Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1578: Money to buy money and hidden rules

[There is a line of tide in Qiantang, the misty rain is misty, and the peach blossoms are red and the willows are green, it is known that spring is coming. --Early Spring in Jiangnan】

In the antique shop, there are only three types of people, those who make money and those who do not. Those who make money are not necessarily antique dealers. If they are good-looking, customers can also make money.

Of course, there are not many opportunities like this. Most of the time, antique dealers are the kind of people who are experienced and make money based on their rich experience. In this regard, people in antique shops are actually very good. clearly.

Most of the people who make money are antique dealers, and the customers are basically fat sheep. A healthy antique market should generally be like this, otherwise it will be impossible for the market to thrive. After all, the antique market relies on antique dealers to support it, but why do antique dealers have the enthusiasm to support the antique market? It’s not just that there are many people who like antiques and like to collect them. This is the same reason why big stars in the entertainment industry often say their net worth is very high.

The more famous a star is and the more viewers like it, the higher his worth will be, and the higher his worth, the greater the possibility of appearing in classic works. After all, if the director and producer hire someone, It excludes the factors of favors and money. In fact, it all depends on the celebrity's fame and acting skills. If a star performs in a classic TV series, it can in turn increase his reputation and make him more valuable.

The antique market is actually similar, that is, there are two types of people who make money and people who lose money. Generally speaking, whether the person makes money or not depends on whether the person's vision is high enough. If it is high enough, then on such an issue, it means making money; if not, it means losing money.

Of course, there is another type of people, that is, brokers and middlemen. The middlemen usually get a commission. In most cases, this commission is only 10%. Generally, the seller pays. Of course, if it is negotiated, If so, then there will be no problem with whoever pays the money, or both parties will bear half of it. This is not something that has never happened before.

Of course, being a broker is not that easy. Being this kind of middleman is usually done by experienced veterans, which is considered a part-time job. Therefore, in a matter like this, a broker is an experienced seller or a seller who is a part-time seller. Of course, there are also professional ones, such as bankrupt sellers or collectors. There are also those, but they are rare. However, the antique market is also indispensable in having such dealers.

But among the brokers, there is also a kind of gangster from nearby. They have little experience and may not have any knowledge of antiques. But in such a thing, this kind of gangster is entrenched around the antique market. After a long time, they are considered to be local snakes and well-informed. They are relatively clear about what good antiques and other things are in the hands of so-and-so people. Therefore, there are such brokers, but they are rare.

And Lao Yang is this kind of gangster. In his early years, Lao Yang also hung out on the street. When he was young, he traveled around and hung out in many places. He was jailed and detained countless times. But later As I get older, I no longer want to float outside. Falling leaves and returning to their roots, this point is the traditional mentality that every Chinese person has. Whether they are good people or bad people, this mentality is generally the same.

Therefore, Lao Yang returned to his hometown with this mentality. He had nothing to do and was not willing to do the kind of fighting and killing. He relied on the reputation he had accumulated in his hometown and hung around the antique market. In fact, he can be considered a relatively moist guy.

Spielberg's assistant Hans was able to find Lao Yang, which fully proved that Lao Yang was at least very well-connected. If it weren't for the help of a middleman, then Lao Yang might not have the chance to know Hans. And Lao Yang doesn’t know the two great directors Spielberg and Lucas.

In fact, such a thing is not surprising at all. After all, at this time, Lao Yang was a gangster, and what he used to do was fight and kill. Is there anything good to watch in the movie? He is the ***** of the island country. Maybe Lao Yang is really serious about watching this.

For example, with actors such as Mr. Muto, Mr. Kurai, Mr. Ozawa, and Takizawa, perhaps Lao Yang could be more familiar with them.

Even speaking of Western stars, Lao Yang only knows two people. One is Schwarzenegger. The Terminator is so famous that it is impossible not to know him. Another one is Fat Winslet on Titanic. After all, Fat Winslet met her naked and sincerely. If you are an otaku and can't remember it, then this is somewhat regrettable.

As for the directors, Spielberg and Lucas, I'm sorry, Lao Yang really doesn't know them. He even thinks that Hans is more familiar with them, because they are all contacted by him and Hans. .

As for Spielberg and Lucas looking like bosses, this has no influence on Lao Yang. As long as they make all the money that should be earned, this is already done for Lao Yang. All the best. Regarding such a thing, in fact, Lao Yang's life was quite good. At this time, at least Spielberg is not that simple. Even if it is over, Spielberg still gives quite a lot of money.

Therefore, at such a time, Lao Yang's life was quite good.

Regarding such a problem, Lao Yang actually thought to himself that Ma Laosan is not a good person, and it is not the first time that he has done something bad. Therefore, at a time like this, Lao Yang Yang also deeply mourned for the four foreigners, and the possibility of being killed was still very high.

But at a time like this, Ye Ming came over.

Ye Ming is not a regular visitor here. It can be said that he has never been here before. If it is in Liulichang or Panjiayuan, then a place like this is actually Ye Ming's home field. At this time, although Ye Ming He said that he didn't know who to look for, but he naturally said that he had his own way to solve the problem.

I randomly found an antique stall owner in the ghost market, picked up a piece of bronze and said, "Boss, the workmanship of this southern product is not very good. Is there any more reliable southern product?"

In fact, southern goods do not refer to goods from the south in the antique market. If a person thinks that the southern goods Ye Ming said really refer to goods from the south, then he will be called an amateur at this time. A person, or a person with a stick.

After the disaster, it refers to goods from southern Henan. South Henan is a place where the production of fake antiques is more popular, and there are many high-quality products. Therefore, it is more recognized by the majority of peers.

Of course, in the antique market, there is also a term for goods from the north. The goods from the north actually refer to goods from the northwest. The northwest is where the Terracotta Warriors, Daming Palace and other places are located. There are many antiques in this place. It used to be said that you could find treasures just by digging casually.

Of course, if you have a lot of real antiques, you will also have a lot of experience in making fakes.

Fake antiques, especially high-imitation antiques, are not the inferior fakes mentioned in small workshops. They are called fakes to deceive laymen. They are still similar, but with a little more discernment. People, that can also be seen. Therefore, at a time like this, when you meet experts, no one will come up with such fake products. If you take out high-quality imitations, you can fool those experts who have become monks on the way out, and sell them at a high price. That is your skill.

Of course, if you are talking about meeting a so-called expert who often appears on TV, then in such a matter, it may be more worthy of bragging. If you can deceive some experts, this is a high imitation antique. High imitation antiques usually have real antiques as the objects of imitation, or at least high-definition photos as the base plate. Anyone who can truly make high imitation antiques can also be called a master of art.

Products from the south and goods from the north are the more famous type of antiques among high imitation antiques.

Of course, it does not mean that all goods from the South and the North are high imitations. If there are some defective products, it is relatively normal. After all, antique dealers also have to eat, and those who make fakes cannot be every Each one can achieve the level of high-quality imitation mirrors.

What Ye Ming is holding at the moment is a defective product from the South China Sea, the kind that cannot fool an expert.

The stall owner looked at Ye Ming with a smile and said, "Brother, if you want real southern goods, it's not impossible, but the price is not cheap. You also know that in this business, a real boutique product How difficult it is to make southern goods.”

Ye Ming nodded and said, "The price is easy to talk about. As long as the items are high-quality and affordable, it's easy to negotiate. But your stall doesn't seem to have this kind of thing. I heard that Lao Yang has this kind of thing. How can I find Lao Yang?" .”

Handing over three hundred yuan, the stall owner immediately knew what was going on. Three hundred yuan was just a consulting fee, or it was called road money. It was usually for laymen who wanted something. , or that someone is looking for someone to use this method. Three hundred is a relatively appropriate amount to pay for the road trip. After all, in such a situation, it is not appropriate to give less at this time. If the money you give is less than thirty-fifty, I will not let it go at all. In the eyes of the other party, if they are not interested, how can you ask the other party for news?

But if it's a matter like this, the money paid for the road is too much.

It is also inappropriate to be regarded as a fat sheep and be slaughtered. However, this kind of money for buying money does not mean that everyone will collect it from the stall owner. This is also paid separately, just like the saying goes. In this antique market, especially the ghost market, 80% of the money will be collected. It is a shady thing. Therefore, if you dare to ask for money from a stranger rashly, if the other party is a pawn, then you may not be the only one who suffers in the end.

Therefore, at a time like this, no matter how it is, at least someone from the antique shop must come and be able to prove that he is a person in the shop. After saying this, the stall owner dares to take the money given to him. .

For example, the problem of southern goods that Ye Ming mentioned is not known to ordinary people. The police rarely know this kind of information, and it can be seen at a glance that this thing is a southern goods, and it is a defective product of southern goods. Yes, there are fewer people like this. Generally, people like this must be people in the industry.

In addition, the other party has already told me that Lao Yang is a person. When I return to Lao Yang, he has goods from South China, and they are high-quality imitation goods from South China. Only when a person like this gives money to buy money, the stall owner will have the courage to take it, otherwise If so, it would be impossible for the stall owner to pay attention to Ye Ming's words. In fact, this kind of thing is the same as the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry.

When it comes to directors unspoken rules for actresses, there are some, but they are definitely very few. Usually it is the assistant director or the screenwriter who unspoken rules for those young actors. Do real great directors use hidden rules?

Everyone pursues them justly. For example, when Zhang Yimou was filming Red Sorghum, who didn't know about him and Gong Li? Is this still an unspoken rule? This is all fair and square.

Therefore, generally speaking, the real unspoken rule is at most an assistant director or something, and that is to say, for those young actors, it is not that first-line actors will not encounter them, but they are relatively hidden and will definitely not be the kind of actors Something that everyone knows. People in the entertainment industry may not say that they will know this clearly, but it is even harder for gossip reporters to know these inside stories clearly.

This kind of unspoken rule does not mean that anyone in the entertainment industry can be a broker. Of course, it does not mean that if you are a beauty, you will definitely be able to find other people's unspoken rules for you. If you encounter any trouble, think about it. The kind of people who act recklessly. For example, what happened with Zhang Yu was that some people in the entertainment industry messed up.

This is a lesson. Therefore, even if it is an unspoken rule in the entertainment industry, it is basically understood and everyone agrees.

For example, some of the current front-line actors have actually gone through some stages of unspoken rules. But once they reach the front-line, it will become a default fact for everyone. They are all in the same circle. Yes, no one will reveal it.

For example, if Teacher Chen's computer was not sent for repair and the photos inside were copied, it would definitely not have caused such a big disturbance. In fact, in the entertainment industry, Teacher Chen is just a supervisor. That's all. There are many things that are slowly forgotten as time goes by.

There are some secrets that will never be known to anyone, and those involved will never tell them.

What happened to Teacher Chen, a master of photography, was just an accident. (To be continued)

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