Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1584 No poison, no husband

[There is a saying that spring is early in the south of the Yangtze River. In March, there is a slanting wind and drizzle. A river of mist and rain pours down on the world. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are far away. --Spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River】

There are always times when people are dazzled by victory. Once the greed in your heart swallows up your wariness, failure is not too far away.

As the old saying goes, it's just seeking death. At this moment, the master's sudden death has begun. In fact, this time it was an action destined to fail.

If Cao Shangfei really wants to kill all the foreigners directly for the gold and silver treasures of the inspection team, it doesn't matter. After all, there is no evidence to prove it. In these mountains, when the war is raging, The death of a dozen foreigners is not a big deal. Anyway, there is no evidence of death, and foreigners don't know where their compatriots died. Maybe it will become an unsolved case as time goes by.

Don't think that the lives of foreigners are necessarily more valuable than the lives of Chinese people. As long as all those foreigners are killed and no one informs them, who will know that the people flying on the grass have killed the inspection team.

But the problem is that Cao Shangfei is really not selfish at all. He fell in love with a blond beauty from the inspection team. This guy was also the one he met at the Shili Foreign Market when he went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He met a foreign woman and felt that It's also good to grab one for yourself.

With selfishness, it becomes more difficult to do things. Anyway, it is impossible to kill all the foreigners. At least the foreign woman has not been killed, and she has to be snatched back to be the wife of the village. Another point is not to kill your compatriots easily. It doesn't mean that bandits and robbers just don't rob your compatriots.

Bandits also need to eat, so robbing homes and other things is normal.

But don't kill easily. This is also a rule of being a bandit. The reason why Liangshan heroes have been passed down through the ages is because of the word loyalty. Kill the people who deserve to be killed. The people killed by the heroes of Liangshan all have reasons for killing. Lin Chong's petition for surrender was finally confronted by the green-faced beast Yang Zhi, but it was later ignored.

Therefore, there are actually rules for being a bandit. It doesn't mean that you don't kill people, but you can't kill people casually.

Like Cao Shangfei, he thought that if he let Ma Lao San go this time, people would know that he led the foreign inspection team to kill him, so Ma Lao San must be killed. At this moment, Ma Laosan was also calmly watching Cao Shangfei's men kill the foreigners, leaving a blonde beauty tied up.

One of Cao Shangfei's subordinates laughed loudly: "Old man, look at me killing foreign devils without changing my expression. It turns out that I am also a good man. If I meet you on weekdays, I will definitely drink and make friends with you. But this matter is of great importance. Don't let any news leak out, otherwise the lives of more than 300 people in my village will be in danger. You are unlucky today and should be killed."

Cao Shangfei snorted and said: "Scar, what nonsense are you talking about? Get rid of this old man so we can go back to the village to have a drink and celebrate."

Scar responded, but Lao Yang stopped him and said, "Scar, wait a minute. Brother, this old man is too old to be considered a danger. If Brother is afraid that the old man will be exposed, he can just kidnap him back to the village. Yes, there is no need to destroy his life."

Cao Shangfeng snorted and said: "Lao Yang, this is your fault. These are troubled times. Human lives are not as good as dogs. Our village life is also quite tense. One more person to eat means more expenses. . If he is young and strong, he can be our brother, but if this old man is average, what do you think he can do? Do you want this old man to follow us to rob the house? If we really take this old man with us, then we will It’s easy to be laughed at. When the time comes, we don’t know whether it was us who robbed others or someone else robbed this old man. Our village doesn’t have idle people now, so it’s better to kill them. Scar, don’t talk nonsense, we can do it quickly.”

Some other people also followed suit. Anyway, the foreigners in the inspection team had been killed. Therefore, at this time, everyone was busy watching Scar kill people. There is no scar, so take this matter to heart. If you become a bandit, you can't bear the psychological burden of killing people. Otherwise, you can just go home and comfort your children.

Scar sneered, walked over a few steps with the knife in hand and said, "Old man, it's no wonder the others are to blame. Why did you bother to lead the way for the foreign devils? Otherwise, it would be impossible to have the fatal disaster today."

Say it, as he raised the knife and lowered it, a white light flashed, and Scar's head flew into the sky in an instant, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the neck. I saw white light flashing, the blood disappeared instantly, and Scar became a mummy and fell to the ground. The mummy, with no trace of moisture visible, looks like a mummy that has fallen in the desert for countless years. Now everyone was dumbfounded. Even if they were flying on the grass, they just saw the old man raise his hand slightly, but saw a white light flying up, and Scar's head was cut off.

Is this old man so handsome? Cao Shangfei's heart tightened, and he suddenly felt bad. He greeted everyone and said, "Brothers, let's go shoulder to shoulder."

The brothers were summoned to rush forward to deal with the old man, but at this moment Cao Shangfei quietly took two steps back. When he saw that something was not going well, he wanted to escape directly. At this time, when the people in the village saw Scar being killed, they suddenly became angry and angry. When they heard what the village leader said, they immediately swarmed forward. How could a group of bandits be afraid of an old man? Until now, the other subordinates of Cao Shangfei didn't know what kind of devil they had provoked.

At this moment, Ma Laosan looked at the numerous bandits with a cold look: "Since you are seeking death, no wonder I took action. It just so happens that I haven't taken action for so many years, so I can replenish my energy." After that, Ma White lights flashed in Lao San's hands, and he rushed toward the bandits. The white light spun around everyone's bodies, and all the bandits who rushed up turned into mummies in an instant.

At this moment, only Lao Yang could see clearly. When the white light returned to Ma Laosan's body, it was much stronger than before. This was so weird that Cao Shangfei didn't even have a chance to turn around and escape. The dozens of bandits were immediately sucked into mummies.

There are only more than ten people on the scene who have not rushed forward. One is Cao Shangfei who wants to escape, and the other is Lao Yang. Lao Yang is in charge of finances, so under normal circumstances, he will not charge ahead. . There are not many people in Shanzhai who can write and do calculations. Lao Yang is considered a relatively wealthy scholar. Although he went to a private school for several years and memorized the Three-Character Classic of Hundreds of Surnames, he dropped out of school and worked to earn a living before he could finish memorizing the Thousand-Character Classic. The money is gone. But after all, he is a scholar who can write and calculate.

Therefore, he is responsible for recording some of the accounts of the village. After counting, he will report it to Cao Shangfei. Not to mention, after Lao Yang joined the team, the logistics efficiency of the cottage has been greatly improved.

Ye Ming thought about it for a while, Ma Laosan was not a simple guy, and immediately asked the system [What is this white light? 】

The system responded coldly [It is suspected to be something left by alien life on the earth. The life energy collection light emitted by the life-sustaining transmitter is equivalent to the fishing net of people on earth. The difference is that the fishing net catches fish, while the life-energy collection light collects all the energy in the universe to maintain the life of the host. The life-sustaining transmitter is an interstellar Standard travel equipment. I haven't seen it myself, so I can't be 100% sure. However, what Lao Yang used just now was life energy, so he was more than 90% sure that Ma Lao San used a life-sustaining transmitter. 】

Damn it, Ye Ming thought secretly, this thing is getting more and more interesting. Spielberg is looking for an interstellar battery. Does this old immortal Ma Laosan have a life-sustaining transmitter? What else don't I know?

It was the same at this moment. The treasures of the expedition team were all under the supervision of the two brothers Cao Shangfei brought with him, and of course the foreign woman. Anyway, the three of them didn't rush forward stupidly.

In fact, it was not that the more than ten bandits outside did not dare to rush forward, but that they did not have time to rush forward. Therefore, it was lucky that more than ten people on the scene were not killed at this time. But those who were not killed were immediately dumbfounded.

Could this old man be a god? I saw just now that this old man is still in his sixties and has gray hair. It seems that he has more white hair than black hair.

But now, after the white light was absorbed by Ma Laosan, the black hair suddenly increased on his head at a speed visible to the eyes. Ma Laosan also suddenly changed from more than sixty years old to about fifty years old. Although he is not young and strong, he can be regarded as a middle-aged man. At this moment, Cao Shangfei was so frightened that he turned around to run away.

Ma Lao San snorted from behind and said, "You dare to leave and give it a try?" Ma Lao San suddenly had a bitter look on his face, turned around and knelt on the ground and said, "Old Immortal, Old Immortal, I can't see Mount Tai. , your boss will show mercy and let me go."

Ma Laosan patted the dirt on his body and said: "Nonsense, let me go. Who can help me find something? I finally found someone to fool Little Japan and those foreigners who formed a group to help me find something. I hope it can be done soon." turn up.

In the end, everyone was killed by you bastard. So, if you leave, who will help me find things? Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you're wise, help me find something. After it's done, you will naturally benefit from it. Otherwise, today next year will be your death anniversary. You know. "

It was only then that Cao Shangfei and others understood that in this investigation group, the old man was not the leader, but the real boss. At this moment, Cao Shangfei looked frustrated, but did he dare to refuse?

Even if he was facing a martial arts master at this time, someone who was much better than him in martial arts, there were still foreign guns in the village at this time. It was not the first time that he had killed a martial arts master. .

But now looking at Ma Laosan, he is not a simple martial arts master. To be precise, this guy is simply not a human being. Raising his hand and flashing a white light, Scar was sucked into a mummy, and the brothers who were swarming him at this moment were also sucked into mummies. But at this time, Ma Laosan actually said that he was rejuvenated. If this didn't happen in the eye socket, Cao Shangfei would not believe it at all. But now that he has seen something like this happen with his own eyes, he can't help but not believe it.

Therefore, Cao Shangfei said very simply: "If you have anything to do with the old god, just ask me, isn't it just to find something? This five hundred miles radius is my territory, and brothers are all familiar with it. What are you looking for?" Anyway, I'm designated to help you find it."

At this time of year, people are fighting for their lives, so when it comes to matters like this, Cao Shangfei has no hesitation at all.

Reaching such a position as the boss of a copycat village is not something that can only be achieved with kung fu. With kung fu, you are just a reckless man. You can bend and stretch. This is a real man. Therefore, when he met Ma Laosan, a god-like person, he knelt down decisively. It was not impossible for him not to kneel down. Without seeing Ma Laosan's expression, it seemed that if he dared not agree, he would kill him directly. It is possible for me, and it is very possible. This is an old monster that can suck blood.

Flying on the grass, Lao Yang and others looked like they instantly turned people into mummies. Instead of being old gods, they were old monsters. It's just that now that Ma Laosan is right in front of him, no one dares to say that he is an old monster.

But one thing is very clear now, that is, Ma Laosan is not an ordinary person. Ma Laosan nodded, took out a very ancient map from a foreigner, threw it over and said: "The place marked with the sun on it is the cave I am looking for. If you can help me find the cave, If so, it will guarantee that you will be prosperous and wealthy all your life, and you will be popular and drink hot food. Those who are willing to be officials will recommend you to be officials, and those who are willing to be rich will give you gold, silver and jewelry.

However, if you cannot find them within seven days, then these people will be your fate. In addition, don't think about escaping. I have already marked you. If you dare to think of escaping, you will die in the same way. If you dare to talk about what you saw today, you will die in the same way. Anyway, in one sentence, those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. Understand no. "

Cao Shangfei did not dare to hesitate at all. At this time, it was about whether he could save his life. Therefore, in such a situation, Cao Shangfei immediately beat his chest and vowed to fulfill the old god's instructions. matter, otherwise we will bring it up to see you. Anyway, I have already knelt down once at this time. No matter how disgusting the flattery is, I don't seem to have any sense of shame.

Therefore, at this time, Cao Shangfei seemed to feel that following the old god would be a very good choice if there was really a chance of becoming an official and a rich man. Moreover, when Cao Shangfei asked what to do with the gold, silver, jewelry, antique dollars, etc., Ma Laosan waved his hand and told them to share it.

I want the horse to run, but I also want the horse not to eat grass. This is impossible.

Ma Laosan, who is well versed in human nature, knows that he now needs help from Cao Shangfei and the others, so naturally he will not take these external things into his heart. What he is looking for is much more important than these things.

He obviously understood what this meant, but what was the last sentence at a time like this? He turned around and asked Lao Yang, the scholar in the village. Lao Yang sighed and said : "Brother, as we often say, follow me and you will have meat to eat."

The eldest brother of Shanzhai often says these words to encourage his brothers, but in fact, there is still another half of this sentence left unsaid, that is, if you oppose me, you will die. It's just that when the boss encourages his brothers, he will naturally say the first half of the sentence, but not the second half. He just keeps these words in his heart. Some things don't need to be said clearly. (To be continued)

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