San is looking for him because of something in his hand. Even if Ma Lao San is against Spielberg Go ahead, Spielberg is not as easy to deal with as you think, and there will be no danger in the short term.

On the other hand, those people in the training camp are very dangerous. To be honest, there are illusions in the Luoxia Mountain area now. Spielberg and Lucas both have means of self-protection, so there will be no danger in the short term. Yes, but if the people in the three training camps mentioned are ordinary people, this would be more dangerous. inside these illusions. I don’t even know what will appear inside, which is quite troublesome. "

Spielberg also has an alien background. Now that Ma Laosan has not succeeded, he can prove that this guy is not simple and not so easy to deal with. Of course, Spielberg and the others have not stepped forward yet, indicating that they are at a disadvantage.

But there is no problem in terms of safety in the short term. But it's hard to tell the people in the three training camps. If ordinary people enter these illusions, it is easy for some accidents to happen.

Director Zhou said curiously: "What exactly is Ma Laosan's illusion and why can it have such a big impact?" Since the relevant departments asked Director Zhou to come, they must have explained some background of this matter. , therefore, Director Zhou was actually very curious about Ma Laosan's ability.

Obviously Ye Ming knew some inside information, so now he still wanted to ask.

Ye Ming said very definitely: "Think about it every day and dream about it at night, that's pretty much it.

Ma Laosan's illusions vary from person to person. What kind of thing do you think about most, then the illusion you encounter may be something like that. For example, if a person always wants to get rich, then you have really encountered the illusion of Ma Laosan, which means that you may have become a billionaire or something.

If you like to eat, drink and have fun, then you may encounter wine ponds and meat forests. Anyway, it is an illusion of excessive debauchery. If you like to do chivalry and do justice, and you are the kind of *****, then you may become a chivalrous person like Jing Ke. Anyway, it’s because of the things you think that lead you into your deepest fantasies. If this is the case, then there won’t be many opportunities for you to come out. "

This is where Ma Laosan is most vicious. After all, in a situation like this, if he simply creates an illusion, the possibility of being cracked is still very high. But if it is a problem like this, Ma Laosan uses If the illusion is the material that you remember the most, see the most, and think about the most, then the possibility of getting out of this illusion at this time is very small.

This is the scary thing about Ma Laosan. Ye Ming is an exception. As a superstar, although Ye Ming has not really reached the top yet, he is only a few masterpieces away from reaching the top. .

Therefore, what he does is to conquer the audience with his acting skills, and his mental strength can be imagined.

Ma Laosan could not interfere with Ye Ming even in the illusion, because Ye Ming clearly knew what was real and what was an illusion. Just like typing, if you want to master touch typing, there is no shortcut, you just need to practice more.

At this time, a squad leader came over and reported that a person had been intercepted. Ye Ming perked up immediately after hearing this, and immediately said, "Let's go over and have a look."

Not long after, they came to a blockade point. As expected, two soldiers held a young man in his thirties with gold-rimmed glasses and a standard gold-collar dress.

But now this young man's eyes are dull, his face is pale, and he is mumbling: "The end of the world is coming, it's really coming, the Mayans' predictions are true, the manager has gone crazy, eating people, zombies, a lot of zombies, The streets are full of dead people, many, many dead people, run, help, help."

This guy was speaking a little incoherently, and he was obviously on the verge of mental collapse. Ye Ming knew this kind of person, so he couldn't tell what was going on right now. He sighed and quickly hit him on the back of the head. The white-collar young man was immediately knocked unconscious.

The squad leader who came to report hesitated and said, "Don't you need to ask what happened to this person?" This person finally found the person who ran away from the Luoxia Mountain area. What is the Luoxia Mountain area like? There is a situation that no one knows at all now. Therefore, regarding such a question, the squad leader thought it would be easier to understand the situation in the Luoxia Mountain area by asking this person.

After Director Zhou saw this situation, he sighed and said: "Forget it. Squad Leader Lu, this man is almost going crazy, and his spirit is already on the verge of collapse. Even if we inject him with a sedative, he will not be able to do it in a short time." It is impossible to recover his sanity even with time. He was too stimulated. Therefore, it is not easy for us to ask anything. Go tell other people and give orders to anyone who rushes out from the direction of Luoxia Mountain. They were knocked unconscious immediately and sent to the hospital for treatment and observation. The inquiry must be done, but no matter what, at this time, the safety of the missing person must be guaranteed first." In fact, even just now, Ye Ming said Director Zhou may not completely believe these words. After all, it is the first time he has heard of someone having such an ability, and he does not pay much attention to Ma Laosan's illusion. It is believed that Ye Ming may be exaggerating. But this time I saw a person rushing out from the Luoxia Mountain area with my own eyes. It seemed that he was a lucky person. He was very lucky to be able to rush out.

But it is obvious that although this person was lucky enough to escape, the illusion he encountered was obviously quite powerful, the kind that can directly drive people crazy. Seeing a missing person with his own eyes almost drove him crazy, which made Director Zhou really pay attention to what Ye Ming said about Ma Laosan.

At this time, one of Director Zhou's subordinates, a staff member from the relevant department, took a handheld computer and said: "Director Zhou, we have found out that this person is the missing person from the training camp, his name is Ma Tiejun, male, third grade Twelve years old, a programmer at Pumpkin Technology. This is also the only missing person we have encountered in the three training camps so far.

Based on this, it can be determined that at least the people from the Pumpkin Technology training camp must have disappeared in the Luoxia Mountain area. "

This result was actually expected. The signals from the three training camps were all lost in this area. Therefore, it is most likely that the signals were lost in this area.

It’s just that the appearance of this programmer named Ma Tiejun proved that the people from Pumpkin Technology’s training camp are really in the Luoxia Mountain area. As for whether the people from the remaining two training camps are in this area, that’s not yet known. direct evidence. But since people from Pumpkin Technology are here, the remaining two will definitely be mixed here. Ma Tiejun was quickly put into an ambulance and sent to the hospital for treatment.

Subsequently, Director Zhou's order was also directly conveyed to every blockade point, and anyone who came from the Luoxia Mountain area was directly knocked unconscious and sent to the hospital.

Although many people do not understand this order, soldiers are accustomed to obeying orders. Anyway, the leader said so, and they just do it.

Director Zhou glanced at Ye Ming who was ready to go and said: "Mr. Ye, you and Lao Yang are going together. There are not enough people. Otherwise, I will ask a few soldiers from the special forces to go with you. That will be good then." There is someone taking care of you."

Ye Ming shook his head and said: "That's not necessary. Entering the illusion at this time may not be useful if there are too many people. Just the two of us can go in."

Director Zhou, if my matter over there is over, communications will be restored in the Luoxia Mountain area, and I will contact you directly then. "

Since it is known that Spielberg and others are in the Luoxia Mountain area, and Ma Laosan must also be in this area, under such a situation, Ye Ming has no reason not to go in. If he doesn't go in, Then Spielberg and Lucas probably have no chance at all.

As for the people in the training camp, except for a few lucky ones like Ma Tiejun, who might have escaped because of the smoke coming out of their ancestral graves, the rest will definitely be doomed, and they are definitely in a dangerous situation. It's much more serious than Spielberg and Lucas.

Therefore, at a time like this, Ye Ming was actually more worried about Ma Tiejun and other people in these training camps.

Since he was sure that Ma Tiejun really came out of Ma Laosan's illusion, he was sure that Ma Laosan was in the Luoxia Mountain area, and now he was naturally in a hurry to find someone.

As for bringing a few more people, it's really useless. This illusion cannot be solved with more people. Lao Yang's face was expressionless now. Except when he saw Ma Tiejun and was sure that Ma Laosan was in this area, there was a smile of joy on his face, which was the joy of laughter when he discovered his enemy.

But even this kind of joy is just a fleeting joy. Then he continued to look expressionless, as if he didn't exist at all.

Now Lao Yang actually feels like he is despairing.

The whole person is almost like a walking zombie. Anyway, at a time like this, all he wanted to do was find Ma Laosan and take revenge.

As long as he can find Ma Laosan, it doesn't make much difference to him where he goes. (To be continued)

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